How should I punish my son for ruining Christmas for the rest of the family?
2019-12-25 13:46:52 UTC
So my 9 year old son is doesn't believe in God, and so we figured that he wouldn't be interested in celebrating Christmas, since it is after all the celebration of Christ. Therefor, we didn't get any Christmas gifts for him, since after all, they are part of the Christian holiday. But as son as he realized that his brother and sister were getting presents, but not him, he started to throw a huge tantrum and was yelling and screaming and ruining the Christmas mood for everyone. I immediately took him to his room for a time out, where he will stay all day.

But since Christmas is such an important day for us, as Christians I don't think that a time out is enough of a punishment for him. Does anyone have any suggestion on what more I can do to make him learn his lesson?
223 answers:
2019-12-30 12:04:35 UTC
We as Christians especially at Christmas should set a good example. You did the right thing and should to talk to your son about his beliefs and what you believe while he is growing up.
2019-12-28 17:24:17 UTC
Not that I'm an expert on these things, since I'm atheist, but as far as I can tell, Christianity is about forgiveness, second chances, understanding, wisdom, stuff like that.

Therefore, give the little rascal a big hug, tell him you forgive him for his tantrum, ask that he forgive you for over-reacting, and then go buy him something special.

We like to think that our kids will outlive us, but life is short and unpredictable, and we really don't know how long we'll have our kids with us. Try to make your time with him as happy as possible, not a time filled with anger, tears, thoughts of punishment, etc.
2019-12-27 11:03:20 UTC
2019-12-27 04:16:50 UTC
New parents. You are actually psychologically abusing him. 
2019-12-27 02:44:58 UTC
First off Christmas is not about Jesus Christ, Christmas is a pagan holiday, Jesus wasn't born in December time, he was actually born in March, secondary you shouldn't treat a child differently just because he's an Athiest, I'm a Christian and would never treat my son or daughter like that.
2019-12-26 22:31:17 UTC
Some of these guys think you're a troll.. U probably R.. But just in case:

1. You should punished for punishing your kid in this way.

2. Don't you think God would want people to celebrate & worship him on their own volition as opposed to because Dad said so.

3. Apparently you don't agree, but presents & Christmas (except maybe the celebration of Christ part) have nothing to do with God & faith.

4. Go ahead teach your sheep kids covetousness & how conformity brings material rewards...To hell with real spirituality.
2019-12-26 21:35:33 UTC
I suggest you learn to troll better
2019-12-26 19:03:47 UTC
I think you're being very harsh on him; he's nine years old and unfortunately these type of outbursts are what nine year olds do. My advice talk to him and explain to him why what he did wasn't the right thing to do and the importance of Christmas, but in terms of sending him to his room to stay there for the whole day, you should definitely not do that. He's nine and it's not good for a nine year old to be punished so heavily in my opinion
2019-12-26 17:28:51 UTC
Teaching your child that God is vengeful, and non-believers need to be punished is the wrong message. He will grow up to be filled with hate like you are.
2019-12-26 14:41:20 UTC
So you're one of those fanatic Christians
2019-12-25 18:39:40 UTC
You did the wrong thing.  The kid is only 9.  You should have gotten him presents.  And the fact that he throws tantrums about anything is a problem.  He needs counseling.  My kids never threw tantrums.  YOU are the one who is being un Christian toward your child.  Think of WWJD.  There should also be no punishment, just a talk.  

But Me Thinks you are trolling because a real Christian would not act the way that your family does.  And the way you phrase everything is to illicit an emotional response.  You are probably not Christian and made up this story to make Christians look bad.  A 9 year old in a Christian family is HIGHLY unlikely to be atheist.  You didn't mention the previous Christmas.  You keep using the term Christians repeatedly.  

Sounds made up by someone who knows enough about Christianity that you have to be a former Christian who left from the Church and now likes taunting people.  But if the story is true.  Shame on you for treating your child that way.
ron h
2019-12-31 12:18:39 UTC
Did you go to church on x-mas?  Or was it just a festival of greed?  At 9, you could insist that he go to church with you sometimes, but not  try to insist on him believing anything.  Whether you go or not, the gifts are for family and friends, not for God.   He should go to church occasionally so that he can understand a little of what most of America believes.  But yeah, there's 9 year ofd atheists.
2019-12-30 05:30:39 UTC
Try reading the scriptures, specifically Ephesians 4:15. Begin there and proceed to see how Jesus treated unbelievers. Follow His example.
2019-12-29 21:41:47 UTC
he has a right to his own beliefs ,  so on his birthday give him extra gifts since you seem to be so hell bent on punishing him at xmas
2019-12-29 21:13:13 UTC
What kind of jerk are you?  Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus, read your BIBLE. The sharpeners were there for lambing season that is late February march April not in December. Cease set the date for the birth day to replace a pageant holiday that he liked. So for real Christmas is nothing more than a PAGEANT HOLIDAY.

Your the one that needs the punishment, You Christians are hate full people.
2019-12-28 21:52:56 UTC
For future reference...

Keep your Christ out of our Saturnalia!!!
2019-12-28 21:27:09 UTC
i honestly dont know what to tell you
2019-12-28 14:24:06 UTC
I suggest nailing him to a cross.
2019-12-28 03:53:00 UTC
Christmas should be more about family. Though for kids. They dont quite understand that, isolating him from the rest of the family on such an occasion where he will probably remember this forever and scorn this holiday for that reason, will just cause hate. But back to the point, you should not have isolated him. That's a terrible punishment method. It teaches nothing for a child but to sit and think of ways to hate you. And making him sit there and watch his siblings get gifts while he doesn't is stupid. That's favoritism and abuse. He going to start to think you dont care about or love him and that he's an outcast. For ***** sake woman. I am by no means Christian, I dont believe in a God created solely so greedy people could feel safer in the thoughts that they will die and go to a good place that they dont deserve. Nor my parents are christian. And in a very Christan family we are the outcasts. But that doesn't mean they isolate us during the holidays. We all gather and just spend time together. If you get a gift cool if not awesome, who cares. But for the kids, even if their little shits that we love so dearly, we still get them gifts because their kids. So in my opinion make the holidays about family not religion 
2019-12-28 00:00:01 UTC
Oh, my goodness. I’m sorry, but you are setting yourself and your child up for failure.

Scripture states, “Ephesians 6:4 As for parents, don't provoke your children to anger, but raise them with discipline and instruction about the Lord.” What you are doing is intentionally provoking your child in the hope that he will become a Christian because he is isolated from the family’s activities. Christianity is not a religion. It’s about having a relationship with God through Christ.

Isolating your son from the holiday activities is not the answer. When Christians witness to non-Christians, they are supposed to build a relationship with nonbelievers. You can’t build a relationship for witnessing if you are isolating the non-believer from your lives. You can’t punish him into a relationship with Jesus. It will backfire and you will cause your son to harden his heart further.

In Luke 17:2 it states, “It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.” Your actions could cause your son to stumble and God will hold you accountable for that.

Here are some Christian tips for parenting:

I would suggest that you seek out Christian counseling for your family. Your expectations for your son are not aligning with God’s Word and they will not yield positive results. There are much better ways to handle this
2019-12-27 17:04:54 UTC
Most would think that someone such as you who hides and posts garbage on a regular basis would come up with better stories than the crap story you just uttered.

We deserve better than your silly excuse for Christmas stories
2019-12-27 14:43:45 UTC
How CHRISTIAN of you to EXCLUDE your idiot son. How CHRISTIAN of you to LOCK HIM IN HIS ROOM and PUNISH HIM.

Christmas is no longer a religious holiday. It is an excuse for parents to SPOIL their CHILDREN. 120 years ago...IT WASN'T EVEN A DAY OFF.
2019-12-27 03:41:06 UTC
I understand the frustration that comes with having a kid that just can't seem to get with the Sunday-school program, but believe it or not, some if not most actually grow out of it. As long as you don't Piss them Off too early in life.

Been paying attention to currant events lately Church-Lady,, second only to Politics , RELIGION regardless of any specific theosophic sect is far more responsible for all the insanity -mental health - depression & acts of stupidity and violence in the world than all the Guns & Video games combined! And it's ALWAYS been like that!

