Do you support family planning that includes artificial methods, amid opposition from the Catholic Church?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do you support family planning that includes artificial methods, amid opposition from the Catholic Church?
89 answers:
2008-08-31 23:23:27 UTC
I'm sorry, but the Church needs to pull its head out of its metaphorical *** and realize that birth control is a good thing. Sure, sex is for reproduction. I understand that. I passed Bio 100. What the church needs to understand is that having tons of kids is a bad thing these days. Back in the day, it meant free farm labor. Now it means miserable families and kids with no opportunities.
2008-09-01 02:04:17 UTC
i feel that it is about time for the country to have a bill like this. the reasons are right here in front of our eyes. year-high inflation rate, almost half of the people living below the poverty line, these, being the main cause of the never-ending crime activities in the country. not only of that, but look at the kids. there are so many children who are not going to school (even if there are public schools around), who are selling flowers or cigarettes or begging or worse, committing crimes and/or resorting to drugs at their early age, just to either live by or forget their hunger. and what about abortion? the truth of this matter is that, if only there is proper education about reproduction to all of the people, there may not be or at least minimal cases of abortion.

artificial family planning methods are not evil. and so is educating everybody about reproduction. it is not as if this bill is to make filipinos sex perverts or addicts. malisyoso lang kayo, uy! if you have a malicious mind, then this would come as a really offending bill. but please, let us not distort the idea of this gentleman who only wants a better nation. why don't we be of help to each other, coz we are all pinoys.

let's face it, the government cannot support all the poor filipinos, and give everybody a good life because there are so many of us, and so little resources. when will the RC church wake up? kapag nakatayo nlng tayong mga pinoy habang natutulog? hello!!!
Luisa Marie
2008-09-01 04:49:22 UTC
Yes, of course!It is not the Catholic Church who would suffer when my children and myself would be suffering in the future because of the scarcity of resources.
2008-09-01 01:29:12 UTC
If I want to support family planning, (which should have been done a long time ago) why should the Catholic Church have a lot more influence than tax payers like me. I'm a hard working individual responsible person, and yet my wife and I have only 1 child. In contrast multiply the scenario by the thousands of those shown on TV, the homeless, living under the bridge, jobless, with 9 kids and 1 more in the oven. My work which involves being in the hospital where you see malnourished mother and a malnourished child who is pregnant on her tenth baby. Who will take responsibility the "church". Oh please just add to the hypocrisy the fatherless children from those who can't practice celibacy and still want to remain in the pulpit.
2008-09-01 00:11:23 UTC
I support birth control, there are to many un wed mothers out there taking care of their kids alone and to many unwanted children in the world. It also costs alot of money to raise a child now days.
2008-08-31 23:39:33 UTC
Yes!! This is way overdue and is the only real way to improve the quality of life for the people of the Philippines.
Joseph C
2008-09-02 21:17:15 UTC
I dont because every life is important even the unborn
2008-09-01 18:29:23 UTC
I support family planning method using NATURAL METHOD and I'm totally AGAINST artificial method(s) of family planning. In my view the cause of overpopulation and poverty in this country is the FAILURE OF OUR GOVERNMENT LEADERS TO ADDRESS AND PROVIDE PERMANENT SOLUTIONS TO THE BASIC NEEDS OF THE FILIPINO PEOPLE. If we will just set aside for a while this population issue and look at first the transportation needs of our commuters, nothing has improved. we say we have MRT and LRT, but look at the convenience and ease of commuters in taking up the stairs and i pity much the elderly and disabled. Has our government leaders copied Singapore's way of handling and providing the needs of our commuters? I can talk a lot of issues and you can attest that there are a lot of BASIC issues to be addressed first. If only our leaders (Barangay Captains, Mayors, Legislators, etc.) should be SERVANT LEADERS and NOT LEADERS TO BE SERVED, then maybe we can improve our quality of life. Who has the most number of children in our society, it does not come from the upper and middle class (who pays taxes diligently) but from the poor and poorest of our society (who PROVIDES THE VOTES OF OUR POLITICIANS).
2008-09-01 09:04:19 UTC
YES YES YES! It's about time. These priests who threaten to go so far as to excommunicate and refuse to administer marriage rites and communion to legislators of the bill should be made to go on 24 hour duties at the OB-ERs of the big tertiary hospitals for at least a week. Then they can tally the number of women who come in almost paper white from loss of blood because they tried to abort their pregnancies using either a wire hanger or by drinking Cytotec, sioktong or other "pamparegla" concoctions (that they most likely bought outside Quiapo church). They should smell how terrible a septic abortion (a do-it-yourself abortion that has resulted in infection) smells and see how sick the women are by the time they come to the hospital. Ask these women why they've done it and more often than not it's because they can't afford to feed another hungry mouth (not to mention buy it clothes and send it to school). These God-fearing women can't use contraception because the Church forbids it ro because their husbands won't allow them. But in their despair they resort to a far worse sin: killing the baby that's already been formed, as well as putting their own lives in danger. (She also endangers the lives of her family, because if she dies of the septic abortion or of the massive blood loss, who will take care of the other 5 or 7 or 10 children she'll leave behind?) The Catholic Church should open their eyes and ask themselves what is worse: contraception or abortion. They should stop making their followers guilty about using artificial contraception. They have the largest influence on the poor, the uneducated, and these people are the ones who need population control the most. (The middle class and the elite are educated and better informed: they know to limit the number of their children, and they are aware af the methods available to them whether it's Pills or an IUD or tubal ligation.)

Anyone who thinks that Filipinos are all good Catholics should wake up as well: casual sex and one night stands are no longer as taboo as they once were. Promiscuity and pre/extramarital sex have been around for decades, whether you want to admit it or not. Passing the RH Bill wouldn't cause such "perverted sexual practices" to become rampant...because they already are!

The RH Bill makes so much sense and is so overdue in our country. I hope with all my might that it GMA doesn't shoot it down.
Marlon P
2008-08-31 23:41:54 UTC
I think family planning should be left alone to the couple who would decide for themselves. Legislating this issue will do no good for anybody. Nobody can force me to do something when my conscience tell me the other way? Shame on those legislator who want to dictate me my personal choice. Why dont they just make laws that will lessen graft an corruption specially in Congress? They dont even think that by legalizing everything they are pushing the teenage people to experiment on sex! Sex is sacred and those congressmen who push for legislated Family Planning is putting their own teen age sons and daughters in a vey dangerous situation. Leave us alone, we're mature enough to do the right method in our own way.
2008-09-01 10:46:53 UTC
here's my two cents worth: yes, i support the reproductive health care act and am praying hard that it pass the readings and be signed into a law. the reasons why we need a nation-wide family planning program are really simple. time will come that the Philippine's carrying capacity, our natural resources and amount of available arable and alienable land will not be able to sustain or support the population. people complain of poor health care, lack of classrooms and textbooks in public schools, malnutrition and the likes but fail to realize that all these scarcities are directly related to our large and still ballooning population. our government just can't afford to provide basic amenities to 90 million Filipinos. what more if we reach 100 million, or more? come to think of it, a law whose purpose is to control our rapid population growth is long overdue.

