2007-07-23 08:48:20 UTC
My son is 3 and his dad was in is life for the first 6 months and then went off with his girlfriend and was rarely in touch with my son. However now he has decided to return and has got his new girlfriend pregnant. He always acted violent towards me infront of my son also.
The thing is I can't stand my son being out of sight! Even when i go to work or uni. I only ever leave with my son with my mum cos she's the only person i trust. I worry my friends will use my son 'to show off' and act as if my son is theirs!
Now his dad wants him & even though i'm apprehensive because of his violence, i also don't want him trying to make any other female to 'play mummy' to my son. I dicussed this with him years ago & he still put my son into his, then girlfriends arms when my son was 2 weeks old! I cried myself to sleep for weeks because of that!
Do i need help or is what im feeling normal?