Am I too young for a cell phone at 13?
2007-12-27 19:39:28 UTC
I am 13 and really want a cell phone am I too young? Please Help!
109 answers:
john d
2007-12-27 19:41:37 UTC
no..not these days
2007-12-27 19:47:40 UTC
i think 13 is quite young for a cell phone.

at this point you have not had experience paying bills and understanding how money works. i'm assuming you have allowance and possibly do chores and save money? that might give you some idea of what your parents go through to get the bills paid every month. but realize that when you get the phone the parent has a responsibility to the cell phone company to pay the bill on time every month, and that it is very hard to get ahead with money.

what are you going to do when you get the pone? text all of your friends a hundred times a day and take pictures of everything and send it? or use it for emergencies only?

you might be able to mention one of those pay as you go phones, where you purchase 50 minutes a month or something like that to use.

keep in mind that doing all these things cost a lot of money. a friends' text message bill came to 100 dollars just BECAUSE of the text messages, and that was on top of the monthly charge.

a cell phone can be fun, but remember it will cost your parents quite a bit of money.

good luck hon!
2007-12-27 19:44:37 UTC
Yes. I'm 13, and I want a cell phone, but really, we are both way to young. All of the teenagers nowadays think that they need cell phones and laptops and ipods, but our parents shouldn't have to pay for that. If you want a cell phone, start babysitting, or find a way to earn some money. That's what my parents told me.
2007-12-27 19:44:20 UTC
i dont think so. I'm 13 and i got my cell phone when i was 11-12. Its a great way to keep in touch with people and so your family knows where you are. If you are allowed to get one, then go for it. They are also a lot of fun. I think that every 13 year old should have one. You may never know when you need the help of someone.
2007-12-27 19:44:51 UTC
It depends....Some parents think that you're too young, but others dont. If could be a helpful saftey percausion to have one. At 13 your more into hanging out with your friends and going places on your own where it would be good in case of an emergency. Try to talk to your parents and don't whine. Explain that you want one because you don't want to get stuck in a situation that could be potentially risky, and a cell phone would make you feel safer. See if you can compromise :]
2007-12-27 19:54:38 UTC
I don't think you are too young, but can you use it intelligently or will you be putting up all kinds of charges on it?

My son in law is 24 and he is too young for a cell phone because he downloads lots of stuff and then can't pay the bill. For one month it was over $1000.
2007-12-27 19:51:04 UTC
Answering as the person who would want the cell phone, Nope, not too young. Answering from the Parents viewpoint, yes, too young until you can pay the bill. It is usually a responsibility thing more than a money thing. Responsibility brings headaches for both Parents and their kids.
2007-12-27 19:42:44 UTC
I am 13 also and I don't think that you are too young to get a cell phone. You are 13 and you are more busy and you go places unlike when you were will need a cell phone just in case of emergencys and just to talk to your friends. Trust me, i know. My parents wont let me have a cell phone
2007-12-27 19:51:20 UTC
no, you are the perfect age. I got mine when i was 13.. Just make sure you don't get obsessed with it, don't let your life revolve around it. I had a really good friend, but once she got a cell phone all she could do was text! She couldn't even have a conversation with me because she was just too busy texting. Just make sure you keep your life, stay social if that makes sense. Cell phones are good for lots of things though!
2007-12-27 19:42:02 UTC
Be honest no u r not too young 13 is the perfect age 2 get a cell phone i got my cell phone when i was 9 years old.. and im turnin 13 in 2 weeks.. so no only if u dont run up ur bill keep track of ur minutes and ur balance and dont call 2 meny boyz! LOL good luck have fun
2007-12-27 19:45:55 UTC
No you are not too young for a cell phone. My son was 13 when he got his. We got him a prepaid cell so he could not run up a bill and he had to watch his minutes.
2007-12-27 19:43:36 UTC
Many parents have a family plan. My grandson is 13. He has a cell phone. As long as he is responsible and does not go over the minutes or texting he is allowed he has it on him all the time.
2007-12-27 19:42:57 UTC
No I had my first mobile phone at 11 when I started going up town shopping on my own and spending more time with my friends away from houses or parental supervision. Under the age of 10 yes but at 13 you should be starting to have independance and therefore I would give you a mobile for safety if nothing else.
Mark J
2007-12-27 19:45:21 UTC
If your too young to pay for it yourself then your too young.

