sometimes beating can give an impact to your brother..he might got scared to do the mischieves!!
if you beat them and they get used to
THEY WONT LSITEN ANYMORE ,worse he might be rebelious.,.
against you and your parents..
it's better if you talk to him..
anyway how old are your brother anyway!?
if it just a little kid 7-12 well just punish's better..if you are talking about a teenager...HANG OUT WITH HIM... try to be a cool brother..sometime they look up to are their example..!!
show a good example so they can follow ur footstep..
"i'm the eldest in my family..i have 3 brothers and sister"
so i know what it been like!!
NOW my brother following my footstep..i'm a bad example..I used to fight all the know my third brother is KINDA A ROUGH/GANSTER PERSON(I USE TO BEAT HIM HARD) so i hope your brother dont be like mine...HARD TO HANDLE (NOW HIS 16)