I just honestly feel like my mom is a horrible mom. She's always on me about something or other. For example today we were going to go to my aunts house because I really wanted to see her new puppies. She said we could go and I go upstairs to get ready. she tells me to hurry up and i do. When I come downstairs she's sitting on the couch looking pretty pissed and I only took 4 minutes. I don't want to get her angry so I go outside to wait for her. I wait for like 6 minutes and she still hasn't come so I go insde to see what's up. I open the front door and she starts screaming about how I took like a half hour to get ready and when I came downstairs I didn't even ask her if we could leave. I only waited outside bc I know if I tried talking to her she woul just flip. So I go upstairs and yet another day wasted. Ive had spring break this whole week and I haven't hung out with my friends once. Every day she whines about how I never even help around the house even though I collect and take out the trash twice a week, set up and clear the table, do the dishes and laundry, and still manage to finish 4 hours of hw every night. She has never once complimented me on my hard work even though she sees me stay up til one or two every day doing homework. She never lets me hang out with friends, not because she's worried about me but because she simply just doesn't want me to have fun. She's called me a whore before and never even apologized or noticed how much it hurt me. And another thing she does is she says I should pay her to cook and drive me to school because it's not her resposibility and she doesn't have to do it. Yeah well you're my mom. That actually is your resposibility. I'm just so sick of always having to deal with her crap. Sorry this was just a really long rant.