Seriously though, it is known that cell phone use in younger people , less than 18, can affect the brain development. I say leave it a few more years.
2007-12-27 20:18:49 UTC
At our house you might get to talk on the home phone with permission.Don't even asked for a cell phone or you will be grounded.Andthatsthetruthsohelpme.
♥ ΛDIƬΥΛ ♥ ııllllııllıı
2007-12-27 19:46:37 UTC
Overusing a phone is hazardous to everyone of any age. Scientists have proved that speaking in a mobile phone nonstop for an hour may expose your brain to radiation. Any way, if you are confident of using the cell phone limited, you couls ask for a mobile. Otherwise, its better to avoid this thought.
2007-12-27 19:43:15 UTC
Depends on whether you'd need one. If you don't stay after school often and don't go places often where you'd need to call, then it's just an extra expense. I didn't get one 'til high school, when I needed it.

Too young is all a matter of opinion, though. Some idiots give cell phones to 10 years olds, who obviously don't need them.
2007-12-28 10:35:55 UTC
Well, it kind of depends on you and your parents. If they think you're responsible enough, the might get you one. If they think the opposite, just stop asking. That is a sign of responsibility right there. You can also give occasional hints, like on your wishlists.

REMEMBER: What's the use of a cell phone if you have no friends who have one, either? You'll be stuck calling faamily.
Sonny O
2007-12-27 19:47:38 UTC
Personally... I don't think your to young for a cell phone.

...BUT!!! (and that's all capitals!!) you've got to prove yourself to be responsible enough to own one.

If your parents are the ones who's going to foot the bill I believe a good talk on the ground rules are to be had with them.

Whatever you promise your parents make sure you keep those promise, otherwise your cell maybe confiscated....

Good luck...

2007-12-27 19:46:34 UTC
Not at all!! I have a 12 year old and she has one, but it's more for safety. Explain that to your parents, a cell phone can save your life.. You can do some extra shores around the house and get a Pre paid (cheap one) for now that way your parents don't have to pay for it. God luck sweetie, Happy New Year!!!
2007-12-27 19:42:00 UTC
No, you are not too young. I had a cell phone at 13.
2007-12-27 19:46:30 UTC
Um that is up to your lifestyle and parents. If you don't do any activities and you just go to school and back what's the point? Gossip? It is totally up to the parents though, they may make you pay for it, they may pay for it, or ya may split the bill in half. You gotta show responsibility to your parents or guardians. Yes, of course we all know of young ones who have phones. #1 they could be spoiled or just plain out busy maybe goin' between divorced parents. Ya never know the reason unless ya ask.
2007-12-27 19:44:41 UTC
When i was 13, we had computers, but not even pagers. That withstanding, I think it would okay for a parent to allow their 13-year old to have a phone, but have restriictions with it or even use a pay as you go/prepaid phone. It makes you be responsible your stuff. It's a privlidge not a right.
2007-12-27 19:43:38 UTC
Tough question. I will only give my kids a cell phone when they can afford to charge it themselves. But unfortunately this day and age you never no when an emergency will arise so for security reasons I would say yes. Sometimes it is nice to uncontactable
Sexy Beast
2007-12-27 19:43:20 UTC
no I'm 14 in I just got a cell phone for Christmas
bill b
2007-12-27 19:47:22 UTC
Absolutely not too young. Got my daughter one at 10 or so. Age isn't the problem. Responsibility and cost are. First, can your parents afford it? If not, the answer is obvious. If so, have you proven your responsibility? It goes with the territory. For me, it boiled down to being able to call her, her being able to call me = safety!!!, and we live in the sticks so she can't just pop on over to a friends house. Don't lay down a guilt trip. Find out the cost, offer to pay what you can and most importantly, explain why you NEED one, not WANT one. Welcome to the 21st century!
2007-12-27 19:59:05 UTC
Yes, if you want a cell phone, get a job like every citizen.
2007-12-27 19:48:43 UTC
I think that if you are doing activities at school or are active in things that will put you in situations that you may need to call for a ride or for help then yes. But if you are only getting one to be like your friends or just to talk to your friends when you can use your house phone then no.
2007-12-27 19:44:47 UTC
no, cell phones are really useful, especially for girls your age. They can be used in cases of emergency (like if you get lost and don't have any money to use a payphone) or if your parents drop you off some place like the mall and you need to tell them you are ready for them ti get you.
Chiquita Bonita
2007-12-27 19:44:36 UTC
personally, i think you are. but these days, everyone is getting them at an early age. my cousin got one at 8. i personally wont buy my kids one until they turn matter what the generation is like. if u feel responsible enough to have it (and NOT lose it!!, i had a cousin that got one at 12 and has lost 6 cell phone and they keep buying them for her!), and smart enough not to go over your minutes (i suggest prepaid--unless ur gonna pay for it), and if ur sure that u really need(or want) it, then sure, have fun!
2007-12-27 19:44:52 UTC
if you get a plan /cap so you only use a certain amount so you don't end up paying like 100 bucks you should B fine! and 4 all those ppl who asked what she needs it 4 well it's always good 2 hav 1 for emergencies and 2 keep in touch with friends.
You're Driving Me Crazy
2007-12-27 23:27:49 UTC
I had one when I was 13.

