How do i apologize to my dad?
2008-12-07 13:08:47 UTC
I needed help with my math homework, so i asked my dad. He helped until my mom came and explained it all to me. I said, "Who cares about this, just give me the damn answer!" My dad said to listen to my mom and we got in a big argument. I said a few bad words and he said, "that is why you will never learn and get A's you son-of-a-*****!"
............................I emailed him this:
do not talk to me
do not play with me
do not touch me
do not bother me
do not ask me to do anything for you
do not respond to this email
leave me alone
..................................He responded:
okay son
whatever makes you happy
He already had a similar encounter with his daughter and she brought him to court. Now they don't talk.
I can't apologize to him because i don't know how. I can't swallow my pride either. Do not thing that i am a bad person, my dad has anger issues. He is partially abusive to me too. But that doesn't matter, how do i apologize to him?
25 answers:
2008-12-07 13:11:50 UTC
Just write a letter and put it under his pillow or someplace he will find it and just apologize

2008-12-07 21:18:35 UTC
Doing small things could help. Like doing chores for your mother, (since this was sort of the problem, not respecting her) and helping your dad out as well. When he is in a better mood, you should try discussing it with him. (if it sounds wussy, sorry, but it works most of the time) Explain to him that you were in the wrong, but so was he. Come to some sort of mutual agreement. Or you could try writing sorry on some sort of card, explaining that he did stuff wrong too. Swallowing your pride is really really hard, heck i can't do it, so explaining why you got mad helps. And you should really think about learning how to get the answer, not what it is, because then you can do more problems on your own.

And he does realize that by calling you a SOAB that he is referring to your mother who he was defending in the first place right????
2008-12-07 21:15:13 UTC
I can understand how this is a difficult decision and obviously you do not want a sour relationship with your dad. Perhaps you were very frustrated with your math homework and that prompted your apathetic response.

I would go ahead and swallow your pride on this one. It takes a strong man to admit when he was wrong and make an apology, but it also makes you a better man for doing so. Just explain to your dad that you were frustrated and acted inappropriately. Tell him you are grateful for his and your mother's help and that you realize you need to focus on learning to get those A grades. He will be more proud of you for fessing up to your behavior than holding on to your pride.

If you are dealing with abuse issues, you can always find someone to talk to and get help for you and your family.
My two cents
2008-12-07 21:46:42 UTC
Understand the difference between your actions and your emotions.

Everyone has the right to express their emotions. You were frustrated with your homework, you were hurt your called you a SOB, you were angry he was acting so immature...

What you're apologizing for is your actions -- how you chose to express those emotions. "Mom, Dad, I'm sorry for how I handled myself the other way. I was frustrated and hurt/ angered over the homework then what you said -- but, I wish I would have expressed myself differently."

As for your email: "Dad, what I said was don't talk to me. What I wish I would have said is don't talk to me when I'm upset. Don't talk down at me because I have a moment of frustration. What I said was 'don't touch/talk/bother me'. What I wish I would have said was because we fight so much, sometimes it's hard to even be around you even when we're both in temporarily good moods.

When I said leave me alone, I wish I would have said... I want a stronger relationship that what we have now. I don't want us to get to be like you and but, I think we both know what we have now isn't working either."
2008-12-07 21:20:31 UTC
Apologizing will make things better for a day. Solving the underlying problem(s) will make things better for the future.

When you're apologizing make sure you do not mention anything about his behaviour/attitude. Keep the discussion about yourself. If you're going to bring up the name calling word it like this: I feel like you don't care about your daughter or I when you call us names. Be ready for him to point out things you said/did to bring it on him to call you those names, and man up to them. Yes, you're right, I should have listened to my mother and I'm sorry. I was frustrated because I had limited time to get this done and I had been working on it for a long time, I shouldn't have exploded.

I know pride will make you not want to apologize but I promise you if you apologize you will feel like a much bigger person than your father. If he accepts and still doesn't apologize to you that's completely normal especially the first few times, just roll with it and know that you're the better person. If he doesn't accept your apology, you're still the better person, at least you tried to set things right again.

Make sure he knows that you want to be part of his life and that you don't want your relationship to end up like his daughter's.

It feels really weird telling someone how much you love them when you're in the middle of an argument but you have no clue how much power those words have during an argument.. It's amazing, sometimes invokes tears/stops someone dead sentence and they are at a loss of words.

