My son is watching porn?
2016-04-14 17:38:56 UTC
So, my son has been pretty suspicious lately. His computer history is not cleared but he just seems suspicious, he says he watches YouTube but I don't know. He'll sit in the corner of the room on the couch. My son is 13. I sent my younger son who is 8 to go see what he was doing for a split second he said "it said brazzers" Brazzers sounds like a porn name but I'm not sure. Please help!
53 answers:
Zachary Potter
2016-04-14 21:11:40 UTC
A kid stumbling across porn at age 13 is fairly common. Brazzers is a pay site which requires a credit card to be a member and see full videos. I do not think that even if your son ended up there he was watching full movies. There is a chance he ended up on a site that has many videos for free, or that he heard something at school and just googled a word he didn't understand.

It might be time to have the talk with your son about what sex is. If you are certain he is watching porn you can talk about things he might not consider, like telling him to not click on links to unknown websites that may contain viruses, that the videos are just for entertainment and don't show what sex is actually like between two people who love eachother, and to watch videos in private (not around his brother, or in a public place. Good luck.
2016-04-16 15:44:45 UTC

It's very normal for 13 year old boys to be watching porn, and it isn't a bad thing. He is a teenager and he is discovering masturbation etc. I personally don't think you should take it away from him and as long as he isn't watching illegal stuff i.e children then I would not make a big deal out of it.

If your worried about it, you should talk to him (not get your 8 year old to do it in case he sees stuff). When he is at school or when he is not at his laptop go onto his history of his laptop and it will show you what sites he has been on. If there is stuff and you really don't want him looking, because I'm assuming you don't want your 8 year old looking protect the laptop by a parental control program thing on his computer.

Kids spend too long on computers etc they should be outside playing or doing some sort of physical activity.
Groove doctor
2016-04-15 03:17:22 UTC
Brazzers is porn. Have you considered that porn is somewhat natural? We all know that subjugating porn is bad because it's abuse of women, but otherwise what is inherently wrong about watching a natural and joyful act? When you really think about it, the violence your son has seen in movies or in reality videos is about humans destroying each other. Sex is about creation and harmony with each other. And sometimes it's raw pleasure alone, but what's so wrong with that? Your son is approaching sexual puberty, and his hormones are in the internet-search driving seat. Why? Because it's natural. Perhaps not in unlimited measure and definitely not the subjugation versions (I'm very anti-this), but perhaps porn isn't such a social evil as everyone thinks.
Max Stanton
2016-04-17 22:51:10 UTC
If you're not trolling. Get him off that ****, confront him. Porn can seriously mess people up ESPECIALLY when they are young and not old enough to separate fantasy from reality.

Also if you know your under 18 year old child is watching porn and you do nothing about it, it is a criminal offense.

He should be out being awkward with little girls his own age.

You better act or your son could seriously end up with mental issues later in life when it comes to real women and real sexuality.
Maria McCabe
2016-04-15 14:55:45 UTC
just leave him alone he know what sex is im sure and im pretty sure porn masturbation is normal to. dont over think or stress about it he is a teenager now and hes going to want to masturbate ALOT! Just accidentally bring porn up. like you can ask him if hes ever watched it and if he says no then say its ok if you have im just saying if you have then you should be very careful because some sites have viruses that can ruin his computer or his phone. but most importantly hes a teen and hes going to do it, and yes brazers is a porn site you have to pay for to watch.
2016-04-17 11:41:28 UTC
Mom he's growing up!! Got to understand that kids these days are more exposed to sex than a lot of us older adults were at his age. There's nothing you can do about what has already happened except sit him down and shoot straight from the hip. Don't jump on him but ask him what does he know about sex/ Has it been taught in school? What did he learn? Hopefully this will start a good convo with you 2. Where's Dad? He needs to hear his perspective as well. Good Luck!!
2016-04-14 21:32:35 UTC
Let your son explore his own sexuality the way he wants too. You don't want to enforce sexual norms on him (not saying let him get into rape or what not) but let him explore. As a 14 year old my self I am very open about sexuality so that I can influence people to get out of the dark age of sexuality. A large problem among males is that we are not open enough and we end up getting complications down there and do nothing about it over embarrassment. Sex is a beautiful thing don't strip your sons right away.
2016-04-16 07:10:55 UTC
Masturbation is a normal thing.But you should get it in his head that being caught doing it is a bad thing. Talk to him about the history. Don't talk about the porn just talk about the history. Make him believe that something is wrong or off about the history. He'll stop doing it for a while but like I said maturbation is normal and eventually he'll go back to it more secretly
2016-04-17 01:51:49 UTC
are you really surprised a 13 year old hormonoly charged kid is watching porn?

Between 13 and 15 they're pretty much walking erections so the have to release some...erm.....tension somehow. watching porn is better than dragging a classmate into the toilets
2016-04-15 18:58:42 UTC
How can a 8 year old child know everything?

