My Dad says he'll check on my email every hour?
2011-08-27 08:01:19 UTC
I'm 13. In April 2, 2009, Dad gave me an email. Well, now, since "I do bad things", he just said this morning he will check on my email every hour. I don't have any friends, except for a mother who's a real encouragement to me.

The thing is, he thinks everything I do is bad. He even snoops. My youngest sister has her own iPad, and he never checks on her. It's only me. She everyday just sits on her bed, using the iPad. We own a travel-trailer. My oldest sister, me and Dad are always in the living room.

This morning, he thought whatever was in my mailbox was bad, but I told him it was my Spam Folder. So of course it'll be junk. He doesn't act like a father. When disciplined (especially in the past), he spanks me. I'm always downhearted, discouraged. "Since I don't listen, I have to feel it" he says.

That won't get him anywhere with me. A good father-child relationship includes communication. My sisters and I never are open about our feelings, never have been. He's also on the computer, doing "important" things. He never took the time to talk to us.

Just typing this down, I feel ready to cry.
Three answers:
2011-08-27 08:23:25 UTC
you do know how to delete don't you? so delete after reading he is afraid that you will get involved with boys
Princess Caspian
2011-08-27 08:10:04 UTC
You should really talk to someone and dont let him spank you thats weird!
2011-08-27 08:13:45 UTC
If you don't have anything to hide....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.