Well, Jennifer, you are an adult. The question is, are you happy?
Is your brother happy?
If you are not happy at home, then give it a try on your own. It's nice that you have saved up some money, but please don't blame everything on your parents.
They have a perfect right to ask you for help around the house, afterall, you're an adult still living at home and who cares who made the dishes...it is everyone's job to take care of it.
Movies? You are being very petty. Aren't you greatful that your parents let a 22 year old girl live at home for TWENTY TWO years?
If you're unhappy, move. But, I guarantee that no roommate, friend or person you ever live with will be as forgiving as parents are and paying bills is not easy...10k only goes so far. Just wait till you have to pay it all on your own...oy, it's hard.
But, you are an adult.
I think, before you go, you should THANK your parents for putting up with 2 adults living off of them as long as they did.
Good luck.