in addition, large population size explains why labor is cheap here, in that labor also has its law of supply and demand i.e. high supply of workers, low pay. people should also stop wondering why there's not enough job opportunities in the Philippines! we are just too large a workforce to be accommodated in the current workplace.

some critics say that it's immoral to use artificial birth control methods, but i think it's more immoral to keep bringing children into this world without having the means to give them a good life. the church should stop meddling with the legislature. this renders the constitutional provisions on the division of church and state nugatory. priests, bishops and other religious leaders should stop using the pulpit to hammer their arguments into the faithful adherents' heads. obviously, the issue of birth control is not solely within spirituality's realm. for people to decide what is best for this country, they should hear the different sides of the arguments. i am a catholic too, and one who has sincere concern for the poor children whose parents keep making babies but cannot afford to give them the rudiments of a decent, healthy life.

why cite the cases of developed countries now facing the problem of negative population growth? their perspective on marriage and family life is different from ours. in many "liberated" countries, the concept of "pure relationship" coined by sociologist anthony giddens is increasingly becoming the norm. and lastly, do u honestly think that an all-out abstinence is possible between sexually healthy and loving married couples? think again. this would be like lenten season in the bedroom.
2008-09-02 01:32:10 UTC
The Philippine Catholic Church and all pro-lifers out there should put their heart where their mouth is and the government should turn the tables on them if they insist on blocking the passage of the bill. They should be asked to adopt and take care of all abandoned and homeless children who are a common a sight in our cities.

The bishops and pro-life advocates crow and crow about the sanctity of life and all that, but what are they doing about the malnourished and emaciated children in the slums? Many of them would, perhaps, close their car windows, hold their breath or turn their head away when passing through the slums, and then mouth about the sanctity of life while dining on Angus steak and artichoke in 5-star restaurants. I challenge the bishops and these perfumed pro-lifers to walk the talk. If you can feed and shelter the homeless kids, then let us forget about family planning altogether. Otherwise, BACK OFF.

As regards the threat of excomunication for legislators who will support the bill, is the Church so desperate that it is resorting to blackmail? If I were a congressman or senator, I won't give a damn if I am excommunicated. The Catholic Church has no monopoly of religion; there are other religions that are more liberal and attuned to present-day realities. The Catholic Church might as well excommunicate all those who favor the bill. It may end up with only a handful of members, which would be the best thing that could happen in our country. That is ending the Catholic Church's stranglehold on our political, economic and social life.
2008-09-02 05:19:27 UTC
Both the church and the government legislators have merits in their points of view about family planning and using artificial methods to control birthrate.

I agree with the church that the use of artificial birth control methods will encourage free sex in the sense that anyone at any age could indulge in sex with anybody, knowing that they would not conceive by using artificial birth control methods. It could trigger further decline of morality and decency.

On the other hand, there is really a need to implement a more effective method to control birth rate as the legislators are pointing out. If it would not be done now or soon enough, there would be acute food, and shelter shortage, and the poverty line would continue to rise.

There should be a rational and doable compromise between the two groups. Use of artificial contraceptive methods could be encouraged without legislation (they have done it before, di ba?) and PopEd (population education and family planning) should also be revived and should be taught to everyone, and should include moral and spiritual responsibility.
2008-09-01 21:38:03 UTC
The very first thing to do is educate the couple. There is a need to have competent people from the Parishes to perform this task. There may be a few who are capable but why not have more?

With regards to the couples from the mission areas, nobody can control their biological needs or more so their urges. In this case the woman should be made aware of the consequences. They should also assert their rights to resist specially when the man is under the influence of liquor or drugs. These men should be made aware that there is a law that allows women to deny their urges. Again education is obviously needed in this case.

Both the government and the Catholic Church are now so hot on this issue why not more of implementation than word wars! Come into terms they both have good points and only after one purpose. I think having complementary provisions would make things work and less animosities.
Floran L
2008-09-01 03:53:11 UTC
I fully respect the Roman Catholic Church, but the matter of birth control is a NEED of the Philippines. The Church cannot rely on the discipline of the people because the Philippines, being an economically poor country, lacks what is needed most in this matter: proper knowledge. I am not saying every Filipino is an ignorant, but the reason why Filipinos do the "thing" a lot of times is because of lack of proper education of the issue. I am not pro-contraceptives ( I am not anti either), more so, I am totally against abortion, but family planning being banned? I'm sorry, that's already insane. It is like asking a person to survive for a year without being given any food at all. My point is, sex is a gift from God that's why we need to make the Filipino citizens FULLY understand what it really means and not just rely on the so-called "proper discipline."
2008-09-02 03:10:15 UTC
I recently wrote a paper about your question. coincidence much? This is what I wrote in my paper, (which at the same times, will give you my answer to your question)

"What exactly is family planning? It is a program to regulate the number and spacing of children in a family through the practice of contraception or other methods of birth control. It includes sexuality education, preconception counseling and management, and infertility management. In this connection, the use of contraceptive devices enhances the prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections.

So, should family planning using artificial birth control methods be encouraged in the Philippines? The Catholic Church in the Philippines supports only natural methods of birth control. Some sectors of society advance the view, however, that natural methods of birth control alone will not suffice, and it will not be enough to alleviate the poverty being experienced by more and more Filipinos. To this, the Church says that that corruption and misgovernment are the root causes of poverty in the Philippines.

There should be no dispute on the need for family planning. The benefits people derive from smaller families include having enough time for them and their families; they are able to give their children a better quality of life. In my opinion, however, men and women should be given the freedom to decide for themselves whether they want to use natural or artificial ways in planning for their families. The use of natural birth control methods is not expected to effectively reduce population growth. Just as the government should actively promote both natural and artificial methods of family planning including the use of birth contraceptives, Filipinos should also support this government initiative."
2008-09-02 09:08:19 UTC
For everyone, especially the Catholic Church, read the following paper released by the professors at the UP School of Economics.

The Catholic Church should consider what it says to its flock. I have to admit that I'm one of the flock, but I must say that what it says is NOT always right. In this case, the Church is trying to interfere with everyone and their freedom of choice. Besides, why are they trying to meddle with state affairs? I thought there was a supposed clear delineation between the Church and the State. Think about that.

The Church has no place to impose itself in state affairs, much more in the reproductive health of the millions of poor Filipinos. Have they done long-term solutions to solve the problems of poor Filipino women suffering from an uncontrolled family size due to ignorance to birth control methods? Do you expect an uneducated Filipino or Filipina to understand the complexities of natural family planning (which by the way is so complex that even I can't understand how it's supposed to be done) when they can't even understand the simplistic design and function of the condom?