But I took the bus to and from school, so my mom bought me one in case of emergencies.

If you don't really need one, don't get one.

You can always use a pay phone when you go places or your friends phone if you're going to their house.
2007-12-27 19:48:25 UTC
It depends on your situation/responsibility.

-if you are in a messed up situation everyday after school where you cant find anywhere to contact your parents,yes.

-If you go home everyday after school and can contact your parents at anytime, then theres no need.


-If you're irresponsible, and always lose items, and you're in a bad situation, try getting insurance on your phone ($7.00 a month) or just get a prepaid phone.

So if you're trying to get a phone, and your parents say no, because you're irresponsible say "Dude, insurance only costs $7.00 more a month!".Hope it works out.
2007-12-27 19:44:35 UTC
it depends on if you want it or need it

If it isnt a neccesity {if you only want it for texting, or to look cool} , then No

But if you need it to contact people after school it would be an okay idea

but cell phone bills can get pretty high

so the decision is really up to you
2007-12-27 19:42:57 UTC
My 10 year old cousins have phones and I know of 8 year olds with phones. Most only use them when they are at sports or out and need to call their parents to pick them up. I think it is a good safety tool for kids.
2007-12-27 19:42:18 UTC
No its probably the right age to start using cell phones
♥Celebrity Hotline♥ (Thumbs up!)
2007-12-29 15:32:02 UTC
Cell phones may impair a developing brain. However, if you have a good reason to have one and not justto waste minutes talkling to your friends, talk to your parents about getting one.

It can be expensive if it's not a necessity.
♦~ Dimplez ~♦
2007-12-27 19:52:15 UTC
i got mine when i was 12 but i have a prepaid phone those are the best but mine is usually for emergency's but my parents let me use it when ever i want its not like they go over board and be all strict or stuff like that you know but make sure that if you get one that you dont go over board with your minutes becasue have a phone may be fun well its A LOT of fun but it still costs money same with the prepaid phone it may be alot cheaper but you still have to buy minutes
2007-12-27 19:44:51 UTC


u r too younge and iam 12 and i realy want a cell phone but it'll cost you more to fill it and you'll pay more to even buy it but hey if you get a psp you get everything you want i want a psp for christmas or new year it's num 1 in my wishlist
2007-12-27 19:44:40 UTC
You are old enough if you can pay for the bill yourself. My daughter was 15 when she got her first job and was able to pay for her cell phone bill.
2007-12-27 19:43:57 UTC
well like it is up to your parents there is really no age were you need one. i got mine at 12 and some people have had them since the 2nd grade and other got them when they turned 18. try being really resposible and like help out with chores and stuff and then if that does not help then like get a pre paid you but cards for it and thats your minutes
2007-12-27 19:43:57 UTC
2007-12-27 19:46:40 UTC
depend. why do you need a cell phone? if it's a lame reason, then yes, you're too young
my chemical romance gurl
2007-12-27 19:46:00 UTC
no ur not to younge to have a cell phone cause i kno little kids with real cell phones(1st,2nd,3rd etc.)
2007-12-27 19:43:51 UTC
nope. i know a lot of people who have phones younger than you. i really think its a good idea because your parents can check up on you when they are late or stuff. but most importantly, in case you get into trouble or have an emergency, you can call someone for help.
2007-12-27 19:43:14 UTC
i got mnie at 12-13 its not too young its not too young as a 5 yr old.

Wat if your in an emergency?
2007-12-27 19:44:53 UTC
Yes, unless it is one with limited numbers that you can call. Like your mom and dad, home, 911, etc.

