I am a 22 year old, married going on two years, no kids. There is no such way of how to say this in pretty writting so im just going to say this. My parents are in their late 40's. My dad had heart surgery about 5 months ago.....he is currently not working copllecting disability and my mother is disabled due to an injury at work when i was a child. My parents are not doing good...everytime i go to visit i feel very sad bc i see how their living situation is...and its not pretty. Im the youngest and im currently working for a vocational school as a financial aid officer...i try to help my parents in what ever i can but i feel like such a failure bc i can never give them enough bc i am married and my hubby has a daughter which he provides support for her and on top of that our bills.......i really feel guilty at times but i just wish i had all the money in the world to give them and get them out of their situation. My heart hurts everytime i see them bc i wish i can do much more i truly do wish that. My brothers and sister are not successful at all my only sister has 2 children at 24 yrs old and married but shes on public assistance she can barely support her self and children she can never help out my parents. Im letting u guys know all of this so that probably something good can come out of all of this. when i go visit my parents i come back home crying each time bc of their poverty situation. My hubby tells me not go all the time to my parents house bc it hurts him to see how i get when i come back home it truly takes me a couple of days to feel better .............but i need help what can i do to help them out a little more and how can i feel better about the situation....anyone ???????????? ;(