YOU might as well believe that the story about the Prodigal Son was just a BS story told by a clever religious fanatic while he helped himself to some to goodies at a party that he may have otherwise NOT been  the least bit welcome,

since, as a Child, thank'ing spaking, behaving & getting spankings same as any other child you obviously Missed what's "Most Important" in your Own Sunday-School program in terms of what the Holidays are really all about.  Because it's not just the celebration of a religious fanatic's birthday,, it's really about what's 'Most Important' ,,"Love" ,, you know, that silly Four-Letter 'L'-word  that has a way of seeming to get as many people Into trouble as out of it, that in Scriptural terms is supposedly what 'Christians' are supposed to be "Known' by" ,,,,

Santa Claus has always known as much about whether a child is naughty or nice as GOD" or a child's Parents ever did, & supposedly it's a genuine understanding of that 'Four-letter 'L-word' that assures & reassures us all that  NO Child of God ever really deserves much less Gets sticks & lumps of Coal in one's stocking. Much less gets 'Loved' less & excluded from all that is 'most important'.   

So let's see if I understand this correctly,,You actually Excluded a 9 year old child from the family holiday by all means including NO gifts & even making him spend the entire day in his room because you thought it might 'teach him a lesson' ?  

CHRIST!! (pun intended) If That's not enough to Mind-Snap a kid & give him issues for life Nothing is! ,, Since it also quite obviously makes you the kind of Christian that's always made Christians look bad hither & yawn & everywhere in the world for centuries! Hellooooo! NOT a shining example of God's Love much-less in any theistic terms a Mother's Love,,!

I suggest Preying allot, while taking a long look in the 'Mirror' & contemplating what's 'Most Important' ,,and then seeing to the business of making it up to your son before he grows up & morphs into something that retaliates by going out & shooting-up a church or something  you Mush-mindedly Misguided Psycho-Mom! 
2019-12-26 22:22:52 UTC
Forgive him, he will never again
Joseph B
2019-12-26 21:35:09 UTC
After meeting "Christians" like you, I fully understand your son's position in the matter.  I think your action was cruel.  Christmas is as much a secular holiday as it is religious.  Ask the Jewish merchants from whom you purchased the gifts you did give.
Vinegar Taster
2019-12-26 21:19:20 UTC
No, a nine year old doesn't know his *** from a hole in the ground .

Treat him for what he is, a nine year old boy .

He should have been bought gifts .
Aisha Elizabeth
2019-12-26 21:06:50 UTC
You're joking right? He's 9 years old. You just reinforced his belief that celebrating Christmas (and to a lesser extent believing in God) are horrible things. You ALWAYS need to treat your children equally. It is wrong to decide that your son is not worthy of Christmas presents because he does not believe in the same things you do. I agree that he should have been punished for his tantrum, but that is all he should be punished for. Obviously, you've decided that he isn't as good as your other children.

The only possible way to save this situation is to explain to your son that your faith in God is very strong and that you overreacted. Explain that you made a mistake by not treating him kindly like the rest of his siblings, and then go take the kid to get some presents of his own. 
2019-12-26 13:16:15 UTC
How could you not buy a gift for one child, but buy for others? You should love your children equally no matter what! Perhaps if you gave him a present, it would be a step towards his believing in God ... I honestly don’t understand ... You probably aggravated his unbelief with God... I feel so sorry for your little son
2019-12-25 23:25:46 UTC
'Tis the season to be trolling, fa la la la la... la la la la....
2019-12-25 14:08:13 UTC
Ground him for 2 months and revoke all of his technology privileges 
Orla C
2020-01-01 20:25:19 UTC
You want to force him to believe the same things as you do? And if he doesn't, you want to punish him for it by withholding gifts? 

Nice parenting job there, Mrs 'christian'. No, not buying you as a 'christian' at all. 
2019-12-30 21:08:57 UTC
Your child is 9. Of course he wants presents! Christmas isn't just for Christians, lots of atheists also celebrate it - not for Christ, but for present giving.

If you were really a Christian, you wouldn't be thinking of ways to make him suffer - you'd forgive him.
2019-12-29 11:20:34 UTC
Call CPS on yourself for being a shitty mother
2019-12-29 04:56:43 UTC
Begin to understand WHY it happened ,there must be underlining reasons,he's very young,he's impressionable.If he has no belief,have you done all you can to teach him the history of Jesus,9 years is way too early to give up in educating him..

You have to question yourself as to why he disbelieve's and if you are religious do all you can to encourage him to help him on his way in trusting what is written in the Bible.

I really can't go too deep into this.Many readers will have either no beliefs or will hold other beliefs to myself.

Be patient,educate and hopefully come next December the 25th will be a much better day for you all.

At his age,goodness me,I did everything to two people are alike or identical.

2019-12-28 17:01:41 UTC
Wow!  Study history.  Christmas is a pagan holiday, confiscated by Christians.  The gifts are from Celtic pagans, the tree from German pagans.  Easter is too.  Once you learn history, wise up a little.  How would you feel if someone was trying to ram their beliefs down your throat?  You would probably get rebellious and stubborn, not converted.  As "Godly" Christians, your goal is to have your son believe, right?  Punishing him for not believing will NEVER make him truly believe, although you might get him to lie to you, just so he gets presents next Christmas.  You seriously do not deserve your children.  You believe they are a heritage from the Lord, right?  Why don't you start treating ALL of them like it?  I will pray for your poor son to not be damaged by you( to my pagan Goddesses).
2019-12-28 08:17:05 UTC
Make him do push -- ups and write a hundred sentences ( "I promise never to throw tantrums or lose my temper any more ." .
2019-12-27 18:35:35 UTC
You’re abusing him. You should have gotten him gifts too. In his own time he will believe in god. That’s gods job and not yours. I lost faith after family died & I went through a lot of pain but after miracles started to happen in my life I did believe in god and that was something god can only do. You should respect him because he is your son and you should only love him and not hate him. Other people can be his parent if you don’t wish to be his. It’s not your job to force him to believe in something. That’s his choice and only he can make choices. You can try to show him but not with abuse. Sorry but this world is only for kindness and love. Only evil people do things the abusive way. Also, that is NORMAL for a child/9 year old to do. You learn how to handle this the right way & this wouldn’t have happened on the first place if it wasn’t wrong what you did. If you want a relationship with your son you’re going to need to majorly apologize, give him a late gift, and change your ways. I don’t talk to my dad and I’m 24 because he was so abusive to me. That is what is going to happen to you. Also, that is NORMAL for a child/9 year old to do. You learn how to handle this the right way & this wouldn’t have happened on the first place if it wasn’t wrong what you did. If you want a relationship with your son you’re going to need to majorly apologize, give him a late gift, and change your ways. I don’t talk to my dad and I’m 24 because he was so abusive to me. That is what is going to happen to you. 
2019-12-27 16:42:15 UTC
Your a ****** up parent, you dont derserve to have children. If he doesnt want to believe in god thats his choice. 
2019-12-27 16:19:23 UTC
I really hate you.  He is 9 freaking years old.  You are abusing him.
2019-12-27 10:52:53 UTC
9 years old and you punish him for ruining Christmas when you decided not to buy him presents but bought his brothers and sisters, just because at such a young age he's decided he doesn't believe in God. 

Maybe you should actually take a look in the bible sometimes - might help you understand that despite the people who didn't believe in Jesus, Jesus still treated them as friends, he treated them no differently to anyone else - in fact by treating them no differently he even won over Saul and got him to change his name to Paul.  

It seems to me the only one that ruined Christmas was you - you treated your son differently to everyone else at Christmas just because of his religious beliefs, and he threw a tantrum over it.  Totally understandable really - there is a cause and effect here - you decided not to buy him presents (the cause) and he threw a tantrum (the effect) - should have been pretty obvious what was going to happen really.
2019-12-27 05:49:17 UTC
He should be allowed to believe whatever he wants and you can’t change that. I know born again Christian families who give their children the option of believing in what they want because to force your kid into a religion is what will drive him away or he will pretend to love God when he doesn’t. 

You disgust me, and I hope he makes your life a living hell.
2019-12-27 05:25:03 UTC
Whip his *** with the Christian belt. On a more serious note, just let him be because life itself will teach him that there is a god
2019-12-26 23:38:39 UTC
when 6 wrongs don't make a right..   take care..
2019-12-26 23:10:32 UTC
That is some 2nd rate trolling there, good effort, some nice touches, but still falls short of a A. Maybe a B+.
2019-12-26 21:48:37 UTC
Troll alert!!!!!!
Andrew S
2019-12-26 20:34:41 UTC
I suspect at 9 your son is a bit too young to have a strong understanding of your god or your reprisals.  But I suspect he has learned a valuable lesson about relegion.
2019-12-26 20:30:04 UTC
I just want to say that as a Christian you shouldn't have excluded him at all. I'm an atheist in a Christian family and I've never asked for presents, yet I receive them and I'm so grateful for that. I don't need to be Christian to know that Christmas is about giving and giving regardless of beliefs and differences. I've even given Christmas parents to my friends that are from other religions in the spirit of giving. Yes, it's the celebration of Christ and the birth of Jesus, but who are we as people go exclude those who don't believe. Especially children. 
2019-12-26 18:21:59 UTC
Giving and receiving Christmas presents have nothing to do with God.

