Every day I come home from school, my mom spends at least two hours forcing me to listen to her rant about my stepdad or her life. And additional hours, when she gets pissed off at me for no reason and rants about how much she hates me. I'm over the emotional damage but it's getting out of hand because literally i am wasting more than two hours per day on this and it's tiresome having to sit there without a word, listening to her scream or rant without even taking one breath. And she talks really fast and never stops and this goes on for AT LEAST one hour without one pause. This has been going on for years. She rants to me about everything and her whole life and me and I feel like I am really wasting my life . If I say "I have to do my homework", she will become a psycho& scream&things will get nasty. So I just sit there and I have to act like I'm really intrigued. I know so much **** about my stepfather now and her rants made me hate him. I did a calculator thing and I calculated that I spent about 70% of my life, excluding school, sleep, and eating, listening to my mom rant.One time at the mall, she got annoyed at me for not walking quickly or something stupid so she sat me down and for three hours in public in a seat she ranted about her life and how much it sucks,&I wanted to kill myself then and there, it's really hard to sit through that there for hours. Obviously I care and I listen , but when it crosses the two hour mark I cant BEAR it. Is this technically even abuse?