is it wrong that I read my daughters diary?
2015-02-18 19:41:37 UTC
My daughter is 14 and I have been reading her diary eversense she had one. I dont mean to invade her privacy but I do it for her protection. I feel like it's wrong because a lot of her thoughts are so raw and out of expression. Is it wrong that I read her diary
446 answers:
2015-02-23 07:59:24 UTC
It's not that it's a bad thing to read your daughters diary but, it's wrong. Unless you suspect your daughter is up to something bad and if you think reading her diary will give you a clue then as her parent it's fine. However, a diary is a persons personal perspective of the world their experiences, thoughts, and feelings. I wouldn't want anyone to read my diary, it affects a persons ego or pride and she may feel uncomfortable around you knowing that you know the way she thinks about things. It's like reading someones mind..invading the one place you have to your self. As you may know from experience as an adult what you say and what you are thinking are very different. Therefore if i were you I would respect her little safe haven and move on. But like you say if it's for protective reasons, by all means if you get caught one day reading her diary don't worry you're family she will get over it and one day she will understand. Good luck to you.
2015-02-19 18:41:24 UTC
From a 14 year old point-of-view, yes you were wrong for reading her diary. It was her diary that she put her thoughts and feelings into. If my mom read my diary when I was 14 I would have hated it. It's not necessarily because I wanted to hide something, it would be more like invasion of my privacy and I would have been so upset that she did not trust me enough to let me keep my diary to myself.

From a mom's point-of-view, no you weren't wrong for reading your daughter's diary. You are her legal guardian and you are responsible for her so I understand where your concern is coming from. I understand that you only read her diary because you were worried about her and I totally understand that because of all these messed-up teenagers in the world. And I guess if you think that she is doing something sketchy, you should read her diary to get a grasp of what she was doing.

Even though I can understand from 2 different point of views, why don't you just sit with her and chat? Genuinely ask her what is going on in her life and show her that you care. Instead of reading her diary, I just wished that you talked to her in person and ask.
2015-02-21 12:26:31 UTC
With all the dangerous relationships that are available these days. it understandable that you wish your daughter to be aware and safe from all the pitfalls. Despite this caring attitude, the diary is the personal property of your daughter, and being a 'diary' is expected to contain her personal and very private thoughts, even though they will change considerably as she grows.

Suggest that it would be much better if the relationship between you and your daughter was so close, that the thought of feeling the need for private thought was totally alien to the relationship.

How would you feel if your daughter, or another person, was reading a diary written by you ?Get rid of the requirement for a diary, and the whole problem is solved.
2015-02-22 18:24:01 UTC
Im 13 and although I do not have a diary if I did I would feel like my privacy was being invaded. A diary is a secret place were girls can express themselves and their thoughts without anyone knowing. Your violating her trust by doing this to her. Its just like reading her text messages or going through her social media. If your daughter finds out then your in for it!!! The only way I see reading your daughters diary id okay is if she is an irresponsible girl with maybe some drama going on. But you need to stop NOW!!! Trust me if she finds out is she's anything like me at first she will be extremely mad at you then she will be sad then she will ignore you then eventally she will be over it and she will probably just use it against you to get her way.. Im sure you would feel very unhappy with your mom if she did the same to you... Some girls don't really enjoy talking to there moms about whats going on in their life but if you two have that kind of relationship then good theres no need to read her diary but if you don't and are just worried about her then dot just come out and say Hey u wanna talk!! No find a good moment to kinda slip things in and be cool about it!! I really hope this helps!!!
2015-02-20 10:44:51 UTC
A Diary is a little book that allows a young girl or guy to express their thoughts on their own. This meaning your daughter wants to have time alone and talk to herself in her mind to tell herself for example was today a good day? Did I give my 100% best effort and tried my hardest today or even What did I do wrong today that I can make up for tomorrow? It is a invasion of privacy which is wrong but also I understand you want to protect her. It is wrong but I understand. if you want, read a passage once a week. passage meaning 1 diary entry. Don't read them all because that is too invasive. If you want to read her diary, only read a few pages not the whole thing. This will not make you invade her so much and you can protect her as you wish.
Justin Freak
2015-02-20 22:59:40 UTC
I understand why you would want to read her diary, but I also understand why your daughter wouldn't want you to read your diary.

I think it would be best if you stop reading her diary, and instead talk to her about things. Let her know that she can trust you and that she can depend on you, that you wont judge her, and that she can tell you anything.

Sometimes, you can get into a lot of trouble for doing this. Trouble with your daughter. Like, what if she actually HAS a big secret? A big secret that she wouldn't want to tell you about until she's ready to. For example, if she was a lesbian. You see, this is the reason why I don't write a diary or anything like that. I would write about my worries about being gay and etc, and if I find out that someone else read it, I would lose my mind. I dont know what would happen to me.

There are many other "secrets" like this. And there are very bad consequences for finding out these secrets by reading her diary like that, EVEN IF IT IS TO KEEP HER PROTECTED OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT....etc

She may not even want you to know if she had a boyfriend. Really. Think back to when you were that young.
2015-02-21 20:25:10 UTC
I'm her age, so from the 14 year old point of view yes. Cause diaries were meant to be all private and for being alone for once in a while. I used to have diaries. Then my parents keep on reading it and I was really disappointed and mad that they don't respect my privacy. So that's why I stop having them or writing them. Cause my parents keep on reading it and laughing. I know that you are reading it to make sure it's safe and stuff, but there is nothing wrong with a 14 year old daughter expressing her feelings. She is just expressing the way she feels. I think it's best to leave the diary alone or she will be upset. Or she thinks you don't trust her or you just don't respect her privacy.
2015-02-21 20:08:25 UTC
Yes. A diary is a place where you can write down your feelings and thoughts. They're in a diary for a reason. As in things you dont feel comfortable with talking to another person or telling another person about. Even if you are close there are just some things better left unsaid to anyone. Diaries are supposed to be an outlet of where we can let out our feelings without having to tell someone else about it. It could be full of hidden emotions or secrets and its not right to go invading someone personal thoughts and such even if she is 14. Think of it from her perspective, what if your daughter were to do the same thing to you? You wouldnt like someone going through your personal things right? I agree you should be allowed to protect your daughter but that is NOT the right way to do it. If there was things your daughter wanted you to know, she would tell you.
2015-02-19 20:15:10 UTC
YES that is invading so much of her privacy. Her diary is like your text messages. For your eyes only. I wouldn't be surprised if she has trust issues with you. Doesn't matter what you do even if you read something that you think is inappropriate because you can't approach the subject anyway because she would know that you read her diary. You need to stop and come clean to you daughter or keep a secret and stop reading her diary. Either way you are invading her privacy and that is wrong, even for a mother.
2015-02-21 18:28:54 UTC
I think she'd be really hurt if she found out that you were reading her diary the whole time. To her, her diary is where she can release her thoughts, and write down whatever is on her mind- thinking that it's safe from other people... But then again, you said it's for protective reasons, so I can't say you're doing any "wrong" for that. But you shouldn't read it frequently; we ALL deserve our privacy, and as people, we don't like anyone being up in our ally all the time. Remember, she's a person with feelings. Her diary is for HER eyes only! We all have thoughts that we want to keep to ourselves no matter what...

Good luck!
2015-02-19 12:59:19 UTC
How can you say in one breath you don't mean to invade her privacy but you read her diary? Reading her diary is exactly that invading her privacy and teens these days have trouble relating to and trusting adults so you are taking a dangerous path as far as breaching the generation gap. If you had serious reason to suspect something dire like she was planning mass shooting at school then it might be justified but if you are just trying to find out about her sex life or if she is seeing boys then that is wrong as those sorts of things you sh9ould have discussed with her long ago and should at this point have no reason to distrust her that is if you have brought her up to be honest and truthful and you yourself set an example as an honest, truthful and trustworthy person then you should just trust her and if you don't trust her maybe the reason comes right back to you. Since you are the sort of person that spies on your daughter I would not trust you.
Jedi Jan
2015-02-22 09:39:18 UTC

I hope she starts writing some comments about you that you don't like ... that would be a good payback. You should be respecting her privacy.

Some friends gave me their daughters desk for my son years ago ... you couldn't imagine what she had written about her parents under the desk. It was quite funny really; it's not like we were spying by reading her personal diary or anything. I hate Mum figured quite prominently under there. I added another comment for a laugh. One day this desk will go to the charity store ... The next buyers will certainly have a bit of a laugh too if they realise what is written there too. So, seriously, stop spying on your young daughter; she has a right to her private thoughts. If she finds out she will probably never trust you again, and then probably more than ever unlikely to come to you for help when she needs it. Worried about your daughter? Then find some time to communicate with her a little more.
2015-02-20 00:05:17 UTC
Personally I think it's better not to do so, since the solely purpose of a diary is to freely express feelings with no witnesses. Diary can be an escape from tough situations, when I'm really upset I vent out my frustrations on my diary and it helps, I feel safe knowing no one will know. It's not wrong to wanting to see your daughter's diary for safety measures but you're basically invading her very own privacy which you also need to respect as she is an individual with opinions as well. If she were to discover you reading her diary she'll most likely be disappointed in you and could ignore you. Unless she's considered a care free person and won't mind you doing so but still she wants her privacy. It's good to care for your child however not till the point of keeping track of their personal thoughts and feelings without permission.
2015-02-21 07:04:21 UTC
Ok, first of all i am 14 so i can actually give you a 14 year old girl's perspective of this.

Honestly it would depend on your daughter if you feel that she's responsible and trustworthy and you have nothing to worry about then yes, it probably is a bad idea to read it, BUT if you think she's the rebellious type that won't listen to anything you say then it MAY be a good idea to read it, just to make sure she's ok if you do end up reading her diary then make sure she never finds out or she may just rebel even more if she feels she can't trust you. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favour.
2015-02-23 17:39:04 UTC
I as a 13 year old girl would say YES it is very wrong that you read your daughter diary. Diarys are a place to express emotion, desires, vent frustration and it is a very personal place. I totally understand that if you suspect your daughter is in trouble you would want to check it out, but the first thing you should do then is ASK HER. Also you said you have been reading it ever since she has kept a diary, she's only 14 only a couple years ago she was just a little kid. I know theres the whole thing with the "rebellious teenage years" but what serious trouble could a 11 year old get into.
2015-02-21 14:12:15 UTC
Yeah its wrong. People who write in diaries, especially young children are trusting that its a safe place to put there private thoughts. Reading a persons diary is like prying into their mind and listening to their thoughts. Its just wrong. If your daughter finds out you've betrayed trust in this way, she will feel hurt, violated and believe that you do not trust her (which will distance you from each other in addition to loss of respect). If your daughter is not trustworthy, reading her diary will not help. All you can do is teach her what you believe is right. Because like it or not you can't force people to make the right decisions.
2015-02-19 15:45:19 UTC
Yes. A diary is someone's PRIVATE thoughts. If you journaled all your private thoughts, would you want your daughter reading your entries out of "supposed" concern for you?

Unless your daughter has given you a REASON (drugs, sex, underage drinking, self-abuse, etc.) to read her diary, you shouldn't be doing it. Trust is a two-way street, and it sounds like you're the only one violating it right now.

It's bad enough that you've developed this habit, but think about what repercussions it could have in the future. Do you want to read about your daughter's first sexual experience? Or what she has to rant about you after a big fight?

If you read about all her personal experiences, you WILL end up finding out about beliefs she has that you don't agree with, and choices she's making that will worry you eventually... But, making mistakes is a crucial part of human growth and personal development, and she needs the freedom to be able to make them just like you did. If you do not give her privacy, she will resent you. If you do not agree with choices she is making, you will resent her. All reading her diary is going to do in the long run is drive a rift between the two of you, and make her a more private person.

If you're willing to deal with all the aforementioned consequences, read on.
2015-02-23 06:36:36 UTC
yes, of course I think it was really wrong that you read her diary, Diary's are private, with our private thoughts. What you did was an invasion of her privacy, not really an act of protection, and you owe her an apology. How do you think she would react, if she found out that you read her diary? I don't think she would be very happy. I wouldn't be, would you? from now on, I suggest that you keep away from all her personal belongings. I know you wanna protect her, and that she is still young, but reading her diary, is going about it the wrong way.
2015-02-22 13:32:30 UTC
A diary is used to express things that are personal without telling someone. From your daughter's point of view, it would be wrong invading her privacy. I also think that it is wrong and if you want to delve deeper into your daughter's feelings by looking at her diary, you may read things you don't like hearing and she may become suspicious if you begin asking her more questions than before because, to be honest... why would you not ask questions if you just read something someone writes their personal feelings in every day?
2015-02-22 11:55:53 UTC
Yes it is if you want to know something about your daughter just ask her but to invade her privacy it's just wrong and trust me even though you want to do it for her protection but one day when she is all grown up she will hate you for it. You have to understand that a Diary is where she writes down her feelings and thoughts and anything that she doesn't want to share with the world so, just reading her diary is like going inside your daughters brain.

Tell me this would you like anyone reading your thoughts?

Obviously not.

so I suggest that if you want to protect her and help her in life just confront her with questions or doubts and leave her diary aside.

Because one day WHEN she finds out or IF she finds out trust me she will remember what you did every time she hears the word diary, and she might think that you are an awful father for not trusting her and invading her privacy.
2015-02-21 15:58:25 UTC
Yes and no. If your daughter hasn't proven to be untrustworthy, and it's your own misgivings and worry, then you're violating a very deep level of trust for no reason.

On the other hand, if your daughter has proven untrustworthy, well, she's proven she can't be trusted, and that's why you have to take extremes just to be sure she's not going to screw herself over really badly one day.

If she doesn't like it, then perhaps she should prove herself more trustworthy when nobody's looking.

However, in the end, it's ultimately your fault as a parent. Children choose their own way when they get older, but no person in their right minds chooses to do things that will destroy them.

That happens when the structure of discipline and trust is unstable, inconsistent, and because of it, children learn to rely on their own thinking and feelings instead of being able to look to their wiser, more experienced parents.

The left wing works hard to make strict homes with well-to-do parents who maintain a structured discipline and demand a lot from their children look bad. But the reality is, that's how society used to always be, whether the parents were well-to-do or not.

And since we have become far more lenient and far more passive about discipline, and things have not gotten better. They've only gotten worse.

Once I heard my cousin say that when you tell a kid not to do something, they'll do it anyway. Well, none have proven that less true than the liberal left who by not telling their kids not to, and no demanding accountability out of them have single-handedly proven that such attitudes actually destroy children.

A structured discipline, a structured accountability that is not lenient, but appropriate, and most of all, whether it's overbearing or underbearing, the most important of all, is consistency. You draw the lines and you don't change them for any reason except perhaps if it's valid to change it, and that's the only reason. That validity to change it is based on your judgement as the parents.
2015-02-19 10:01:30 UTC
Yes. It is so wrong to read a person's diary. Imagine if you have a diary. What would you feel once you know it is read by someone else? Also, talk to your daughter in a nice way if you want something to know about what's going on with her life.
2015-02-22 03:14:53 UTC
Don't worry. She is only 14 and you have your own responsibilities. You cannot allow your children to do wrong in the name of privacy and liberty. People talk to each other that everyone must be frank and open minded. A human's life must be like an open book. That means, he or she must be ready to talk, discuss and answer to anything, anywhere and anybody regarding his or her life. Who can do this? Only people who live a honest and pure life can do it. The motivation is raising the good citizens. You have your own privacy. If reading your daughter's diary becomes one of your privacy, who can stop you. Don't tell your daughter that you have read her diary. Let it be your privacy forever. By reading her dairy you will get an idea of how she must be raised in the future. You need not worry much about it. You don't discuss about this with others.
2015-02-19 19:58:20 UTC
If she gave you a reason to be suspicious of her, then you can do it for her protection. But just reading her thoughts everyday if she never gave you any reason to be suspicious of her, is just wrong. How would you like it if your husband or wife (if you have one) reading your diary everyday out of concern?