Good luck. Spread love!
2008-12-07 21:26:01 UTC
Man is not becoming a man for one day or year. It's life time cycle. For some it takes all length of life ...and they are NOT becoming- a MAN. soon as all of us making a mistakes..You too have a period of your life to make ( and collect yours) your mistakes..and then sometime down the road pay for that ( you do not think it will not be unpaid ha)...Man 2 man...strait looking in the eyes it's your dad for christ sake/the only person ( after ur mother) who cares about you on this planet.The ONLY ur FRIEND/ LIFE time.The only one who is telling you truth --right in ur face matter what.!! All the rest of the world will be lieing to you...and it's only up to you how exactly you'll be buying this lie...-education is helpefull.. ..It is take a lot of efforts to be, to stay as friend with your dad (2 way street actually) there is nothing ic comming an easy in this life.

friendly me
2008-12-07 21:23:29 UTC
It's good that you are asking the question How...

You want to try to be better than he is in this catagory. You can be by simply e-mailing him and say "Sorry Dad, I was having a meltdown and said some things I didn't mean to say. I hope you can disregard the previous e-mail and we can forget."

Now the ball is in his court. If he has issues they can become your issues unless you break the pattern. For your takes a stronger person to say sorry. It's easy to hold a grudge. Good thing is, saying sorry makes you feel like a weight is lifted. Well worth it and it will make your Dad think.

Good Luck,

Mister Wanderoo
2008-12-07 21:12:57 UTC
Email him again saying you apologize for the way you handled the situation. But that he should try an anger management course so things don't get out of hand like this in the future.
2008-12-07 21:16:43 UTC
If it is too hard to say it to his face, send him an email and tell him ALL your feelings, even the ones about his anger (and yours) and I think you need to apologize to your Mom who was just trying to help. Imagine what her life is like.

and to the 'person' who thought just because one's Dad touches them and they happen to be son and Father, I guess your Dad never hugs you? That is very very sad.
2008-12-07 21:14:09 UTC
my dad is kind of like this, gets offended too easily. You dont need to up and apologize yet. From what it sounds, theres probably tension in the house between you two. Make small talk, but dont apologize, when you feel he feels comfortable around you again, apologize, but make sure he apologizes too, you deserve it.
2008-12-07 21:13:30 UTC
if you're too proud to make the first move in person then id say write another email at least just saying your sorry. then maybe he'll take the next step. but since you told him never to talk to you again he probably wont come to you at least for a little while until he thinks you're ready to talk
2008-12-07 21:13:09 UTC
if he is abusive you need to report that.

just say i am for throwing a fit that night dad. (thats it)

because what he called you was a lil too out of it. dont worry it will heal on its own time.
fluffy in Cali
2008-12-07 21:20:04 UTC
Man up apologize, you were wrong.You do not need for me to tell you that.Your dad is probably hurting too. Also apologize to your mom for disrespecting her house.
2008-12-07 21:14:02 UTC
1st off: does your mom know he is abusive? tell her immediately, or tell someone you trust

2nd: send him an e-mail of saying sorry

3rd: if he doesn't send a reply in a day.. talk to him face to face

Good Luck
2008-12-07 21:13:03 UTC

Just gradually let him back in your life

But mmake sure he understands your boundaries and bring up his daughter as much as possible

It sounds cruel but that seems right
2008-12-07 21:22:20 UTC
Now, what sparks my interest is when you told Dad not to "touch" you.

My guess is that Dad has NOT been inappropriately touching you and that you just included the word "touch" in your letter to him to enhance your theme of "Leave me alone in all ways", right?? He's not a bad touching person right?

OR...because there are some households where dads do do bad touching I ask you this--just to be safe...because you DO meniton "he has a super HOT temper and has taken it out on you and your sister" to be safe, I ask you..this.==>

Has your Father been touching you in a way that is not right?

( a hug or pat on shoulder or to be just nice is fine...but perverted, threatening or cruel is unacceptable--and so if he has been touching you in a NOT NICE way, you need to tell your Mom and if she does not listen then tell a teacher, school councilor or a policeman...IF he has been touching you in a bad way that makes you feel unsafe/threatened or creepy--but REMEMBER:

It is NEVER OK to make up lies about your Dad so, never EVER tell something that is not true about Dad or anybody ok? (You could get in a lot of trouble and ruin a person's life--so only tell if it is true.)


To answer your question now:

OK-assuming he's basically a nice guy but with some unresolved anger issues,

You need to realize that people who tend to be like pressure cookers, getting all mad and ready to blow up often have some self esteem issues.

