Yes, Brazzers is a porn site. Simply type in "brazzers" on google and it will be the first thing which shows up.
I suppose that, as a mother, you should sit down with your kid and discuss with him that he has his whole adult life to be engage in that type of activity, but being a child will only last for so long, that, before he knows it, he will be out of the door and off to college.
He needs to enjoy his childhood while it still lasts, because being a child is only a for short while, whereas being an adult will be for the remainder of his natural life.
A lot of people who are exposed to sexual activity early on will find the "regular kind" tiresome or boring because they were too exposed to it at an early age and may later resort to more extreme ways of satisfying their urges because the "normal" ways are simply not doing it for them, anymore.
Get a cap on his dick before he explodes.