My sister has a huge crush on Johnny Depp. She was watching The Lone Ranger she posted on Facebook she was watching it she wrote " I love my boyfriend Johnny Depp ". She even used his last name as hers on her Facebook profile. She has a photo album of The Lone Ranger on Facebook that's her favorite movie. She also loves Dark Shadows but she likes The Lone Ranger better. She also loves the tv shows of those too. She watches them everyday. She wants me to take her to the movies tonight to see Into The Woods because Johnny is in it. He's the only reason why she wants to watch it. She has the Lone Ranger DVD she holds it up and kisses it. She also has him as a cover photo on her Facebook. She calls him her boyfriend. She posted on her Tumblr last night a picture of him and she wrote " Johnny is the best actor ever and he's all mine. Lol ". She also cries about him because she's worried he wouldn't want to be with her. She hasn't been feeling well this week she's not feeling well right now. She has a head ache. He's 29 years older than her. She also likes every fan page of his on Facebook. She even created one called " I'm in a relationship with Johnny Depp ! ". She's posted stuff on it everyday. She's so obsessed with him she's also in love with him. She said she even has dreams about being with him. She also has him as a lock screen on her phone iPod and iPad. And he's also the background on her laptop. How can I help her get over him ? Is it normal for her ? She's 22