2009-04-23 16:17:55 UTC
I am suicidal. I want to die. Right now, I'm in tears. I cry every day. This has been going on for almost a year, but I've had suicidal or death-related thoughts since I was 10. I've been depressed since I was probably 13.
Every day, I think about dying. Not what people will be like without me, or who will think of me and who will not. I don't think about those self-sympathy things. I know people will think about me, I know people will care. However, I just have longterm, painful urges to end everything. I constantly think about simply killing my self, just 'cause I "can't take it anymore."
I think about different ways to die, and whether I'd leave a suicide note or not. I've even written suicide notes for practice, or just to "vent."
I don't plan on dying. I have a great future ahead of me; I'm an all-A student who is socially outgoing. I speak well in front of large groups of people, am confident, have friends, and am a talented artist and musician who was recently accepted into early college classes-- a great honor. I know, with my ambition, I'll be successful one day. And therefore, I don't die.
But I still want to. All the time. I just feel this indescribable, heart-wrenching pain. There are times where I can't focus, even when the things I'm doing are things I love, just because I'm that suicidal. I have nightmares about killing and dying, and flashbacks in those nightmares, too. I lost interest in things I used to like. I can go out, get some exercise, go to school, draw something, have fun with friends, and still, at the end of the day, I'm in tears and wishing I were dead.
I've talked to my family. I've told them, straight out, point blank, that I want to die. That I have suicidal, "dark" thoughts and the desire to be dead is always there. I get no good response, other than "hold on" or "ignore it."
It's not working. I may be alive, but I am miserable.
Please help me. I know some say, "go see a doctor", but the truth is I can't take myself to one if no one will take me. And I've tried that; nobody listens, because they're too preoccupied with their own misery and their own selves, which is understandable. And if I do get a doctor and they find me unstable, there goes my summer college programs which I am lucky to even be accepted to in the first place.