If you had fully done your research, you would have found out that weed is not as addictive as some other drugs, e.g., heroin, but that indeed, a small percentage of people DO get addicted to it. It may have some health benefits, certainly, it seems to help curb epileptic seizures in some people, reduce pain, and other things, which are currently being researched. But, it also has some really negative aspects as well. Go on line and plug in health effects of marijuana, you will be very surprised to learn that there are some potentially serious effects that you should avoid. Most young people surveyed believe that it isn't all that harmful, but they could be wrong. They haven't researched it fully, for one thing. One problem seems to be that today's weed has a much higher content of the psychoactive components, and this can, in some instances, produce psychosis and other effects. It is normal for teens to want to experiment, this is how they find out about life. But don't do anything potentially harmful, please. You won't get ruined by trying it, but it most likely woudn't be "good for you" and if you really
start getting into it, it could develop a serious problem. Besides, if you don't live in Colorado, Washington or Oregon, you will be breaking the law, and if you are caught, bigger problems can result.My belief is that you should not do anything behind your parents' back, that you know already they won't approve. They are there to protect, prepare and educate you, and you should respect their wisdom. Your brain is not fully in charge or developed until around the age of 24, which means that you are more vulnerable to making inappropriate judgement calls, and if you are under the influence, of weed or anything else, this makes you and others around you highly vulnerable. Please take care of yourself, your body and mind, and don't come into harm's way because another equally misinformed friend tells you its okay or not that big a deal. I tried it when I was young. It really wasn't all as great as it was hyped up to be. It made me feel a bit mellow and easy going for awhile, but that was about it. I don't think that the damage done to your lungs, if you smoke it, whether its weed or anything else, is worth it. Lots of other ways to have fun, believe me !! Good wishes,