Much more so, how does the Church prove the "anti-life" and "pro-immorality" character of the RH bill, when the bill clearly states that abortion is still very much considered as an illegal and immoral act? The bill, when read carefully, states only prevention of conception and NOT the termination of a conceived individual. Aside from that, there is a failure in logic that an effect can be directly attributed to a cause. Can the Church give empirical data proving such an effect due to the presence of birth control methods?

Let's be realistic, for many Filipinos and Filipinas who are married or otherwise, abstinence is NEVER an option. The human being is prone to sexual attraction, especially in the case of married couples.

I love and respect God, but sometimes, the Church makes too much of a fuss and decides to stick its head out and butt into the State's business. Can we let God's will work on the personal level and let the statesmen independent of pressure from religion do their jobs? Consider this - the RH bill may be God's way for the people to lighten their burden a bit.
momma on fire
2008-09-01 07:25:12 UTC
Yes, absolutely! I believe the Roman Catholic Church should broaden its views and be more updated with the times right now. We don't live in the Old testament days. Although, I respect the Catholic Church, I still believe that there is a great need for Filipinos to be able to use any form of artificial birth control to help avoid unplanned pregnancies. The natural family planning methods like the Rhythm method does not accurately help women avoid getting pregnant.

If the catholic church believes that artificial birth control is a form of abortion and is therefore a sin, isn't it even a greater sin for a couple who lives in poverty and can barely afford to eat once a day to have 14 children and not be able to give all these children the right to have a proper life? It adds to the big poverty crisis the Philippines is facing right now. The church and the State should work together to find ways to alleviate poverty than wasting time debating on issues.
2008-09-03 11:26:10 UTC
The Roman Catholic Church does not oppose all forms of birth control, only artificial methods. Natural family planning is actually a 99% effective method of birth control. Yes, it does take commitment form the couple, but it is easy to use, effective and low cost, and best for a woman's health. The web site is a great resource for natural family planning, including several studies on the efficacy of this method.

The fate of the Filipino people is in their hands. They can choose, even living on poverty, to limit the number of children they have through NFP. It does take education though. IMHO those that government is trying to help with this act would not likely take advantage of the what the act would provide. If they want to have kids, they are going to have kids no matter what forms of BC the governemnt offers.

On a personal note, my husband and I have practiced NFP for five years, and have two perfectly planned children, and zero unplanned pregnancies. Love that I do not have to put chemical in my body to control how many children I will have.
2008-09-02 18:31:09 UTC
Look at the lifestyle of the priests these days. They all live comfortably well. They are served breakfast, lunch, merienda & dinner daily by the sacristans ( or shall we say servants). They get to study and travel, too. They are spending MONEY which comes from the basket offered by the poorest of the poor. Do they think about what they preach? YES. Do they care about the condition of the poor church goers? NO. If they truly cared for the poor and if they truly love this country, then they should think not just about saving souls but also help uplift their lives by teaching them how to be responsible family members. Telling them to implement the rhythm method instead of using contraceptives isn't the answer nor the solution to population control. They have a moral obligation, as representatives of the church, to explain to the people the significance of such. Why it is important to do so and how it will, eventually, affect their lives now and in the near future. These priests are just like our politicians. They are one and the same.
2008-09-03 12:59:41 UTC
I am an English Catholic with a Pinay girlfriend. I have visited the Philippines three times and seen both the delight and wonder of all these children, and the ecological devastation when there is not enough land to support them without stripping out all the wildlife.

I only became a Catholic in 2002 and so was able to work through all the tenets of the church with a fresh enquiring adult mind as well as a great desire to encompass the faith and my new church.

I do believe that artificial contraception is a sin. It is a denial of the true purpose of lovemaking, and that is to create life. I regard it as the greatest sacrament of all. To put artificial barriers in the way restricts it and takes somewhat from the wonder of it.

However, to overpopulate the land with people that the world can no longer support without destroying life itself - the life of other creatures that share our earth... that is an even greater sin.

To bring children into the world who are unloved, or are murdered from their mother's womb... that too is a greater sin.

And to deny a couple who love each other the intimacy of each other's bodies in this world of sorrow and loneliness is I feel also a greater sin.

So we are stuck between choosing between one sin and one of three greater ones. For this reason I support Lagman's Bill, and pray to God for understanding and forgiveness and to Our Lady that soon humanity may find a balance with all the other creatures on Earth and peace and contentment within itself.
2008-09-01 06:22:49 UTC
I would like to disagree to those who are claiming that reproductive bill is the key to the improvement of the life of the Filipino...these lawmakers are the one who are making the life of the Filipinos burdensome, instead of controlling the population they must make a law on how to control their greed and corruptions. Again they put the blame on the poor who are the usual victim of being pointed out the cause of the miserable life of the Filipinos. The main problem of our society is the injustices and the unequal distribution of wealth, where in the most portion of wealth is shared among the few rich people while the least of the wealth were shared by the total population of the country.

Regarding the birth control, we should not go against the natural flow of nature for in return we will be the one who will suffer. Going against the law of nature will certainly leads to inharmonious earth. All we need is discipline and not of any means that will surely complicate our lives. Why is it that we are controlling the population, while in some countries they are worrying of the decreasing of the population, while here in the Philippines we are very eager to control it. I believe that when birth control had been made into law, I doubt that most all of us answering this question came to existence at this very moment.
2008-09-01 21:21:53 UTC
I agree to reproductive act of congressman edcel lagman.

this is the only mean stop the growing population of the philippines,if

we don't support this bill we can see in the next 2 or 5 yrs that a lot

of pilipino is suffering from hunger or revolution as what this roman want to happen.

In my own opinion, GOD will understand this thing, that we just can't

multifly if you can support our family, And if the church really want

help the people let them be the example as GODS follower.
2008-09-02 06:08:40 UTC
The Roman Catholic Church should just shut up and support Rep. Lagman's bill. They don't realize the effects of overpopulation and that sometimes, kindness is a hindrance to success. It's even good for the country economically. Those church leaders threatening to excommunicate legislators who support this bill should take a lesson on population control and family planning. Sheeh. By the way, I'm thirteen years old and I'm aware of what the hell's happening to the country and our population today.
2008-09-01 21:23:10 UTC
It's about time that this happens!!! I fully support the bill.Hope the catholic church realize that population growth is really a problem in the country. 1st argument is that the bill promotes abortion..that's kinda absurd in a way.Promoting discipline to practice natural planning to filipino couples then stating that when they have access to artificial birth control they will resort to abortion states that the church really has no definite control over it's flock. Then resorting to threats and campaign of disinformation really unmasks the motive of the church.The bill is about choice in the 1st place,with couples having access to both natural and artificial methods.I wonder what is the stand of other religious groups about this.Good luck, Rep Lagman..Hope you will endure the wrath of the catholic church and give your countrymen the gift of choice in reporductive planning.
Ellen M
2008-09-01 05:12:50 UTC
I'm a christian and know for a fact that the natural method of birth control should prevail. So much has been said about filipinos being christians, should have the discipline to practice the church-sanctioned family planning methods, etc. But what is the catholic church doing to educate and promote the so-called natural birth control. Are they trying to reach the poor people so that they could at least be informed of what is right and what is wrong. Do they actively and rightly perform their duties of cultivating moral values in our society. If you neglect to perform your duties, somebody will take it and do it for you, that is true to everything, so instead of the church keeps on talking, that they opposed this and that, why don't you try for a change to recover the duties that is suppose to be theirs and educate the masses about what they believe is the right thing to do as a christian.
2008-09-01 01:53:02 UTC
I agree with having birth control. Its about time we have another birth control method other than the NATURAL RHYTHM method which can be easily accessible to women and mothers who don't want to get pregnant.