Even if she doesn't have anything to hide, it's invasion of personal privacy. She could have different viewpoints than you or other things going on that are opinions that you disagree with. Perhaps she has a crush she doesn't want you to know about. Those should all be discussed through talking and effective communication, not reading her diary.
2015-02-24 10:20:26 UTC
I'm 66 and have 3 grown Sons and 8 Grand Children I would never do to any of Them what You are doing to Your Daughter. It's Wrong and shows You have No Respect for Your Daughter or Her privacy. Time You grew up and started showing Her the respect She deserves. How would You like someone else going through Your personal property without Your permission or knowledge? Only thing You are teaching Her is that it's OK to be a Nosy Snoop .
2015-02-22 03:03:33 UTC
From a parent's point of view it is only natural to worry about your child so I do not blame you for getting curious. From a teenagers point of view it is an invasion of privacy and show of a lack of trust. In my view your daughter should take better care to hide her diary or anything personal of hers to begin with. There are actually online diaries and diaries that use invisible ink that can only be read with a special light, or she could of at least just hid it better. Although that might just be a display of trust on her part but my view is trust no one when it comes to private matters and always respect another's privacy, but I'm not a parent yet so I may have to reserve an exception for the future.
2015-02-20 14:00:40 UTC
Yes it is wrong. A diary is personal and private.I think you have to first ask yourself how you would feel about someone doing this to you. Regardless of any "justification" or the relationship. You are NOT being a "protective" parent by doing this to your daughter. You are basically being a "spy".

You also need to examine why you have resorted to this kind of covert spying.

There must be an underlying inability or unwillingness to openly communicate with your daughter. Without open and honest communication (2 way) you will never build mutual trust and respect .(with anyone)

To repair the damage you would need to stop this activity and start open, honest and interested communication . Aspire to become a trusted and trusting parent by this means.

But more important be a trusted friend, because that's the only kind of relationship that will provide real protection at this stage in her life and into her future.

Ideally she shouldn't need a dairy if she felt safe and secure enough to share her thoughts with you and tell you anything, knowing that you would listen to her and understand and give advice if asked.
2015-02-20 03:49:17 UTC

You don't mean to invade her privacy but you just want to know more about your daughter. You want to know whats happening to her, you're not with her the whole day or when she's in school. And its also a good technique to protect your daughter. And from a daughter's point of view, its ok if my mother reads my Diary. Just don't be obvious that she's reading my diary, like broadcasting it inside our house. I know my mom can keep my secrets, besides, as a child of my mother, my diary should be my parents. Not just a couple of pages of paper, those paper can't answer us back. Our parents can.

I hope you're not telling anyone what you have read to your daughter's diary. ;)
2015-02-19 19:02:27 UTC
you've betrayed her by reading her private thoughts in a diary. You'd better not EVER tell her you even know she has a diary. She's 14 just now, but she'll catch onto your behavior soon enough, and then she'll rebel which is exactly what you don't want from her. Grow up, Mom, and allow your daughter to do the same. Why don't you try talking to her instead? Real conversations. If she trusts you, she'll tell you what you most want to know, and the private bits will remain hers and hers alone.
2015-02-22 08:39:12 UTC
HI! Im 13 and I don't keep a diary. But if I did I think I would like to keep it private. I understand that you are doing it to protect her, but I mean you probably haven't read anything in there that is dangerous have you? Most girls write diaries because there they can write whatever they want without having to worry that anyone will read it and laugh... If she knew that you are reading it, she would probably get really humiliated, hurt or maybe angry. Most girls just write down silly thing like "My crush looked at me in the hallway today and I just felt so happy!" Maybe that was a bad example, but the point is that she probably doesn't write many serious things in there.

If you are worried about her safety, you should rather talk to her about it. Tell her what to do and what not to do instead of reading what she is already doing (which is hopefully nothing bad). Hope this helps!
2015-02-24 09:35:28 UTC
There are lot's of other ways to protect your daughter, reading her diary is the worst thing and i highly warn you that whenever she find out about it ( and if you keep on doing it, she definitely will) There's gonna be a huge fight about it and you could never, ever had her trust back. She's just a teenager, it's completely normal for her not to share so much with her family. In this age both boys and girls need privacy, freedom and in-dependency. If you refuse to get her any of theme, it'll surely effect her future in a bad way. So, just her go through this period of time without you be involved. You just be a parent and always be there for here. She'll come to you whenever she has to.
Dr. Stephanie
2015-02-18 21:07:51 UTC
Yes, I'm afraid that it is wrong, even though you have good intentions. Communication is so important. If you and she have always had open conversations, you will have built a foundation for trust and knowing what is going on in her life, which you should do, since you are her mom and looking after her best interest. If you don't have this sort of relationship, start trying to build one like this, now. Let her know that she can talk to you about anything, that you are interested in her life, available to answer questions and provide guidance, as desired. Really listen when she does talk to you, try not to be judgemental or to turn her off , or to discourage further communication. Once you have this going for you, you won't need to read her diary. Good luck and best wishes, Dr.S
2015-02-19 18:27:16 UTC
My lord! Do you have reason or suspicion to believe that she is not doing the right thing? If you have brought her up right, then you should trust her judgment. Even if she WAS doing the wrong thing, how are you going to approach her when you tell her that you know what she has done because you snooped into something you shouldn't have? By telling her you read her diary? If she's doing the wrong thing now, just wait till you tell her you took the liberty to read her diary. Some things are just best left alone.
2015-02-20 08:24:05 UTC
I feel like you went straight for the heart of her privacy without exercising other forms of parental controls. These are my thoughts:

1. If you're worried about her behaviour, then it's because you were too [insert correct word here, whichever applies to you] when she was growing up and now you're trying to do some damage control. It's too late, you have to build the child from a younger age to be a kid you don't have to worry about. You can still save her, move out of your crappy neighbourhood if you live in one or start actually being active in her life in a good and healthy way.

2. You could enforce parental controls on the TV, Phone, Curfew, Friends, Boyfriends, Phone calls, Internet (a big one), Music, Movies, Parties, etc. I'm not saying be weird or overbearing about it. I'm saying block porn, know her friends, keep a curfew, make sure you can reach her, talk to her about what she does with her time, know where she is...

3. Reading her diary is pretty much just invading her privacy. I don't blame you for taking advantage of an easy way to exploit a source of information to settle into the idea that your kid isn't having sex, etc. ... it seems the temptation is nearly impossible to resist as a parent, but honestly a diary is NOT going to tell you what you really want to know. Your 14 year old is not dumb, she's not going to write in her diary "we smoked crack then robbed a gas station today". *** If she does, she's already lost. And please don't ever breed again, we need less parents like you in the world and way less of your ****** up kids.
2015-02-21 15:00:11 UTC
Personally, I think that it is very wrong. She's obviously keeping a diary because she wants to express ideas but also keep them private. If she finds out then you're just going to be put in a situation where she doesn't trust you and she hides things from you. 14 is old enough to know right from wrong, IF you did your job right of parenting. I think you should just stop and have faith that if something's wrong, she'll come to you.

Eventually she could write about sex in there. Or even nasty things about you if she's angry. Do you really want to read about that?

Let your daughter have her privacy.
2015-02-23 05:52:05 UTC
No and yes, when I was a 13 year old I found out that my mum used to read my diary and I got so pissed off and stopped talking to her, I am 18 now and I actually understood why she read it. I know you want to protect your daughter, but believe it or not, thats her little nook, leave her write what she wants, her thoughts, her hormones are changing, you can be honest with her and tell her what you dislike and dont want her to do wrong. Me and my mum had a stressful relationship but later on, we resolved it by saying the truth and never hiding important things from one another, I am blessed with a great mother like mine. As an arab muslim, its wrong to talk to boys or have relationships, but whenever I have a problem with boys, or even a crush etc, the first person I tell is my mum. we had build a strong relationship by trusting one another. I hope you can advice her and tell her you love her and trust her, and that you dont trust people around her. You can also start by telling her mini secrets or try buying a notebook and write letters to one another, she'll feel safe and will tell you things that she cant say infront of you (this also worked with me and my mum) I hope everything goes well xx
2015-02-21 07:45:36 UTC
you having to read her diary proves that you don't think your relationship with your daughter is strong enough for her to trust you enough to actually tell you what she writes about. It's an invasion of privacy and it's wrong. My mother used to say, oh darling you know me, I would never read your diary and encouraged me to keep one. So I did, and guess what? She always just magically knew what was going on in my life. Wow, my 12 year old self thought, my mom and I have such a great relationship, she always knows what to say, it's like she's a mind reader. Let me tell you how awful and cheated I felt when I realised she was reading through my diaries.

Don't read her private thoughts like a detective trying to find something juicy or incriminating. Instead, try to build a relationship with her, where she willingly tells you about her worries. I mean what could a 14 year old have to hide? The trick is to never make her feel ashamed and she will share her world with you! Keep cool, anything a teenager is going through is only natural and your daughter is no exception. Liking a boy? Cool, try to act interested instead of worried. Tried a cigarette? Explain how unhealthy they are and how disgusting they smell to the opposite sex! Don't ever judge her, even if you don't like her friends. You have to trust her, that she will make the right decisions. All you can do is guide her, don't try to control her. But you do absolutely have to guide her, because teenagers are fragile beings and they need gentle guidance. It's best to show her your own positive example and encourage her to always do what's right for her.
2015-02-19 06:21:25 UTC
The fact that you even ask the questions means you know it is wrong and are just seeking some sort of justification. At 14 years old your daughter is quickly growing up and will have many things going through her head that she may write down and would be horrified if she ever knew you had read them.

Unless there is something that is immediately concerning you like alcohol, drugs or underage sex then stay well clear. If any of the above are the case then you need to be honest and broach the subject directly. If not and she finds out you have read her diary she will possibly hate you forever.
2015-02-23 05:28:19 UTC
Yes it is wrong, you have broken the trust btwn a mother & daughter by reading it (even if she doesn't know yet). Diaries or journals are a release. A positive way to express one's innermost thoughts & feelings, so that they're overstimulated minds can have a balance: a sort of safe place.

I had a diary mom read it, instead of telling me she wrote "stop living in a fantasy little girl & grow up", I had always had issues with my mom; favoritism, verbal & emotional abuse ( despite the fact I'm her first born & the child she "wanted" to have, I was the one always left home alone while she took my sister the "was going to be aborted child" out shopping & mani/pedis) When I read that I felt absolute betrayal that turned my attempts to understand why she was like she was into hate. I moved out when I was 16 & never regretted. I felt lost, torn, fell into depression, trust issues out the wazzoo..not to mention the double dose of abandonment issues ( dad left when I was 5 for another woman, then mom resenting me & being more close, taking better care of my younger sibling)

The only good that came from that is, I grew up. I don't trust anyone but myself, I don't have expectations of people anymore so I don't have to face let down,& I'm independent as hell.
2015-02-21 11:23:39 UTC
I think it is wrong to read her diary because after all, diaries are meant to be kept a secret. Imagine if you were in your daughter's shoes? How would you feel if your mother knew everything that should be kept a secret. Although it may be for safety but, you should have at least a little trust for your girl.
2015-02-21 14:09:14 UTC
I am a similar age to your daughter. i would not like my mum to read my diary but i understand that you are trying to be caring . A diary is a way to express in private where all your secrets and feelings can escape. if this privacy is invaded it is breaking a trust barrier and maybe you should think to yourself that she can have secrets aswel. I'm sure there was things you didn't want your parents to know. if you are worried about her then talk to her about her feelings ask her whats wrong. if not and you are really worried then read her diary but i you just wanna know her day to day feelings you need to stop you are not wrong but don't keep reading her thoughts its personal.
Sr. Mary Holywater
2015-02-19 14:38:31 UTC
I would say yes it's wrong to read her diary. However, if you had reason to suspect something is going on, like a change in behavior, dropping grades, and the like, it's good to know if there's something going on so you could help.

Her diary is something that she can write her thoughts in, the ones that she feels she can't discuss with anyone else. It's wrong to read the diary unless there's a problem; but, you know what's worse? The loss of trust between you and your daughter if and when she finds out that you are reading it.

Try opening up the communication between you. Take her out for lunch and a chat. If you want to know what's up with her life, take a active interest. This way you will get it from her, instead of having to be sneaky about it.
2015-02-21 16:28:11 UTC
Honestly and this is coming from a 14 year old girl with a diary. If you asked me, i would probably tell u everything in my diary, but i also don't write in it that regularly. Would I want you reading my diary, no. I don't hide my diary but still its like going through someones phone or computer. Really that just a judgement call for you.
2015-02-21 00:55:17 UTC
YES that is attacking such an extensive amount her protection. Her diaries similar to herr instant messages. For your eyes just. I wouldn't be shocked in the event that she has trust issues with you. Doesn't make a difference what you do regardless of the possibility that you read something that you think is improper on the grounds that you can't approach the subject in any case on the grounds that she would realize that you read her journal. You have to stop and confessed all to you little girl or keep a mystery and quit understanding her journal. Whichever way you are attacking her protection and that isn't right, actually for a mother.
2015-02-19 17:14:16 UTC
I don't have a daughter yet, but I was 14 once too. There is a possibility that your daughter will lose trust in you because of this, just warning you up front. Yes, it is wrong. A diary is a place to vent personal feelings, not to share it with parents or other peers. There is a reason it's her personal diary. Think about it like this: To a 14 year old, having her mom go through her diary is just as bad as you being an adult and looking up every woman your husband has in his contacts and googleing their profiles. It's the same invasion of privacy and distrust. I understand you are protective, but if you hold something too tight it will slip out of your fingers. You need to have a balance. She will become rebellious if you continue to be over protective. Trust me, I was her. My mom was over protective when I was younger. As soon as I turned 18 I became rebellious in small, vague ways. I found ways to rebel without my mom even knowing about it. Don't hold her too tight, or you might lose her. Being 25 now, I see life a lot differently than I did at 18. I understand why I did the things I did. If you are worried about her, encourage her and tell her she is beautiful. Most of the problems that happen in the early teenage years comes from insecurities and not knowing where you belong. Encourage her and mean every word. Find out what she likes to do, then offer it more in her life. For example, dance classes or a sport at school. For me, dance has been a hobby and a passion since I was 5 years old. When I was a young teenager, and even in my older teens, it helped my confidence and my since of belonging. Now it's just a part of who I am.
Andie Blue
2015-02-24 13:26:00 UTC
If I was your daughter and found out you were reading my diary, I would be extremely upset and I don't think I'd be able to trust you for a long time. It's not because she wants to hide anything in particular but all her thoughts and feelings are in there and she might not feel comfortable with anyone looking at it. I know you're doing it to protect her but honestly, if you aren't suspicious about anything such as abnormal behaviour or more excuses or weird smells when she's present, then you don't have the right to invade her personal space.
Margo Webb
2015-02-21 21:23:27 UTC
I am almost 22 now, and when I was 15 my mom read my diary. I wrote in it everyday, and it was my only form of coping with the stressful life of teen hood. Ever since I found out she read my diary, I have lost the urge to write freely. I always feel like someone is going to read my private thoughts. If you suspect she is up to no good, then I wouldn't read her diary. OR at least make sure she doesn't find out if you insist on being noisy.
2015-02-23 07:23:30 UTC
Yes and no.

