i want info on a shooting at whistling copse near Bath uk circa 1930?
2006-04-29 00:23:06 UTC
gamekeeper shot by poacher
Three answers:
2006-05-04 02:39:36 UTC
your best bet is to search police records in Bath
2016-12-07 14:18:34 UTC
interior the summertime of ninety one I made it to the woods of Virginia and spent the summer season interior the copse surrounded by using law enforcement officers. thankfully I knew extra on the subject of the copse than the law enforcement officers did. They not as clever because of fact those in video clips and television. Snuck right here to N Dak below the noses of the DEA, FBI and Federal Marshall's all attempting to serve Grand Jury and arrest warrants. RScott
2006-04-29 00:29:59 UTC

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