2010-09-26 05:43:54 UTC
We went down different life paths - after uni I ended up getting a pretty blah customer service job to start with but stuck it out while doing further studies and meeting new people. I eventually succeeded in getting a great job (it took 6 years) and had a great group of friends and fantastic guy by then. My sister chose to travel which was more fun but eventually came back to an obsolete degree and also a blah job. She didn't have many friends (she has a lot of expectations of friends - and had a few burnt friendship bridges) and was single. She often confessed feeling like a failure and I always did my best to encourage her. Finally over a year ago she returned to uni and also met a really nice guy who she moved in with after a year when bought a house. Things looked good for her and I was really happy for her.
Fast forward to now. We had one of those silly arguments that pop up and where things get said from both sides. I don't like to hold onto things so apologised the next day and received an apology from her. I didn't think anything further and thought we were all good again but whenever I saw her afterwards there was this weird fake, formal cheeriness (the kind that you get from bad sales staff) and a few incidents of independance demonstrations such as declining to stay for dinner etc (she used to always come over and stay for meals which I loved cooking etc). I figured out that she obviously wasn't over things so confronted it and apologied again. She replied that she was still angry but wanted to 'defuse things' to which I suggested meeting to talk it through. Her idea of defusing things seems to be stewing on it as her reply revealed that she had really twisted some of my words and that she wanted time and space space which I said I'd give. 5 days later (which was coincidentally before her birthday) she announces that she feels silly being mad and wanted me to come to a birthday dinner with her and her bf and her bf's parents. I was hopeful but it turned out that things were still weird and I suspect now that she pretended to want to get over things so that she didn't look bad in front of her bf's parents and so that she got a present.
Hurtful things were said by both of us in our original argument, but I've chosen to move on and was genuine in my apology but it seems that she hasn't and wasn't. I am sorry for my words and the hurt caused by them, but can't apologise further or open honest communications if she is not willing to accept anything. So what now?