To address no first, it's totally okay to do to check in on your daughter's safety through the diary.

However, yes it is wrong because you may find out information that she may not yet want you to know, or at all, even though it's perfectly safe.

For example, maybe she did poorly on a test and wanted to rant about it in a diary before she told you. If you punish her after reading her diary for the poor grade, and NOT after she tells you, that is wrong.

Or, if she starts writing a long page about how she's annoyed at you. It's a diary. Everyone assumes no one is going to read it. Don't be angry for that.

Or, if she gushes about her crush, don't ask her, "I heard you like ___, how is he?" before she tells you.

All in all, it's perfectly okay for safety reasons, but you should avoid doing it for other reasons besides that.
2015-02-21 12:55:35 UTC
Yes it is wrong on so many levels. It is disrespectful to you both, when she finds out and she will, the doors to communication and trust will be slammed in your face. I understand why, you want to protect her, but she won't see it this way. Do you trust your parenting? Do you feel that she is a good respectful person? Can you talk with her? As a parent, of a now grown woman, I tried the very same tactics that you are doing now and it backfired and created a great divide between my daughter and I. There are no right and wrong answers, but don't invade her privacy unless of course she has given you a reason. Remember as hard as it is to the parent of a teenager it's even harder to be a teenager.
2015-02-20 11:59:55 UTC
YES IT IS SOOO WRONG! Your daughter is at that age where she will rebel against you. She is growing and she needs her own space. I'm sure you mean no harm but reading her diary is a big risk. If she finds out, she'll be hesitant on whether or not she can trust you! If you have a good relationship with your daughter, then please do not read her diary.
2015-02-21 00:55:08 UTC
No, that's a terrible example to set for her, "I can't communicate with people properly so instead of attempting to talk to those close to me, I invade their privacy so I can find out information".

Your daughter is less likely to open up to you on her own if you do things like that, which will have the opposite effect of what you want. As a teenager, I talk to my mother about some things and not others. Sometimes mothers just don't have to know; I'm sure when you were her age you didn't tell your mother everything, that's a part of growing up. If I found out that my mother had gone behind my back and invaded my privacy by reading my diary, I would be much less inclined to tell her anything; even the important things. I know you're just trying to be closer to her but this will just push her further and further away.

If you want to know something? Talk to her. If she doesn't want to talk about it, don't push it, she'll tell you when she's ready. Just let her know you value her privacy and she can come to you about anything.
2015-02-21 11:07:15 UTC
Look, I'm 16 and a sophomore, therefore I am able to see your daughter's point of view and be mature enough to see yours. From her point, yeah, it is kinda disrespectful and she might feel a little hurt- as if you don't trust her. On the other hand, if there is a good reason for you to read it, then there is no harm in doing so. For example, if you live in a rough neighborhood or maybe she hangs out with sketchy kids, then you have the right. But don't be overprotective when she has done nothing to cause suspicion.
2015-02-21 14:55:51 UTC
It's 100% wrong. If your daughter didn't have a diary then you wouldn't know the things you read. If she knew.. she could possibly resent you forever and that's just not worth it. She writes things down with confidence that nobody reads it.. that her feelings and thoughts remain only hers.. that's the point of a diary.. not to be read by anyone.. especially your mother.
2015-02-20 06:13:02 UTC
Ohhh... Don't tell her that you read her diary or she we will never trust you ever again. A mom s a girls best friend and you can't lose her trust. She creates a diary to put her feelings for her eyes only you can't read her own privacy... Stop reading her diary and forget everything you read from there and encourage your child to talk to you rather than you reading them.. After all a girl can't tell her mother everything, even her best friend she always have something which is kept just for her. Well her and her diary!
2015-02-19 17:30:56 UTC
You already answered your own question because, you admit it feels wrong so, what does that tell you? IMHO, with society the way it is today and the way the average teen thinks & acts, a parent probably should read the child's diary IF that child is acting or doing things that are morally questionable? But then again, we live in a nation with very few morals today so, whos version of right/wrong do you go by??? That's my best answer.
2015-02-20 06:23:06 UTC
YES it IS wrong to read her personal diary* she would be devestated if she found out YOU read it* What will you do if you come across something in there that you don't like? how will you deal with it? Approach her, thererfore she'll KNOW you invaded her privacy? I understand now a days kids are getting into alot of things we never did when we were younger..but unless your child has given you reasons to NOT trust her, and you feel she's doing things that can harm shouldn't read her personal thoughts*. IF by chance she IS doing things she shouldn't be...drugs, drinking....etc..and is in trouble alot at home, school etc* then YES keeping an eye on her by reading what she's thinking....may be something you need to do, but mostly,..NO~! dont read it*. TRY to keep the communication lines open with your child* It's a hard thing to do when they're teens, they shut everyone out* goodluck*
2015-02-20 04:25:48 UTC
No matter how much of a mother you are and no matter how much of a minor she is, it is her personal and private diary and you have absolutely no right to be reading it. That is spying, and spying on someone is a crime even if it is your own child. You could end up going to jail if she turns you in. If you suspect she is doing something wrong, the most you can do is question her, but you must respect your children's privacy. Just like if she is talking on the phone, if you are listening to her conversations, that is also being nosy, because she has a right to have privacy too.
2015-02-19 17:28:20 UTC
most parents say they are reading their daughter's diaries because they are trying to protect them, but the truth is that you don't know what is going on with your daughter and this is the only way for you to find out if she has a boyfriend, or if she is sexually active. why not just come on out and ask her if you suspect something is going on? in other words you are not that close with your daughter and she don't talk to you because she don't think that you will understand if she is going through some thing at all. if that is the case the best thing for you to do is to talk with her face to face ad let her know that you are there for her, and that she can talk to you about anything. if that is not the problem then you are reading it out of curiosity because you don't trust her. yes, she is 14, but she deserves to be trusted, ad if you suspect that she is having a problem talk to her, and let her have her privacy. you must think you are doing her an injustice otherwise you wouldn't think you need advice.
2015-02-22 10:10:50 UTC
Unless it's a extreme situation in which you suspect she might get hurt I could approve of it, but if you do it out of a habit and you seem to, I would advise you to stop. I had a mother who did the same thing throughout my life and nothing can fix the broken trust we have now. It's privacy invading, disrespectful and in this case borderline morally questionable. I can take it if you did it when she was a child but now that she's growing up and entering puberty she needs her own space to go through her growing pains and you should be able to trust your parenting by now. If you do find out something you're not supposed to (even harmless) it will get complicated and it will damage your relationship. I believe every child should be provided with a safe space to express themselves and you're talking it away from your daughter. Also, writing a diary is a good habit and if she finds out you're going through it she might stop with it, and then she'll need other ways to express herself, which might be less harmless.
2015-02-21 13:03:26 UTC
I think you are right to be worried as any mum would be of a 14 year girl but reading her diary is definately not the solution. I am 14 and although i dont keep a diary i would hate if my mum ever read i would be very disappointed in her and upset that she does not trust me and wants to go out of her way to get into my private life i mean everyone is entitled to a private life and it is completely unfair to invade it. i think you need to talk to your daughter and maybe about her life and problems and get her to open up to you and hopefully you will no longer feel the need to read her diary. hope this helped :)
Stefanos Tsitsipas
2015-02-21 10:59:16 UTC
Yes of course. Your diary is like your privacy, you write things that only you know. It's like communicating with yourshelf. It's like you keep a diary and someone is reading it. Diary is a diary, it's what it supposed to be.

You keep your secrets and other stories inside there...
2015-02-21 21:06:06 UTC
No. And here's why:

When you invade your daughters privacy take this in to account.

What is your daughter stepped into teen you for a week, what would she see? Would you like what shes seeing? Would your daughter be perhaps surprised her mother is having certain thoughts?

It's called being an individaual. your daughter is taking account to her life and its none of your buisness to be nosy and read her thoughts. The problem is your not close to your daughter, if you were, you wouldn't be snooping around her mind, her life. I know your just concerned for her well being but honestly, if you feel somethings going on you should ask her, solve the problem like an adult, not like a face book hacker.

At least you have a conscious, if not you would read on without any concern that your being insensitive to you daughter. Shes a teen, shes growing up and if you want to be involved, get involved.
2015-02-21 14:23:21 UTC
I personally think it is wrong... If you and your daughter are close then I doubt there is much you are reading that you don't already know. If you aren't and she is trying to hide something then I realize you just want to know what is wrong, but that doesn't mean to ready her diary. I absolutely hate when my dad tries to take my phone from me because he thinks I am hiding stuff when I am not. It just so happens it is the only piece of privacy I have in my family and I want it to be my own. So I do think it is wrong I don't advise you to snoop. If something wrong would happen she is going to tell you eventually, or lose at trying to hide it.
2015-02-24 16:18:45 UTC
From my point of view, yes. I am 13 and I would be so mad if someone read my diaries. The only way it is right is if you suspect she could be in trouble. Diaries are a place for people to write down emotions that they aren't comfortable about sharing. She obviously didn't want you to know. Unless you think she is in danger or is doing bad things, you should not be doing this. She does not go through all of your private things. It is like invading her thoughts. Diaries are something for people to pour their heart and soul into. Obviously diaries are meant to keep secrets. Stuff like crushes, thoughts, feelings, loves, hates, and everything else are her private property and she like everyone else does not want them to be seen. You could ruin your relationship if she finds out what you are doing. It is just like searching social media and etc. to find out information. The stuff written in a diary is things she is wondering about. It is a way for kids to sort out life. If I were her, I would be very mad at you. Please stop and consider how you felt at that age.
2015-02-20 17:12:57 UTC
I'm 14 and honestly if my mom read my diary i would be kinda mad, but i usually have some mommy daughter time with her and we talk about things that have been going on. if you really want to know whats going on get closer. My diary is for my thoughts and there's probably a reason why no one can hear our thoughts.
2015-02-19 20:41:56 UTC
Yes and No, Yes you have the read about her diary no never mentioned anything to her. Be there for her

when she need you. Do not nag at her. Just give a good advise when she ask. Even though it's personal life

you are a mother you have the right to know. Especially her friends.
2015-02-20 10:52:42 UTC
No,for my opinion you are doing the right thing no need to worry.In this way you will be informed about your child and the give indirect advice which help a lot,you can prevent bad things that could happen by knowing her personal feelings and also you won't damage her privacy since she doesn't know that you are reading her diary. Don't stop reading you become an informed mother and she will be thankful when grown-up.
2015-02-22 22:29:32 UTC
Yes it is, but I get it. I think you should stop reading it. Unless you are actually suspicious that she is doing something she isn't, don't read it. Young girls feel and think a lot of things and I know if my mom read my diary I'd be really embarrassed. I used to be embarrassed of things she'd read in texts to friends. When you're 14 you're still trying to figure yourself out, so just let her have her space.

But like I said. If you have suspicion that she's sleeping around or doing drugs or something bad, then I think it's OK. Better to be safe than sorry.
2015-02-21 14:33:50 UTC
Yes it is wrong to read your daughter's diary. You won't gain your daughter's trust by doing that. You need to have a relationship with your daughter by assuring her you are always there for her to listen without judgement when she comes across challenges in her life and give her advice that she needs. To earn her trust you need to act like her best friend
2015-02-22 11:12:54 UTC
I think that you should check up on her every once in a while, just to make sure that nothing horrible is going on in her private life. But then again, don't make it like you steal it away every day, and try to make sure that (if she has siblings) none of them take it, because then she won't write her true feelings.

Also (out of the diary biz) keep track of where she's going, because I'm sure no parent wants their daughter going to parties or clubs. I know she's 14, but things happen.
2015-02-20 10:37:50 UTC
I've currently started writing a journal about my life and all the things that I don't have the courage to share with another person. It's tempting, but it's really embarrassing for your daughter. If my mom read half the stuff I wrote, she would kill me, and I would probably enter the lowest point in my life. Diaries and journals are intimate autobiographies, you have to see it through her perspective too. She probably has no one else to support her so she vents on a piece of paper. Believe me, I wrote a lot of atrocious things, but I would never let that affect my life, it's good that she takes out her anger and sadness on productive things like writing. Writing is a great stress reliever and it can help you recover from such negative emotions.
2015-02-21 06:10:50 UTC
Really depends. You should act like a police officer. A police officer is only allowed to search someone's personal belongings only if he/she has enough evidence to do it.

A diary is someone's personal thoughts and opinions. Your daughter might be writing all about how she supports ISIS(just a joke) and wishes for the feminists to die in a pit of spikes but only if she really does it then you have to take action. Some people vent their frustration and emotions into writing as a way to let themselves go. I don't think you should peek into your daughter's diary. Unless she looks like she is dying and pale and is feeling depressed then you can peek into her diary for some insight into her life.
Maddie G
2015-03-17 12:47:38 UTC
I'm 15 and from my perspective, I see it both ways. While you wish to protect her and keep her safe, she has a diary for her private purposes. Instead of snooping her journal, talk to her and show genuine interest in her life. Keeping track of her internet life would be reasonable, consisering the dangers of the web, but her diary is her privacy and her thoughts and her way of expressing herself away from others.

Think about it. People use diaries as an escape. A way to confess their emotions without judgement. I use my own journal when I am upset or when I need to analyze a situation, which in turn keeps me more level-headed and helps to calm me down. However, I would loose that ability if I found that my family was going through the pages of my private journal. It's like a flip book of my mind. If she uses it as a relaxation or escape, you would be taking away a key tool of her personal calming mechanisms if she found out.

If she found out, would she trust you? Consider it.
2015-02-19 14:03:18 UTC
Yes it is VERY wrong. That is the point of a diary, is to be able to vent and know that nobody will ever know what you feel. I once had a diary, and I OFFERED to let my mom look at it but she declined. QUIT READING YOUR DAUGHTER'S DIARY. She's 14 she doesn't nee you hovering over every step of her life!!
2015-02-24 03:43:27 UTC
I may not be a parent but I raised my sister from the age of 14 to 18 after our Dad died. I was 26 at the time.

I read her diaries and checked her room in an attempt to try and keep her on the right path of life; to protect her from the evil world out there. I thought that I had done a great job...until she moved out of home for university and while visiting her there, checked her bedside table one day and also found loads of condoms.

That proved that I had failed to keep her on the correct path in life. She has been sexually active out of wedlock.

If she ever gets married, I WILL NOT BE ATTENDING HER WEDDING as she has sinned against my Dad, my family and God.