Using Condoms are a good way to control besides pill and it doesn't have side effects unless you have an extremely sensitive skin that get allergies of using condoms...

The church should stand down on their ground because i believe that the sin of the parents who can't anymore take care of their child because they are a big family is far greater than to control having a big family.

This is also the time where our current population greatly affects our nations resources. I think of our nation as like our parents and we the whole filipino people are its children. If our government which is the embodiment of our nation is having a hard time to feed us, educate us and give us a good future because we are many then its definitely the time to control..
2008-09-03 00:37:08 UTC
Yes, being a catholic it pains me that the church endures seeing its people lavishing in poverty that is beyond human standard. yes there are poor people in other countries but ours is way too much. poverty stems from a lot of things lack of education, lack of government support, none or under employment to name a few. but come on, lets be realistic all these problems stems from over population. how can some one earning 350 pesos a day support a family of 5. all the more provide them proper education. its impossible.


The bill that the church is opposing is for the poor. Its like telling the poor that they can not use contraceptives but the church-donating middle and upper class can use contraceptives. The church is creating a double standard here.
2008-09-04 05:00:10 UTC
I think the main issue is POVERTY which they are connecting to population rate. Even if the family consist of a dozen, but if the parents can support all their children's needs...then should not be a problem. It only becomes a problem when you have12 kids, but can only support 2 kids based on your income. It should be the sense of responsibility and accountability as parents. Not anybody or a law should dictate them (parents), but their sense of judgement on their status in life should be their basis how many children they CAN have and NOT how many they WANT.. Instead of advertising contraceptives on TV, papers or radios, why not show or educate them the negative effect of having children and nothing to eat. Start to educate the parents than the teenagers. I believe it starts within the family.
2008-09-01 22:43:57 UTC
I think the church position stinks. It is another example of the church getting their noses into the matters of the state, and trying to force their will on the people through threats. If they used a brain, they would know the church approved methods of birth control are not effective. They are against all forms of birth control (and disease prevention with the use of condoms), yet they are forcing over 400,000 women to undergo illegal aborthins which kill 400,000 fetuses, and some mothers as well. Will they care for those children if they are allowed to be born, or pay for the medicines of those who catch AIDS? I think not! It would take too much money out of their pockets. I addressed this to the CBCP and they have not answered to date.
2008-09-01 20:34:24 UTC
I support family planning! Roman Catholic Church is not God! to forbid some rules..that can discipline Filipino people..If a father can discipline a son..then this Family Planning can discipline the Filipino people..It's about time we should make some progress...more population..more problems! So Let's Support Family Planning
Rodel and Badette
2008-09-01 19:19:45 UTC
No we do not support the comprehensive family planning program proposed by congress. From the perspective of faith which we are all bound to believe and abide with first and foremost, God never said anywhere in the scriptures nor in the literatures and books of the Church that we are to use the resources of the earth to go against His will. God instead has commanded us "to go forth and multiply" yet He has instructed us to know how to have control over our human self. That explains why family planning should be a function of self-control and denial and respect for personhood rather than abuse or misuse of our abilities. From the economic point of view, it is a matter of government and people knowing how to work together selflessly to ensure equitable distribution of opportunities over all the areas of our country and making these areas indeed productive on a sustained basis to feed the Filipinos. All that government must first do and oimmediately do is to stop Manila-centered development planning and shift to a province-focused one - the countryside beacons. Give the provinces greater access to investments and control over their own revenues.
2008-09-01 18:28:37 UTC
I personally think that Filipinos should start thinking about their future and stop thinking about what the church says. the church is pro-creation, and i dont have anything negative about that, its just that, should one family bear more child than they can support like education, food, shelter, doesn't it also deprive them of their right to live?

i think that the catholic church should also consider the fact that the marginalized are actually the ones who has a big family. they (marginalized) will then expect help from the government for subsidy. when these children grow up, due to lack of education, they become thieves, they become robbers, they become assassins for money. doesnt this make the church at fault for creating more criminals?

the church must study this case, not just because they want to stand firm with their beliefs. they should consider the fact that these children will grow, and if they dont get the necessary support they need to become civilized, the church would have to make sure that they will answer for the crimes these marginalized children has or will commit.
2008-09-01 10:27:37 UTC
People who can't afford to feed their children have no business having them. Easier said than done, though.

The govenrment is trying to do it's best to control the population explosion. But with the Catholic Church blocking it, it's a losing battle.

It's about time the Catholic Church stop this hypocrisy and open their eyes. If nothing is done, the country will see a population explosion beyond imagination.

Who will feed the hungry children then? Who will give shelter to the poor? We can't even do anything now, much less 5-10 years from now? The Catholic Church? I highly doubt it!!!
Kerwin F
2008-09-01 03:59:17 UTC
I agree with Maristela C. We should not support such bills for they are anti family. If this bill becomes approved in our country it would lead to the passing of other bills such as 'legalization of abortion and also of divorce'. These would destroy many families and is and therefore hurt the society.

The people is the wealth of the nation. We are not really that overpopulated. Metro Manila and the other cities are the ones that are overcrowded. If we look into our provinces, we can see lots of vacant lands where people can live. The problem is that the people tend to go to the more developed cities to make their fortune. The problem that the government (including our legislators) should solve is on how they will be able to provide for the needs of our growing population. Our country is rich in natural resources, the problem is in how to use and allocate them for the welfare of the people.
2008-09-02 19:22:27 UTC
As long as the bill does not include the legalization of abortion, I think I would be okay with that. The Church needs to be more open-minded. We are not killing unborn babies here. It is only family planning.

