2010-12-01 16:47:51 UTC
I've started planning a moving process out in my head. My boyfriend is welcoming me with open arms to wherever he will live once he is established as long as I pay my half. He is moving sometime in February or March, and my ideal moving time would be next fall after I finish my spring semester and work all summer to earn extra money. I have almost $5,000 saved in the bank that I could use as a fallback until I find a job and am established. I am also fortunate that my job is corporate (I work as a server in a chain restaurant) and I could easily transfer stores and already have a job lined up before I move. The 2 schools I've found in the area are exactly what I'm looking for, and I have a great GPA and would probably easily transfer to either one and maybe get a scholarship or 2 in the process. The problem is, I haven't spoken to my father since I left home. He is the one in charge of everything financially, and it's highly doubtful he'd support me in this even though it concerns my education. He hates my boyfriend basically cause he's my boyfriend (like I said, overly strict Korean father). I have prepaid tuition, but it only covers in-state schools and I don't know how much it would cover as far as out-of-state (the organization is supposed to give me a call sometime soon so I can find out).
How do I approach my father about this, especially since I haven't spoken to him in a year, and because I know he's going to be outraged no matter what? I've decided to myself this is what I want to do, I want to be in a new city that I love with my best friend/boyfriend and be able to start clean with my life, but I don't want to sacrifice my education. Help?