Sure you can try and protect your daughter but I've learnt that in the end, all women and most men f u c k up their lives and forfeit their 'gate pass' to Heaven. You are really wasting your time these days.
2015-02-20 08:01:10 UTC
What kind of a mother are you, that is not for protection! you are horrible! and it's not fair; you do mean to invade her privacy because you are reading her private diary!!! do you not feel guilty? for not being able to trust your own daughter? People have read my diary and i hated them for it, it is emotionally scarring for someone to invade something personal, give her some space, and trust me! believe you me, she WILL find out eventually and when she does, be prepared for the worst as you have nothing to hold against her then, will you?

Just stop reading her diary from now on. OK!
2015-02-22 13:06:07 UTC
yes its very wrong diaries a personal for that persons eyes only id go off on you if i was your daughter because i hate when anybody looks over my shoulders while I'm texting or writing in my diary i get really pissed if i see somebody trying to read put yourself in her shoes how would you feel if your mom read you diary and you were still her age parents don't know how because they have the power over there kids in the palm of there hands called authority and they don't give a damn how bad they hurt there kids feelings Mothers in-particular
2015-02-19 15:28:54 UTC
Diaries or journals are meant to be personal. I know it's hard for a mother to avoid "personal" things like this as you want to know what they have been up to or if they have gotten themselves into trouble/danger, etc. This goes too far as it violates privacy. How would you feel if your daughter finds out? She will be very mad with you and you can lose trust like this. To prevent this, she ought to have a lock on it and keep the key or hide it or take it with her. You must never do this, no matter how desperate as a parent you may be or become. Let your child come to you, that way you can be a happier parent that way.
Kendra Joyce
2015-02-20 16:38:18 UTC
Not at all! It's your job to protect your daughter. We are in a different age where children express that very same diary via social media. It's also your duty to create an atmosphere of open dialogue with your teen to let her know that you can relate to her being that you once were a teenager, and that you support and love her. You don't have to tell her that you read her thoughts because you don't want her to find another outlet to vent outside of that pen and paper that she currently uses.
2015-02-19 14:23:31 UTC
As a father of two wonderful women. I understand why you'd be curious. On the other hand it is puzzling as to why you'd follow through and read it. It seems the real issue here is you. You have major trust issues that will only become more problematic as she matures. You've either done a good job or not. At 14 her basic core values & beliefs have been instilled. You can only slightly guide, advise & support her choices at this point in her life. The ther thing yu can d is cause great everlasting harm in your relationship with her by snoping and not trusting her to make the right choices. DO NOT MENTION YOUR ACTIONS OR REPEAT THEM. This is a guilt that you alone must carry.
2015-02-19 16:13:49 UTC
Yes, it is a terrible thing to do. You have no right to pry into others' mind and invade their personal space.

Only if, as others have said, you suspected there was something wrong going on with your daughter should you even think about touching her diary.
2015-02-20 23:01:58 UTC
In my opinion that is very wrong to read your daughter's diary. I know that you do it for her protection but you are invading her privacy. Diaries are meant to keep emotions and private thoughts that aren't suppose to be known to anyone but herself. If you want to protect her, stop reading her diary because if she finds out, it might ruin you and her's father, daughter relationship. You should just talk to her instead.
2015-02-23 09:05:34 UTC
yes. i am of a similar age and if i did own a diary, i would not only feel as though my privacy was being invaded, but i would also feel hurt by the fact you'd gone behind my back and read my private diary. Those thoughts are thoughts that she has obviously wanted to keep to herself and didnt want anyone else to hear. those thoughts and the things she writes down are something for her to see and only her, unless she comes to you and says any different.
2015-02-20 07:58:05 UTC
Diary of a wimpy kid,that's what I called of my own .It's a self experiance world of the kids that they indicate their good or bad memories ,experiences ,feelings and thought .It's most private things that kids have it and yes it's wrong to go to her privacy even if your purpose it's her protection as a dad or mom .Now imagine if she know you are spying on her ,result would be she will no longer trust you that having safety and privacy under your roof .She would get defensive and worry that all the time she is in your watch .

Let the kids experiance them selves world around them .To understand the kids ,you can have friendly discussion about different subjects and ask them opinion,what they thing ,what they feel and how they would react about different manner ,this way you can know them better ,but never interrupt their private little treasures.
Precious Gem
2015-02-23 19:13:45 UTC
Yes it is wrong. How will your daughter ever learn to be trustworthy unless you demonstrate how much you trust her. Would you like it if she were to read your diary? All teenagers need some privacy and you have invaded hers. Stop reading her diary.
Music Advocate
2015-02-23 17:27:12 UTC
You know the answer already, you just want someone to confirm it. YES! it is wrong to read your daughter's diary, do you even know what a diary is? What you are doing is called invasion of privacy. Don't be broken-hearted if you read her diary one day and it reads ' I hate my snitching parent'.
2015-02-20 06:12:52 UTC
I think it is right to read your daughter's diary ONLY if you have good cause, like she has a sudden and prolonged change in behavior or mood for more than one month, or her attitude towards you suddenly changed; but also if that is the case, you should speak with her about what you have noticed first to see what her response is before invading her privacy. Thank you.
2015-02-19 12:01:00 UTC
I see the good intentions that you simply wanted to keep her safe, however; in affect you are almost accusing her of being untrustworthy if you would rather read through her dairy than simply communicate with her. As one person has stated, asking this question proves you are knowingly doing something you shouldn’t by looking to us as justification of what you’re doing.

There is no justifiable reason for you invading her privacy. The only time I would consider it a matter of emergency to flip through her deepest secrets is if you were noticing abnormal behavior or reckless actions that could seriously harm her. Otherwise, refrain from going through her belongings. Any open communication of trust you want from her is now out of the question after she discovers what you were reading. Chances are she’ll be mortified. Imagine, if she went through your journal. Wouldn’t you feel rather uncomfortable with what her eyes skimmed over?

From personal experience, my mother read my diary. She read that at one point I wanted to commit suicide due to how she treated me. She brought it to me laughing, telling me to go ahead and try. She read something she shouldn’t have as they were simply my emotions running high at the heat of the moment when I didn’t mean anything I had actually written. Your daughter may be having a rough time herself and choses to confine in her journal to work out her problems. I’m fairly certain that flipping through what she wrote would leave her feeling, as did I, that she cannot relay trust to anyone nor confine in anybody as her invasion of privacy will leave her violated.

As a fifteen year old girl myself, my options to express myself are extremely limited. A journal of some sort has become my best friend, my one place that I know I can freely vent without being judged. What you’re doing is taking a way that feeling of freedom that most teenagers don’t normally have. You’re stealing that feeling of security.

So the short answer: Yes what you did was unaccusable.

Please consider this next time. What you did was not even close to the definition of understandably okay. You burned some bridges that I don’t think you can ever re-build. Think before you act.
2015-02-19 08:11:43 UTC
It's wrong and an invasion of her privacy. Unless you have some reason to suspect somethings up you shouldn't have to read her diary. You should have a trusting and open relationship with your daughter.
2015-02-21 16:22:18 UTC
Coming from a 15 year old:

All mothers, even fathers as well, will always have this feeling of curiosity and wonder what exactly goes on in their child's personal life, in school, love life, etc. They might be hiding secrets from u, but i dont think u should exactly snoop throught her diary, if u know how personal it is to her... whatever it is that u want to know from her, just ask and i'm sure she will tell u, she will be coming up to u for advice, because she needs u, honestly im kinda neutral in this situation, i guess it all really depends on the reason u r going into her diary, what do u want to know? why dont u ask her yourself? i hope this helps :)
2015-02-21 22:43:55 UTC
Consider the Golden Rule. Consider the consequences of her finding out. Consider the situations that could develope not unlike threes company from something thought out in a diary being taken as something that actually happened. Consider how you would feel, violated, untrusted, ridiculed when you were trying to be real. Something deep and developing being found out and talked about, maybe even laughed about behind your back. Consider that people care cruel and what you see may get into the hands of people who don't care who they hurt. Let go of the fear, remember that your example is her best example of how to act around others. Develop a relationship with her based on trust.

Just my two cents. If you wouldn't like it, you shouldn't do it to others.
2015-02-19 17:26:07 UTC
This really bothers me. I'd be mortified if my parents ever read my diary. You're seriously violating boundaries here. If your daughter ever found out, she'd probably stop trusting you. I understand it's for her protection, but diaries are meant to be private. She's not writing a biography to be published, you know!
2015-02-19 12:18:44 UTC
Yes, A diary is where she will be documenting all her thoughts and feelings. You're not just invading her privacy but her mind also, what she writes on those pages, she does under the assumption that she will be the only person to read those words. It was never intended to be seen by anyone other than her,if you expect your daughter to respect your decisions and instructions, then respect her privacy.

If she ever found out she would feel as though her privacy had been violated. Trust me i'm 15, those of us whos parents go through all our stuff don't trust our parents, we never tell them anything, we always complain about our lack of privacy at school. The kids in my year whose parents trust them and give them space, they love their parents. They tell them EVERYTHING, they treat their mum as a best friend.

If you want to know all about her life from what shes written, go ahead, continue. But if you want to know what going on from her actively telling you then stop, back off, and trust her. We're not as stupid and reckless as we're made out to be.
2015-02-22 17:01:25 UTC
I am a 15 year old girl, and I would be so upset if I found out my dad has been reading my diary. Why do you do that? Do you have a reason to not trust her? If not, then let her have some privacy and talk to her. Get to know her, and have her tell you what she wants.
2015-02-22 19:14:13 UTC
No! Its common sense I'm not a parent, but that's invasion of your girls privacy. I would say lay off because your daughter will probably be pissed if she caught you in the act. A diary is a way to log your personal thoughts and is private.
2015-02-19 15:34:33 UTC
I would considered it to be disrespectful and intrusive to read your daughter's diary. Give her some privacy. She is going through a difficult period in her life as a teenager and she doesn't need a protective parent to watch over every move or be intrusive into her private domain.
2015-02-22 16:50:20 UTC
Thenonly thing thats wrong is that you've questioned your own good judgement by asking the question here. I hope you have not mentioned it to anyone else or worse that your ID here could be accidently discovered by her or anyone who could tell her.

The bottom line here is, forget ''trust'' and ''privacy'' If your daughter dies as a direct result of you not discovering the contents of her diary, how do you deal with that. But do carefully leave no tracks....she could be setting you up if you are reckless............
2015-02-19 13:55:56 UTC
My father read my diary one night because I was home an hour past curfew. It seriously effected our relationship and it took me a long time to trust him again. He did it for "my protection" too. I understand where you are coming from but it's up to you to build the kind of relationship with your daughter, where you trust each other. I assume if you don't trust her and you are reading through her diary, she probably feels the same way about you and doesn't trust you enough to come to you for advice.
2015-02-18 23:52:01 UTC
as a 17 year old, I would probably lose it if i found out my own mom has been reading my diary. I get that it was for a good reason, but imagine someone reading your thoughts. Thats an invasion of privacy. Shes 14 and youre extremely sensitive and moody at that age.
2015-02-19 18:50:51 UTC
I have read and looked into my daughter's diaries as well as their phones and online accounts - one daughter is 18 and I found out that she was indulging in some questionable behaviors, because I had access to her accounts I was able to address this situation before she wound up in jail.
2015-02-21 23:37:45 UTC
My daughter had a dairy when she was younger. One day I found it and was shocked that her and her boyfriend were having sex and at such a young age. She was 14 at the time. Her dairy was her soul. Something that is private. I kept what I had found out about what I knew to myself. I never even told my wife. I just made a point to have more sex talks with my daughter and how some young people don't use condoms for protection from unwanted pregnancies or even worse, STD'S. I would read her dairy many more times to make sure things were ok in her life. You want to raise your children in the right direction, not control them. Love them and let them make some mistakes in life and don't interfere with what you read unless it's life threating.
2015-02-19 20:16:48 UTC
No...reading daughters diary is fair. You can understand your daughter more through her diary. Communication is essential to know others.Sometime children are trying to hide their secrets from their parents.In such cases diary reading will help you to get her.Thereby you can take necessary actions to correct your daughter.
Thomas G
2015-02-22 07:00:22 UTC
Yes, very wrong. A diary is very personal, although I see no purpose of having a diary. That's why we have memories in our mind.Tom G
2015-02-20 02:31:25 UTC
My mum read my diary when i had one, when i found out i was angry and a little upset, but then i realized that it could help i was having some trouble at school and she read about it in my diary, we got talking about it after i had calmed down and it really helped, my school life is a whole lot better now and my and my mum are even closer than we were before.
2015-02-20 15:16:10 UTC
Yes it is. You are violating her trust. That is why you feel bad, and you should feel bad. If she finds out about it you will be setting a bad example for her, and you might never get her trust back.

You don't need to read her diary to protect her. You need to parent. Reading her diary is spying, plain and simple. You should be ashamed of yourself. Be someone she can look up to, not resent.
2015-02-20 15:58:53 UTC
Yes. It's very invasive. It's like thought control. Writing is supposed to be a free-flowing form of expression. It's your own private place to write your thoughts, feelings, problem-solve, be creative etc. If you want an audience, you would openly ask for one. If my mom did that to me I would toss the diary out in a garbage. Think about it. If you can't have your own personal thoughts then nothing is sacred. Your mother should be able to have open, verbal communication with you so she can trust in you for you to come to her for anything. Word of caution though, use an actual diary notebook with a lock and key. Use the computer for story writing.
2015-02-20 13:02:22 UTC
YES THAT IS VERY WRONG! If she ever finds out about it you will have destroyed any trust she has in you & the fall out will never justify what you think it does. I might be 61 years old but I remember being a teenager. You might think that you're protecting her. But if she finds out she won't write in the diary again or she might write something just so you can find it. With no expectation of privacy she has no reason to confide in you ever again, NO MATTER HOW MUCH TROUBLE SHE MIGHT BE IN. Well are you proud of yourself? Your daughter, if she finds out what you did, could be in the worst trouble she could get into & she won't come to you because she won't trust you. So much for your "protection."
2015-02-22 13:22:47 UTC
Yes, it's wrong. The only way it is excusable to invade her privacy like that is if she is severely depressed, suicidal, or violent, and you want to make sure she is not going to hurt herself or someone else. Beyond that, she is entitled to some privacy. Yes, you should be aware of your child's life, keep tabs on their social media use and the people they hang out with, but reading her diary is going too far. Helicopter parent.
Chloe jade
2015-02-20 08:28:07 UTC
different parents have different ideas however I am 16 and have a journal myself, it contains my thoughts and feelings infact everything that I feel I cant contain in my head lives there, I would be devastated if one of my parents read my diary. instead of reading her diary and being secretive if you are worried about her safety just ask her, if you trust your child and your child trusts you nothing wrong should happen, she needs to know that she can trust you and intern if something was to go wrong she would come to you for help and advice. she will make mistakes but you need to let her make them now because soon she wont listen when you give her advice give her freedom and connect with her not her diary.
2015-02-21 13:45:48 UTC
A friend of mine used her diary to communicate with hermother. She would write down what she wanted her mom to know (but couldn't say directly), and leave the diary, open, on her desktop - right in the center. When she was really very serious, she would use clips to hold the page open.
2015-02-20 21:36:06 UTC
I think everyone pretty much said it all. Good intentions, but still an invasion of privacy that can damage your relationship with her. Have a more open relationship with her, spend time with her and get to know her. If you are worried about what she might do, get involved with or her overall well-being, tell her that. If it's bad behavior (misbehaving at school, attitude, rules, illegal drug use, sex, etc.), do some research online on how to properly approach her about it. I personally think arming young girls with resources needed to make proper decisions can be very effective. For example, if breaking rules becomes a consistent problem, schedule an appointment with a therapist. A therapist allows her to be open to an adult about those raw thoughts and emotions, even if it is not you.

