What is your definition of soul mate?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What is your definition of soul mate?
Sixteen answers:
2014-01-26 11:05:31 UTC
a soul mate does not necessarily have to be the person you are in a relationship with. it could be familial, friendship, spiritual, intimacy (with or without sex) etc... to me the phrase soul mate describes the undeniable bond you and this other person shares. the way you two understand each other and know what each other think with just a look. or the way you can finish "each others" sentences. The way this person knows you better than anyone in the world knows you and understands you. No im not saying the relationship you guys share is perfect either. In a lot of instances, "soul mates" have been forced apart by whatever circumstances, yet are somehow always drawn back to each other.
2014-05-11 11:56:46 UTC
You will feel a connection from the start! You will think and feel the same thing at the same time!
2010-08-01 22:20:28 UTC
Definition of soul mate can't be described,according to me it doesn't have boundaries it cannot be bound with some letters or words.
2010-08-01 21:16:46 UTC
I do not believe in soul mates.
2010-08-01 23:00:29 UTC
hey everyone have a different definition , my definition of soul mate is that person you can expend eternity with and never get tire,that person who becomes the center of your universe,your true love ,that person who make you complete that person who you just know is the one.

and about the sencond part i belive in it about i still waiting:)

hope this help good luck
Livvy xo
2010-08-01 21:20:26 UTC
im really confused about this whole love thing now but i kind of think of it like that there are lots and lots of people that you can fall in love with but there is that one person that God made you to be with which is your soul mate... but im only 14 and its only my opinion lol :)
2015-12-09 18:44:47 UTC
L......s...ok this is to you post. I do not care if your fat...200 or I am still in but if you r still thinking of me..or not or happy ...which is most important....f it..

Let's be together dam it....if u r still there 4 me I will leave everything 4 u ....I was stupid ok...but...if timing is of fine..I'll wait ok...maybe till 50 ...60...don't care cause ...but let me know...even if 80 and I am alive....I never stopped thinking of u....sorry for being a confused person bur it kills me inside everyday...but perhaps now u think I'm nuts....sorry if you do...I am just very passionate.

I never stop thinking about ur the tree...whatever...sorry...Drunk am done with pretending...but if nothing that us fine cause I bet he is a great is my wife
2016-02-14 11:40:53 UTC
Srodne duše nisu one koje su potpuno iste kao mi, već one koje imaju ključeve za sve naše brave i brave za sve naše ključeve - rekao je pre nekoliko decenija američki pisac i filozof Ričard Bah...

Ništa nije slučajno što se u životu dešava

pa ni ljubav!

Koliko ste se puta zapitali da li je vasa ljubav neka opet cudna slucajnost, ili je mozda jednostavno vasa sudbina?

Koliko puta vam je upravo ta ljubav usmerila kasnije tokove zivota?

Da li je sudbinska ljubav cudna stvar ili naprosto istinska sreca?

Na kraju krajeva, verujete li u nju?

Srodne duše predstavljaju moćnu i jedinstvenu energiju. Sudbina i vreme su dva najvažnija elementa u susretu dve srodne duše.

Ovo su specifične inkarnacije koje se ponavljaju na obrascima vremena iznova i iznova. Njihov izazov u ovom životu je da pronađu jedni druge. Srodne duše odlikuje vrlo snažna magnetska privlačnost. Snažna energija koja je uočljiva već pri prvom susretu donosi i određen emocionalni naboj. Ovo je najverniji oblik ljubavi koji postoji. Srodne duše su skupine duša koje putuju zajedno u mnogim životima. Kada pomislimo na svoju srodnu dušu, pomislimo na bogat ljubavni i romantični odnos. Iako je to istina, kroz svoju srodnu dušu uvek moramo naučiti i određene lekcije. Ove skupine duša su uvek zajedno u inkarnacijama. Kada se susretnemo sa svojom srodnom dušom, imamo osećaj da tu osobu poznajemo već dugo. Međutim, u ovakvim odnosima veoma često ima previše izazova. U tom pogledu, postoji određena hijerarhija, kada je u su u pitanju srodne, odnosno karmički odnosi. No, postoje različite vrste srodnih duša, u skladu sa različitim vrstama životnih lekcija. Srodne duše uvek osećaju duboku ljubav i međusobno poštovanje. Čak i ako je njihov odnos težak s’ vremena na vreme, oni podržavaju i neguju jedni druge u svojim ambicijama, željama i dostignućima na svim nivoima- mentalnim, fizičkim i emocionalnim.

Sudbina je kao rok, ono sto se mora dogoditi u odredjeno vreme, ono sto je negde, ko zna gde, zapisano i sto se mora dogoditi pod svaku cenu.....Ko veruje,taj i doživi >3
2016-03-19 13:45:04 UTC
When you have a connection, you understand each other, you know they just get you? And you see them as beautiful, even of they are not, to you they are and no one could even compare
2010-08-03 02:53:55 UTC
A soul mate is someone you love and connect with on such a deep level that over time you grow more and more a part of. It has nothing to do with probability or facts or figures or any set characteristics. It is quite simply the most indescribable feeling to anyone who has not felt it before. I found my soul mate two years ago. I didn't realise quite how close we were at first, it took 6 weeks apart to really know how much we were a part of each other.

My definition of a soul mate is perhaps a bit different to others'

Me and my soul mate just fit. We're not 'twins' - we're very similar but not the same. That is one of the reasons why it works, we both bring in a slightly different perspective and so we will continue to learn from each other and grow. And we are not the perfect couple, we bicker over small things sometimes or have miscommunications, but the difference between other couples is that things like that barely make a dent in the connection we have.

A soul mate cannot be determined by their characteristics or personality or similarities alone. It isn't a fact or figure or percentage of compatibility. Its a feeling that can't be mistaken for anything else. The sort of person he is and the sort of person i am has made us able to love each other unconditionally and allowed us to grow closer than i ever believed two people could be.

My advice to anyone looking, keep an open mind.
2010-08-01 21:31:09 UTC
I do believe in soulmates. Some people just can't find them because they could be anywhere in the world... but they're there.

I haven't found mine yet though :/
2015-09-14 01:06:44 UTC
It is technically impossible to bind two consciousnesses (a.k.a souls) therefore it is impossible
2010-08-01 23:35:53 UTC
I'll tell ya when I marry him
2010-08-01 21:21:37 UTC
A big lie.
2010-08-01 21:25:33 UTC
Yes I do.
2010-08-02 00:44:13 UTC

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