I'm getting to the point whare I cant stand my parents...?
2006-04-30 09:06:44 UTC
I'm getting to the point whare I cant stand my parents. I'll be having a perfectly good day and then when i come home I feel like pulling my hair out. They always have something bad to say about me and its really depressing me. How can I deal with my parents?? -stressed out
22 answers:
2006-04-30 09:14:47 UTC
I suspect you're a teenager....this is typical. They just want to feel part of your life. All of us have probably gone through this. They are having a hard time dealing with the fact you are growing up and you are interpreting what they may be saying is negative, they are trying to say they love you and care for you and that you will always be their child even when you're an adult.

Let them know you understand they are wanting to be part of your life but you will not learn how to handle life's issues without their input.

You also didn't say what exactly they've been saying. What you think is a personal attack on you is merely an observance that perhaps they have noticed something different about you and are concerned and want you to tell them what is going on.
2006-04-30 09:15:20 UTC
how old are you? if your parents are truely degrading you and being mean to you maybe you need to see a counselor at school. if this is just a normal thing that happens to all kids then let's face it, our parents have bad days, too. they work all day, they come home, pay bills, cook, clean, take care of you and other kids, mow the grass, make sure the cars are running right and the houses are paid for and a million other things. parent have a lot of things on their minds. parents want their kids to do good in school and have good friends and not get in trouble. don't take drugs ans smoke and make sure that you listen to the teachers and take part in sports. parents want the best for kids. so i hope you can understand that. now i don't have kids but i am an aunt of many kids and i would want the best for you if you were my neice, so if it is really bad at your house, get help, but if is cuz mom and dad have a lot on their minds, give them a break and try to better. ok?
2006-04-30 09:33:13 UTC
Of course you cant stand your parent. Who can stand anybody when they're housing you, feeding you, and trying to protect you. How frustrating. You know there are street corners just filled with frustrated kids just like yourself, and hungry, tired, and scared too. If your parents are abusing you, take steps to protect yourself, but if they are just being parents stop abusing them.

You have a problem withing your family unit and frustration and spite are the only languages you all understand. You appear to be old enough to translate what is going on inside your head.

Talk to your parents. How they react should be of no concern of yours. YOU have something YOU have to say. Be mindful of the fact that it may be a tricky game getting through to them, but at least they will never be able to say, 'Well, we didn't even know she/he ever even felt like that'.

And log all this down because I promise you will need it in the future.....when this all happens to you.

I hope this answer just changed your life. Peace.
2006-04-30 09:12:46 UTC
Maybe you are getting to th epoint where yo are growing out of yoru families life style and it is time to start venturing out into the real world with out them.. that way you visit when you want to, and you can leave when you have had enough.

How old are you? If you are still too young for that then I suggest that you grin and bear it.. you only have a limited time on this earth with your parents and for the most part they are just trying to look out for you and they are not trying to be so annoying.
2016-09-26 06:20:08 UTC
Hmmm....Awww Thats Sadd yet they only choose the marvelous for you ,, regardless of if Itz no longer What you choose you comprehend? college is costly .. And Ur very nearly An person They Arent Going to Be There For you Everytime Yu Fall And Thats What life Is..
2006-04-30 09:13:07 UTC
Well if they're yelling at you and saying bad things about you, maybe you're doing something they don't think you should be. But if you're absolutely sure you aren't doing anything wrong, do drugs. lol. It's how the rest of us survive.

No I'm just kidding, I don't encourage that at all. Just do as mommy and daddy say, or stay at friend's houses or something. There's always the drug thing just in case lol.
2006-04-30 09:16:12 UTC
join the club, and then when i start getting mad at them for ******* my day up the always say "dont get mad a us just because u had a bad day. i have an evil step mother thats ugly, wheres way to much ******* make-up, gets in my damn life to much. anywho back to the question i just give them what they want i say want i need to say and and be on my way i dont up with her **** any more and plus u can tell that ur parents fell hella dumb after messing up u day and u not sayong or doing anything about it is a nice feeling.

so screw them u dont need there ****.
2006-04-30 09:11:10 UTC
I think it happens a lot. Sometimes I can't stand my parents and my boyfriend can't stand his parents either sometimes. I think what you feel is normal. My parents used to say bad things too. Just try to be as happy as you can
2006-04-30 09:12:29 UTC
My parents were a bit on the overbearing side....It seems really sh!tty now but I'm telling you ...Unless they are verbally abusing you it's out of love...Sit down with them and ask them to be quiet while you talk (nicely)....Talk to them as an adult...They love you and seeing you repecting them and speaking to them as an adult will work wonders....Tell them how you feel and how it feels to come home and hear negativity...Try to be rational and don't let emotions cloud what you want to say...It's hard but worth it...Good luck...
2006-04-30 09:12:15 UTC
Your parents have spent time to look after you and given up part of their lives for you, you should respect them. Try to look at them as your friends not your parents. My dad is my best friend and I really like spending time with him. It will get easier as you get older but stick with it, remember they are human too!
2006-04-30 09:11:47 UTC
There is an undercurrent between you and parents.Take this as a challenge speak to them and explain in depth in short open your heart to them.Remember they are your parents and they love you a lot
2006-04-30 09:11:27 UTC
jst b d way they want u 2 b 4 a week..b there lovin dauhter..then wen their temper cools down tel thm hw u feel abt d whole issue
Mr. Curious
2006-04-30 09:08:13 UTC
You need more detail. What makes your "perfectly good day"? Add details and then some answers will be more meaningful.
James B
2006-04-30 09:11:08 UTC
Move to your own place when you are of age, until then you are stuck under their roof.
2006-04-30 09:11:44 UTC
What you have a Will Smith syndrome
2006-04-30 09:18:01 UTC
Have your parents changed or have you
2006-04-30 09:08:18 UTC
That's strange. Why would you put this question under beauty?
2006-04-30 09:12:03 UTC
been there dont that and still dong it kinda hard to explain jus gotta deal wit it
2006-04-30 09:11:42 UTC
Look at what you have been doing to and hiding from them and be honest with yourself (and them) about it.
2006-04-30 09:14:02 UTC
Wow; they just asked the same question about you. Go figure.....
2006-04-30 09:11:56 UTC
2006-04-30 09:10:16 UTC
Maybe they can't stand you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.