You are probably worried about how she is doing so a therapist could help ensure that if she is not doing well, proper measures can be taken. Another area of worry for many parents is sex/pregnancy. Allowing her to know information about ways to protect herself could help her make proper decisions without you, the parent, having to invade her privacy.

Good luck to you and your daughter.
2015-02-21 11:48:35 UTC
There is absolutely NOTHING WRONG WITH READING IT if you are worried about her using drugs or if she's having horrible moods, or you've noticed a significant change negatively in her behavior or how she dresses, etc. However, reading her diary for fun or curiousity because you're bored would be sooooooooooo WRONG in soooooooo many ways.
2015-02-19 07:11:08 UTC
When I was around 10 - 11 I had my own diary. One day my brother snatched it and read it out loud to my family, it was pretty much the worst moment for me. I thought I had privacy and personal space (which by the way is extremely important for somebody growing up) but sadly it was shattered into pieces. Hearing your story of how much you "want to protect her" actually annoys me to the point where I feel like I would like to punch a wall or something. It's incredbly pathetic and you should let her have her own personal space. Your daughter is not "you" nor do you "own" her in any way or form. If you don't realize that sooner or later you'll find yourself feeling pretty lonely once she leaves the nest.
2015-02-22 19:12:59 UTC
Yes, think of it this way. Would you like if someone went through your mail. I know it's for her protection but what could your daughter really do. I think you're supervision without reading her diary is enough.
2015-02-19 00:40:12 UTC
i am not sure. she is so young that she needs your protection but the way you do it you really do something that nature has not provided us tools for. i mean reading her diary is reading her thoughts. so its wrong. on the other hand this way you can protect her

i was twenty and in a foreign county for work. so my mother came to visit me after a year and read my diary. i was twentyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

that was very wrong. she could see that nothing bad happened to me while i was away from her the whole year and she still read my thoughts. i have a grown son. i would maybe read his private thoughts only if i saw that something is very wrong with his life. otherwise never.
2015-02-20 02:44:50 UTC
The fact that you are here asking the question shows in your heart you know it is wrong. I have 2 daughters and 2 sons and have fostered a few. If you have to sneak behind her back to read her private information what are you teaching her - to be sneaky? So who will she ask for advice about dating, drugs, being safe on the internet - her mum who has won her trust or the world? Who do you want teaching her about life - her friends, websites or would like an honest and open relationship where she can come and talk to you about any subject knowing that she will get your honest advice. I always tell my girls - I might not like what you are doing, but at least I will know and can help you get out of situations you may have gotten yourself into rather than shutting down and sneaking around. I have had my 14 year old drunk in the bath holding her hair out of her sick, scooping my daughter off the pavement at 3am 20 miles away from home because she failed her exam and got wasted! I (and I am a Christian - boo hiss) have never judged them, never told them what they were doing was wrong, I just kept loving them and being their mum - their go to person. They have to have one person in this life they can trust and who will love them for who (not what) they are. I am constantly praising them which is hard when they are going through a rebellious phase - always seeing the good.

Vow today - confess to your daughter - yes she will kick off and call you all kinds of awful names - expect that. But she will respect you for your honesty and ask her to put it somewhere you won't find it. Don't go snooping - you reap what you sow - she will go snooping on you!

Be the adult and take the ground - tell her you are sorry, you do trust her and you would like her to be able to come to you with any worries she has. If you won't confess because of your pride and ego then you need to question your own maturity. This is not about you its about her - you will feel better for being humble not at first but it will rebuild that trust - go out for the day to a mum and daughter event make it all about spending time together and tell her all day long that you value her and you see how beautiful she is and you are so proud of the young woman she is becoming. You don't even have to say - do you want to tell me anything she just will, because she trusts you and because you are her mum.

God bless and I pray you both learn to trust one another - please don't sneak or spy because someone will be doing it back to you!
2015-02-21 15:54:17 UTC
did you buy her the diary? If so, i think that's hypocritical beucase obviously a diary provides teenagers with a sense of freedom. If you didn't, I think it's kind of sad you don't have trust in your daughter. Build your relationship on trust, not secrecy. So, yes I think it's wrong.
2015-02-22 09:31:23 UTC
Yes. Shes 14. Shes allowed to have her own views and opinions. There is protective and then there is controlling. Why do you feel the need to read your daughters dairy? I think the real question is you should ask yourself 'Do you trust your daughter' and what are you protecting her from?.

Let her experience the start of her teens without you on her back.
2015-02-23 15:14:03 UTC
It is wrong, teenagers need their privacy so if she were to find out or you found out something she really needed to keep as a secret and feels horrible about it. Reading one's diary is like looking into one's mind it's just raw.
2015-02-21 10:41:49 UTC
I'm almost 18, and if I had a 14 year old sister, I would read hers. (My sister is almost 17, but she doesn't have.

I wouldn't read it to be nosey, or anything like that.

I would read it for protection, and sometimes, kids write in the diaries, or draw to express themselves, and sometimes that is the only way we know how to express ourselves. That goes for anyone.

Maybe she has a problem, and you don't know, and maybe she doesn't know how to talk about it.

If you read something in her diary, and it's alarming, try talking about it to her, but don't make it so obvious that you've een reading her diary.

Like I said, that may be the only way she can express herself, and that maybe the only "person" she can trust.
2015-02-24 23:21:14 UTC
No, you are not wrong. It will give you a heads up when there's trouble brewing. You ARE responsible for her after all. And, having intimate and secret knowledge about somebody else isn't a problem. It is what you do with that knowledge that can be a problem. So if you give her space and let her be herself, cool. But if you stifle her because of things you read, that's a problem. If you are going to invade her privacy that much, it better be to support her and not to punish her.
2015-02-21 15:38:09 UTC
I'm 14 and have a diary and if my parents read it I will never forgive them. My sister said she read it and it makes me feel uneasy knowing she knows what's in there. She threatens me to tell people when I'm winning an argument or something and she also tells people have one. I feel embarrassed and self-conscious. If you do feel like she needs protection or your scared about what's happening, do something my parents never do, talk to her make her feel like she can trust you and tell you what's happening at school and with friends. I did tell my mother before and she went off telling my dad and grandparents about what's happening. So I've decided to keep my thoughts and questions locked away in my room with my diary!!
2015-02-21 11:27:32 UTC
I am a mother and a grandmother.

Yes, it is wrong to read your daughter's diary.

You have done all you can, as a mother, to bring her up to respect herself and make wise decisions.

If you have not done a good job of parenting, you cannot protect her or correct your poor parenting by reading her diary.

It is now up to HER to make wise choices, to take charge of her life and live according to her values and principles.

Hopefully she has strong values and ethical principles, and she learned those by watching YOU live your values and principles. Of course, if you are reading her diary, you don't live by very strong values or principles, do you?

Too late to correct THAT.
2015-02-20 05:39:10 UTC
That is so wrong. The diary is a place your daughter has written her private stuff and some of it could be very personal. What a disgraceful thing to do. I hope you never do that again.
2015-02-20 12:26:14 UTC
Yes very rude! Your daughter needs privacy. Don't read your daughters diary ever again. Girls attend to need more privacy then boys do. It is important that you don't ever read her diary. It is very wrong!
2015-02-20 23:25:36 UTC
You are reading her diary being protective about her, but giving her some privacy will be a support. Just be as a friend with her you will never need to read anything, she herself gonna start her ups and downs of life with you. Support her in her worst and best situations and just let her know you are with her in any situation.
2015-02-20 10:30:19 UTC
No it is not wrong. You are her mother and you have a right to know what she is doing and feeling. She might write things about what she is doing that might be harming her or putting her in danger. It also gives you an insight on how she is dealing with life in general. Reading her diary could save her life. Not wrong at all. Parents now days give their children to much freedom.
Brother Sum
2015-02-20 03:51:46 UTC
Unless you see a change in behaviour that includes suicidal acts or not attending meals and just locking herself up in her room, what you're doing seems fine, but just for the reason you want to protect her, that's wrong. It's understandable that you want to protect your child from anything, but she's a teenager that needs to start her own life and not have mommy or daddy around to protect and save her. Unless she wants to talk to you about her personal stuff, let her come to you and avoid the urge to read her diary.
2015-02-22 09:13:31 UTC
Yes! If you really want to know what is going on in her life "for her protection" ask HER. Don't invade her privacy and think it's ok because you are her parent. I think it would be better for both of you if you communicated more. Because she obviously doesn't talk to you enough if you feel like you need to read her diary to know what is going on in her life.
2015-02-21 06:44:46 UTC
yes, it is wrong. diaries are private and sacred space for your daughter to express herself. just because your daughter is not an adult does not mean she does not have a right to a certain measure of privacy. keeping a diary and unburdening oneself in that space is equivalent to a confessional. do you nose your way into her therapists office or confessions also? do you listen to her phone calls? how would you like it if someone treated you this way? If you want intimacy and trust from your daughter, you have to earn it, not take it without permission.
2015-02-20 14:21:17 UTC
im 15 going 16 and i used to keep a diary until everyone in my family read it! -.-

keep reading it for her safety because what happens if she gets bullied and she doesnt tell u? her diary will have it all written down.

i know its not good to invade privacy, but if ur concerned for ur daughter then carry on.

Just make sure she doesnt find out! otherwise she will hate u and will stop writing.
2015-02-21 03:25:41 UTC
You should not be reading your daughter's diary unless you have good reason to suspect that something serious is going on. And if you do read it and find out something serious, then be careful how you approach her about it. You need to be loving or she will see it as you trespassing on her privacy. Good luck.
2015-02-21 11:03:53 UTC
Yes, if she is a teenager it is good to let her express some emotion in a diary. If she is happy in herself and healthy then respect some peoples privacy, you wouldn't like it if she read through yours would you? There may be some embarrassing things in there.
2015-02-20 05:37:40 UTC
I think a diary is a secret garden. Everyone needs and has right to have his/her own secret garden without someone comes to take an eye in it because it's rude. I think if you were the owner of the diary you wouldn't like that someone read it, right ? So with all my respects, I think it's wrong because it's not your business and I think you should to respect her secret garden. (:
2015-02-20 17:37:50 UTC
If you think there could be something serious going on, I'd say yes you could, but as a teen myself I would not be happy if someone read my diary without permission. If you don't think anything bad is going on, then I don't think there's any reason to. You said you do it for her protection, but what are you protecting her from?
2015-02-21 05:20:04 UTC
Yes, it's wrong. You may discourage her from writing in a dairy... which a dairy is useful to journal what you did on certain dates of any significance and write out all the details. So 30 years later you could remember all the good times you had. Don't ruin that for her.
2015-02-19 14:29:53 UTC
Yes it's wrong. Focus on building trust with your daughter and not invading her privacy. Let me rephrase this, if your mother read your diary(assuming you had one) would you be ok with it. I know you don't mean harm but from a teens perspective it'll just seem like you don't trust them.
2015-02-21 03:25:53 UTC
I'm a 15 year old girl and I would be mortified if my mom read my diary. However, I would be more mortified if she read it and confronted me about it. I probably wouldn't tell her because you'll more than likely lose a lot of her trust, but I definitely wouldn't continue reading it. I think it's best if you just stop reading it.
John S
2015-02-19 12:53:13 UTC
It's a good idea that she not find out that you read her diary. Of course, being a parent

means being the Gestapo occasionally. Move with caution. She's probably using your dildos

and watching you while you have sex, anyway, so there is likely some reciprocity.
Tiea H
2015-02-20 07:35:33 UTC
You are the reason I never wrote a diary. I knew my mother would eagerly pour through it just like she did notes and letters between me and my best friend. If my daughter ever decides to write a diary she will know that it is hers and hers alone and only she can decide who sees it. Diaries are not merely documentation of daily events, they are places to vent, to wonder, to say/do the things you really wanted to say/do even if you never would. To this day my mother believes I had sex with a guy because she nosed into a note expressing my thoughts and feelings to a friend. I never had sex with the guy (he turned out to be a drugged, low life, after the one thing I wouldn't give) but my mother will never believe the truth because she read that note. I remember all communication with my friend became like secret mission notes after that, AKA read and destroy! 32 years old with 2 girls now I still adamantly say I would never touch another's diary. Destroy that outlet and everything gets bottled up inside to build and fester.

