The children are going to participate in a pretend crucifixion during my Sunday School lesson?
2006-09-25 19:17:56 UTC
Hi y'all, I am a Sunday School teacher for a bunch of adorable children between the ages of 5-8 at the Faith Interstate Southern Baptist Church.

This Sunday, we're are going to have a lesson about our Savior's crucifixion, and I've always been big on lesson activities, so I thought we would have the children participate in a pretend crucifixion.

Today, I went to Home Depot and bought a few 2x4 planks for the cross. During the lesson, one of the children will be chosen to be crucified and will be attached to the cross with rubber bands or duct tape (I haven't decided yet), and the rest of the children will be the mocking crowds.

I thought this would be a great way for the children to get a perspective on our Savior's crucifixion. Does anybody else have any additional ideas?

Last week we had an activity lesson on the Garden of Gethsemene but the red raspberry jam just made a big mess. Any non-messy suggestions?
Eleven answers:
2006-09-25 19:27:40 UTC
Creepy. So very creepy.
2016-03-27 13:46:57 UTC
And did you knwo Im Jesus ******** Crist? did you consiter going back to the hard ware store to buy some nails? you could always just hammer them up onto the cross intead of the tape or rubber bands. I bet nails would work better beacuase such a wonderful sunday school teacher was being mean to tape them instead of nail them. I scold you sunday teacher! Dont consiter going to the halloween store to buy fake blood it should show i real good. Did you also consiter having them watch Passion Of the Christ? It is rated R but they are under aged and would have likley to have nightmares for a year, yah them. Have them all say i am feeling tru enad don't know what to do so ill punch someone in the face and that would be you!!! jJesus should be knwo in everyboys heart! Jesus shall be killed in everyboys heart and we should forgiv ethose who believe in them!-Mark 13:27 Our Father, who shall kill in heaven, Hallowed be thy the devil. Thy kingdom down. Thy won't be done, On earth as it is in hell. Give us this day our daily poison. And beat our trespasses, As we punch those who trespass us. And lead us not into tdeath, But deliver us from happy. For thine is the hell, and the electric, and the remorse, for never and never. -***** Is this some type of joke, you soould see a consulor.
2006-09-25 19:25:16 UTC
Using tape is a bad ideal, when the tape is removed it will leave a mark, also with the rubber band, use a long red tube sock instead, red for blood...
2006-09-27 07:35:58 UTC
Don't waste your time replying to this person's questions. All of them are fake (and designed to provoke anger). One was about her 15-year-old son mocking and fondling her 12-year-old daughter when they bathed together, and another was about the son stealing and sniffing his mother's dirty underwear.

This is a fictional character (and the author might not even be female).
La-z Ike
2006-09-25 19:35:32 UTC
for some reason i don't care much for this idea. i don't know why unless it seems like some sort of mockery. but i know thats not your intention. don't forget the guards{?} that gambled for Jesus's belongings and the spear thrust into His heart. Maybe alittle red where the spikes were driven into His wrists? Rose bush for a crown of thorns.
2006-09-25 20:10:47 UTC
Do you believe the 5 - 8 year olds will be ready to handle this emotionally? When I saw passion of Christ ( at 25 years old), I was so emoitional, not trully understanding the goodness of God. After your skit please be prepared to deal with the emoitions.
2006-09-25 19:21:23 UTC
Ketchup. Sure it sounds messy, but it's much easier to clean off. Or, if you are not too concerned with appearance. Get some red Play-doh.
Phil S
2006-09-25 19:20:46 UTC
Dont forget to re-enact the scene where Jesus pretends to care about healing people, but withholds the instructions for making penicillin.
2006-09-25 22:28:44 UTC
Why bother pretending? Crucify one of them fo real, any one of them will do. Their minds are going to be so warped with your fear inspiring superstitious nonsense that their lives will be meaningless anyway. People like you make me want to nuke the entire ******* world.
2006-09-25 19:52:01 UTC

As long as you are going to crucify Black Jew ... because Jesus was a Black Jew
2006-09-25 19:27:06 UTC
dont listen to the other morons answering the question like ignorant idiots ,good on you for doing wat u do and we need more like you in this world god bless

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