A phone just for chatting with friends all day, No.
2007-12-27 19:46:26 UTC
the question to ask yourself is how much you would use it. if you aren't going to use it that often, don't get it. it doesn't matter what age you are but if you are going to use it for something important instead of being a stupid teeniebopper texting her friends all day long instead of being a good friend. this is coming from a fellow teenager not a parent who wants to make something of their generation..
little gurl
2007-12-27 19:42:09 UTC
no way! i am 13 and im on my 4th cell phone. mine are never fancy with a plan, but i still have one. i got my 1st at the age of 11
2007-12-30 14:22:13 UTC
you are not to young to have a cell. i no that a 1st grader has one and all my freinds have one and i am 13 to.
2007-12-27 19:44:36 UTC
naw my bro is 11 and he got a cell phone
2007-12-27 19:42:19 UTC
That's a matter for your parents to know. I have no opinion on the subject; they are likely to be able to make that determination better than I or anyone else on Yahoo Answers.
Mama Moose
2007-12-27 19:42:24 UTC
NO! I allow my 11 year old to have one for saftey reasons. When she was at school. I always had her keep it off but in her back pack, you never know what could happen these days for your safety. She is also very responsible with it, We have set the ground rules and she obeys them. I suggest you do the same with you parents.
2007-12-27 19:43:15 UTC
u are not too young i am 11 and i have one

you should only have one for emergency right now like no texting or calling overboard

if your parents agree then yes go get a cellphone
2007-12-27 19:42:43 UTC
No. 13 is the right age to start using things which can give you cancer of the brain.
2007-12-27 19:43:41 UTC
Can you pay the bill? I would go ahead and give it back because the bill will just keep you in trouble. Get a laptop, and you can talk free.
2007-12-31 10:39:30 UTC
I've seen some 11 year old kids at school with one and my mom said i could have one when im 13 so i'd say no.
Megan Deann
2007-12-31 10:21:00 UTC
I'm sorry, but in my opinion, you are too young. What is your argument for getting one? So you can fit in with all of your friends? So you're parents know where you're at? For safety?

I was 18, off at college when I got mine and had a job so I could pay for it on my own. Sure, all of my friends had them before me, but it wasn't the end of the world. If I missed the bus, or if I was going to be late, the nice thing was that most of my friend's had cell phones, so i'd just call from that. Who cares if its embarassing, you won't die.

And "safety"-wise, that's a bunch of baloney. At 13 years old, where are you seriously going to be that someone responsible will not be with you? You're not driving yet, so you can't get stranded or break down.

What did people do before cell phones? Landlines and pay phones. I realize that there are no more pay phones, but seriously, there's ALWAYS a land line. Unless you're in the middle of no where, which I'm highly doubting would happen at your age. If you're truly in trouble, there will always be people around to help.

Try looking into a Firefly. Given it doesn't have texting, or anything fancy or cool, but it gets the job done, right? It makes calls to only those your parents program into it, which is the only reason you would need one, right? Then maybe when you turn 14 or 15, you can get a job and pay for your own cell phone, yes?

In the end, its your parents' decision. If you keep bugging, it will just upset them and give them reasons to NOT get you one. Show you're maturity by NOT asking for one like the rest of your friends. In the end, they'll appreciate you for it.
2007-12-27 19:43:05 UTC
Do you just WANT one or do you need one? You are too young if there is no need....get over it
2007-12-27 19:42:30 UTC
nooo i got my first cellphone when i was 9

and im 16 now i already changed like 15 phones over the years :)
2007-12-27 19:43:16 UTC
no many people are gettin cell phones at younger ages maybe because of emergencies
2007-12-30 17:21:24 UTC
Depends. If you are busy with school, and are in clubs, and always need a ride and things. Then I see why you need it. But if you don't and just need it for your social life. Then I don't think you need it so early.
2007-12-27 19:42:27 UTC
heck no! this is the age where you should have a phone. 1 becuase you are a teen and are basically entitled to it (that's how i see it) and 2 because it's a way to to contact your parents .
2007-12-27 19:42:15 UTC
no plz i had my cell phone when i was 12 now im 16
2007-12-27 19:43:30 UTC

i had one when i was 13. it was pretty crapy but i still had one.

just save up money and if your parent have one go with there plan and ask if you can get a family plan for all of you.

just dont ask for a really expensive one. that would be rude.

good luck!
2007-12-27 19:43:28 UTC
No your not, I'm 13 and I've had one for a year now.
2007-12-27 19:42:40 UTC
no i don't think you're too young, that's the same age i got mine and it was fine as long as i proved that i was responsible about it and didn't lose it or break it or run up the bill
erwin m
2007-12-27 19:42:26 UTC
i've had a cell since i was 12
thanks to our brave troops,
2007-12-27 19:41:48 UTC
no as long as you can pay to keep the phone going,,

my son was 13 when he got his and had to do extra chores to get money to pay for the phone and cards to keep it activated
2007-12-27 19:43:07 UTC
depends on what you do. are you out alot? do you walk home from school? do you run around alot with family?

if you really go out alot with friends, and help around the house. yes you should have one for safety reasons. but if your not, and you just need one to text friends and keep in touch with them, try to settle with your parents on somethign :). try starting out on prepaid, see how much you spend, then switching to your parents plan.
robert S
2007-12-27 19:43:00 UTC
If you are going to pay for the calls whynot if youre parents no
2007-12-30 19:21:00 UTC
No way!