And to all of you who say yes because of threatening behaviour: I once drew a comic strip of me seting bombs in my school, blowing it up, and having a party, and roasting marshmellows in the smoldering remains. I was in high school getting bullied by students and staff. I never blew up the school (I still hate it and would never go to the reunions). Just drawing what was in my mind helped me vent and feel better. Now imagine if I hadn't destroyed that picture and my untrusting mother had found it or one of the teachers (since this was after Columbine). I would've been slapped in a psych ward so fast my head would've spun never mind the inevitable increase in bullying. All because of an innocent drawing.
2015-02-20 14:42:19 UTC
From my point of view as a 16 year old, it is wrong. I get that you want to protect her but its more possible she will be open with you if you two have a better relationship. You should also be more open to her and give her a bit more freedom. But not too much or else she would just think of you as gullible and easy to fool. If you have some trust I your daughter and she sees that she would probably be more open to you like I am.
2015-02-22 09:01:26 UTC
If you ever told her then she would never trust you. I think you need to work on talking to her so that she can open up to you. reading her diary is not the answer to getting close to your daughter
2015-02-21 09:30:24 UTC
I personally think that you say you are doing it "for her own protection" is just an excuse. You are invading her privacy and I really don't think you care about that .. as long as you can try and find out about every little thought she has. She finds out and you will have major trust issues on your hands. She has to grow up and she doesn't need you prying at every opportunity. Even teenagers need to have a private life and there will be things she will not want to tell you. If she wants to tell you something she will.
2015-02-20 03:55:11 UTC
Im turning 14 this year and i'll tell you now it is wrong and not wrong lol.I write things in my diary which i like to keep private but i'd also like my mum to know about-not all of it though.You are betraying her trust a lot because its her private book.If she finds out that you betrayed her she'll be deeply hurt and you don't want that..I'd stop before she finds out-pretend it didn't happen.If theres really something wrong she will tell you.
2015-02-25 11:24:54 UTC
Young people have so little that belongs to them individually, as distinct identities. Simply because the authorities in this society have unilaterally decided on ubiquitous surveillance does not mean that the privacy of a citizen, whatever age, should not remain sacrosanct . Suppose there are unresolved issues between your daughter and either of her parents that she is working on, confiding in her journal, but not yet ready to broach to you. What should be her reaction to your intrusion? Where would it end? Do you then have a right to censor her email, snail-mail? At one time tampering with the mails was a federal offence. At one time freedoms like assembly, the press, etc. implicitly protected privacy. Who got to vote to change all that? Be more respectful of your daughter that will the society she is growing into.
burning brightly
2015-02-21 03:28:20 UTC
Ive got 4 married kids I looked in their drawers their diaries yes and it helped toknow them and step in when required the 4 are all parents all 12 grandees seem to be ok I do not think you are the least bit wrong reading her diary .Your job is to bring your child through to adult hood and as the temptations in this world grow it is not an easy job so use anything you can to do this job .
2015-02-23 02:00:51 UTC
Yes you are wrong, you have no right to read the personal diary of anyone.
2015-02-20 18:25:06 UTC
yes that's really bad a diary is supposed to be the only place a girl can let out the true emotions if she finds out it will brake her confidence my mom did that to me i no have bipolar and bulimia just because she read it all i haven't spoke to her for 3 years cus one night ran away i now live in England she probably thinks im dead but i want that to be with her till she dies she deserves it she was always invading my space and when i found out she read my diary i finally lost it the following night i ran away to Birmingham
2015-02-20 11:40:46 UTC
yes! just because you are her mother gives you no right to read her personal thoughts and feelings. I would only agree to this if you thought she was on drugs or doing something bad and needed confermation. trust is a big thing between my mother and I and she never read my diary EVER. if you think something is wrong confront her. just because she is a minor she still has the right to privacy.
2015-02-24 11:20:23 UTC
If you have a legitimate concern for her safety and well-being (like if she's showing signs of depression/suicide), then no, it's not wrong. If you read them just to read them, then yes, I would say that is wrong. As a mother myself, I would never invade my children's privacy like that. I know all too well what it's like to have my privacy invaded like that myself. My mother used to snatch my diaries from me and read them out loud even though there were no concerns to have, and if she didn't like what she read (usually just me ranting about school), she would rip out the pages and shred them. It was the worst thing ever as a teen, and I never want to put mine through that. Just let her have her space.
2015-02-21 08:55:59 UTC
Yes, Thats disgusting. Some people need outlets to express their thoughts and maybe aren't ready to talk about it to another. Some people just like keeping the memories and rereading them after several years to see how far they've come. There are many reasons people keep journals, not just to keep secrets from their parents. I'm 23 and have never kept a journal out fear my sister or mom would find it... and read it... and judge my thoughts, my opinions, my choices and ME. I hope you slip up and your daughter finds out you're reading it so she can tell you herself how rude, disrespectful, invasive and untrustworthy YOU are.
2015-02-21 04:14:03 UTC
The answer is very simple .How will your daghter react if she knows that you are reading her diary .She will definitely dislike it and protest.Hence you should never do that .You are invading her privacy. If the idea is protection you can watch her behaviour and atttitude make your own opinion and advice her if necessary .Avoid doing things behind her back .Chances are she will not respect you as a father .You will simply become a spy .
2015-02-21 19:45:22 UTC
I think it is wrong if she doesn't know you are reading her diary. If she wanted you to know whats in there then she probably would have told you about the stuff she has in there.
2015-02-20 01:22:14 UTC
BIG NO-NO. I am also a 14 year old girl, and diaries hold PERSONAL information, meant for nobody's eyes but the writer. That is a huge invasion of privacy!!! I suggest you put i back where you found it and forget whatever you saw, because it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! If she wanted you to know about it, she would've told you.
2015-02-20 14:33:14 UTC
In a word yes! Those are her private thoughts and feelings about whatever is going on in her world. You want to know what is happening? Spend time with her. Talk to her. Have a weekly mother/daughter day. She will always have some things she will not talk about with you, but if you have a good relationship with her and communicate often, she will come to you with the important stuff. Respect her privacy just as you expect her to respect yours.
2015-02-22 20:28:57 UTC
Violation of privacy and trust. You should not be reading their diary, going through their stuff or any of the sort. Kids need to learn for themselves and you cannot protect them from the real world, it's better they learn young and have your support to put them straight.
2015-02-19 11:49:07 UTC
The path you were on seemed like the right one,but now you have run into a challenge.There is a better direction for you that will make you much happier in the end. My visions tell me that changes are necessary. You have asked this question, this clearly shows that you feel that what you are doing is not right. I would also advise you to keep purple or violet color fresh flowers in your daughters room. This will bring positive vibes.
2015-02-22 11:53:05 UTC
I can also see both sides but honestly I don't think you should read her diary. It is a matter of respect and honesty. If and when she finds out she will lose respect and trust for you!
Texas Czech Chick
2015-02-19 13:52:34 UTC
It's wrong, however I can't condemn you. My daughter is 25 now, but when I found out some of the crap she pulled in her teen years and got away with... hmmmm, if I could go back, I might have done the same thing. Having said THAT, she turned out just fine !!
2015-02-19 15:36:04 UTC
Yes, everybody deserves privacy. You get one place which is completely private: your mind. But that is not enough to fit it all in and remember it, you also want to get it out of your mind. That is why you write in a diary. To have an extra private place. If someone else is looking there then it is not private, you are breaking in her privacy which is something which everybody should have.
2015-02-20 06:58:19 UTC
It is wrong that you read her diary. You can't invade her privacy and ifmyou want to know something about her you need to ask her.
2015-02-22 09:39:32 UTC
It's invading her privacy if there was a safety issue involved (like she was meeting up with some strange guy) or some other reason you needed to read it I'd say ok but if not respect her space.
2015-02-19 16:39:37 UTC
If you notice something drastic going on maybe it's considered OK....i never kept a diary for specifically this reason.
2015-02-21 17:12:42 UTC
Really really yes. Is your relationship with your daughter so weak that you can't trust her to just come to you if she has a problem, so you have to make certain shes living 'correctly' by invading her personal space. If she ever finds out about this it will leave a deep scar on your relationship. I suggest you just stop while youre ahead
2015-02-19 13:09:54 UTC
oh my gosh. how can you even question that! It is so wrong! give the girl some privacy.

If my mum read my diary I would never forgive her.

Sooner or later she will find out that you are reading it. And your relationship with her could be effected.
2015-02-20 02:59:47 UTC
Of course it's wrong! It's not like she reads through YOUR diary, and if she did, would you be comfortable with that? This is her privacy, and you have no right to invade it.
2015-02-19 17:22:21 UTC
I am a teen and I think that is inapropriate to read your daughter's diary because it is her personal life whether her diary is aout her day or about boys or about family I think you should stop reading her diary.If my mom read my diary, I would be dont read anymore of her diary.
2015-02-20 05:58:39 UTC
Yes and no .... reading it can be very devastating for her but also it may be some terrible things in there that yo could be a help to. say she is getting bullied in school and in the diary she is talking about harming herself it could be a way you could prevent that , or if its something she is talking about doing that isnt such a good choice
2015-02-19 18:51:25 UTC
Yes it is, because if I'm about your daughter's age and I will go mad if I found outy own mum read my diary.
2015-02-21 14:45:13 UTC
This diary is literally the most private thing that your daughter possesses, and you just read it because you feel like it? Wow. Seriously, at least have the dignity to tell that to her.
2015-02-21 17:56:52 UTC
Well I think it is.. If she writes it in an Journal/Diary, She obviously doesn't want you reading it. So I would say to respect her privacy.
2015-02-19 13:42:14 UTC
yes it's so wrong ... that's a huge invasion of someone's privacy .. whether you trust your daughter or no .. you have no right at all to read her diary
Just another girl
2015-02-19 19:56:20 UTC
YES VERY VERY WRONG. Your daughter thinks she has a place to escape and just let all of her thoughts flow freely without having to worry about it because it's her private life kinda. And YOU are invading that. What's beneficial to reading it anyway?
2015-02-20 23:54:52 UTC
well im a 15 y/o girl n tbh I wont like ANYONE to read my personal diary ! believe me its really embarrassing to share yr own world of thoughts n imaginations specially when ur a teenager( I also hv a diary n I don't let anyone to even touch it! it is really very personal).... if she could share her thoughts with anyone she would not hv maintained a is really bad to read anyone's diary
Katie Girl
2015-02-20 12:39:59 UTC
Yes, it is wrong to invade someones privacy like that. If you are suspicious, simply sit her down and talk to her. How would you like it if she went into your room and read your diary? Woe begone you if she ever found out. You could ruin your whole relationship with her.
2015-02-19 18:02:37 UTC
that is extremely wrong. a diary is a persons personal thoughts and feelings. not to be read or known to others
2015-02-20 08:37:37 UTC
Try to build a strong relationship with your daughter, then you will have no need to read her diary, she will tell you what is troubling her yourself.
Smokies Hiker
2015-02-20 15:05:11 UTC
In my opinion it is wrong fro you to read her diary. If you read something in it that upsets you, then that means you didn't teach her right from wrong. And secondly...would you have been upset if your mother was reading your diary? Thought so!
charity k
2015-02-22 18:17:05 UTC
do you know what a diary is for? i think it is wrong for sure. That is her private thoughts. you need to talk to her openly if you need to confront her about anything important. kids need some breathing room or it can do more harm than good if you are too envasive. it can backfire on you and if she finds out cause lifelong resentment. She could even run away to get away from your chlostrophobic actions.
2015-02-21 10:25:29 UTC
yes & no. yes becoz its private & neither wood u like some1 else reading urs. 1 must always respect others' privacy.

no becoz in today's world parents shud b aware of their children's whereabouts. so many vices are roaming about; catches very quickly.teenagers are exposed to internet and social media which is dangerous in its own ways.

BEST OPTION - have a regular conversation wid ur daughter. keep a friendly open relationship. it helps a lot.
James Breitbart
2015-02-21 16:21:33 UTC
Yes, regardless of whether she is doing things you think are dangerous or not, you are violating her right to privacy by reading her diary and if she finds out it will damage your relationship and make her unable to trust you.
2015-02-22 09:25:06 UTC
To her it is, but really you were doing it for her protection and not for the fun of it. It's still mostly wrong than right. It's her privacy yet it's being invaded. You shouldn't continue reading her secretes, though you care for her, it remains uncool to do such thing.
2015-02-20 09:41:22 UTC
YES. As a teenager i would be appalled to find out my mum was reading my diary. A diary is a private way to express your feelings. PRIVATE.

But who am i to judge....
2015-02-21 20:16:18 UTC
Yes you are, she's not your property she's her own person even if she's 14. Pray that she never discovers you did this because she won't trust you after that. How would you feel if somone new all of your secrets and fears. You sound somewhat insecure with your own parenting. Children deserve to be respected.
2015-02-20 09:30:40 UTC
It is an invasion of privacy. You have betrayed your daughters trust. If you want to know more about your daughter don't do something like that, ask her what's going on in her life.
2015-02-18 19:49:01 UTC
Yes it's wrong to read someone's diary! If you want to know what's going on in your child's life, how about you open up your mouth and talk to her. It's called communicating! You tell yourself that you're doing it for her "protection", when really you're doing it because you have no life. I advise you to get one asap!
Annabeth Jackson
2015-02-21 06:24:10 UTC
It obviously is. Are you ******* kidding me?

You can't go around reading people's diaries like that, EVEN if its ur own daughter's.

2015-02-22 02:41:54 UTC
Yes .. reading her diary is wrong.

Keeping an eye on what she may be saying on-line (facebook, twitter etc) is probably sensible.
2015-02-18 19:47:19 UTC
Yes, is it wrong. You should not read her diary. That is her privacy, and if she finds out you are reading it, she will start hiding more things. She will also not trust you.
2015-02-20 22:05:31 UTC
Yes. Imagine a psychic reaching into the depths of your mind and knowing every single one of your thoughts. This is not even a debatable question, of course it's wrong. What an unnecessary post.
2015-02-21 08:01:43 UTC
I am fifteen and I recently have started to write in my own little journal the only reason I started to write in my journal is because I had PRIVATE things I wanted to tell people but I have trust issues so instead I call my journal "Chloe" I tell her everything and sure as heck if I found out my mom was reading my journal I would be frustrated and upset so I think you should stop reading her journal
2015-02-19 17:57:04 UTC
No its not right to read someone personal diary.
Hello World :D
2015-02-24 12:16:21 UTC
i think ya i wouldn't want someone going threw my diary. if you want to know what is going on in her life then build a relationship with her and reading her diary is not the way to do it!
2015-02-22 12:20:39 UTC
Very wrong. Girls of fourteen need privacy as much as you do. Admit it, you are just curious, nosey! I'm not talking about computers, for which use must be monitored (as long as your teen is aware that you WILL monitor). I am a fifty-year-old mother of a grown daughter, by the way.
2015-02-21 17:50:21 UTC
Actually yes but as father and for secure its correct.bcoz as I am a teenager I want to express myself to my parents. With these help of my diary they understand my feelings. But we also have privacy.
2015-02-18 19:45:09 UTC
That is truly a shame. A diary is the one place where young girls can find privacy and comfort, and you're stealing that from her. I know you think you're doing the right thing, but trust me, if she finds out, she will lose all trust in and respect for you.
2015-02-22 03:50:40 UTC
You'll definitely invade her privacy by doing so but as a parent, it's your right to protect her from all forms of harm. Problem is, once you notice something bad written on it, how would you confront her. maybe you just have to guide her by having serious small talks which discusses her issues.
2015-02-23 04:24:51 UTC
the simplest way to put it is that you cant go through her diary that is completely wrong in so many ways that can not be expressed you cant stop what you have already done so just dont do it again
2015-02-21 23:13:18 UTC
My child does not keep a diary, but he communicates with people on line whose work or thoughts he admires. I have never checked is online history, but I do listen carefully to what he tells me. I have, on occasion, checked out people he s met on line. I write down things after he tells me, and I look at everything he s told me about these folks and make sure everything agrees who who they told him they are. I don t want to steal my child s personal thoughts, and I have never dug through his computer to "get him on something." I do, however, want to make sure he is safe and is not being taken advantage of by a predator. I can t protect him from everything, but I will try to keep him from getting really hurt.
2015-02-20 16:49:48 UTC
Yes it is wrong, first you don’t seem to trust her ? and you are in fact spying on her . How would you like it she read your dairy secretly? Come on! give her some space, trust her . Her thoughts and fears are hers, she puts them down to save and read again . If she found out your relationship will never be the same. Her trust in you will have gone. Yes you have some rights as her parent, but allow her some to.

Love her and trust her, let her keep her secretes.
2015-02-21 09:05:55 UTC
I have a diary and write about my crushes so it would seem mean or rude to look in a dairy
2015-02-20 15:04:43 UTC
Regardless of age. Her private diary is just that. A memoir of her life later to maybe become a novel/book or otherwise. My take is you violated her precious quiet, happenings in her life. And now knowing such, she will retort to continue such valor if you don t just stay out of her business. She is who she is as you are who you are . If you ask, maybe she will share. Otherwise, butt out Mom. Bonding is obviously an issue in your relationship. Hope is a virtue.
Alan H
2015-02-19 12:18:33 UTC
Would you have been happy for your mother to have read your diary when you were 14?
Paul and Liz
2015-02-23 17:22:57 UTC
Yes it wrong to read her diary, unless you truly suspect she is doing something bad like drugs and sex.
2015-02-26 07:08:24 UTC
yes. you have to respect her privacy. everyone has secrets or thoughts that they prefer not to share, to keep to themselves. if she found out you were reading her diary she would hate you for a vey long time. what if she caught you reading her diary? ask yourself if YOU would like it if someone was reading YOUR diary.
Rehema Zakari
2015-02-20 07:45:47 UTC
2015-02-20 07:03:37 UTC
Well, from an experiencesd mother who raised two grown sons, I can tell you that my husband and I were able to help them avoid many dangerous situations that came up by being aware of what they were doing. It is a very dangerous world out there, and your children are prey. Would a mommy lion leave her cubs to protect themselves? What if they thought it was fun to play with the big cobra, would the mommy just let them. No, she is aware of the dangers that they are not yet aware of. Do they need to be bite to learn the hard way? That would mean their life! Keep on being a good mom and do not be affected by the advice from this permissive world.
2015-02-24 09:40:19 UTC
Oh yeah because you're protecting her like george bush protected baghdad.

