I understand the frustration that comes with having a kid that just can't seem to get with the Sunday-school program, but believe it or not, some if not most actually grow out of it. As long as you don't Piss them Off too early in life.
Been paying attention to currant events lately Church-Lady,, second only to Politics , RELIGION regardless of any specific theosophic sect is far more responsible for all the insanity -mental health - depression & acts of stupidity and violence in the world than all the Guns & Video games combined! And it's ALWAYS been like that!
YOU might as well believe that the story about the Prodigal Son was just a BS story told by a clever religious fanatic while he helped himself to some to goodies at a party that he may have otherwise NOT been the least bit welcome,
since, as a Child, thank'ing spaking, behaving & getting spankings same as any other child you obviously Missed what's "Most Important" in your Own Sunday-School program in terms of what the Holidays are really all about. Because it's not just the celebration of a religious fanatic's birthday,, it's really about what's 'Most Important' ,,"Love" ,, you know, that silly Four-Letter 'L'-word that has a way of seeming to get as many people Into trouble as out of it, that in Scriptural terms is supposedly what 'Christians' are supposed to be "Known' by" ,,,,
Santa Claus has always known as much about whether a child is naughty or nice as GOD" or a child's Parents ever did, & supposedly it's a genuine understanding of that 'Four-letter 'L-word' that assures & reassures us all that NO Child of God ever really deserves much less Gets sticks & lumps of Coal in one's stocking. Much less gets 'Loved' less & excluded from all that is 'most important'.
So let's see if I understand this correctly,,You actually Excluded a 9 year old child from the family holiday by all means including NO gifts & even making him spend the entire day in his room because you thought it might 'teach him a lesson' ?
CHRIST!! (pun intended) If That's not enough to Mind-Snap a kid & give him issues for life Nothing is! ,, Since it also quite obviously makes you the kind of Christian that's always made Christians look bad hither & yawn & everywhere in the world for centuries! Hellooooo! NOT a shining example of God's Love much-less in any theistic terms a Mother's Love,,!
I suggest Preying allot, while taking a long look in the 'Mirror' & contemplating what's 'Most Important' ,,and then seeing to the business of making it up to your son before he grows up & morphs into something that retaliates by going out & shooting-up a church or something you Mush-mindedly Misguided Psycho-Mom!