Why parents get so much of pleasure in loving their children?
2006-04-27 04:49:21 UTC
Why parents get so much of pleasure in loving their children?
42 answers:
2006-04-27 05:15:25 UTC
not all of them do
2006-05-02 07:02:21 UTC
Ah....the question every parent has asked themselves. The answer lies within ourselves. Our gene set is programed with native instructions on parenting. Most of us allow ourselves to read the code [i.e. biological instruction] on how to be a good parent. Problem, however, is that we all then to overdue it! Most us recognize the sheer beauty of the biological process which resulted in our children and attempt to relive our lives through our children. It offers all parents the opportunity to finish what they didn't finish and to do what they always wanted to do but never did. It is in many respects a curse. Beware you will fall into the same trap as others. It is only right to gain pleasure from our children but to coin an old Chinese proverb....Moderation in everything we say and do is the secret to happiness. Live long and die well!
2006-04-30 10:54:46 UTC
from the mothers side, A MOTHEWR LOVES NEVER END..parents go through a lot, in raising children. good and bad, thats life. but it can be the most rewarding thing you do in life. espically when that first grandchild comes along. kids give so much to your life, but they grow up fast. i like to tell new parents, love them fast, and make every monent count, and write down ,all the cute things they do, and what made you really laugh.....i did this, and when i read over it all with pictures also. the joy is just that much sweeter. also they are a gift from god. when they reach 21 you must, give them back to god, it's the way of letting them learn on thier own. yep you got to let go, but always be there on the side lines for them. its very intresting how your children turn out. my daughter has totaly,amazed me now at 38. sheis retireing from the navy with her 20 in a year and a half. and starting a new line of work, she has been my shining star.
2006-05-01 08:50:41 UTC
I can only speak for myself and hope you can relate. I love my three year old son unconditionally. He has closed the incomplete circle of my life. He gives me reason to live happily. I love his little laugh and happy smile. No matter how long my day is, I know I am going to come home to a big hug and kiss. When I correct him for getting out of line; he still gives me a hug and tells me that he loves me. I am so happy that my body has been able to give me this wonderful child. He didn't come with an owner's manuel and I am the one who helps him travel his path in life. He is not like a toy that I can tuck away. He is healthy and alive because of me. I guess it is rewarding to see that I can nurture and support another's life. I don't know if this gives you some insight but I hope it did.
2006-05-01 09:12:43 UTC
When you have a child of your own to care for, to worry about and to love, you experience every emotion in the world. People tend to grow into better human beings when they become parents. It is a true learning experience in every aspect of the world and nothing brings you greater joy than to see your child happy. It is something that you cannot fully understand until you experience it first hand and it is the most important job you will ever have. It is a joyous experience most of the time.
2006-05-02 04:59:54 UTC
As a parent of a 7 years old and the step parent of a 2 year old, all I can tell you is that I enjoy seeing my sons learn and develop their own personalities and become independent individuals. I get my fufillment from being a part of their process of exploring life.
2006-05-01 05:58:57 UTC
children are a blessing from the Lord. They bring so much joy because they can show you the "fruit of your labor" in their lives. When you put good things into your children, you see if manifest in their lives. They give you love and compassion. The saying "what goes around, comes around" truly shows up in your children. They teach you responsibility, how to care for other, and not to be selfish. This is why children are NO GREATER JOY!
2006-05-02 20:25:02 UTC
one look into my sons face or hearing him say 'I love you mom' melts my heart instantly! there is no way to describe it, coming from an abusive childhood I am so thankful that I have no traits of violence and it makes me question how could someone purposely hurt a child, when I look into my sons eyes I know I would rather die than hurt him,(even when he is on my very last nerve!) I guess the pleasure comes from the love!
2006-04-27 06:09:42 UTC
They are the parents. The kids are their kids. If they have kids, of course they will love their kids. If they don't, why would they have them? Loving children and caring for them means that you are dedicated to be a good parent.
2006-05-02 18:06:17 UTC
Because its really a joy to watch children grow up, I have 3 nieces and 1 nephew and we are really close and I love hanging out with them they are a blessing and a joy for me. I love my sister in law and her children are the best so enjoy your children or grandchildren.
2006-04-29 20:45:31 UTC
I think that it might be because of the fact that children are kind of an extension of yourself. Everytime that I look into any one of my three kids' eyes, I see a little piece of me. A lot of us don't remember how we were when we were that age, and sometimes I like to picture myself at their ages, and I wonder if I looked like that, acted like that, etc. Just the feeling of having someone look up to me for their every need just makes me feel good inside that someone needs me like that. I dont know. I could go on forever...