However, I guess we should also look closely into the provisions of the Reproductive Health Care Act before we could agree on it completely.
2008-09-01 04:12:10 UTC
Why is the Catholic Church opposed to modern family planning here in the Philippines when it doesn't say a word about use of artificial methods in Rome, Italy, and Spain? I don't see the Church go out to feed, cloth and care for the thousands of children sleeping on the sidewalks and begging for their daily ration of rice here in our country. Where is the moral responsibility of our Church? I am a Catholic, I believe in God and Jesus Christ, and I oppose abortion as a birth control method, but our church here in the Philippines is not preaching the teachings of Christ. Instead they fall back on the Old Testament directive from God to the small tribe of Israel "Go out and populate the world." Bishops and Priests, wake up and look around you! Don't hide in the comfort of your churches and offices.
2008-09-01 07:25:58 UTC
The church should not control the government.The people should have the right to choose how to live there life.The church should not try to rule as a dictatorship.Also it is the duty and of responsibility to practice safe sex.Married couples should be able to freely express themselves in that way as often as they want while being able ti cut down on the chance of having kids.It is wrong to dictate that a couple should ONLY have sex if they want to have a kid.That is wrong.It is a freedom that should be cherished to express to each other in the most intimate form.Also it makes it harder on lower income families who's husband force sex on there wife even if a condom is not available.Also there is a rise in abortion both illegal and legal.The church shoeld stop the insanity and dictatorship.
is that so
2008-09-03 05:09:53 UTC
I strongly agree with the church.

the reason why the church disagrees with the bill is not only on the issue of using contraceptives there is a lot more.

i'm not in the position of actually speaking in behalf of the church because what i've heard is only a part and parcel of the reasons why the church opposes with this bill.

but let me share to you what i know.

the bill proposes to provide contraceptives to the people but doesn't this cost money?

some contraceptives are abortive just like the IUD and some pills.

providing free hospitalization for women who went through abortion isn't this promoting abortion.

there is more actually bit that all i can remember.

if you really want to know the stand of the Catholic Church better ask a priest near your area.

p.s. if you really want to have a clear idea of the proposed bill try reading it. i guess the archdiocese in your area have that.
2016-03-09 19:38:45 UTC
The Philippine Catholic Church and all pro-lifers out there should put their heart where their mouth is and the government should turn the tables on them if they insist on blocking the passage of the bill. They should be asked to adopt and take care of all abandoned and homeless children who are a common a sight in our cities.
2008-09-02 09:31:22 UTC
i personally disagree with this. although the reproductive health care act has some good points, still the bad outweighs the good ones. i myself supports the use of artificial contraceptive methods because they are proven effective by science and medicine.

the said act provides wide access to these things which is good. but in a way, this act also supports abortion (although not directly stated but it is implied) which i strongly disagree. abortion should not be practiced by anyone. this bill also limits the number of children per family. i doubt this one. with our culture and traditions, i doubt that families will allow this one.

for me, this is not the solution to our booming population. we do not need all these bills and acts. all we need is just merely discipline. and i think they should focus more on the worsening poverty issue in our country than to this one. when poverty is solved, then population problem may also improve. all i'm saying is that we all need to discipline ourselves not to just produce babies anytime we want. and one thing. are they trying to follow china? oh come on!
2008-09-02 02:38:42 UTC
No I don't oppose the bill. What the catholic church needs to do is to launch a similar movement initiated by themselves to educate the people on responsible family planning. Based on my personal experience, those that are not aware of the consequences of having many children are the ones who don't have enough income to sustain their families and these are the ones that need to be educated for responsible parenthood.
True Saint
2008-09-01 01:26:46 UTC
I am a Catholic but I support the move of our legislators. Let the church excommunicate everyone. Its only in the Philippines that citizens allow the church to abuse and unfairly meddle in the affairs of the state. It doesn't happen in other countries. The church ,in my opinion , should first address the problems within the church and leave the government solve overpopulation with logical solutions. To my mind, let us ignore this overbearing church.
2008-09-01 17:07:30 UTC
Why do the priests seem to force their belief on everyone else including non-catholics? They instead should preach to their parishioners at their pulpit about what they believe . I've been raised a Roman Catholic and was made to believe lots of "useless" things and teachings. Nowadays, they seldom talked about Latin being the language used by Jesus, instead they do their masses in English or in the local dialect. Now again, they want everyone to believe that family planning (Government version) is not biblical? Some of these methods (IUD) may not be, but what about the other methods?
2008-09-01 16:48:00 UTC
yes i support the move of the catholic church, because its his duty to remind us on what is good for us. The church is not against family planning but not the way that will ruin our soul. The church do not want us to go against nature, for if we do, nature will go against us in form of sicknesses, like cancers.

Lets us plan our family, let us do it naturally - God;s way! it just take discipline, study the natural family planning which is 99 % effective and safe.
2008-09-01 07:19:42 UTC
Yes, I am...

Natural family planning method being pushed by the Catholic Church is one and the same as the Comprehensive Family Planning Program as authored by Rep. Edcel Lagman.

It is having sex, and enjoying it too, with the end in mind that your partner (presumeably the wife) will not conceive, or in layman's term, will not get pregnant.

Now, who's saying that sex is not to be enjoyed by couples, and will elicit bad sexual behaviour?
2008-09-02 18:52:27 UTC
I do believed nowadays that we strongly need to support this method to control our booming population. more people now are not getting the right education, foods and other basic needs and services from our government.

Gone are the days that we always listen to the the Roman Catholic Church, for now the CBCP should as of the moment focus their attention on their internal problems...much better if they can "shut off" their "mouth" on government issues.
2008-09-02 06:32:15 UTC
Of course I do! The Catholic teaching on contraception is based on flawed theology and outdated reality. Majority of the bishops and lay people who studied the matter recommended that the Catholic stance on contraception be changed but Humanae Vitae did the opposite just because it didn't want to admit that it made a mistake when it issued the original teaching on contraception.
2008-09-01 09:19:30 UTC
I agree that a growing population rate could affect a country economically but only to a government who failed to plan for this eventualities. I thank Mr. Lagman for his concern for our economy, however , i am disappointed that his remedy to this problem is for its constituents to sacrifice their beliefs and go against their own moral standard. Instead , I suggest a" Productive Government Care act " which will practice better governance and discipline erring officials ,eradicate the corruption and control unnecessary expenditures in our government so it can sustain the needs of its growing population. Of the 40% under the poverty line , are the people who are unemployed , illiterate, sick, etc...I hope our government officials will looked deeper into the roots of this souring economy of ours.
2008-09-02 09:52:11 UTC
You know the problem with our country.They always try to listen to priest as if they were God.And doing objections to what they're saying making people sound as if their doing the wrong thing.In the first place I think that God has given us common sense to think what is right or wrong.And always look for the right solution.



All of their schools are private right?All of us know that most of our private school are crowded.And that maybe solve if we can control our population.


I know that this is a government problem,but with big population its really hard for the government to solve


Of course no.cause all they know is to wait for the money of all the Catholics.