Just give him his presents and move on.
2019-12-26 15:59:58 UTC
You don’t. He’s 9. 
2019-12-26 00:14:23 UTC
Your son is nine not twenty nine. At that age a child may no longer believe in Santa Claus but they do believe in presents, especially getting presents. It is you who have ruined your child’s Christmas and you want to punish him for ruining yours. Give the kid a break.  

Christians punishing when they themselves have been forgiven. What hypocrisy is this? What lack of understanding. Of course parents should discipline but they are warned not to provoke to wrath and that is what you have done. I do hope that this is a troll and that there are not really parents like you.
2019-12-31 16:07:28 UTC
No 9 year old is able to tell yet just what he or she believes in. And I'm not surprised that your son threw a fit when he realized that his siblings were getting gifts and he wasn't. That was unfair and wrong, and you KNOW IT. No wonder he got upset. I would have too, in his shoes. It takes time for kids to internalize spiritual beliefs and values. When I was that age, I didn't even understand what God was yet- and I'm a practicing Roman Catholic and have been for over 20 years. To expect that someone that age will understand the concept of God is asking a lot. Your son is in what, the third grade? That means he's only just learned how to read. I don't know many 9 year olds who understand the real meaning of Christmas or any other holiday. To them, it's a day to have fun, open presents, or eat candy ( in the case of Easter and Halloween) but not a day for serious reflection about anything.

Why did you put your son in time out, when it was YOU WHO CREATED this situation in the first place by denying him any gifts? He's not old enough or mature enough to understand that this was because you THOUGHT he doesn't believe in God. You don't and didn't actually KNOW if this was really true or not, but you decided to punish him and ruin HIS CHRISTMAS by taking his gifts away, and even worse, forcing him to watch while his siblings had all the fun. I think you owe and still owe your son an apology, big time. And for Heaven's sake, give him his Christmas gifts !!!
2019-12-30 00:47:06 UTC
Christmas is not about jesus its about the winter solstice and its your fault he throw a hugh tantrum buy all of your kids gifts or buy none of them gifts 
2019-12-29 22:21:23 UTC
Do you give your children gifts because they EARN them by doing or believing something? Then they are not gifts. Seriously, what is wrong with you? You are awful. Teach your child about God and Christ, not about christmas pagan traditions. NO WONDER HE DOESN'T BELIEVE. SHAME ON YOU.

I've never wanted a post to be a troll so so badly.
2019-12-29 02:28:30 UTC
My, how Christian of you!!! You are just as childish as your son. 
2019-12-28 23:14:38 UTC
If he's rebellious, maybe you should get him in to some Biblical Counseling through your Church. Anyways... the answer is in the Bible, not from a group of seculars, as you're likely to expose yourself here.
2019-12-28 21:06:09 UTC
Sorry, but nobody believes that nonsense  
2019-12-27 19:37:13 UTC
I think it’s you who needs to learn the bible . Maybe your son hasn’t got their with god yet,but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t share with him. He’s only nine year olds and it such a special time of year for him.You have actually psychologically been abusing him by punishing him at Christmas . The whole point of being a Christian is to give even if people don’t deserve it. But he does deserve for you to give to him because he’s your son.  But the way you’ve treated him this Christmas actually goes Against all what Jesus has taught . The way you have acted is not Christian at all .  
2019-12-27 19:04:12 UTC
First, a person should not be condemned for his religious beliefs. BUT at 9 years old I am not sure the boy understands what he believes and why. Please sit down with the boy and ask him to explain why he doesn't believe in God and tell him why you think it is important. You may find it is just an act of rebellion and that its not God that he is rebelling against. More likely it has something to do with not wanting to go to church or just a bunch of talk that he overhears others ranting about, You have to explain to him that you feel strongly that Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our lord. (regardless of these other idiots answering how Christmas is not about Jesus, they obviously celebrate the hype that Christmas has become.) On that note, Christmas should not be about the presents, it should be about family. So banning him from the festivities probably will not help him learn anything but more rebellion. However he needs to be punished for his outbursts. He is of the age that he understands logic so you can not threaten him with I said so's and forcing your opinion on him. He is learning how to be independent and how to think for himself  but he needs understanding and the facts to make decisions of this nature. I don't know why parents do not feel that they need to talk and discuss things with young kids, but it is important to try to understand them and give them room to grow and develop themselves in character. Fighting them only Leeds to more fighting. When my step son was around the same age he came over talking about the recent presidential elections like he knew something about it. It was Bush this and Bush that. I finally sat him down and asked him why he felt so strongly, and whether it was stuff that he actually knew for fact or that he had heard his mom saying. He admitted that was what his mom believed. So we had a discussion about the importance of learning the facts and developing his own opinion based on facts and how he feels about them. That one conversation opened up a whole new world to both of us. He understood that he was being allowed to say what he actually thought and believed. It was a very important step toward becoming who he is.,
2019-12-27 18:42:16 UTC
Are you a troll trying to make Christians look bad?


If you are a Christian, then guess what?  You are the one who ruined Christmas by behaving in a stingy, judgmental, unChristlike way toward your nine-year-old child. 

Jesus told his followers, "Freely you have received; freely give."  Did God wait for you to believe in him to give you things? Did Jesus die for you before or after you said yes to him? 

Your son will learn true Christian values like faith, hope, love, and humility if you model them for him.  Apologize to him for your harsh behavior.  Explain to him that you hope he'll believe in God someday, and that God is faithful even when we are faithless.  Then give him, in front of his siblings, the present you would have given him had he believed, like you gave his siblings. 

Another time soon afterward, talk with him about the appropriate way to behave when he is disappointed.  Remember, you must model this behavior: no tantrums for you, either. 

Continue to model love and loving discipline for all your children. If you still think you shouldn't give Christmas presents to non-believers, wait until he's 18 or 21.  Hopefully by then, your positive, faithful example will have won him over. Pray for him, of course, when you get alone with God.

Good luck and God bless.  Merry Christmas! 
2019-12-27 16:51:48 UTC
A 9 year old doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. He is just a young child. You could have handled this a lot better. 
Crack Era Veteran
2019-12-27 15:34:12 UTC
You son knows GOD better than you and the rest of your family. Christ mas is the day heathens sacrifice children to Molec, it's also Nimrod's & Tammuz birthday, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with Christ, besides when did Christ ever tell anyone to celebrate his birthday? He was born in the spring time not Dec 25. GOD specifically says NOT to celebrate Christ mas in Jeremiah 10, it's a pagan ritual. He also says HE HATES your feast days!

Amos 5:21-23

21 I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.22 Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.23 Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.

You should be punished not your son!
2019-12-27 05:43:15 UTC
a nine year old is synonymous with 

'does not do like he;s told',,

aka rebellion, leave him be be nice he is an empty skull,,,what does christmas celebrate? the savior was born,,pine trees are natures reminder life still comes forth in cold,,summer,rain,,snow, or sand
2019-12-27 01:09:17 UTC
woah woah woah woah woah woah woah!!!!  Your WAAAAYYYYYY Offf base....  You need to depart from your wickedness.  Drop it and walk away.  Buy your son some gifts to make up for it and confess to him how you were wrong and what you have learned.... after you read "Two Babylons" by Alexander Hislop.  
2019-12-26 21:37:42 UTC
Christmas itself is christian related, but the presents are about showing your love to the other people.