You are reducing your self to the status of nazi. As long as your cool with being a nazi, go ahead and invade peoples privacy, submit to your lack of ability to control her and make more wishes.

Or learn how to respect people and things. It's pretty easy.

Yes it is insanely wrong to invade peoples privacy with the goal of controlling them. That makes you GREEDY.
2015-02-21 19:55:23 UTC
Not if you have just cause, but to read someone else's diary isn't something, most sane people do.
2015-02-20 03:43:18 UTC
Yes it's wrong. She needs an element of privacy and if she ever found out that you had evaded that, the consequences could be damaging to your relationship such as lack of trust. Ideally, you should talk to her face to face and encourage verbal communication to find out her thoughts and feelings instead.
2015-02-21 10:52:00 UTC
This is one of the reasons i stopped writing a diary...

Please stop doing so if you have not yet come upon any real reason of concern. As her mother you should be able to tell when something is off or wrong.
2015-02-22 16:58:13 UTC
Nothing wrong.

Just remember that a lot has changed in society since the 1960.

For example:

In 1960, less than six percent of couples (one male, one female) living together were unmarried.

In 2012, it surpassed forty percent of couples living together.
2015-02-20 14:45:31 UTC
Unless she gives you reason to be suspicious, or you are truly worried she might be doing something dangerous, yes. My mom did that, and our relationship hasn't been the same since. Those words are for me to see, and no one else. It's the one place we can express our feelings in true confidence, don't take that away from her by invading her privacy.
Little Ollie
2015-02-22 07:57:09 UTC
IMO it isn't. I've raised teenagers and they need every ounce of parental guidance you are willing to give them. You're not doing it to be nosey, you're doing it to find out if she's into something she can't or should handle at 14. Good luck.
nanny ogg
2015-02-20 18:20:19 UTC
Yes it is wrong and you are kidding yourself by saying you do it for protection, you are controlling. Stop it for the sake of your daughter.

She is entitled to privacy the same as you are. Get a life, and let your daughter start hers. Shame on you mrs.
2015-02-22 11:48:26 UTC
If she gave you permission to do so, then fine. But if not, it's a complete invasion of privacy and I don't understand why you would risk loosing her trust just to read it
2015-02-21 17:18:38 UTC
umm it's darn wrong to look into her diary! unless she going thought some problem in life and you notice then I guess it's not wrong. because she could be cutting her self or worse but if not then you shouldn't look in it
2015-02-21 08:54:48 UTC
with teens these days i would read my daughters diary for protection purposes
2015-02-24 22:19:27 UTC
oh my gosh ! sorry , but you shouldn`t have done that , a diary is where you can express yourself no matter who you are . reading someone else`s personal business is so wrong, a teenager needs somewhere where they can say anything they want and if I did that I would have so much guilt . what if she found out you did that ? and what would you do if that happens ?
2015-02-20 09:31:42 UTC
Oh my god yes that is a HUGE invasion of privacy. I get that you're trying to protect her but you have to remember that she's not a little kid anymore, you have to trust her. It's really creepy and you need to stop. If you love her then you need to respect her privacy and consider how she would feel.
Sean Roberts
2015-02-18 20:28:16 UTC
A diary is private. You should not read it under any conditions. If you have questions, open your mouth and ask.
2015-02-20 17:40:45 UTC
Was she missing? do you suspect that she is on drugs? Is she getting into trouble? If you answered no to these questions then, yes! you are dead wrong. It is good to provide diaries to children for that "clarification time" invade her privacy only for life and death reasons.
2015-02-23 01:04:23 UTC
This is wrong. Unless she all of a sudden started acting like she was going to kill herself it's wrong. I would never trust my mother again. She deserves some privacy. How would you feel?
2015-02-19 21:15:06 UTC
It's human nature to be curious about your loved ones, but it is a direct invasion of your daughter's privacy and it is immoral. That's the answer cut and dry.
2015-02-21 09:02:50 UTC
I used to read my daughters until I realized her sister was a walking chatter box who was more to the point on what I should know. Frankly I was embarrassed by her grammar and spelling more than anything
2015-02-19 12:08:39 UTC
Well, I think if she is behaving strangely you should, like it might reveal she is doing drugs or having an inappropriate relationship. But if she seems well-adjusted, has decent friends, decent grades, doesn't just spend a lot of time alone in her room, then I wouldn't do it.
2015-02-20 16:09:28 UTC
if women weren't so secretive about everything i would say no it isn't right. but they have a nasty habit of lying all the time or telling half truths and expecting people to read their mind. So i'd say that they get what they deserve when you poke through their stuff. how else are you going to get the truth? it ain't like she will tell you it.
2015-02-18 22:39:25 UTC
something fishy
2015-02-20 20:34:18 UTC
How would you feel if you knew she was reading simply would not trust her...

You have some huge a have to believe you did a good job parenting and let it go..

it is unfair, it is rude and it is not a wise she will make and write about good choices and experiences...

help her have those good experiences by being involved in her life and not sitting by the side lines...

2015-02-21 02:03:02 UTC
im 15 and keep a diary, if my mum ever read my diary i wouldn't be angry as such, i'd just be disappointed and i would feel betrayed. howver, what she doesnt know wont hurt her- dont get caught
2015-02-21 18:54:57 UTC
unless your daughter has a history of meeting online pedophiles or doing self harm, you have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO HER DIARY you nosy POS. it's an incredible invasion of privacy and you just proved yourself un-trustworthy and disgusting.
2015-02-21 00:00:49 UTC
No way. You are a mother and guardian to a girl who is not as smart, not as wise and very gullible to bad influences. Be a mom and know what she is doing. Don't tell her, jet do it.

She'll get privacy when she moves out.
Ryan B
2015-02-20 17:27:34 UTC
Actually yes thats wrong. You are reading her personal thoughts and feelings. I guess it could be a bad thing but if she ever found out it would do more bad than good. Thats the truth.
2015-02-20 16:19:18 UTC
Well its a diary, If she wanted you to read it she would show you it.
2015-02-20 11:47:22 UTC
It's WRONG! Very, very wrong! You do it for her own protection. I'd hate to be your spouse. I wonder what else you do.

What's even worse, is that you don't have any deep conversations with her. Because if you did, you wouldn't find her raw thoughts by spying.
2015-02-20 03:05:23 UTC
2015-02-20 11:26:48 UTC
I don't think so. Kids get annoyed but if you want to be more a part of your child's life and she won't open up. You do what you can. It's what you read that's what you deal with.
2015-02-21 07:30:52 UTC
As long as you don't mind her snooping in your stuff or reading your diary.
2015-02-20 21:00:38 UTC
If she is a good child, its probably to give her some privacy. Watch gossip girl or something to keep you distracted lol until you can officially stop. If you see something concerning, talk to her about it, but make sure she knows u didnt read it. come up with some othe reason to how u found out
2015-02-20 15:26:12 UTC
It is wrong. and here's why. it is private written material . Do you think your daughter would feel mortified beyond belief if she knew that? No danger of internet exposure, such as social sites or cell phone texting.
2015-02-19 23:59:13 UTC
Yes, It's wrong. It's supposed to be a place where you can say whatever the hell you want with the comfort of knowing that nobody is gonna read it.

If she catches you, you're ****** pal.
2015-02-21 20:06:22 UTC
im 14 and I have a diary and my mom never reads mine. its a invasion of privacy but to us 14 year olds it show lack of trust. its like you have to read everything to trust us. cant anything be private. we have feelings that sometimes it is just better if no one else knows them.
2015-02-22 22:10:26 UTC
2015-02-19 22:00:31 UTC
It is definitely not proper to read her diary. Instead be more friendly with her and guide her when ever appropriate.
2015-02-20 13:12:33 UTC
it is wrong. this shows that you have a broken communication with her. being able to talk with her will strengthen your relationship when it matters most. anything you find in her diary will escalate any issue you try to "fix" through finding that information by invading her privacy. shes a teen, she will try to find ways to make someone her enemy and this will not work out well if she finds out. try your best to open communication with her.
2015-02-20 20:52:41 UTC
That's def not right....everyone needs privacy including your 14 year old daughter..
2015-02-20 15:35:04 UTC
2015-02-20 03:49:10 UTC

"For her own protection" seems to me as a way of justifying it to yourself.

Ask yourself how would you feel? whether the rolls were reversed she was reading your diary or if when you was 14 and YOUR mother read yours.
2015-02-23 16:54:07 UTC
I would like to say no I wouldn't but I'm the type of person who just needs to know. I don't like surprises and I don't like not knowing what's going on so I would probably read it.
2015-02-20 13:27:35 UTC
I am sure she would be rather annoyed if she found out, however although we all try to pretend otherwise, we are imperfect and don't worry, it's natural for mothers to be a bit nosy sometimes! Haha:)
2015-02-21 23:10:57 UTC
No, because you should know what your daughter is up to and what if she was having problems what will happen if she was scared to tell you take advice from me im 13 and i like that me dad is protective over me
Akoragye Ronald
2015-02-22 09:22:41 UTC
Actually you need to stop,otherwise you will come obsessed with reading her diaries and wish to stop when it is too late.

help yourself and you will also have saved your sister relationship from lacking trust
2015-02-20 23:37:19 UTC
It's not your place to read her diary. If she wanted you to know something she would've told you. I would've never trusted you again if you were my mom.
2015-02-20 09:13:48 UTC


2015-02-23 10:16:40 UTC
Yes. Stop doing that immediately. It's not for her protection - she needs to have some privacy to express her thoughts.
2015-02-21 17:34:00 UTC
I personally believe it is only RIGHT to invade your daughters if you truly believe that you are both benefiting from it. If you feel as though you are getting nothing but into harmless, teenage thoughts...i dont think its right. If you legitimately believe that you are protecting her, doing you duty as a parent, then not necessarily.
2015-02-19 18:33:27 UTC
More than likely if you must ask, it probably is wrong to read someone's personal journal.
Natasha M
2015-02-20 07:59:07 UTC
Yes it is. Even if you think there is something going on in her life you needed to know, such as she was taking drugs or is suicidal, you should ask her directly and not go through her personal things. If she finds out she may lose your trust.
2015-02-19 03:30:52 UTC
you will push your daughter away being too overprotective reading her diary goes to show that you don't trust her its her life not yours
2015-02-19 12:53:29 UTC
Yes of course it's would you have felt if your mother had read yours? A girl needs her dare you?


Ma and Grandma
2015-02-20 10:29:13 UTC
I would hate my mum for life if she read my diary, if i had one.
2015-02-19 20:26:44 UTC
Yes, it's wrong. You could talk to her instead if you wish to find out more about her life.
2015-02-19 13:35:11 UTC
yes would you like it if someone read your diary
2015-02-20 12:19:17 UTC
my real name isn't bob im a girl :

I think that you shouldn't read her diary its private

would you want her to read through your phone or diary ?
2015-02-22 15:39:11 UTC
It's normal to spy on your kids. And frankly, if she's anything like my kids - reading must be boring as h3ll, lol.
2015-02-20 15:53:55 UTC
well are you her parent or her friend?

read it if you want to know whats up with her life. you will be violating every social norm for friends but your child is your responsibility if you don't and she is in trouble you will have failed if she does something harmful. but are you her friend or parent. protect your child even from herself. if she hates you so be it she is ok!!

tough love isn't for everyone.

do what your gut says!
2015-02-25 23:07:17 UTC
If she is a generally a good kid that doesn't give you problem, stop reading. If she has given you good reason to monitor her more closely (drugs, shoplifting, smoking, cutting classes,

boys/sex, etc.) read away.
2015-02-20 16:20:18 UTC
Read it but avoid her finding out at all costs for a variety of relatively obvious reasons.
2015-02-23 20:38:28 UTC
Yes it is, But no it is not. If she feel victim to something horrible she would probably write it in there and you could know in order to help her get over it incase she was going to commit suicide. Not that its going to happen but you never know what might happen. So its better to be Safe then to be Sorry.
2015-02-25 14:53:38 UTC
yes its very wrong that your reading her diary. her diary is the only place to express herself but parents dont let their children be themselfs
2015-02-20 10:50:27 UTC
Yes, it is very wrong, she has a right to some privacy when she writes her thoughts down, how would you like it if she went through your private things? stop doing it.
2015-02-20 15:22:01 UTC
It's very very wrong. If she finds out she will never trust you again. Complete invasion of privacy, you should be ashamed.
2015-02-21 03:58:02 UTC
Of course it is wrong. Perhaps you should talk more to your daughter instead of going behind her back. I bet you go through all her things all the time.
2015-02-19 22:19:18 UTC
I feel sorry for your daughter, boy are you at the top of her stalker list!!

Talk about de-ranged, get a hobby will ya.

And no doubt, this absurdity is just the tip of the iceburg
2015-02-19 15:33:47 UTC
yes beacause that is her diary she's the only one who can read that maybe her friends
Ken Milby
2015-02-22 15:18:50 UTC
As an outsider yes, but as a parent no ! We are living i dangerous times so it is perfectly understandable. After all she is your responsibility until she is 18 !
2015-02-20 12:23:52 UTC
Although , you are already going to disagree with me , yes ! You are so wrong , do not blame your

daughter , when she grows up and decides to include all of this , into one of her published novels .

( She , probably already knows . Just waiting for you to one day , " Woman Up " , and tell her that . )
2015-02-19 14:50:24 UTC
Yes, give her some privacy. I know it must be hard for you, but it's really neccary that you give her space, and imagine how hurt you would be if someone did that to you, and how hurt she would be if she found out.
2015-02-23 05:47:33 UTC
dont read her diary, i personally dont have one (a journal or whatever) my sister had one and i read and allot of ppl read it to and she got mad and just dident keep one at all and that really messed her up she had no where to release her emotions so she was really mad
2015-02-23 01:57:58 UTC
Yes. You're unknowingly hurting her feelings and invading her privacy. Try imagining yourself in her shoes and ask yourself. Then, make your decision
2015-02-22 17:38:17 UTC
thats a dangerous game make sure she never catches you and don't ever bring it up unless it has suicide in it then watch how she acts for the next week for how she acts. But don't ever let her catch you
2015-02-18 21:32:05 UTC
I understand that you care for her and want to protect her, but teenagers are going through puberty and are very sensitive. I think you should of asked her before going through her privacy to see how she feels about it. Maybe try to talk to her and check in with her instead. You were a teenager once, try putting yourself in her shoes :)
2015-02-20 09:26:36 UTC
Very wrong. Suppose she were a lesbian and was trying to discover her identity. If you out someone from the closet, intentionally or not, may lead to disastrous and sometimes fatal consequences.
2015-02-19 12:19:51 UTC
Yes, i think it's very wrong, because she probably write things in there that she doesn't want you to know.
2015-02-20 19:22:40 UTC
I caught my mum reading my journal and I didn't talk to her for weeks - that is very very very wrong and a complete invasion of privacy !!!!!!!!!
2015-02-22 12:09:49 UTC
No you've raised her. You have a right to know what goes on in her life
2015-02-19 16:48:07 UTC
Big violation of privacy. Big time, if she found out, she'd flip and you'd lose all trust.
Wellll... hello then!
2015-02-21 13:12:13 UTC
If you raised her right you shouldn't have to! You should ask yourself why YOU don't trust her,..wonder if she feels the same way about you?
2015-02-20 10:49:06 UTC
You should respect your girl's privacy. Exceptions should be extreme cases, criminality, serious drug addictions, etc.