When Dad said,

"Okay son, whatever makes you happy" can bet your bottom dollar that Dad said that with a lot of hurt and feeling like a failure and rather please try to go easy on him...he doesn't mean that. He wants to be there for you and he wants YOU to want and need him too. He's only Human and he has feelings too...(It's hard being a parent--we're all still learning.)

In otherwords, maybe dad feels a bit frustrated when he tries to be a good dad and then feels like a failure or like the world is insulting him.

Anyhow-he's the dad and you're the child so he should really try to keep his cool.


OK-How to apologize:

Do it face - to - face so that the problem is cleared up immediately.

Also, he's going to have a lot of respect for you being a big boy and facing him--and then he can see the sincerity in your eyes...and you can see also his sincerity.

Make sure to give Dad a big hug when you're done having your say and remind him that you know you don't show it often but you want him to know that you love him and look up to him as the greatest man and example setter in your life and that you relly want your relationship to work out with him.

Try not to discuss the details about what the fight was about--this isn't about just homework...those homework details are actually periferal--although they are important--you have to do your homework in a mature fashion...BUT, for now, the issue is more about how to communicate without being frustrated and misdirecting your anger--both you and your need to realize that--even if dad is still learning the very DIFFICULT and frustrating job of how to be a Dad, you too are learning and going through all sorts of chemical changes in your body and dealing with the pressures of school and of your parent's expectations...and you too need NOT to feel like a're not a failure. You're just learning...and so is Dad...and you're 2 sensative guys who get frustrated sometimes in expressing your emotions. It's common and I don't think your family is a mess or anything. Surely not one that can't be're all gonna be ok.

But remember--don't opt to email it face to the brave and sincere young man who is you...compassionate and open to suggestions.

Also, in emails, there's too much chance of misinterpreting need immediate results and open please, no letters, no emails...but face to face like a strong young man.

If you ever feel like you are going to blow up in anger, take a deep breath, close your eyes and count to TEN...this is how to relax and gain perspective.

If dad asks why you are closing your eyes. tell him you are just composing yourself so you don't say or react in a way you will regret--. He can learn from your demonstrated technique.

As a child, you should just tell dad tht you are sorry you blew up and that you did that because you were frustrated and took it out on him.,

Acknowlege that you realise he was just trying to help you and that --in the tenison and frustration of it all--and you understand that words were exchanged which do not accurately reflect how you both feel about each other.

Tell him you appreciate his time and energy to help you out with the homework and that you respect him as a human being...and that it hurt you when he called you that bad name...and my advice to you is to sit and listen to others who are trying to help you...and not be impatient or so quick to act like a know it all...telling him to hurry up and give you the answer--because the answer is no good to you if you do not understand how one came to arrive at that give your dad credit....that he's been on the planet a little longer than you have and just maybe--he's therefore learned a few things and can be a useful person to teach you a thing or two.

Remember when he does help you--to thank him and praise him as being one who you feel admiration parents, we can feel frustrated just let him know he's on the right track as a parent...and all of this angst will blow over.

Just say,


"Dad, I apologize for the harsh words we exchanged. I don't really want you out of my life. I value you., It's not so easy to be a teenager/young lad...and sometimes my emotions blow up...but i will try in the future to be more considerate of your feelings as a human being and I promise to show more respecta nd patience when you are trying your best to help me.

I love you and am proud to be your son."


We've all been there kid...don't sweat it too much.

Always best to clear the air in any dispute with a sincere apology--and remember to keep your promise to try to be more patient.

(You can actually teach him about patience if you demonstrate it yourself.)
2008-12-07 21:12:50 UTC
Just apologize or you Will become exactly like your dad.
Adam T
2008-12-07 21:15:14 UTC
go to him.look at him in the eye. say that you will not say

bad words anymore.
2008-12-07 21:11:53 UTC
um being abusive actually DOES matter. alot.

you shouldn't have emailed him.
2008-12-07 21:12:04 UTC
Wow, you need to worry about how he probably thinks you're gay now for sending that. "Do not touch me" Lollololololloollo
2008-12-07 21:13:14 UTC
catch him in a good mood and let it out
2008-12-07 21:12:29 UTC
You have a F U C K E D up family.
2008-12-07 21:11:18 UTC
u just say it
2008-12-07 21:12:22 UTC
hes going to kill you in your sleep along with the sexay *** fish. its time to move to china.
2008-12-07 21:11:37 UTC
say it straight


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.