2006-04-28 06:11:25 UTC
when your a parent your children bring you alot of joy and happiness. You will always love your children no matter what. It is one love that u can always depend on. children are a blessing. There is no greater love.
2006-05-02 23:06:54 UTC
That's a really good question. It is just a great feeling to see what you have accomplished and to know you are seeing every beginning with this human being. I could squeeze my daughter all day and all night long because she just really makes me happy! I could not have received a better gift.
2006-05-01 17:17:26 UTC
children is something parents created its apart of them heart mind and soul they are a big piece in their parents lives every breath they breathe every star that shines every thing revolves around them and its such a good and warm feelings to have for someone that you had part of bringing into this world trust me
2006-04-29 17:09:06 UTC
Why wouldn't you love your children. If it wasn't for mine I couldn't have made it through a divorce with their dad. I have since then remarried & when I was dating I wouldn't let anyone near them until I was sure about that person. I watched my husband when he was @ my children before we got serious.
2006-04-27 04:56:08 UTC
because when you get complements on how they act or anything it is like a complement on you the good job you have done rasing them and to see what they will become when they get older u had a part in that it is a great pleasure
2006-05-02 15:47:01 UTC
It is true that without a child you never know that bond, that special love. But with that child you also know that special worry or fear of being the parent. It is, at least to me, the only definition of forever.
tomato levender
2006-04-30 21:09:30 UTC
Because all the parents want their kids are the best in the world and they want their kids can learn ever things they can give to like me i am sorry to my kids because i do not have much time on them and they are growing everyday i can not give up my job because money
2006-05-02 13:16:34 UTC
Because with God, those parents created their childre. Those children are their blood and flesh. How would you feel if you created something living, your blood in their veins? Proud, happy.
2006-04-29 20:31:37 UTC
To fully explain would be impossible,I do know that I started loving my kds as soon as I felt them kick inside of me and it would give me joy,laughter a fullfilment alone.The first time I actually saw my kds I immediatly started crying a feeling unknown & as they have grown it gives me pleasure to know that we brought up two wonderful kds of our own and finally actually understand what life is truly all about.lol hpe this helped.
2006-05-02 10:18:55 UTC
It's nice to pass on love and life lessons to another generation --- especially when their little lives are being shaped by you ---such power and yet you are humbled by their innocence.
2006-05-02 14:44:50 UTC
because they are happy to have them and they dont want to lose them ever parents love their children with all their heart.
2006-05-02 19:58:24 UTC
That is why you have them, to love them. It is unconditional when you are with them. It is life, to procreate and pass it on. Children are one of God's gifts he gave us.
2006-05-02 23:31:00 UTC
Thats The Way God Made Us To Be !
Those who do not are going against Nature !
I would advise you to be like them,then anything else !
2006-05-01 11:06:49 UTC
Become a parent and you will see the amazing love that will appear. I would kill for my child.
2006-04-30 13:28:37 UTC
why? oh, parents have children to communicate their love. Parents love their children so preciously it hurts, oh.
2006-04-30 14:15:04 UTC
It's like loving yourself.
2006-04-29 10:44:55 UTC
children are a very special thing,how could someone not wanna love their children,It puzzles me
2006-05-02 02:08:29 UTC
on Christmas i used to ask my mom why she always opened her presents last. she told me that to her, Christmas was about watching ME because i always looked so happy.. I can't say i agreed with it back then, but when i think about it now that im older it makes me smile.
2006-04-27 04:52:27 UTC
Its hard to answer it..unless u get your own children, you or nor any one else can tell that feelings
2006-04-27 07:16:05 UTC
It is the only bond that is naturally formed and so feelings come automatically.
2006-05-02 18:44:25 UTC
They are proud of all that they gave for the child, its something with kids and they are attatched after a while.
2006-04-30 08:42:31 UTC
bitchy ass
2006-04-30 07:38:17 UTC
because its their own flesh and blood and being a parent is the best thing could ever happen to you...
Kimbo- the awesome soccer player
2006-04-29 15:46:16 UTC
the only reason parents want to stay alive is because of them
2006-04-30 01:10:06 UTC
2006-04-27 04:53:39 UTC
because they try to live their chid hood through them and children are our future us.
2006-04-27 04:52:49 UTC
I think it's human nature or instincts.
2006-04-27 05:45:17 UTC
because thats the only thing they can remember their self by and they would never let u die.
2006-04-27 04:52:37 UTC
Because they made them. Because they want to have them. Because it is nature, instinct, natural.
2006-04-27 20:35:20 UTC
duhh cuz theyre their children.
their own flesh and bloooddd
2006-04-28 21:48:05 UTC
u can think for yourself why..
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