she works for 13 hours a day she comes home takes a shower, then asks what everyone wants to eat for dinner, then she has to listen to the drama everyone has, then she goes to sleep. I can tell she's not happy she is divorced pays tons of bills and always is the one to console other people and she needs time to herself i have been saving up money to send her somewhere and so far it's not enough i wanted to send her to a hotel downtown so she could have time to herself and i already bought her a gift card for millenium park so she can eat there but what else can i do to help. Oh yea did i mention she always is the one who cleans the house i try to help every now and then oh yea then i go to school in the downtown area and that's allot of gas money so what can i do to make her happier. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!! because I love my mom so much.