Our government is just being true with what is happening and trying to make a solutions.People can't resist the desire of sex or control it.(mostly poor people)Giving them this kind of contraceptive might help not only our country but also their family.They may give the education their kids need that may help them someday in the future.
2008-09-02 00:44:24 UTC
ABSOLUTELY. Excommunicate these heroic solons for all we care. It's sad how the Church's myths, self-righteousness and blindness have prevented itself from seeing the realities of our country today. It's about time they realize that even in predominantly Catholic countries, the governments have a comprehensive reproductive health program!

FAMILY PLANNING = ABORTION? THAT'S JUST PLAIN STUPIDITY! WAKE UP YOU MORONS ON THE PULPIT! Try to understand that family planning even elevates the quality of life!


In addition to supporting modern family planning methods, I also support any movement that seeks to "de-authorize" the power of the Catholic Church in the Philippines. It may be the religion of 80-90% of us Filipinos but IT IS DEFINITELY NOT THE STATE RELIGION. So far, they have been trying to infuse their old and archaic doctrines in our policies and laws that are necessary for a people poised to let go of the past. THIS IS UNFAIR! It is the right of the individual to choose according to his or her own volition and not according to anyone's dictates! LET THE FILIPINO CHOOSE WHAT HE OR SHE DEEMS FIT FOR HIS OR HER GROWTH. IT'S ABOUT TIME THAT WE OURSELVES SHAPE OUR OWN DESTINY.

2008-09-01 17:06:51 UTC
The Catholic church approaches things from a position that God, thru his son Jesus, did not learn and grow while walking on this earth. We are a progressive people, we learn, we evolve in short, we think! To say that Jesus did not learn while he traveled his path would be a huge mistake.

To blindly continue to follow the Catholic Church down this path would be an affront to God! Do we want more hungry people that can not feed themselves? We have too many now. I say this with charity in my heart

and money that has left my pocket.

God intended us all to think and then act accordingly. He gave us free will to decide on everything we do. But I do think he expects us to think before we speak and act. The Philippines is already in crisis mmode trying to feed to many people.
2008-09-02 17:48:15 UTC
Yes, family planning is a necessity in today's world with its exploding population and depletion of resources. Please think of our future generations. Natural family planning methods are not 100% foolproof. Why put people and children through unnecessary burdens/miseries that can be avoided. And the church should not try to interfere with or impose its beliefs on the government, or people.
2008-09-02 00:58:35 UTC
I agree that family planning methods, both artificial and natural, should be available to Filipinos in terms of information and access.

Without setting aside its moral strictures and its interpretation of the Bible, etc., the Catholic Church should primarily take into consideration today's REALITIES regarding the state of our population and the health of our families, especially those in the urban poor sector.

Most of the opposition to the bill consists in arguments about the promotion of abortion and the encouragement of promiscuity, but a proper study of the bill and the research in support of it will easily show that nowhere is abortion advocated as a method of FP, and that RH education prevents unwanted pregnancies (usually in young women, which leads to abortion and its complications), generally resulting in responsible, INFORMED choices regarding their own bodies.

Those who try to turn the discussion into one about "good and evil" and make quick judgments based on this are totally missing the truth about the issue; they ought to re-study the facts and strive to aid the betterment of the lives of Filipino women, children, and families in general.
2008-09-01 06:37:02 UTC
Yes I support the governments program of family planning. I don't agree with the church's opposition to this and I don't really see any good reason why they oppose. I think it is high time the Filipino people realize that it is not the church that raise their families and it is not the church that bear the consequences of being poor, it is THEM.

We should multiply proper education, we should multiply proper nutrition, we should multiply proper shelter and care for the children and not multiply beggars, not multiply sickness in our society and one way to do that is to only bear children that you can afford to provide with proper education, nutrition and shelter.

We should propagate love amongst our people. But poverty can only begat hatred. Is it not that this is happening now?
Maristela C
2008-09-01 01:14:09 UTC
The Church's opposition to the proposed Reproductive Health Bill authored by Lagman is not only anchored on Spiritual and moral grounds. The Congressman and his companions should study world trends resulting from previous aggressive population control programs not only of first world countries but also including Japan, China and Singapore. They should carefully consider the medical ramifications of using contraceptives (see leading medical journals and results of medical researches) as well as the stark adverse demographic effects of aggressive population programs experienced by most of Europe and even Asia.

For clarification, the Roman Catholic Church is not opposed to family planning. It is opposed to the use of contraceptives. Responsible Parenthood must consider planning the size of the family but it must not be in violation of the Natural Law which governs the universe. Using Contraceptives violates the Natural Law.

Let us together promote Natural Family Planning which will strengthen the moral fiber of this nations as it is not only about controlling the number of children. It is also about growing in character - in honor and respect, in the art of waiting, in patience and forebearance, in delayed gratification and self-control, in creativity, and other virtues.

Lastly, I am a woman and I say the proposed Reproductive Health Bill authored by Lagman, et. al. is anti woman. It is also anti-family, anti development and anti-life.
2008-09-03 15:57:16 UTC
Honestly I believed that the catholic church caters most to poor people to justify its relevance of charity and mendicancy promotions. That's why it doesn't mind having a ballooning very poor population and never progressive. Point is they don't want people to be well-off since that would mean less of the need for them.
2008-09-01 17:53:40 UTC
Absolutely! I'm a Catholic, but its time to realize what's reality.

Philippine's population for the past years ballooned and caused

poverty, hunger, and etc. Will the Church help the country to eliminate this problem? Heck no. Why would the Church interfere if they themselves can't do anything to solve this crisis. think.
tiger of the pacific
2008-09-01 09:24:07 UTC
Directly and Frankly the answer is NO! put aside what religion says, they are just full of bullshit, apply what is better for population growth i am for it, and tell the priest to stop mingling to the affairs,because china has the same problem, it's not buddha who solve the problem, same in the philippines. too high the population it has to stop, otherwise we ask for revolution ,new population, new government, new religion,new country.

many counselors are very fast to give counsel to others, most of them don't have experience or they are very old. in fact this issue was the case of europe before and they didn't succeed to solve it because the main cause why it's not being implied are the men.women are more receptive of the issue but men doesn't care much,for them is to explore or express their feelings, the rest they don't care. the only one who can put into effect for birth control are women by taking contraceptive by means of a pill, but the government has to intervene for distributing the birth control pills, and women has to learn and educate themselves taking the pill everyday same time same hour for 22 days a month. this new system has to be applied with sincerity and seriousness otherwise it is like blow in the wind.

europe succeeded to apply the system thanks to women who are concern in the issue.Catholic church has no power or say about things like this, the day that themselves don't make their nuns pragnant anymore at the back of the church murdering their unborn children at the backyard of churches then they can give advice to others. priests for general are fornicators with their nuns.they preach but they don't apply what they preach.
2008-09-02 02:43:53 UTC
HELLZ YEAH. I really hate the Philippine church. They act as if they're the government. And they're really narrow minded, too. I read ( or watched) somwhere that one congressman in the Phils. who supported the family planning program was "denounced" by the church, called him a son of satan, then the archbishop (or priest, i forgot) didn't give him the white round thing (i'm sorry I don't know what it's called D: ). How professional, right? I mean, God or Jesus is okay and all, but what makes them look bad is the stupid church. They're all going to hell.
2008-09-01 19:38:08 UTC
yes! I STRONGLY SUPPORT the birth control bill!