Also, what kind of a person are you? Why force your son believe in christianity? You're like a dictator that punishes his people for having different opinions.
2019-12-26 19:50:15 UTC
And who is the child in this ?  Seems his lapse of belief in a Supreme Being is reinforced by your looking for a punishment on top of your choice to not have Christian values of giving and forgiveness.  
2019-12-26 18:22:23 UTC
teaching properly 
2019-12-26 18:02:35 UTC
Leave the poor chap lone he hasn’t done anything wrong 
2019-12-26 17:19:09 UTC
Punish him by not giving him any food or drinks for the next couple of days this way he wont ever do it again.
2019-12-26 16:27:34 UTC
I didn't realize there was that much room under your little bridge, me troll.
2019-12-26 00:11:38 UTC
What you should do is call Child Protection Services for being a bad parent.
2019-12-29 22:26:09 UTC

If he doesn't believe, he doesn't believe get over it. This is why I hate people like you. Give the boy a hug, kiss and say your sorry and tell him to apologize to you and get him a big present. It's Christmas, give him laughter, love and kindness. Don't be so harsh on a little boy. He's way too young to understand all these religious things.
2019-12-28 18:47:15 UTC
A severe beating may change his attitude and he may come to know God at the same time- its a win/win.
2019-12-28 17:27:04 UTC
well put him up for adoption an atheist scum!
2019-12-28 16:57:40 UTC
What the hell is wrong with u! I’m a Christian as well he is only 9 he doesn’t know who he is yet but you help him develope who he is for the future. Not getting him any presents but giving his siblings presents will make him resent you and Christianity more. Be loving towards him and make it up to him. That is sick what you did. 
2019-12-28 05:50:42 UTC
i really don't think you have to punish your son at all. presents and gifts really aren't a huge christian factor and neither is christmas as a whole. christmas as a holiday is pretty pagan. tell me this, HOW does ANYONE know when exactly and what date exactly Jesus was born OR died?!!? Pretty sure it doesn't state anywhere in the Bible when *EXACTLY* his birth or death was, because that's unimportant and assigning a date to that that we "celebrate" in order to give large corporations a bit more cash seems a little.. i don't know, unreligious?
2019-12-28 02:50:33 UTC
Maybe he would to join to Islam, because Islami is the true religion.
2019-12-27 21:45:20 UTC
Simple.  Choose a dirty, boring, household chore.  Require that your son do that chore to your satisfaction every day until he moves out, or you will THROW him out into the cold wide world.  Then bask in the satisfaction of knowing he paid the consequences and you are in charge.  you kicked his ***
2019-12-27 07:11:54 UTC
I would have done the SAME! 
2019-12-27 01:44:06 UTC
Surely your post is a bad joke.

But how to "make him learn is lesson"?

The lessons are:

1. God is love.

2. Loving your neighbor as yourself is one of the greatest commandments, says the Bible.

3. Not looking after your family is worse than being an unbeliever, says the Bible.

Christmas is a pretty secular holiday now anyway. 

So clearly the lesson here is that you should apologize to him and give him some great presents, and reassure him that you love him.

FYI I am Christian and have atheist relatives.  I wouldn't avoid giving gifts to them for Christmas.
2019-12-27 00:16:17 UTC
sure troll. drunk on egg nog are u
The Devil
2019-12-26 19:40:33 UTC
I feel your pain. I hope you can put up with this for the next 9 years. I agree with how you treated him. At 9 years old i doubt he has the full concept of religion figured out and is just being a brat. Right now, he's acting like the drivers who don't think red lights are for them. Let him grow up with the same ideas and he will end up dead as the guy who ran a light and got t-boned by a semi. Learn sooner, or later.
2019-12-26 18:35:41 UTC
You are just proving to him that his dislike in religion is justified. You should love your child even though you failed to indoctrinate him, because you are only acting out your own perceived failure on him. 

Also, he’s 9. Give him his damn presents. Presents aren’t part of your idiotic christian holiday. They were part of the pagan holiday Yule that christians ripped off, anyway. 
2019-12-26 17:43:44 UTC
Well, unfortunately Christmas has become less about Jesus and more about Santa and presents. Although, I do believe the classic Christmas carols are beautiful and anointed, it's clear that most of the holiday has become focused on Santa and gift giving. I think rather then punish him and create a negative association with Christmas, you should speak to him and find out WHY He doesn't believe in God. Besides, making the holiday about presents is  a big mistake in itself. After you establish the reasons for his disbelief try to teach him about Jesus in a loving way(not forced like making him go to church against his will). Because that will only exacerbate the problem. I survived a deadly massive stroke at 28(and I wasn't a Christian then) but through God himself revealing to me that He's responsible for saving my life and finding a grace church I AM NOW!  Love is the answer.
2019-12-26 14:21:38 UTC
NO! You shouldn't have done EVEN THIS. You, as a parent discriminated your own child and punished on Christmas, when every family should be happy.

What the hell just happened? He's only 9-year-old and WAY TOO YOUNG to make choices, ESPECIALLY religious choices. He maybe declared himself as an atheist just because he thought of it as something modern that would make you think he was special. Children at that age have fantasies and you shouldn't ruin them. You could've traumatized your child for the rest of your life. Shame on you as a parent.
2019-12-26 13:54:50 UTC
Christmas isn’t just about Jesus Christ and God. It’s about love and spending time with family. I’m atheist while most of my family is Christian and we have a great time on Christmas together. We eat dinner and exchange gifts and spend lots of time together catching up and playing games. Obviously your child would be very upset and rightfully so, to a child giving everyone but him a gift would make him feel like you didn’t care about him and maybe like you didn’t love him. Punishing him for not believing in the same thing you do is incredibly selfish. The Christian god is supposed to be all about love and acceptance so you as a Christian should strive to be that way too. I feel bad for your kid he didn’t deserve to be outcasted like that especially on Christmas.
2019-12-26 13:34:44 UTC
I’m not Christian but Christ must be shaking his head looking down at you and has bigger plans for your son.   Don’t you fear judgment day?   I mean isn’t the whole Christian philosophy love everyone?
Mrs fritsche
2019-12-26 11:25:49 UTC
You ruined CHRISTMAS for Him! Shame on YOU! As a Christian myself, I am appalled of what you did to that child. You deeply hurt him. Yes, Christian's use Christmas as the day of Christ's birth. But it was originally a pagan holiday, and Christ was not born near December.  We do not have the correct date, so we have to do what we do. But if he doesnt believe, that doesnt give you the right to be a douche and not give him a gift. You dont deserve kids if that's what you really did.
2019-12-26 03:07:11 UTC
Horrible parent, he has the right to believe in anything he wants and for you just to get him nothing for Christmas is a huge chunk of his life gone because every kid loves Christmas and you probably just made the worst Christmas. You should not punish him you are just a bad parent that does not know how to raise a child.
2019-12-26 01:34:02 UTC
Technically Christmas is a pagan holiday. Also, the US is not a theocracy and your son has the right to believe in or not believe in whatever he wants
2019-12-25 18:23:15 UTC
He is a little kid you ruined things but excluding him, you are a jerk 
2020-01-01 10:43:33 UTC
It’s your fault, he’s not religious at age 9. How often do you lovingly sit down with your child and give them Bible Study? How often do you soothe your child with God’s Word? 

Even if Christmas wasn’t a pagan holiday, you still shouldn’t be treating your children like that. 

You probably should learn what it means to be a true Christian, especially before you start calling yourself one. 