I got mine this year and im 11.

im actually on my secong phone.
2007-12-27 19:42:11 UTC
my parent's say so to me, too, and I'm 13 going on 14. I don't think so, though.
2007-12-27 19:42:09 UTC
Nah. At your age you should have one in case of emergencies. Most people where I live got a cellphone around your age.
2007-12-27 19:42:37 UTC
im 12

almost every1 in my grade has 1 but a lot of them r richasses

i dont have 1

i no sum kids i no that r 7 and have them
2007-12-27 19:42:36 UTC
No my niece is only 11 and she already has one and my friends daughters only 7 and she has one too.
2007-12-27 19:42:57 UTC
no, u could need it foran emergency, get a ride home, or call your parents if something happens, plus call ur friends and thats a o k
2007-12-27 19:43:59 UTC
It depends on how responsible you are and also your parents should make the decision if you are or not...
2007-12-27 19:42:24 UTC
In a perfect world.
2007-12-27 19:42:38 UTC
2007-12-27 19:41:49 UTC
nope i am 13 and i got one last cause i am on a traveling bball team and yeah so i dont thinks so
2007-12-27 19:42:57 UTC
it depends on how much you use it.

it's good for emergency situations.

don't be on it like 24/7
2007-12-27 19:42:09 UTC
I babysit 8 year old and they have one... for emergencies. I got mine in 7th grade.
2007-12-27 20:26:45 UTC
Yes, you're too young. Maybe when you're sixteen. :))
2007-12-27 19:42:18 UTC
nah, u aint 2 yng. n make sure ur mom & dad put plenty of credit on it.
2007-12-27 19:54:26 UTC
As long as you are resposible with it and your parents can afford it, why not?
2007-12-27 19:44:28 UTC
they have one for someone your age that has buttons for calling dad and mom.that's ok to have
2007-12-27 19:49:03 UTC
It depends on if you need one.
2007-12-27 19:42:47 UTC
i feel for yah! i rally want one to! but is it just because everyone else has one and everyone is texting on it and you feel sooo left out! it sucks doesn't it!
2007-12-27 19:42:14 UTC
yes. Until you can afford to pay for it and its calling plan, you are too young for it.
That's not my name
2007-12-27 19:41:39 UTC
2007-12-27 19:41:12 UTC
2007-12-27 19:41:22 UTC
No i know a girl that is ten and has one
2007-12-27 19:42:58 UTC
no but it depends what activites you do like sports then yes.
2007-12-27 19:42:57 UTC
no my lil cuzin has one and shes 7 years old!!!!!! (yea shes kinda spoiled)
2007-12-27 19:42:26 UTC
yes, you do not need that much freedom it leeds to trouble.
2007-12-27 19:41:44 UTC
nope your not too young. just dont go overboard, and get an iphone. get somthing suitable for your age.
2007-12-27 19:44:12 UTC
No way dude.
*Miss. Rachel is a Sophmore!*
2007-12-27 19:42:25 UTC


2007-12-27 19:41:34 UTC
no your not too young.

i got mine at 11 ;]
2007-12-27 19:41:48 UTC
yes ... i didnt get one til i was 16 or 17
2007-12-27 19:41:35 UTC
no i got mine at that age
KRAzy CamBodan kILLER
2007-12-27 19:41:55 UTC
NOp.. my son have one.. she is 12
radz child
2007-12-27 19:42:06 UTC
You don't need one.

Who are you going to call?

Your 'crush'/'boyfriend'?

You probably only have one REAL friend if that, I have none.
2007-12-27 19:43:06 UTC
no, how many do you need
2007-12-27 19:41:41 UTC
thats when i got mine :)
Amy D
2007-12-27 19:42:13 UTC
yes, sorry
2007-12-27 19:41:44 UTC
You don't need it.
2007-12-27 19:42:09 UTC
are you an asian?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.