This is part 1.
Same thing happen to me with my twin sister. Me and my twin sister and I have always been close, we are the best of friends, and we always have each other's back. We are both 17 and almost turning 18. In school I was one of the most smartest ones in my class, and my twin sister was in the same classes of mine all throughout high school always, we always made sure we where always together, where nothing would ever tear us apart, just to of us side by side forever. My teacher had asked me if I would be so kind is to probably teach for while, because I was always knowing what i was doing with the work inside and out, from top to bottom. My twin sister has always looked up to me, like one of these times being, like teaching the class even thoe I'm a student not a teacher hehe, but that's one of the things she looked up to me on. I felt great when one day she admitted to me how are you so smart, and no everything you are doing inside and out of life, I told her um I don't really no, I guess just instinct I guess, not really sure if that was the best answer she was looking for, really had no idea in from how to answer that, maybe of course just me, never really knew how to answer that, wish I could. She then admitted that she has always looked up to me always, and she explained the details of how she admired me, and that I was her idol and hero. When she told me this, I was surprised, but made sense how she was always by my side always, and she was the one she always trusted at school and at home. In school, the other kids in my class and all throughout school always looked at her as the weirdest, and didn't understand her at all, they always thought of her like an outcast, where they did not want anything to do with someone like her. I could see this clearly from the other students of mine all through out my class and school. I told her one day to not pay attention to them or what they thought of you, just always look up at me, and pay your direct attention to me. They don't no you no, I do, so don't worry, I got your back buddy. That day right before school after I told her that, she felt way better, like a whole new student walking into school, because I told her to just stick by my side, where you and me both can look after one another always, and if something did happen and we weren't beside one another, our twin radar will go off jk hehe. As I was doing the whole, pretending like I was a teacher role for a bit, story became my favorite student right away, probably because where always looking out for each other and where the best of friends ever to the end :). One day when finishing up grading papers, I told my sister to just waiting for me outside near the back of the school until I was done, I said to her. It was just near the end of school, where everyone was walking home, and I and my sister where gonna walk home like we always do together. As I was just few mins almost done grading my peers papers, of a test we did earlier that day in one of my classes. All the sudden out of no where, these four guys start to walk near my sister, and not sure if they where coming back from skipping classes since beginning of period one, or maybe they just got out of school, not entirely sure. They saw my sister standing by herself outside one of the doors of the school near the back. As I just finished grading my peers papers, I decided to go out the very back door not side, because the very back was the closest door near the classroom I was in while grading the papers. I go out the very back of the door, to meet my sister around the corner. I find four guys chasing my sister around the side parking lot of the side back door she went out to wait for me. The four guys where guys I saw around school, and they where the type to be bullies, and they where the regular type of rebels guys who would try pulling something so low as such as this. They caught her and shoved her down really hard onto the hard pavement ground, and then the four started to corner her. I don't no what they where gonna do to her, but was not gonna let someone lay a hand on my sister like that. I stepped in not knowing what I could do to get them away from my sister. I did what any kind of person would do, just went for it, because this was my twin sister that we where talking about, when it comes to her in danger, no one, or anything will hurt her, not when I'm there to always back her up :). Anyway I ran straight for the four guys, and pushed one of them down of the four that was making a perfect circle around her. As I got in the perfect moment where I could get in there and protect my sister from harm without them doing anything else to her. I didn't care if they did something to me, just don't want them putting a hand on her. As I came in just in the nick of time, she was so glad to see me, she had tears in her eyes, and I felt sick seeing her petrified in fear. Then I said what the hell do you guys want from her, if you guys think your being big shots, you no the regular bullie crap, then take it out on me, leave my sister alone. I did not no was I was doing, but I wasn't gonna let them hurt my twin sister, not on my life. One of them said of what you some kind of angle coming to rescue her from harm, something like that, I said sure if you wanna out it that way. Doesn't matter what the hell you think I am, or what I'm doing to protect this girl from harm, what I'm doing is protecting my sister from harm from idiots like you. I was starting to little scared myself, they where gonna do something bad to me and my sister, but I didn't care this isn't our deal here, had to get out of this situation, before it got worse. I didn't no what to do exactly, then luckily the teacher that made me the fill in teacher of one of my classes, came out to look for me to make sure i graded those papers ok. He saw that me and my sister where in some kind of trouble, and he cleared everything up, knowing what was going on here. He just saved us from whatever they where gonna do to her :). I felt so glad, I felt like billions of butterfly's where going through my entire body, it was not a nice feeling to feel something horrible is gonna happen to you. After that was all done and over with, the bullies just booked it off the property, like nothing happened. Our teacher asked if we where ok and needed anything, I said it's ok just so glad you came when you did, he said of course don't haft to say anything guys really don't say anything at all, he was one of the best teachers you would ever see :). I said I'm just gonna take my sister home right away. He understood what I meant and let me safely let me and my sister go home, I new it was safe to go home, they won't come back to finish what they started I hope, and they didn't of course, thank god! I helped my sister up from the hard pavement ground, and she looked at me with a kind of strange but very thankful look on her face. She looked at me, and I smiled with a huge smile back at her, and then she hugged me so tightly saying thank you so much for coming to my aid. I said what any other person would that did what they had to do to protect someone they thought needed help, why wouldn't I, no one lays a hand on you, I don't care if I get beat up, I'll take the beating for you this isn't your problem it's mine. That's how much I'll go to the brink of death for her, she's my twin sister my best friend ever :). As I helped my sister up, we went straight home fast, where we where just gonna forget what happened there that day, those four idiots aren't even worth it trust me.