I will pray for you and your family. Sending my love. 
2019-12-30 20:30:28 UTC
you have to be a troll, I cant imagine any one would be this obtuse. Christmas is for all intents and purposes a commercial holiday now. the religious crap belonging to it is really irrelevant to society. its a time for family and giving.
2019-12-28 21:56:40 UTC
usually, a child follows the traditions of his/her family being 9 I'm actually surprised! first of all, I'm sure you knew this before the actual day. have you sat with him and try to understand why he believes that way, there's nothing wrong in his theory I'm just surprised a 9-year-old has such strong views....
2019-12-28 14:33:13 UTC
No,you and all, do what every any one wants and it is better,to my opinion,tantrum?oh god I don,t have that ever liked,but instead I liked to be laughing in a room to empty me,I,m a lover of standards,so don,t punish also your,son cause the various types pf persons,all around in world,just become confused of your work,again. 
2019-12-28 00:34:23 UTC
wow   really guys your son is 9 what does he know about religion.and you do but left him out thats pretty crazy yall should really stop and look at yourself on this one.hes 9 yearsold how can you say  we bealive in christ but my 9 yearold dont that sounds CRAZY to me.
2019-12-27 23:26:41 UTC
I would think as a Christian you would understand the difference between christmas the commercialized exchange of gifts. Hallmark is not your God.
2019-12-27 23:23:50 UTC
Hmmm, I'm a Jewish atheist and I was able to enjoy a lovely Christmas at a friend's house. You're really taking this all way too far with a nine year-old. To think a kid who probably still believes in the Tooth Fairy is capable of deciding what he thinks about religion is bizarre. But I will say that historically gifts, trees and Santa aren't part of the Christian holiday of Christmas. They're a holdover from Saturnalia and I won't even go into chapter and verse on that. So let this boy have his non-believer's retail holiday and ban him from the parts of Christmas that are actually about Christ. So no church, no nativity scene, no religiously based holiday music. Other than that most of modern Christmas was invented by Coca-Cola and the ancient Roman Pagans. Maybe lighten up a little.
2019-12-27 22:47:23 UTC
I don’t quite agree with your choice to exclude him. He’s 9, what he says about his beliefs should be taken with a grain of salt. And if you believe in us all being made in gods image and giving gifts to celebrate our lords birth, than the idea of excluding someone because their beliefs don’t fit yours just sounds silly! 
2019-12-27 22:39:14 UTC
What you did was horrible and your son would do well to move as far away as possible in 10 years and never visit or talk to you ever again.
2019-12-27 10:09:02 UTC
Troll.  I don’t believe you for a second.  
2019-12-27 06:46:13 UTC
First off, Christmas is a pagan holiday. Secondly, that is considered abuse. Thirdly, you can't force religion onto someone, it's against the first amendment. Fourthly, you better be jokinh
2019-12-26 17:18:57 UTC
If you believe how you handled your 9 yr old son , having doubts about God in a Christian Jesus like manor, I dear you to tell your Priest this story.  It is so over the top of being unlike Jesus, or Christian teachings, it is closes to me as being abusive. I could not imagine a parent, doing what you did to your child. How cruel, and insensitive you were to your son. You sounded, like a parent with some sense, like telling your son, if he did not eat his veggies, he was not going to have desert.  That would be a fair result for not eating your veggies. But what you did was like locking him in his room, and not giving him any food for a week. Then get mad, when he complains, not eating for a week. Do you really think Jesus would have treated your son like that if your son walked up to Jesus and said, I do not believe in you, or God. Not the Jesus, or Christians teachings I was raised with. You sound like an immature child.  So I dear you to tell what you did to your son, to your priest. I would bet you will be taught a lesson. Or  be told you need to take a class in raising a child.  
2019-12-26 01:04:06 UTC
It is about god no it’s a pagan holiday. I say punch yourselves for lieing to god about his birthday
2019-12-26 00:22:29 UTC
i think youve already punished him with the time out and no gifts
2019-12-25 23:32:34 UTC
You should have taken him to church.
2019-12-25 21:20:33 UTC
You should beat your son viciously until he repents  
2019-12-25 20:36:03 UTC
So you bullied your own son and then want to punish him?
2019-12-25 20:16:20 UTC
He's going to hate you forever. You'll be taught a lesson, not him.
2019-12-25 14:10:29 UTC
Marry Christmas
2019-12-25 13:56:42 UTC
You should disown him! No doubt about it!
2019-12-31 18:23:06 UTC
is to late now, YOU ruined Christmas by being so mean-spirited. your son is a child, you can't expect him to reason like an adult. firstly, he has the right not to believe in God. secondly, Christmas is a Pagan set of celebrations that where adopted/morphed into Christianity (learn for yourself before you force your opinion on others), but the spirit of the celebrations is to be of goodwill (you failed).

My "good christian" parents where abusive towards me just as you are being toward your son, because i did agree with their religious beliefs (which they claimed allowed them to be abusive toward children). My father was a Police officer, but a real loose cannon, a nut-job. My mother was big on psychological abuse (like many of today's smarty-pants women on social media that gang up on men to belittle them). We fought alot, they passed my birthright to my younger sisters & lost my respect, then they threw me out. I still became a very productive person, but have trust issues with people. Years later, as they aged, they needed my help (i am Financial professional). My sisters look after my mother but make lots of errors (especially with her money). You will find out in 20 years how your negativity towards your son will come back to haunt you. My mother is still living, but I refuse to have any relationship with her (we are both old) because we can't go back in time. Is already to late, you will never un-do this.
2019-12-29 22:12:03 UTC
Send him to a dark room and whip him with a belt until he falls unconscious take away all his privileges too and make him read the Bible over and over for the time he gets off school 
2019-12-29 22:11:08 UTC
I feel like you should let your son choose what he wants to believe. Forcing him to believe in something will create a negative relationship between him and you,
2019-12-29 20:31:58 UTC
Umm he is nine! You are not behaving like a Christian at all you are behaving more like a petty child. I question weather or not this is even real. I am a Christian and it's about loving God and standing out by showing the kind of love you recieve from God to others. You are responsible for showing the kind of love God gives to your child and your behavior probably only reinforced his disbelief.
2019-12-29 11:09:41 UTC
God made him disrupt Christmas.

''And so the unicorn crossed the path of the snake and said unto them thy son shall ruin thy Christmas.'' - Luke 1:37
2019-12-29 07:17:15 UTC
Simple beat his ***
2019-12-28 23:05:49 UTC
This honestly sounds like a troll but anyways..

If you knew anything about your religion you’d have to understand that FORGIVENESS is key. Also if your son doesn’t believe in God that let him feel that way.. there really is nothing you can do about it. It sounds like you ruined Christmas, NOT your son.
2019-12-28 21:06:34 UTC
You are a terrible parent. seek help.
2019-12-27 16:57:20 UTC
Did anyone else know just by reading the headline that Anonymous wrote this screed?
2019-12-27 11:51:51 UTC
Firstly, something about you and the way youre raising him is leading him not to believe in God.  (Im not talking about religion)

Secondly, you chose a douchebag way of punishing him for having his own beliefs or opinions by not buying him gifts on purpose. Its you that needs the punishment and some lessons in parenting.
Aquarius 1011
2019-12-27 08:44:00 UTC
We are all entitled to our own beliefs. So, I see no reason to punish him. There'd only be a reason to punish him if he disrupted it for everyone else. It's also not a case of him ruining it for others, but you ruining it for him. 

According to tradition, when Santa goes around delivering his presents, he doesn't go according to whether someone believes in God or not, but if someone is naughty or nice. 

In my household there were also some who didn't believe in God. But, that made no difference to our celebrating of Christmas. Celebrations are celebrations, traditions are traditions, and don't always have to have the same meanings for everyone. And, can also focus on the Christmas spirit, of peace, goodwill and understanding. There certainly isn't that towards him.  

Besides, is it God who he doesn't believe in, or the Christian concept of God? 


Even if this is trolling, there can be some parents out there like that. Someone here mentioned about also doing that, in that circumstance.  
2019-12-27 05:18:22 UTC
People actually believe this post? 😝
2019-12-26 22:55:33 UTC
So you gave your older kids presents but not the 9 year old! If you are going to make rules for one then they should be the same across the board. Bad parenting. He is 9 for goodness sake. How would you feel if everyone got a gift and you were left out. You claim to be a Christian!! Phhht!
2019-12-26 19:47:16 UTC
Well, you royally screwed that up.  When a nine-year-old says he "doesn't believe in God", you know he had to get that idea from some adult(s).  Responsible parents love their children equally and unconditionally, regardless of a child's behaviors.  They may not condone what the child does and there can be consequences for inappropriate activities, but to let a child know he is unloved--especially by a parent who claims to be a pious follower of Christ  (who loved the unlovable and kept company with sinners because of His unconditional love for all mankind)--just because of an "opinion" he has based on how people have treated him or things he's heard from adults, you have set in motion a sense of resentment toward his siblings and anger toward you that will be very difficult to overcome.  What would have been more appropriate was to have said to him, "Well, ____________ (his name), even if you don't believe in God and you don't accept Him in your life, know that we believe God watches over you and loves you just the same.  We want you to know that no matter what you believe, we will always love you as a member of our family".  You chose to do the opposite, and I can tell you that you will be paying for this for a long time to come.  
2019-12-26 19:34:41 UTC
Way to go Mom. He'll remember this for the rest of his life. Only, that you gave gifts to his siblings & him nothing. He's a child, dear. Reassure him that you love him & explain your reasoning. And, explain that his tantrum was childish. Today & tomorrow is a very good shopping day. Prices are greatly reduced, Go get him some gifts. And, tell him that you thought that's what he wanted. Kiss him & give him a hug.
2019-12-26 18:31:24 UTC
Of course. As Christians, you MUST be mean & abusive as possible. Jesus said so.