You can put a password on youtube and other websites where you could watch video's. That's the way to eliminate him from watching anything which is not appropriate.
Mridula Y
2016-04-15 02:31:54 UTC
It is common that all young boys watch porn. Some will try to show off and some put it as a secret. We girls also read sex stories right? It is common for all the youth
2016-04-14 20:23:57 UTC
The masturbation isnt a problem but the porn can become addictive and prevent him from healthy telationships with real women later. Talk to him about it in an understanding way because he will probably be very embarrassed.
2016-04-16 22:07:22 UTC
Yep it is porn. Most young boys will start watching and finding things of this nature. It is common. You just need to have a honest and frank conversation about it with him. I suggest you research this a bit first. Maybe seek professional advice on how to go about it.
2016-04-15 20:12:46 UTC
Brazzers is a porn site. Have you ever asked your husband to teach him about sexual cravings? Of course its known in the new gernation to look online...but with online comes viruses. I think the best way to communicate with your son is to be honest with what sexual urges are and how to handle them. Yes, this may seem awkwrd but all human desires are the same.
2016-04-14 18:24:46 UTC
Computers have parental controls. Use them. Make it a rule he has to use the computer in a public place, not in his bedroom.

He's a bit too young for, "Debbie does Dallas".

Make it clear that woman are to be loved, not used.

I once had a lad of seventeen announce to a high school room full of girls that he liked the girls at the school because they "...were cheaper than prostitutes."

That didn't go over well at all. I don't know who was more shocked-the girls or the other guys in class that he was so stupid that he made the comment outside of the locker room.
2016-04-16 06:10:48 UTC
If you want to catch him in the act. Go up to him and say something like, " I'm sorry (son's name), my laptop is having an issue with the internet connection I need to use yours for 1 sec to send an important email. Take it from him. Go to the history section and say something like I lost track of the email address, info, pic etc. I need to find that web page. It's probably in the history. Scroll through history and you can see what sites he went to.

Don't give him a change to delete it take the laptop immediately saying its important and must be done now.

The other answers give you plenty of info of what to do next
2016-04-16 20:17:39 UTC
It's normal. Your son is a normal 13 yr old boy. Definitely doesn't mean he will become addicted or anything you should be shocked about, I mean as long as it's not some super freaky sh*t...Just talk to him about it, these are types of conversations I feel parents should know... The birds and the bees...
2016-04-15 19:06:47 UTC
So you think your 13 year old is watching porn on his computer and you send an 8 year old to check on that???? I think part of the problem is his parents are not too bright. And YES, he IS clearing the History - Then going on a bunch of different sites really quickly to create a FAKE history...
2016-04-16 09:40:03 UTC
My dad looked at porn so my mom put Blue Coat k9 Wed Protection on all the computers. You can block websites. Just make sure you have a password that he will never think of. God bless you!
2016-04-15 22:00:33 UTC
Brazzers has a lot of free porn that he is probably watching. You only pay for the premium content, but most of the Brazzers porn is free.
2016-04-15 12:42:24 UTC
Yes, Brazzers is a porn site. Simply type in "brazzers" on google and it will be the first thing which shows up.

I suppose that, as a mother, you should sit down with your kid and discuss with him that he has his whole adult life to be engage in that type of activity, but being a child will only last for so long, that, before he knows it, he will be out of the door and off to college.

He needs to enjoy his childhood while it still lasts, because being a child is only a for short while, whereas being an adult will be for the remainder of his natural life.

A lot of people who are exposed to sexual activity early on will find the "regular kind" tiresome or boring because they were too exposed to it at an early age and may later resort to more extreme ways of satisfying their urges because the "normal" ways are simply not doing it for them, anymore.

Get a cap on his dick before he explodes.
2016-04-16 14:07:52 UTC
Tell him to buy porn mags to **** to as sharing a computer which someone wanks on is awkward .

If he's old enough tell him to get a jib to buy his own computer or you can buy him one

Get his dad to give him the talk about porn or stiff it might be arkward since youre his mum

Don't stress every guy wanks
2016-04-18 13:42:57 UTC
Walk over to him and take his laptop and see what he's watching. Let him know that as your mom I need to make sure that you are not harming yourself. Porn isn't good for anyone...let him know that sometimes there are girls performing and they could be sex slaves and can't get back home.
2016-04-15 06:56:12 UTC
if you don't like it then put parental controls on your computer. That's the only way you're going to keep him away from it. You should realize though that self exploration and masturbation are perfectly normal things for teenagers to experiment with so you shouldn't try to punish him
2016-04-14 17:54:04 UTC
Well you are going to have to secretly put cameras where watches porn to find out and get proof.
2016-10-29 15:17:50 UTC
it is common that all young boys watch porn... some shall try to show off and some put it as a secret... we girls also read sugar stories right? it is common for all the youth
Michael E
2016-04-14 17:43:38 UTC
Help what?

