Hi there Vladimir
Selfishness is an important motivator in all of us. We wouldn't get out of bed in the morning if there wasn't something in it for us. Everything that has happened to you has brought you to this time in your life when you are invited to take responsibility for what happens to you each and every day. It is the time we all face when we must leave the mother's womb and face a bigger world. It's frightening. You done this already when you were a baby, and you obviously repeated this act when you left your mum's home into a still greater world with your dad.
The desire to be taken care of (retreating back to the fragile state of childhood and to your mother's house/womb) will not solve your problem because the problem is one of accepting it IS time to step into that greater world, and stand up on your own two feet. This doesn't mean you need to buy a house or find the means to support your whole family - it simply means this:
All those dreams you have of what you want to do, to be and to have, you must now decide to give them all your attention. No more fighting with people and using up valuable energy which could have gone to firing up the cylinders of your dreams. No more waiting on others to make your life happy, or worthwhile, or successful, then getting mad when they don't deliver. They may contribute to your happiness, your success and purpose, but only you are responsible for accepting the gift of your life and cracking on with fulfilling your destiny. Follow your bliss.
The respect that is lacking is for the internal power you possess to achieve your every desire. By expecting others to carry your weight, you disrespect yourself. By not recognising you get back in life only what you send out, you dismiss your remarkable intelligence. Tribal cultures for thousands of years have thrown the child from its mother's house as part of the ritual of growing up and cutting those apron strings when the child becomes a handful. It seems this is not so primitive after all, and perhaps even the universe is in on it too.
Use the opportunity, because otherwise it will only repeat itself over and over until you accept your part as a respectable, capable, intelligent, successful and worthwhile individual and member of your family, the local and the world communities.
All the best