if the church has a strong fight against abortion, then they should've supported birth control to begin with!

yes, they fight for the lives of these defenseless babies. but if i were one of those 3 babies born every freakin' minute and grow up in poverty, i would probably wish i were never given the chance to live in this country!

the church should know that. life's not just about sanctity--we're talking about reality here. we need food. not prayers. and the babies that they say they are defending need a life to live...not a life they will forever regret they had.
Conrad K
2008-09-02 15:33:02 UTC
The Catholic church has no right to be involved in birth control. It is not bilbe base and is just another of the catholic churchs missguided influences on their members. If the catolic church wants to endorse something it should be invloved in priest sexual misconduct. Not what goes on in their parishioners bedrooms who are married.
2008-08-31 23:27:29 UTC
Absolutely, especially in opposition to the (male-dominated) Catholic church. I am in favour of a comprehensive family planning program and choices for women and their partners. I hope the legislators stand up to the heat and vote with their consciences. Any church that wants to excommunicate politicians who are trying to help women in this way is not worth belonging to. This is an example of why the Catholic church is losing parishioners everywhere in the world.
2008-09-01 09:08:12 UTC
reproductive health bill is a good thing. not just a theoretical belief.

that is the reason why philippines is always left behind. because a policy that would have been very helpful to all of us is blocked by the churcH!
2008-09-01 00:07:25 UTC
yes, i support the bill of rep. lagman. the big question for me is why is the Church is keep on opposing a legislation of this kind. the population is growing yearly foods are not already enough for all of us to share. come 2010 election who ever the presidential candidate with clear policy on population control i shall vote for him/her.
Michael S
2008-09-01 06:01:08 UTC
I support modern family planning. The use of natural family planning methods with high failure rates such as withdrawal method results in unwanted pregnancies and leads women to consider unsafe operations such as abortions. Giving women access to information and services helps women avoid abortions.

The struggle for the passage of the Reproductive Bill (RH) in Congress rages on. The Reproductive Health Advocacy Network (RHAN) through the Democratic Socialist Women of the Phils. (DSWP) initiated an online petition that we request you to support by attaching your signature.

Please go to http://www.Petition rhan2008/ petition. html to do this.
2008-09-03 00:17:09 UTC
i support it 100% because i believe this is one of the most reason why a lot of filipino is poor, homeless and jobless. have you ever see those country who practice birth control having a problem like Philippines? no right... if we dont do it now, can those who object about this law afford to see more and more street children every year. children that go hunger, out of school? lets put it that i agree with the catholics view. which one is rightfull to do? to control giving birth to the reason that parents maybe cant afford to give them a better life. or to give birth non stop then you see the children outside begging for money to feed themselves, see those poor children using drugs and rugby, into a prostitution, force of labor. hindi ba kasalanan din ito? siguro hindi pa lang nila nakikita ang totoong kalagayan ng mga batang ito. i was one of them kaya i know how important the control of birth is.... so stop it and give a better foture for the coming generation. goodluck
Don T
2008-09-01 21:36:59 UTC
dale A
2008-09-01 11:03:27 UTC
Yes i do.why?simply Because of deep Poverty our country has,lots of Parents don't have stable job to support the needs of their children,yes i do believe that God advice Adam and Eve,to be fruitful and multiply.i do believe in that.but that command was and the old testament times,when Adam and Eve are the only man and woman live to this planet earth so He advice them to be fruitful and multiply.not and our times were population booms a days.nice to have a big population if we can give our children a big future.don't be selfish think wisely, the Bible tells us to be wise.
2008-09-02 17:13:22 UTC
Yes, absolutely support family planning.
2008-09-02 19:02:29 UTC
And where does the church stand on children going to bed hungry at night because of poverty. I'm sure they don't give that a second thought because they all go to bed with full bellys.
2008-09-03 04:17:33 UTC
The Church should be banned. Every country where they have a high level of power has a high pverty rate. There is a correlation.
2008-09-01 22:21:37 UTC
Birth control should be a personal decision.

But False Religion . . .

- Seem to be at the root of so many problems (Sexual abuses of children, teachings that negatively affect it's followers, etc.)


- Exerts influence “over the kings of the earth”

- False religion straddles the back of political beast, attempting to influence its decisions and to control its direction. For this reasons, the world’s political powers will be fed up and turn on false religion and completely destroy her!

- TOLERATES IMMORAL SEX: Even churches that condemn immorality have tolerated their own religious leaders who have sexually abused children. What, though, does the Bible teach? It plainly states: “Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men . . . will inherit God’s kingdom.” (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) Do you know of religions that condone immoral sex?

SPREADS FALSE DOCTRINE: Most religions teach that the soul or spirit is some invisible part of a human that survives the death of the physical body. By means of this teaching, many of these religions exploit their members, charging money to pray for departed souls. However, the Bible teaches a different doctrine. “The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.” (Ezekiel 18:4) “The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Jesus taught that the dead will be resurrected—an unnecessary action if humans had an immortal soul. (John 11:11-25) Does your religion teach that the soul does not die?

Picture the scene. A harlot is sitting on the back of a fearsome beast. The beast has seven heads and ten horns. (Revelation 17:1-4) Whom does the harlot represent? She exerts influence “over the kings of the earth.” She dresses in purple, uses incense, and is exceedingly wealthy. In addition, by means of her spiritistic practice, ‘all the nations are misled.’ (Revelation 17:18; 18:12, 13, 23) The Bible helps us to see that this harlot is a worldwide religious entity.

The beast that the harlot rides pictures the world’s political powers.* (Revelation 17:10-13) False religion straddles the back of this political beast, attempting to influence its decisions and to control its direction.

Soon, though, an amazing event will take place. “The ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.” (Revelation 17:16) In a sudden, shocking move, the world’s political powers will turn on false religion and completely destroy her! What will prompt this action? The Bible book of Revelation answers: “God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought.” (Revelation 17:17) Yes, God will call false religion to account for all the despicable acts she has committed in his name. In a stroke of perfect justice, he will use her political paramours as his instrument of execution.