He'll figure out what to do without your help or ours.

Just keep him from signing up or accidentally clicking on something that requires payment.

A quick rule, if they ask for his name or credit card, log off immediately, shut down the browser and go to a different (free) site.

How to keep him from doing that, tell him.
2016-04-16 04:17:01 UTC
most teen boys watch porn
2016-04-14 18:08:11 UTC
On one hand you have to be careful not to shame him. It is normal for a boy (or girl) his age to look at that stuff, and the worst thing you can do is shame him for sexuality. On the other hand I can understand your concern, about him seeing these videos with no, or very little context (being 13 and all). It is important that he has good conversations with a parent or other adult to make sure that he develops healthy sexually, it is probably time for you to talk to him.
2016-04-21 17:11:47 UTC
brazzers is a porn site... have you ever asked your husband to teach him about sugarual cravings? of course its known in the new gernation to look online.........but with online comes viruses... i think the proper way to communicate with your son is to be honest with what sugarual urges are and how to handle them... yeah, this may seem awkwrd but all human desires are the same...
2016-04-14 18:01:06 UTC
yup it's porn. your son is watching hardcore porn.
2016-04-16 19:16:59 UTC
Sounds like a curious teenager who may need some talking to. The world is composed of a lot of things we wish our kids wouldnt get exposed to, but you cant block it. Have a talk with him.Discuss his curiosities, if any. Recommend some hobbies....beneficial hobbies...Good luck..
april ludgate
2016-04-14 17:43:55 UTC
Brazzers is porn, yes.

It's become a small joke to put the brazzers logo on things though. can easily check his history if he's not clearing it.
2016-04-15 19:24:14 UTC
Don't let him keep watching pornography. Warn him! Despite what people are telling you, pornography is not something you want your son addicted to! Pornos messes up your mind! I know I've been one of those porn addicts. Pornos aren't natural. (Yes, sex is natural, but a 13 year old watching grown women, some of which look like his teacher, swallow a man's *** isn't what you want him to see). If they were then why weren't people 3000 years ago watching it? Watch your eight year old too! I've watched pornography since I was 9. Put a blocker on the websites and out the computer in the living room. If you have to put a porno blocker on his phone (talk to your phone company) then do it. When my brother and I discovered pornography (9 and 10) we became addicted. We've been messed up since. I've been afraid of women my whole life. He's been a male whore his whole life.
2016-07-20 10:47:57 UTC
2016-04-16 03:51:59 UTC
Congrats! Your son is completely normal.
2016-04-14 17:42:42 UTC
Your fault for not being a parent. Take the computer out o his room and keep it in the main room and monitor what he does on it
2016-04-15 19:54:18 UTC
If your IP address is allowed to use Brazzers, someone in the house is already a subscriber.
2016-04-14 18:09:30 UTC
this is comepletely normal. he is becomeing a young man and from ages 9 and up this is bound to happen.Just let him do his thing and eventually hell grow out of it. everyones been there
2016-04-14 18:05:20 UTC
block those websites and tell ur son you are gonna take his computer away if he doesn't stop
2016-04-16 06:52:14 UTC
Talk to a child expert on controlling this and your concerns.
2016-04-14 18:03:21 UTC
yes that is, id tell ur son to stop or you'll take is computer away
2016-04-16 15:13:40 UTC
Do not encourage it. Pornography is just out there for people to try to fulfill lustful desires. Pronos are completely computer generated and will feed his young mind with images of he would think a girl or woman should look like. It would be harder for him to be able to have a healthy and respectful relationship with the opposite sex as these lustful images will make his future wife or whatever a sexual disappointment because she doesn't meet the standards of the images he saw. Like how traumatic events from childhood affect you, but not as serious. Porn is morally wrong and it would be better and healthier for him at his age to fulfill sexual urge and desire through masturbation. Has he had "the talk" yet? It might even be almost too late. Eventually he would develop a very unhealthy addiction that will distract him from his priorities and studies. You are the parent and should be able to handle this situation well. It's all psychology, so don't listen to people who say otherwise
2016-04-17 06:48:40 UTC
As long as he isn't stealing money from u back off he is fine.
2016-04-16 13:34:54 UTC
Its normal
Pearl L
2016-04-14 20:57:14 UTC
just put parental controls on it and that way he cant watch it
2016-04-15 15:02:12 UTC
If you are a Christian, talk to him about our Lord.

If you are not a Christian, he can be a rapist, to you it shouldn't be wrong.
2016-04-17 05:06:12 UTC
I don't know
2016-04-15 11:25:09 UTC
yes all guys do it
2016-04-15 07:43:25 UTC
It okay
2016-04-17 11:57:04 UTC
Talk to him..
2016-04-15 18:31:38 UTC
Let him.
2016-04-14 17:43:19 UTC
So? leave him alone....

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