Honey, the worse thing about bipolar people is that they don't realize that are sick. They don't see the mood changes, they don't realize that the things they are doing are wrong, they don't think they have any problems. I have a cousin, who has it, and he's ok, until he gets off the meds. He thinks he's well, and quits taking the pills, and he goes from a meek and mild person, to someone, who's holding his wife hostage. He's lazy too, he doesn't even run his own bath water. I think part of it is, that everyone in the family lets him get by with being lazy. He has a big heart, but he's very moody some days, and it's hard to deal with him. Again, I think it's because they just try to please him, and they just don't want to make him upset. So, they let him do what he wants-when he wants-how he wants. Is it fair to the rest of the family-NO. But this is how they deal with him. He has stopped his meds 5 different times over the years, and he has been admitted everytime to get him back straight.
Your husband could be just lazy. He's got to take those meds, if he doesn't then he's going to be difficult to deal with. He needs to see the counslers, but if he won't then there's not much more that you can do. What you have to realize is this-it's not all the bipolar. Some of these could just be meanness. Bipolar is a very difficult thing to deal with, and the people having to live with has to be so upset and at a loss as to why.
Honey, please if you can't handle this, then leave. Don't hurt yourself, when it gets to the point that you are thinking about hurting yourself then it's time. Your baby needs a healthy parent, emotionally and physically. I know you feel you are losing it, and sweetie, you need the counsler just as much as he does. You need someone to help you deal with the pressures that you are under. You don't have to face this by yourself, please seek help for yourself. You are living a roller coaster existence, and you can't hold on forever like this. You have to some kind of stability in your life, and I think you should go to the doctor and get some emotional help now. Then make your decision, get your head on straight, and do some hard questioning of what you can and can't handle anymore. You are the only one that can make this choice. I wish I had a magic wand to make this problem go away, but honey, this is a life time thing. Bipolar just doesn't go away, if the person suffering from it doesn't deal with it with treatments of counseling and meds then they can lead a normal life, and the people around them certainly can't.
You have a son that needs a happy and healthy Momma. I pray that you find the answers, and that you have the strength to deal with the solution.
God bless us all.................