A close relative of mine has very strong political views. She routinely forwards me politically-charged emails that contain racist, paranoid, hateful propaganda. I'd love to just tell her not to send these notes, but I am certain being this direct would irreparably damage our already tenuous relationship. I know I should be able to just delete or filter these notes so certain words send these messages to my junk file. But a part of me feels like even accepting this crap without comment is agreeing with the sentiment. I admit these notes really bother me because I never knew she was so narrow-minded and hateful toward others. It makes me sad for her. I just want her to quit sending these forwards. Any suggestions? I'd love if there was a program that would just filter certain words and send the email back to her saying "this recipient doesn't accept emails containing profanity or demagoguery". That way I could get the point across, but blame my spam-ware!