How do I delete information that has been typed into a search engine such as google.?
2006-04-27 10:53:35 UTC
On my computer if you are at the google site and hit the letter a several sites scroll down and some of which are less than desirable, i don't know how these sites got there, but i want them off of my computer, how do i delete these.
Nine answers:
2006-04-27 10:56:15 UTC
go on tools, then internet options, content teab, click auto complete, and then clear forms
2006-04-27 10:58:00 UTC
Click the Tools menu option in Internet Explorer, then choose Internet Options.

Click the Clear History button near the bottom of the page. (This clears all the entries you're referring to.)

If you'd like, click the Delete Files button -- this clears out copies of all the stuff that was downloaded to appear on your brower.

(I have to say, if you're not a parent -- well, it's funny how these sites just magically appear, isn't it? :) )
2006-04-27 10:57:28 UTC
Try this:

1. At the top of your Internet Explorer window, click on "tools".

2. Click on "internet options".

3. Click on both "delete cookies", and "delete files".

This should do it! Hope this helps! :)
2006-04-27 10:57:45 UTC
go to tools in the toolbar, scroll down to internet options and click on it, when the dialogue box opens up click on the content tab, when you get there click the autocomplete button. when you get there, there are two buttons one is clear forms click that and after you do that click on the other button clear passwords. when that is dont click ok and you are done
2006-04-27 10:58:00 UTC
Tools...Internet Options...Advanced...uncheck "auto complete"......I learned this when my dad was visiting and went to Yahoo to find "Driving Directions" and it pre-filled "***** and Dildos"...what a frickin' bummer!
2006-04-27 10:56:34 UTC
internet options is one way. but then, you can click inside the box... press down and then delete.
2006-04-27 10:57:07 UTC
I don't know but that is a good question , if you type in "newports or kools" you will get something i posted once
2006-04-27 10:59:12 UTC
Googled an ex, ehh?
2006-04-27 10:58:39 UTC

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