2019-12-26 15:37:13 UTC
Whatever is the family religion, kids must have to learn that there's consequences for they behavior. All members of my family are Christians and I'm an atheist. I join they're Christmas celebrations and we have a great time together. I think the punishment is relevant about behavior, but not about religion. Just saying.
2019-12-26 03:21:37 UTC
I suggest you quit being a lameass troll.
2019-12-25 18:55:51 UTC
Set him on fire and troll on.
2019-12-25 17:30:02 UTC
You don't sound very Christian to me!  Sorry but you can't force someone to believe.  Maybe you need to re-read your Bible to start.  You LOVE everyone in your family unconditionally.  And giving presents is not really a tradition for Christians.  

What you should have done is give him a small gift with the rest of the family.  What you did is a sure fire way of turning more away from God and Jesus - not to God and Jesus.  You need to apoligize for your actions and pray that your son will forgive you and that his heart will be more open to accept God.  If this is what you think will make him change, it won't and you are just pushing him more away.  He's 9 yrs old now.  NOW is the time he needs to be in church learning about God and Jesus.  Show you are a Christian by changing your actions.
2020-04-11 23:35:00 UTC
It sounds like to me that you ruined his Christmas not the other way around. Also if Christmas is about celebrating Jesus then why are you giving your kids presents when it's not about your kids. Also, it's a known fact that Jesus was born in March so if you are the true Christians that you say you are then you would have known that. I guess those bible studies were pretty much useless then. Also the kids 9, he doesn't know about life yet, so punishing him in that sort of way does not push him to Christian faith. You're actually pushing him away from it because now you're using materialistic means to get his attention. Instead of actually sitting down with him and helping him understand the faith. And I'm not religious what so ever and I celebrate Christmas because is about a family coming together and being thankful for being together. So yeah he has every right to act out because what you did was unfair to him and don't be surprised if he decides to leave one day and never come back. Because while Jesus was forgiving and kind. And by following his faith is to hold those same values; while, you just displayed none of those. Jesus was peaceful and believed in solving problems peacefully, which you didn't when you decided to punish your son. I have noticed that whoever follows the Christian faith always seems self-righteous in some way. Jesus was not as he was humble. This is why I don't have a religion as religion caused wars, which God and Jesus were against. So I believe in God I just don't believe in what religion represents. It segregates people to the point where they only see a small piece while I can see the entire picture. Which to be a kind person to everyone, to be understanding of people's point of views, to be patient in the midst of struggle, and to be humble for I have much to improve still. Also, have you noticed in the bible there are all sorts of contradictions, actually read your bible and you would be able to find them. Because in the end the bible was written by man's experience not the actual word of god. And if you don't have one and have never read the bible then you are ignorant not your son. So fix your ignorance before you try to pass that false knowledge unto others. 
2019-12-28 14:54:21 UTC
It's actually not a celebration of Christ to the people who instituted the holiday in the first place, if you care. It's actually a celebration of the coming of the anti-christ. :)
2019-12-28 09:14:11 UTC
Christianity is for the mentally retarded, you should hang yourself
2019-12-28 08:17:22 UTC
2019-12-28 05:41:36 UTC
WTF HE’S 9 YEARS OLD...let him have fun with everyone just gave him a huge emotional scar......what the hell is wrong with you? You can’t just force him to believe in something...he is going to look back at this when he’s older and think I you’re a horrible parent. HE IS A SMALL CHILD.
2019-12-28 04:41:25 UTC
You by your own hand have proved you haven't a single idea of what base Christianity even is!

You have one saving factor... your son's behavior is worse than yours!

However that isn't an entirely free 'loophole'  He has grown up cruel and wicked by your perfect example.

Your entire family needs healing.. seek help! 
2019-12-27 23:56:47 UTC
Your son is smart not believing what you believe .Why force him to believe  in something that he doesn't want? not treating him equal will mess his life in the future.
2019-12-27 22:07:42 UTC
I know this a joke question- but it got me laughing so hard. Thanks for the lifting the mood.
2019-12-27 08:56:41 UTC
Jesus was born in June
2019-12-27 02:58:57 UTC
To say that Jesus was born on December 25th is a lie! The true date is sometime in September according to the Scriptures.  

Trees, wreaths, holly, mistletoe and the like are strictly forbidden as pagan and heathen! To say that these are Christian or that they can be made Christian is a lie!  

God never spoke of commemorating his birth but rather commanded us to remember the sacrifice of His suffering and death, which purchased our salvation.  

Think about it! Can we worship and honor God by involving ourselves with customs and traditions, which God Himself forbade as idolatry? Can we convince God to somehow "Christianize" these customs and the whole pretense and lie of Christmas, so we can enjoy ourselves? Can we obey through disobedience? Yet on the other hand the pagan, heathen world observed this day for thousands of years before the Messiah was even born! Even Santa Claus has a not-so-benign origin! This fat and jolly elf can be traced back to another ancient pagan Norse legend! Admits the Worldbook Encyclopedia, 

"Some of Santa Claus's characteristics date back many centuries. For example, the belief that Santa enters the house through the chimney developed from an old Norse legend. The Norse believed that the goddess Hertha appeared in the fireplace and brought good luck to the home." 

Although most people assume that the original "Santa Claus" was a bishop by the name of St. Nicholas. 
Marvin at the psychiatrist
2019-12-26 20:23:07 UTC
i am a satanist, but i still give and receive presents during Christmas because my dad doesn't make it a religious thing. and you shouldn't either. your kid is NINE, don't shove religion on him. how about celebrating family and friends instead? (of course, you can celebrate god and jesus, just don't make it a whole family thing. )
2019-12-26 19:53:56 UTC
So why are you Torturein your son. 
2019-12-26 19:09:00 UTC
How can you act this way?  Christmas is for kids.  Not giving one child a present while the others in your family get one is downright nasty.  You should be ashamed of yourself.  Your nine year old child will soon become a teenager, then an adult.  You should cherish him at this age and stop being so mean.
2019-12-26 18:46:33 UTC
yes Christmas is about the celebration of Jesus but you can't punish him because he "doesn't" believe in Jesus but he is only a little boy. don't punish him because of that because it will give him the wrong impression of what Jesus is about. He is not about hate and punishment he is about love and kindness even he loves everyone. Just give him the presents don't punish him over one little thing. I think god will be ashamed of your actions Ms ( haha) 
2019-12-26 18:16:59 UTC
Christ loves us regardless the circumstance. For you to revoke gifts from your child is nothing like christ would do. 

He is only 9 and in time will learn. You should not treat him differently. Even Jesus said bring all the little children to me. You need to allow him to be himself and treat him with love and by doing so, he will eventually learn and realize your Christian desire
2019-12-26 16:58:18 UTC
You didn't get your kid christmas presents on christmas but got your other kids presents?  That's terrible.  No wonder he's upset, leave him alone.
2019-12-26 16:57:55 UTC
Troll fail, dear.

You didn't really think that this pathetic effort actually worked? Are you that inadequate?
2019-12-26 14:58:08 UTC
Punish him as in make him stay in his room for ruining the Christmas mood. It’s just another day really. 
2019-12-26 07:28:25 UTC
I am a 70 year old man and I would NEVER not give any of my 5 grandkids a Christmas gifts no matter their beliefs.

Encouragement to believe in god is great, but you cannot push it on him. This is coming from a man who believes in god. Christmas is something every kid LOOKS FORWARD TOO ALL YEAR! To deny him Christmas gifts because of your ignorance is disgusting.
2019-12-26 06:27:58 UTC
I mean what you did was neglect. You showed him that you favor your other kids because they “have” the same beliefs as you. You just showed him what is wrong with most Americans today..favoring those with the same beliefs as you and separating those that do not have the same beliefs as you
2019-12-30 01:38:36 UTC
First of all, your son is too young to decide if he believes in God. It's the God-given responsibility of a parent to educate their children in the Word and making the worship of God a household priority. When he's an adult, he can do whatever he wants. Second, Christmas is not something Jesus asks of us and it is a man- made pagan custom that does not originate with God. The only holiday we should be observing is the Memorial of Jesus death, as stated in Luke 22:19. Those holidays distract us from true worship and promote materialism, greed, and pagan traditions. 
2019-12-28 23:41:13 UTC
As parents you should explain to your son your beliefs getting gifts for the other children and but him isn’t right as a Christian family you sit him down and let him know about god but don’t punish him over it 
2019-12-28 13:13:10 UTC
Give him extra chores
2019-12-28 10:54:41 UTC
This is why people believe Christians have lost the plot, just based on this ridiculous Q of yours. When has God ever told you to behave without compassion and understanding and to also treat your fellow man with such childish tactics such as your display towards your own son? Do you even know what the Bible is trying to teach it's followers?  
2019-12-28 00:32:46 UTC
You are the parent. Simple, lazy, make everyone feel better Piece of $hit.  You have not taught him anything .  It is OK to not believe in GOD.  I bet you make everyone in the home their own personal dinner.  On top of that, I bet that you are another Catholic SOB that thinks all is forgiven and the slate is clean because some Queer  said so.
2019-12-27 23:26:49 UTC
If you believe in God,  Why don't your son believe in God,  How did you teach him about the Bible and the Birth of Jesus.    He is 9yrs old he is not too old to be turned around.    Don't punish him this way,  buy him gifts,  tell him they are not only gifts from you but also from God,  that it is God who gives us all we have.   Pray for him and yourself that God will guide you in a way to help you guide your son in the right direction.
2019-12-27 14:55:31 UTC
You need to teach your son love.
Ghert Qux
2019-12-27 03:31:31 UTC
If your a troll, you need to smash cake onto your head.

