sisterly love?
2006-04-28 17:56:08 UTC
does a sister have the right to slap u across the face if ur 2 hrs late for meeting her in a pub?
Seven answers:
2006-04-28 18:05:45 UTC
I have to say no.. Unless you've made it a habit to be late and she had had enough.. Even then she does not have the right to slap you in the face though. I just know from experience that sometimes a person does or says things they really don't mean when they are angry....
2006-04-28 18:00:44 UTC
Does she have a right to hit you? Of course not. Was she drunk and trying to show off in front of friends? If so, SHE is the one who looked like a fool, not you. Don't dwell on this too much. This is why YOU are the better sister.
Strange Design
2006-04-28 17:59:03 UTC
No, absolutely not. it shows an utter lack of disrespect for you, and if you want to make it more clear you could remind her that grown-ups even out their differences by discussing them, not duking it out.
2006-04-28 17:57:57 UTC
depends on the slap.. abusive no.. if she's being cute and funny yes.. besides why were you such a weenie anyway. why so late? WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE!....You YOU YOU MONSTER!lol..
2006-04-28 18:04:12 UTC
Yes and no. Yes because you were 2 HOURS late, and no because it's wrong to use violence!
2006-04-28 18:00:28 UTC
no she does not have the right to slap you.
2006-04-28 17:57:07 UTC
Maybe she was on the rag or something...She's your sister, forgive her and move on.

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