Even then, you could try talking, instead of spying.
2015-02-22 07:24:15 UTC
I would think its a little much if she finds out and cannot find trust in you. however, if you could find a way for her to expose those things her self and create trust. that would be the best way, because the older they get. the more secrets they need from parents.
2015-02-21 11:47:46 UTC
There are things mums just don't need to know about you when you are that age.
2015-02-21 08:26:11 UTC
If you are not allowed to touch her diary then blow to turn the pages.
2015-02-19 18:40:35 UTC
I am 14 and I can say that is wrong because it is her thoughts and feelings not yours and if she wanted to share with you she would.
2015-02-20 09:43:19 UTC
your one messed up mom give her some privacy goddanm if you were my mom id punch leave journals,diarys,poem books,and sketch books alone..check her facebook but not the books
2015-02-21 02:46:44 UTC
That is a part of growing up. While alcohol is a drug, it is socially acceptable and she has to fit in with her friends at school. That is Life.
2015-02-21 03:32:09 UTC
No, it is not wrong for her own safety. It is the responsibility of parents to keep track children until they fully grown up.
2015-02-21 04:33:37 UTC
YES, she wouldnt trust you if she finds out. Its like following on instagram to see what shes posting. its an invasion of privacy, and its creepy.
2015-02-20 05:06:05 UTC
Yes, everyone deserves to have private thoughts. I guess unless you are Anne Frank.
2015-02-19 20:56:57 UTC
It shows you have little to no trust in her so yes it is wrong. She is your daughter and you need to have faith in your upbringing.
2015-02-22 00:06:58 UTC
yes because youre completely invading her privacy and shes getting older so all she wants is trust from you and her father . if shes willing to speak to you about her issues she will and trust me shell come around sooner or later
2015-02-21 06:15:25 UTC
2015-02-19 07:32:44 UTC
Yes, it's very wrong. It shows that you don't respect and trust her enough.
2015-02-19 23:01:54 UTC
it's the parents job to teach their child morals. That's the first step, then if there is distinct evidence she is under bad influence despite your teachings, that's when you start prying into things
kieran b
2015-02-20 10:35:57 UTC
You are abusing her trust for a reason? Because you wish you were that age and are living the second life? or because you are a malevolent old b$%**h? Get a life!
2015-02-19 14:06:46 UTC
yes, its really wrong, just stop now and don't ever read it again, its her own thoughts and she deserves to keep them private as she pleases
2015-02-20 11:09:47 UTC
Yes. Respect her privacy.
2015-02-21 16:33:34 UTC
Yes, sadly, you shouldn't read the diary. :(
2015-02-19 16:35:06 UTC
Yes. Why did you say you don't mean to invade her privacy when clearly you do mean to invade her privacy?
2015-02-19 20:34:26 UTC
YES!! absolutely wrong of you!! How would you feel if she read your private stuff now and when you were her own age!?
2015-02-25 16:28:33 UTC
Yes. Thats wrong
2015-02-20 02:25:49 UTC
its totally wrong reading her diary its her own feelings and thoughts put on paper..............IF SHE WANTED YOU TO KNOW SHE WOULD OF TOLD YOU,YOU CLEARLY DONT TRUST YOUR DAUGHTER ENOUGH TO RESPECT HER PRIVACY NOT INVADE IT
2015-02-19 13:28:22 UTC
better not to read it but I don't think you're a bad person for doing it. you care about her.
2015-02-19 22:52:00 UTC
No, I think you are making sure your daughter isn't getting into drugs or violence and that she's safe from predators.
2015-02-22 06:30:52 UTC
Jcorvette 72
2015-02-22 02:17:21 UTC
would you want her reading your diary? probably not
2015-02-20 13:11:06 UTC
Yes and no. Privacy is important but being a mom is more important
2015-02-21 04:46:14 UTC
It's okay unless shes saying she wants to **** boys or shag osama bin laden then yeah its good anyone seen the movie the 40 year old virgin??
2015-02-19 06:52:32 UTC
Yes VERY wrong. If she had thoughts she wanted to share with you, she would talk to you about them.
peter d
2015-02-21 04:34:38 UTC
You are not giving her her own time to herself and that's not fare ,your just a nosy b**ch , i suggest you but out of her diary.People like you p*ss me of.
2015-02-20 10:03:52 UTC
Irene, i completely agree with you. This is very wrong and will lead to bad things.
juan diego
2015-02-20 13:56:16 UTC
en una parte si xq son cosas privada y en la otra es x seguridad
2015-02-21 21:51:36 UTC
Yes! Because it is her private property not yours. So you have to ask permission first. What if you will not understand what she wrote there? It will cause you to trouble. Think of it.
2015-02-19 12:55:25 UTC
yes.........because diary is always a personal note for everyone.
2015-02-21 09:48:59 UTC
i think it's wrong but i can't judge cos i'm only 13
Tai ThisKidd Tausili
2015-02-20 15:19:43 UTC
No, it isn't. What if she wrote about killing herself?-_- It's your job as a parent to keep her safe! It isn't wrong!
2015-02-21 21:18:20 UTC
Just a simple glance through should not hurt. If you catch anything serious, it might be worth it.
2015-02-19 14:11:46 UTC
2015-02-22 06:51:46 UTC
2015-02-19 21:32:52 UTC
I never trusted my parents again after I found them reading mine.
Gaia’s Garden
2015-02-21 09:43:58 UTC
Not wrong. Minor children do not have the right to privacy under the law.
2015-02-20 08:52:50 UTC
Yes!!! that is her personal journal that she needs to vent. She doesn't need her mom putting her nose where it doesn't belong.
2015-02-19 08:07:06 UTC
It's human nature!
2015-02-20 00:29:59 UTC
Yes, it's wrong.
2015-02-20 17:42:02 UTC
You should only read it if you are suspicious of her. If you have no reason to read it you should not read it. She will be furious if she finds out.
2015-04-22 14:58:36 UTC
My mom this to me before and since then we have never been the same again. Stop doing it or you will lose her / 14years old girl
2015-02-20 02:13:24 UTC
Yes because it belongs to her not you. If you want something you ask for it just as she asks for something she wants.

You know what to do next time.
2015-02-20 08:41:58 UTC
no you should not read her diary
2015-02-20 20:20:29 UTC
my dad read my diary and it ruined my life. how dare you.
2015-02-20 19:20:11 UTC
Very wrong. Stop. Never do it again. If she found out she would hate you.
2015-02-19 17:22:01 UTC
That's would you feel if yours was read
2015-02-19 17:12:15 UTC
yes it is wrong, its no different then me going into your house and searching your computer, just because i suspect you of a crime or doing something wrong, its technically illegal for you to do that.
2015-02-22 15:38:07 UTC
Vary wrong
2015-02-23 04:57:00 UTC
She's gonna hate your guts when she finds out how nosy you are!
2015-02-20 08:20:54 UTC
If she is 14, you need to give her privacy and space.
2015-02-21 03:13:55 UTC
Yes, you wouldn't like it
2015-02-19 18:56:36 UTC
holy **** u r wrong in every way. u should be ashamed like seriously u should trust that ur daughter only tells u things u need to know
2015-02-21 11:37:50 UTC
yes. It is completely 100% wrong.
2015-02-21 15:57:24 UTC
for a parent no I don't think so .because my kids hide stuff from parent
mr wenrich
2015-02-25 07:14:34 UTC
diary are suppost to be private and personal
2015-02-21 14:55:14 UTC
If she is under 21, no it is not wrong.
2015-02-20 15:31:19 UTC
i would never forgive my mother if she did that. yes, it is wrong. just stop! if she makes mistakes without your 'protection' she will learn from them. its life. chill out.
2015-02-20 13:41:06 UTC
yes I'm 14 and I would be so angry if my mum read mine
2015-02-22 13:20:49 UTC
Personally, if my mom ever did that to me, I would never trust her again and I would never turn to her with my personal problems.
2015-02-20 01:57:26 UTC
Yes obviously..
joe B
2015-02-21 14:10:54 UTC
Yeah you shouldn't have done it, because that will lose her trust in you :/
2015-02-20 06:24:33 UTC
Its a form of privacy if you do it you will be breaking trust there
2015-02-23 01:43:30 UTC
it's fine
2015-02-23 07:23:32 UTC
Really wrong
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-02-19 13:06:31 UTC
Yes ! Worst kind of mom !
2015-02-19 19:18:03 UTC
send me a copy to review for educated answer
2015-02-20 08:37:18 UTC
Yes, she needs her privacy too and you must trust her.
2015-02-21 13:54:00 UTC
no i don't think so, because maybe you can see if she going through something and you could help her.
2015-02-21 07:40:55 UTC
Ok, first of all i am 15 so
2015-02-22 16:29:35 UTC
aY ou really shouldn't everyone deserves her privacy
2015-02-22 02:29:04 UTC
2015-02-21 22:25:21 UTC
Try chatting with her and become her "friend", instead, for IT IS wrong and YES! you knew it.
2015-02-20 15:58:19 UTC
You have no rite to do that. I hope she finds out and rips you a new one.
2015-02-19 09:40:05 UTC
2015-02-20 13:27:34 UTC
2015-02-22 16:08:40 UTC
yes how would you fill if she reads your things with out you knowing about it
2015-02-23 14:34:10 UTC
It is. How would you feel if someone read yours for whatever reason?
2015-02-20 08:12:17 UTC
2015-02-21 16:15:46 UTC
You are just doing ur job as a parent
2015-02-19 13:22:35 UTC
How would you feel if some one was reading your dairy ?
2015-02-22 11:43:52 UTC
2015-02-19 10:08:01 UTC
Yes. If she finds out, it will destroy the trust she has in you. Believe me.
Art G
2015-02-20 01:14:40 UTC
Your doing a definite Bozo NO, NO !
2015-02-21 19:00:46 UTC
2015-02-21 19:40:48 UTC
Leave her alone. If she wanted you to know those things she would tell you.
2015-02-19 19:16:11 UTC
2015-02-22 14:31:03 UTC
no but I wouldn't tell her unless you want her to not trust you.
2015-02-20 00:19:37 UTC
Yes its wrong.
2015-02-21 13:18:10 UTC
2015-02-21 02:11:19 UTC
2015-02-20 08:29:35 UTC
no mam it isn't just file it under your personal "homeland security" trumps all other rights
2015-02-20 00:55:29 UTC
for me i wud say its better u shud but dont inform her atleast u have to moniter any negative things happen in her life and to prevent any suicide cases and atleast to moniter her ..i wudnt mind if my parents they did but they didnt :( ..
2015-02-19 20:20:01 UTC
yea its totally wrong.because when she know about this matter she will get all wrong
Bad Speller
2015-02-21 08:55:16 UTC
is a privet and very personal ,. but as a mother you can pick lilt of her privacy
2015-07-27 04:09:41 UTC
Uh yes!
2015-02-21 19:38:42 UTC
Its very wrong
2015-02-20 09:18:53 UTC
well.. i dont think its a good think... the idea to protect her is ok.. but she doesnt hav to sacrifice her privacy for that..kinda unfair.
2015-02-19 16:18:48 UTC
yes they need some privacy
Bill Rae
2015-02-21 17:17:03 UTC
Only if you share it with the rest of the class!
2015-02-21 01:56:32 UTC
Yes, you filthy filth.
2015-02-24 10:19:44 UTC
2015-02-21 08:24:51 UTC
yes, invasion of privacy
2015-02-21 10:12:53 UTC
yes its wrong...shes guaranteed not to trust you
Mohammed Nasir
2015-02-21 09:03:28 UTC
I read my dairy
2015-02-18 23:46:31 UTC
no its not. Girl nowadays would do anything when they are in love and you should be there to stop her when she dose thing wrong
Foot faults are illegal!
2015-02-20 16:05:34 UTC
You already know that it is wrong.
2015-02-19 19:31:31 UTC
LOL, straight savage
2015-02-20 11:21:03 UTC
I think it is not right but if you think it is need so you can sometime.
2015-02-21 23:05:29 UTC
like your said, you do it for her protection, you are her guardian, so it is ok & necessary to know her thoughts
2015-02-21 05:36:42 UTC
yes u can see it if Both free
Iron Wolf
2015-02-20 07:31:09 UTC
Yes, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
River City Ransom
2015-02-22 10:55:05 UTC
yes. everyone should have some privacy
2015-02-20 09:01:06 UTC
yes its wrong
2015-02-19 23:50:34 UTC
she is your daughter, perhaps you should sometimes read
2015-02-19 21:36:11 UTC
UM yes it is
2015-02-25 13:09:13 UTC
it's really ****** up for you to do that.
2015-02-24 19:26:34 UTC
Shame on you!
Anthea D
2015-02-20 02:19:28 UTC
well everyone has a for their own privacy
2015-02-18 19:49:49 UTC
thats kinda douchey thing to do.
2015-02-20 01:09:06 UTC
2015-02-20 09:36:43 UTC
2015-02-20 07:42:45 UTC
absolutely yes. coz her responsibility of you..
2015-02-20 18:51:33 UTC
it was rong im 12 and i know so u should tell her u r sorry
2015-02-21 00:07:29 UTC
No its not wrong.
2015-02-19 15:23:32 UTC
kind of yeah
2015-02-20 11:46:57 UTC
depends on the age
2015-02-19 22:17:30 UTC
2015-02-21 14:46:13 UTC
yes and no, my personal oppinion is yes.
2015-02-19 22:29:03 UTC
Yes, it is.
2015-02-24 13:14:00 UTC
would it have been ok for your mom to see yours ?
2015-02-20 11:30:33 UTC
No... that's ****** up.
2015-02-19 14:45:45 UTC
VERY wrong! SMH
2015-02-20 04:35:57 UTC
2015-02-21 22:45:06 UTC
yeah i guess
2015-02-21 10:22:43 UTC
yeap its wrong
Srbo Sutaric
2015-02-21 01:49:43 UTC
2015-02-20 12:10:14 UTC
2015-02-21 07:34:39 UTC
2015-02-20 04:11:22 UTC
2015-02-22 17:49:04 UTC
2015-02-18 19:42:18 UTC
nope you her moms man you needa know her life story and you gotta know who she gettin slam dunked by. and who she blowin everyday exactly
2015-02-18 23:09:12 UTC
Thats very bad!!!!!!!!
2015-02-21 08:22:19 UTC
how does that protect her?
2015-02-21 05:38:32 UTC
2015-02-19 12:19:06 UTC
it is wrong.
2015-02-21 05:33:01 UTC
2015-02-21 19:48:42 UTC
2015-02-23 01:31:51 UTC
yes ....this is wrong....
2015-02-24 10:01:00 UTC
no u ok
2015-02-21 22:50:21 UTC
BAD !!!
2015-02-19 22:15:59 UTC
2015-02-19 15:49:50 UTC

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