You cannot force your kids to believe anything.  Did God force you to believe in him? I disagree with what you did. 
2019-12-27 03:27:03 UTC
First of all, Christmas is not now be was it ever a Christian holiday, it's a pagan holiday that has absolutly nothing to do with Christianity but I won't go into that now, you should look it up yourself.

Anywho, theres no reason to punish your son! My family are all atheist and they celebrate Xmas in fact I haven't ever met a really Christian ehere I'm from almost all are atheist. Your son deserves to be a part of the celebration and to be treated exactly as you're other children are no matter what. 
2019-12-26 21:51:29 UTC
This is a very delicate subject but your son has a mind of his of his own.I dont think you should punish him for his beliefs or not.I know how you must be feeling.Christmas is a time of giving,maybe your son now realizes this and this is why he's gone into a tantrum.It might just be a fase your son is going through.I wish you al the very best as far asyour son is concerned.
2019-12-26 19:29:50 UTC
You totally screwed the pooch on this one.  You just proved that you are the worst of all possible parents by openly "playing favorites" among your children.  You ALSO sinned (by Christian standards) because you gave the kid the wrong reason to believe in God - in essence by reverse bribery. 

I was a Methodist for a long time before I became atheist, so I remember a lot of the "rules" - including that you should worship God because you love and trust Him, not because of fear.  But now your son will "go through the motions" because he is being essentially coerced by your inability to correctly handle his situation.  You have placed him in a situation where he will hate what you have done to him.

You should be ashamed of yourself for totally mis-handling your duty as a parent.  As to whether he believes or doesn't believe - that HAS to be his choice.  YOU CAN'T MAKE IT FOR HIM!!!!!  Doesn't your preacher tell you that you have to make God your personal choice?  Well, guess what?  You took choice away from a 9-year-old.
2019-12-26 19:09:20 UTC
Put him up for adoption Intill he learns his lesson
2019-12-26 16:49:57 UTC
Looks like a trolling question to me.   If this is indeed true, you have only yourself to blame for the reaction your 9 year-old son had when he realized he wasn't getting any gifts.  Shame on you!   To use religion as an excuse to exclude your son from your family celebration is disgusting.   
2019-12-26 09:16:19 UTC
If you act like a monster, you are just verifying his claim that Christians are monsters!, Now, What did Christ say, love your enemies, which means, He doesn't believe in God, but still show him Christian love and acceptance and give him gifts and help him to celebrate Christmas. It's a hard path, but later one day, he will realize what a monster he is becoming and then change.

If you act like a monster, he will become a bigger monster and his dislike for Christianity will grow and keep being fed.

If you show him compassion, his attitude will just change, slowly, he cannot regard Christians as monsters.
2019-12-26 07:52:57 UTC
I would take away his birthday, as in, no celebration or presents on his birthday
2019-12-26 01:01:37 UTC
Give your child presents and even if he is a turd in the wading pool of life tell him that he can believe what he wants but to not throw his opinions on others. You are the one acting like a 9 year old over religion. I’m not trying to be offensive but the kid probably doesn’t like your “Christian” values because he may believe they are too strict or don’t allow him to be a kid. Don’t be overwhelming on your child. Kids need a helmet for everything these days except jacking off. Just let him do his thing and keep the respect mutual. Also tell him if he does it again he will face greater punishment in the form of you taking something he likes very much away ( ex. Gaming device)
2019-12-26 00:55:18 UTC
I think that's emotional abuse to single him out and not get him presents.
2019-12-26 00:53:00 UTC
Well, I understand how your son feels.  He was excluded from the gift-giving process just because he chooses not to believe in God.   Lots of people don't believe in God, but yet they participate in Christmas.  Why?  Because at the end of the day, the Christmas spirit is about being grateful for your loved ones.  By excluding your son while spoiling your other kids, you're giving him the message that he's not important to you.  
seedy history
2019-12-25 20:30:49 UTC
Since Christmas is based on the notion that Jesus is our gift... the whole production of giving each other presents has NOTHING TO DO with "Christianity". Nothing. So you not giving your 9 year old son presents because he doesn't parrot your supposed beliefs is just mean. It's just mean. It's not Christian.. that's for sure!
2019-12-25 14:14:34 UTC
No dinner for him
2019-12-29 00:28:49 UTC
Ho! Ho! Ho!  or Hole Hole Hole!  My 3 year old brother told me that he doesn't believe in Santa because all the Christmas toys have Walmart tags and wrappings .....parenting.
2019-12-28 20:48:28 UTC
Christmas is inclusive to everybody. I give my atheist friends presents on Christmas?
2019-12-28 08:09:45 UTC
Don't force the bible on him! Also, it's wrong not to buy him presents, again, he is a 9 year old, and IT IS unfair for his siblings to get presents and leave him with none. If you will force the bible and religion on him he will never be a part of it. You can buy him a bible, go up to his room, and give it to him as a present with a little treat, if he will promise you that he will behave him self. Punishing him for not believing in God isn't the right thing to do❤️
2019-12-28 02:25:59 UTC
Your raising your kids in public school. It's a he double l place of learning. Then if you spank him the  liberal teachers will have your @as. Theres your problem.
2019-12-28 00:41:03 UTC
Can’t force your son in believing in something
2019-12-27 16:11:45 UTC
sounds you set yourself upfor this isnt fair to not include one child frrom getting  gifts while   making sit a wacth his bother n sister  open gifts for what  because he dosnt belive god you should be the one punished not him you were wrong
2019-12-27 04:48:13 UTC
New parents. You are psychologically abusing your son. The best consequence you could provide is a new set of loving parents.
Another John
2019-12-27 02:01:30 UTC
You shouldn’t lie. Isn’t making things up a big deal to Christians?
Judy and Charlie
2019-12-27 01:44:29 UTC

All you wanted to do was to punish this child in your own selfish way.

Someone should call child protective agencies on you.

Christ said, Matthew 7, verse 12 that YOU should treat others as you, yourself want to be treated.  And since you gave gifts to his siblings and excluded him to punish him, you did not treat him as others and you were not fair.

You are not a Christian but you are certainly a VERY BAD PARENT!  And you don't think you have done anything wrong because you've never read the words of Christ.
2019-12-26 18:57:53 UTC
When you are old, we would always remember this day and look forward to no gift 💝 on your big days.
2019-12-26 15:53:41 UTC
Most likely a troll, but if it isn't then your son is already far smarter than you'll ever be.
2019-12-26 15:19:55 UTC
Please, it was stolen from Pagan celebrations of the WInter Solstice. 
2019-12-26 05:46:40 UTC
So he figured out Santa wasn’t real, and then figured out God isn’t real... sounds like he’s intelligent and firm in his beliefs.. assuming this is real you should consider being more like your son 
2019-12-26 01:58:31 UTC
You should have a least got him Lumps of charcoal. Sent him to the kitchen. & let him help cook & serve others as a gift to remember just what Christmas is about. To give of yourself. & see joy in what others reccieve. 
2019-12-26 00:31:51 UTC
Slam his weiner in the door and change his name to Megan.
2019-12-25 21:37:18 UTC
"doesn't believe in God" BRAVO! God is a satanic delusion

or mental illness
Dr. Stephanie
2019-12-25 18:19:27 UTC
Yes.Include him instead of excluding him because he doesn't share your religious beliefs. Surely, you must understand that Xmas these days and for a long long time before, has become a secular holiday as well as a religious one.  Its a gift giving day , for goodness sake !  A time to be kind and generous with one's resources, time and energies.!  Of course he was wrong to throw a tantrum and should have had consequences, but the whole incident was really, REALLY , your fault.  You can't force someone to believe what you believe, start with your son, however disappointed or worried you may be about this.  Instead of punishing him further, you should let him out of his room, give him something to eat, and apologize, BIG TIME. Enough said. 
2019-12-25 15:28:11 UTC
A decent spanking ought to make him act in an appropriate manner
2019-12-25 13:56:02 UTC
If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:

19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;

20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.

