okay so I spoke with a lawyer and she informed me that I can do one of two things......I could 1-Not put him on the BC since we were never married I don't have to and if child support is all he's worried about then he won't take me to court (this worries me just because if he decides to then I don't know what my chances are of getting Sole or Physical Custody. The 2nd potion she gave me was to go ahead and put his name on the BC ,file my custody paperwork but he has every right to the baby as much as I do and if I were to tell him one day no I don't want you to take the baby today then he could get the Sherrifs to come and make me. She then pulled up his record and showed me that he had a little bit of one.........a support order already on him by some woman...a restraing order that had been put on him by another woman....and a domestic violence or dipute against him by his now current wife....which she had file a couple years ago on him. It made me nervous then as to what to do