Maria H
2009-07-11 14:59:11 UTC
she was crying saying i hate my life i just want to go away to somewhere else..
we currently living in new york and to get away from my cousins shes looking for houses in los angeles because we are living in threat with them..
every night i have to lock my cat and dog in my bedroom with a double latch on my bedroom door because i feel like there going to break our windows and come in, my dogs a small chihuahua and my cousin says he will shoot my dog and stamp on its head and kill it..
so i have to hide my dog in my bedroom and my other pets..
i feel scared..
every day my mom goes shopping i fear she is not going to come home just incase one of them stalk her and kill her..
i dont want my dad to get involved because they would kill him.
and i feel like my cousins will rape me because once when my mom wasnt in a fight with them they would try to flirt with me and squeeze my butt and call me sexy and beyonce butt and names like that..
i am soooooo scared right now..
i have locked all the windows and stuff. i am soo scared i feel sick and like puking.
i feel like somethings going to happen. they dont fear killing or hurting poeple and they have guns.pleasee help.
my cousins have killed animals, animal abuse, burnt down houses, robbed houses, stolen money.
they have been in prison for 3 years are got out yesterday and already robbed my aunts house :'(