21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.
2019-12-25 13:50:21 UTC
not getting him any presents was perfect! nothing further need be done. LOL!
2020-01-01 03:18:51 UTC
Your fault to ignore gift to one son!
2019-12-31 13:57:03 UTC
This is a fake post to get people to fight and attack  Christians,God have mercy on your soul. 
2019-12-29 12:57:23 UTC
Don’t feed the troll
Armchair Goddess #1
2019-12-29 11:59:52 UTC
The age of 9 is developmental in nature, where a child experiments with what gets the most attention from his or her parental authority figures.  Sometimes disruption is a way to test the waters of familial relationships and figure out one's own place within the family.  Why punish?  

How is a child able to "ruin" a holiday season of giving and loving?  Perhaps this child simply "walks to a different drummer boy" concept of what faith or religion is supposed to mean. To hold a young child up to public ridicule or humiliation as your question suggests you have done is abusive and mean.  Perhaps it is not the 9-year-old child who does not have the true spirit of Christmas here.

You cannot FORCE a belief that may or may not be true---you can only make it easy for a child to lie.  

There are scholars who have computed the time alterations over the years who believe that the person described as Jesus was actually born in the Pisces timeframe.  Others, as with the website "zeitgeistthemovie" and "The Addendum," believe that humans have misinterpreted a Christ (prophet) concept.  To be so rigid in your approach to meanings is foolish and your attempt to violently cram your own tight-minded version of Christianity (there are many, many versions---most of them based upon kindness and love) down a developing child's proverbial "throat" as you have done (or as you claim to have done) is obsessive and wrong.
2019-12-29 04:55:29 UTC
2019-12-28 14:16:51 UTC
So to rephrase, you punished your son for not believing in the same thing as you (God) by not giving him presents delivered by Santa (commercial, not religious) on Christmas Day.  Tell me, is he allowed to have a different political opinion to you when he’s older or will that get him kicked out of the house.  You just made yourselves an enemy to your child for life.  What you did was petty and myopic.  You likely have a smart and rational child if he doesn’t believe in God at the age of 9.  Indoctrination clearly doesn’t work on him and you just punished him for being smart. The sting of this is never going to go away.  He knows God didn’t punish him, you did.  Have fun with this adversarial kid in his teens.  You deserve every bit of it.
2019-12-28 11:03:22 UTC
Horrible parents 
2019-12-27 22:32:28 UTC
Nice one, I can't believe how gullible people are.
2019-12-27 18:46:15 UTC
Make him sleep on the hide-a-bed with fuller
Wrong Word Guy!
2019-12-26 23:51:44 UTC
Oh yes. As Christians, you MUST be mean & abusive as possible. Jesus says so.
2019-12-26 23:00:44 UTC
I don't blame him for throwing a tantrum, you guys deserve it for the way you are treating him. I'm not saying throwing a tantrum is a good thing I'm just saying you shouldn't treat him that way.

Lots of non Christians celebrate Christmas.
2019-12-26 20:51:25 UTC
You shouldn't be such shitty parents to the kid. He's allowed to believe in what he wants. You can't force it down his throat. He's also only a child. Just because he doesn't believe means you single him out with gifts as a punishment, as christians you should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking he deserves to be punished for that. 
2019-12-26 16:52:52 UTC
  when I saw your question I just KNEW you would be anonymous

Why? - cos its bullsh//t
2019-12-26 16:51:45 UTC
Sooooooo very tired.  How to punish my son..?  Is THAT really all that you have? You NEED new schtick very badly.  Troll smarter.  Not harder.
2019-12-26 16:06:37 UTC
At age 9, your son isn't even old enough to understand the concept of God let alone believe or disbelieve.  You should have been answering his questions and giving him guidance and options to consider.  He doesn't deserve punishment for your shortcomings so stop being a total dick and give the kid his presents.
Old Drunk
2019-12-26 15:50:17 UTC
You can't blaim your son for what he said, he's just a child, he doesn't know what he's saying, he's not a grown man who've read the Bible and fully understand god or religion. 

Jesus would forgive him. 
2019-12-26 14:12:44 UTC
A Christmas troll?

He didn't have a material Christmas?

So that's enough punishment.

What about last Christmas and the ones before that???
2019-12-26 13:33:01 UTC
You're an idiot. Sure, he may not be interested about the ORIGIN of Christmas and the stories behind it all. But it was very wrongful of you to not get him a gift. Don't you think your son would have enjoyed opening presents?....If you were my parent, I'd throw a tantrum too if my siblings got a gift and not me! Shame on you!
2019-12-26 09:09:38 UTC
Well I'm of the old school way of thinking, I would've given him about 5 or 6 good licks with my belt.
2019-12-25 14:29:39 UTC
I think you should leave your imaginary world and maybe listen to your son, since the only reason you are punishing him for is being smarter and more mature than you. It's the 21st century already. We don't trade sheep anymore.
2019-12-29 04:01:25 UTC
Yeshua (Jesus, as you refer to him) taught and practiced the art of unconditional love. Regardless of your son's believe  that does not mean that you exile him, especially pitting him against his own siblings. We show the love of Christ and God thru our love and kindness to others. Also may be wise to study up on the Christmas AND  Easter origins. Hey have deep roots that are far from holding any biblical mean to them. Go ahead and say "God knows my heart" but really he never knew you to begin with. 

P.s. I fear for your child and his mental health. You should think about going to see a non religious based therapist as a family. 
2019-12-28 22:51:25 UTC
He can learn the Bible from God, my friend.
2019-12-28 03:43:21 UTC
Burn him to the stake
2019-12-27 21:34:21 UTC
This is abuse, just because he doesn't believe in Jesus doesn't mean he doesn't get any gifts on Christmas, first,punish yourself because that was really rude, Second, go get him some gifts, and Third, give him the gifts and have a Christmas two.
2019-12-27 07:35:21 UTC
What is the harm in giving him gifts even though you are Christians? He can join in the spirit of giving and joy without being a Christian. He is young and maybe needs time to understand what religion is and to formulate his own beliefs.  After all many non Christians join with others who do not share their religious beliefs and celebrate being with family and friends during their holidays and vice versa.  Punishing him will only make him resent you and your religious beliefs. And, remember Jesus associated with everyone not just His followers.
2019-12-26 23:53:40 UTC
Stop trolling around boy 
2019-12-26 21:47:55 UTC
your punishing your son cause he doesn't believe in the same thing as the rest of the family and you want us to give you some insights on how to correct him, you have got to be kidding, news flash some people do Christmas even if their not Christians, some people get a kick out of sharing the holiday just as the Christians and for you to even think about punishing him is just so wrong. what your teaching your child to do is be like everybody else, instead of being proud on who and how he turns out, not cause he has to do what is order. 
2019-12-26 11:59:29 UTC
Tell him that Santa will not come
2019-12-26 10:46:49 UTC
Do not feed the "how should I punish" troll.
2019-12-26 06:43:38 UTC
He’s 9 he probably doesn’t actually know yet whether or not he believes in God but the way you’re doing it seems like you are trying to teach him that he should just believe in God because then he will get presents which is not at all the right reason as and Christian would know. 
2019-12-25 13:57:37 UTC
It is way too late now; in your asylum, the inmate is fully in charge and has been in charge for quite a while; further your means of addressing it only furthers placing the inmate in charge; finally your "Christian" attitude is anything but "Christian" and maybe if you toned down the extremeness on your part markedly you would end up with a lot less difficulty. There is nothing more non-religious than a religious extremist and I believe, from your writing you fit into the religious extremist group. Often the religious extremist is not religious at all but just a showman and this may also be your case.
2019-12-25 13:51:48 UTC
Give him a proper spanking
2019-12-25 13:47:52 UTC
Hey, it's another "my son....." post.  This fiction writing is at least more creative than the ones that go "my son said he's gay, so I.....".

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.