What must you do if you do not want to share the fate of false religion? “Get out of her, my people,” urges God’s messenger. (Revelation 18:4) Indeed, now is the time to flee from false religion! But to where can you flee? Not into atheism, since its future is also bleak. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-9) The only haven is within true religion. How can you identify true religion?
2008-09-02 07:41:19 UTC
NO, artificial contraceptive is a mess and is also missed just like the pills aand the iud. and regarding the condoms as for me is messy to use. natural birth control teaches how to discipline the couples regarding sexual intercourse.
2008-09-01 16:42:31 UTC
yes, definitely... aside from the fact that 'natural' family planning is not applicable for all couples (since not all women are regular when it comes to their estrus cycle), it is also not 100% fool-proof.. besides, the church nowadays is all talk, they fail to see the long term effects of rapid population growth and the limited carrying capacity of our resources...
2008-09-01 07:52:14 UTC
no because artificial methods are anti-life which makes the church against it and the use of it also may lead to the death of the one using it for example pills, etc.. and the doctors should also explain both the positive and negative effects of pills, condoms, and others.
2008-09-01 00:05:40 UTC
I believe we really need to do population control. Every parent and parent to be needs to plan and make sure be ready to raise a child. It's a parent's obligation to give the child his basic necessities such as food, shelter and education. A lot of children especially here in Metro Manila are seen in the streets begging for food and even money for them to be able to feed their hungry stomach and even the stomach of their parents. They are even not enrolled in school because they need to feed their stomach first to survive.
2008-09-02 22:12:23 UTC
i support the reproductive bill by Rep. Lagman, because in our country we need drastic solution to our population problem and the chruch cannot answer this by the natural method. i mean wake up it is much more violation of human rights because you cannot provide meal and basic needs to your children and one major source of poverty is because of big family members.
Dr. Nenet
2008-09-01 18:55:10 UTC
Yes, I prefer to give all kinds of family planning informations to prospective clients/patients giving both their advantages and disadvantages and then let the clients choose for themselves which ones are they more comfortable to use.

In health care practice, I like to empower patients and let them be responsible for their health.
ambulance driver
2008-09-03 04:03:41 UTC
let ALL the churches here in the philippines excommunicate all filipinos but THEY should get out of this archipelago..INCLUDING THE pork barrel GOBBLING politicians...if ALL THE churches HERE IN THE PHILIPPINES ,WILL UTILIZE ALL THEIR EARNINGS FROM TITHES,ALMS,..LOVE OFFERINGS..ETC.ETC....THERE WILL BE NO POVERTY LINES.!!!! I Support life....a meaningful,good quality life....which we can never achieve ,,with the help of church business swindling leaders. and pork barrel gobbling pedophile coddling gun totting politicians....
Meg H
2008-09-01 03:45:32 UTC
Of course...they'll oppose..don't they think that what they are doing is a hinder to growth. Time to be practical. Life is hard these days..don't they know that?
ronnie b
2008-09-01 05:16:29 UTC
2008-09-02 11:23:46 UTC
i dont opposed the church but damn we need to do something bout the population and poverty..i mean ppl from the poverty areas had many siblings..arent they had enough problems already..
2008-09-01 20:48:13 UTC
2008-09-01 02:46:40 UTC
absolutely support it. catholic leaders don't know what happiness jher jher gives because of celebacy...or not..wat can you say my church priest...hmmm baka naman may nangyayari jan sa
gerry p
2008-08-31 23:51:18 UTC
Birth Control is Sex, and sex for me is meshing two lives that had before been quite independent was an interesting, exciting, sometimes difficult process of discovery. One of the coolest things about it was getting an occasional hint that this woman I had chosen to marry was even deeper and wiser than I realized. When we were discussing children, contraceptives and family planning, My wife put the conversation in perspective with a simple statement. "I think that if you're ready to get married, you should be ready to have children." Maybe that should have been obvious to me, but it wasn't. At least not at first. At the time when we were preparing for marriage, I had finished college. Since she was planning to quit her job and go to work in a hospital clinic , our decisions about having (or not having) children were … um … complicated. Because of this, I assumed that marriage and childbearing were two separate things. And that they needed to stay separate for a while. But the further we dug into the issue, the more I found my assumptions being challenged. I also had to acknowledge that they needed to be challenged in order to bring them in line with a biblical worldview. I want to share that thought process here, because I know that many college students wrestle (or soon will) with the same complications and assumptions. Since When are Children Convenient? The first big assumption I had to deal with was my belief that we could — and should — put off having children until it was more convenient to have them. Obviously, convenience means different things to different people: waiting until both partners have finished school; waiting until you're financially stable (whatever that means); waiting until the wife is "established" in her career. Birth control, of course, is the major reason these options are available to us. And easy access to birth control often means we take our options for granted. We shouldn't, because doing so can easily lead to a warped attitude toward both sexuality and children. What I mean is, we live in a culture that believes that men and women alike can have sex whenever, wherever and with whomever, as long as it's consensual. This so-called freedom is possible because the combination of birth control and abortion supposedly allows us to avoid or get rid of any unwanted consequences. Among those consequences is pregnancy. So, for the single person at least, contraception provides for a lifestyle that is promiscuous and sees children as mistakes to be avoided. I'm not saying that using contraceptives makes you promiscuous, or that all contraceptive users devalue children or condone abortion. I'm just saying that birth control makes it easier to adopt these attitudes. Now, take this train of thought one stop further. If, pre-marriage, we are accustomed to viewing children as "mistakes," how does this affect our attitude toward them after we are married? For some couples it's a non-issue. They enter marriage with children in mind, and they view the beginning of the parenting season of life as something to look forward to. On the other hand, I know an increasing number of married couples who have their educational, recreational, financial and professional lives so carefully planned that children are still viewed as mistakes. Unless Junior shows up precisely on his parents' schedule, he is an interruption to their lives. You simply cannot hold a thorough Christian worldview and view children in that light. The Bible makes clear that having, raising and discipling children is to be a priority for most Christians. It also lets us know that we are not to hold so tightly to our own freedom and our own plans that we leave no room for God's. Wisdom or Selfishness? I'm not saying that delaying or planning the timing of children is necessarily sinful. But we need to make a distinction between selfish delays and wise delays. And we need to be brutally honest with ourselves about which is which. A wise delay is one that plans for the future with children — and their highest good — in mind. I think it's entirely possible for Christians, in good conscience, to put off childbearing while they fast-track through school, in order that one parent might earn enough to allow the other parent to stay home after children arrive. Conversely, selfishness creeps in when we continually raise the bar for what constitutes financial stability. If we're really honest about our priorities, it's hard to justify a luxury car or a time-share on the beach as achievements to be reached before having kids. A final thought on the delaying-children issue: no matter what our plans are, we need to discipline our minds so that if our preferred method of delaying the arrival of children fails (and they all do at times!), we are ready to welcome children in God's timing, even if that's not our timing. Regarding to the question, well it is a mixed emotion. I am sure that this bill was a waste of time and money. Instead, the Govt should focus on developments such as Rice -Livestock-Vegetables-Fisheries reproduction and distribution, market roads & transportation - logistics planning and etc.
2008-09-02 01:05:36 UTC
yes! most definitely! it is CRIMINAL not to have this law passed.
2008-09-01 06:36:56 UTC
2008-09-02 05:07:26 UTC
yes! and must..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.