do you like the name charlie?
2006-04-30 07:55:58 UTC
it is the name of my 4 year old brother,so dont be tight!
Sixteen answers:
2006-04-30 07:58:47 UTC
Yes. That is the name that I gave my baby that I lost due to miscarriage. Charlie Wayne - man wandering
2006-04-30 07:58:53 UTC
I always liked the name Charlie. I've seen it used as a girl and boy's name.
2006-04-30 08:01:25 UTC
I think it's a cute name. My friend has a little boy named Charlie and I named the otter that runs around here Charlie. I yike it....
2006-04-30 08:00:47 UTC
Charles is a family name in my family. We do call one Charlie Bill. I like it cuz it is versatile. Charles, Charlie, Chuck, Chucky, and the song, "Chucky's in love". Oh, and let us not forget the coolest form of Charles there is: Chaz. I really like the name Chaz a lot!
2006-04-30 07:59:24 UTC
Charlie is a good name.
That's my final answer
2006-04-30 07:59:43 UTC
Yeah, and when he is older if he doesn't care to be called charlie he can go by Charles which sounds more grown up.
2006-04-30 07:57:34 UTC
Honestly, no. But it is quite sweet for a 4 yr old boy!
2006-04-30 07:58:46 UTC
I like it, reminds me of my childhood : Charlie Brown ; )
2006-04-30 07:59:17 UTC
don't like it if you live in the uk because i associate it with being called a "proper charlie"
2006-04-30 07:57:54 UTC
Not my favourite. Although these names come in and out of fashion.
2006-04-30 07:56:42 UTC
no i dont, but i do like 2 points
2006-04-30 08:05:10 UTC
its nicer for a girl
2006-04-30 07:58:18 UTC
I love it, that is my wonderful husband's name!!!!!!!
the islam caliph
2006-04-30 07:59:21 UTC
no,but what does he think.
2006-04-30 07:57:17 UTC
no it sounds gay.
2006-04-30 07:56:58 UTC
i think its cool!!!

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