2010-11-02 18:47:35 UTC
i wake up feeling like **** wanting to just die cus i have to find the energy to get up and go to school i dont know how i do it i just want to die thinking about it. first period its gym and i dont talk to anyone still trying to find the energy to ge tthru the day i just wana be alone but the dumb team games and **** make to so hard and every1 is so happy when they dont even no **** there dumb ******* kids who go thru life listening to what people say and think there all hard and that normal people are dumb and that there better then them idiots. next period is not to bad just go in and do dumb **** on the computer the only time i get mad is when they ask me to do something on life like a bio poem or to pick ur favorite thing to do and Type about it like **** off pick a topic for me like turtles why u got to make me think about the **** i wanna type. th next 3 periods are study hall and i just sleep thru them mostly thinking about life and how ima live the next week. next period is science and i dont talk to any1 just kind of **** off the teachers an idiot and **** all the freshman in the class dumb motherfuckers next period is math and its easy class cus its math for tards i got put there for falling way behind cus i have no intrest in doing homework anyways all the kids in that class are ******* retarded and will ******* never ggrow up and face the music next period is global studies just listen to the teacher and ignor the people around me then engilsh i havnt done anything the whole year cus the teacher is a dumb ***** who just tells storys about her useless life and sad average family that no1 cares about. i get a ride with my sister and her firend **** it. i get home my sister might try and talk to me but i will ignor her cus i dont trust her and want nothing to do with her. i go on my computer till what ever time i want and go to sleep. oh yeah i only eat one meal a day im never hungry dont no might die some day from not eating not that any1 will care.
friday night-and saturday night i will go and get drunk and smoke weed and do drungs with my friends.... i dont think they are freinds not like they wana hang when i got no money or no1 ever askd me whats wroung not like i no but would telling some1 help i dont no.
sunday/my parents
on sunday my dad will call me to come over to my grandmas i dont want to go but i just doit becuase my sister tells him she has home work witch just means my moms going out and she stays home with her boyfriend whos a complete *** hole and just likes her ***. i no my dad wants to die becuase he has nothing left but me and my sister he once told me the reason my mom devorcied him was because she was not geting enough love from the family cus all i would do is hide and never go on vaction or do anything with them so that means im the reason my dad hates his life is liveing with my grandma and is all alone going to hospitals every other week trying to be happy but he wont he was married for 22 years and she just dumpd him out of no where to be with another guy with his daugther who my mom spends every day with doing dumb **** my mom told me the plan was when my sister graduateds highschool this year she wants to move to flordia but she noes im not comeing with her so ima live where? i have my aunt who just sent her kids to collage and dosnt need me around the house or sleep at my grandmas house wheres there allready a lot of people and no beds as of right now my mom told me we can stay in the house until spring and that where going to live with my aunt when the time comes but i no she can afford the house for longer but she wants to stop paying for it in hope that he new boyfreind will take he in and sh can live happy ever after with her new family that loves her and will do dumb **** that we wont. when this all happends i hopw to have a job and find some1 to share rent on a small apartment and i wont ever have to talk to her agian just be on my own and find happyness some where else just as she did. but i dont think i can go thru with all this i might just kill myself and not have to think or feel anything agian.