My aunt bought me a sex toy for my birthday and I am so mad.?
2016-08-26 15:47:46 UTC
My aunt is one of those loud, annoying people who has no filter. It was my 18th birthday the other day and I was having a family party. My mom, my sister, my grandparents, my cousin, and my other aunt were all at the party. I was opening gifts and my aunt was super excited to give me hers. I open it and it is a massive dildo. I got mad immediately and I told her she could keep it. Most of my family thought it was hilarious (my grandma was mad though). It was horribly embarrassing.

I actually got mad at my aunt and yelled at her at the party. I threw her 'gift' back at her and told her she was disgusting and not funny. My grandma had my back and started to yell at her to. I sort of started a little fight between them.

After the party my mom told me she thought I overreacted. She made me take the thing home which is even more embarrassing because I don't want my family to think I'll actually use it. Worst of all, my aunt thinks the whole situation is hilarious and she has been telling people about it at work (we both work at a grocery store together). I have told her to stop but she just thinks it's a big joke. What should I do? Do you think this was rude of my aunt to do? Have I overreacted?
121 answers:
2016-08-27 09:36:59 UTC
I'm so sorry your birthday was ruined by your aunt. What a trashy thing she did to you. What a crude woman she is. She may never "get it" that she did wrong and disrespected you. My suggestion: from here on have as little to do with her as possible, be polite as you would be to a stranger. Be courteous and professional as a co-worker and don't even discuss this on the job; show that you're better than your aunt who is probably going nowhere in life. I encourage you to make this awful event the official starting point for you becoming the person of dignity,graciousness and excellence that your aunt is not.
2016-08-27 07:29:04 UTC
You aunts a retarded piece of garbage that deserves to be impaled.......well not impaled but she's a pretty sh!ty person.

If you wanted a sex toy you could've bought it yourself but that is no gift to give you on your birthday.

Yes it was rude of your aunt and no you did not overreact because I know if I were you I'd :

1. I'd never talk to her again

2. I'd shove the dildo down her throat or up her vagina

3. I'd call her a b!tch at the top of my voice.
2016-08-27 19:47:24 UTC
Although, I do think your aunt was totally wrong. She should have know what you like, and think is funny. I have two sisters who are very religious. And think Masturbation, is a sin, and you will go to H3LL if you masturbate. It would never inter my mind to disrespect them, even though I would find it funny. I know they would not. However, it was only family, and it appears only women. And you could have handled it a better way. If you opened the box, and saw the Dildo, you could have closed the box, excused yourself, and put it in another room. Told your aunt on the side you did not like her gift, and she could take it back. And then get on with your party, and have fun. Your aunt was disrespectful, I am sure she knew you would not like, or think this was funny. buy screaming and almost starting a fight over, shows how immature you acted. In other words, just as disrespectful and immature as your aunt. If you did not show it no one else would have known. Or even if they did see, by not making a big deal and wanting to judge and punish your aunt, you upset everyone else and ended the party.
Odd little dragon
2016-08-30 05:43:10 UTC
...Yeah that's not funny at all, it's seriously disrespectful to you and highly inappropriate. I have a loud aunt too, but she'd never do anything like that! Buying someone else a sex toy is definitely not something you do without their permission, or at the very least, it should be very discreet. If she's still laughing about it, it shows that she really doesn't respect you at all!

I'd suggest sitting her down and talking to her privately, and very seriously. Ask her to see it from your perspective. Tell her how embarrassed you are about it, and that you find her behaviour to be highly inappropriate and disgusting. Don't get angry, be very calm and very firm with her, and she might get the hint. All the best.
2016-08-26 15:56:22 UTC
I don't blame you for feeling humiliated. If I was in your situation, I'd be angry and embarrassed too!

I think your aunt set you up so you could have a meltdown in front of everyone, and so she could brag about it at work (and get all the attention). If you were really overreacting about something small, your grandma wouldn't have jumped into your defense. I would keep your distance from your aunt, but still be polite and respectful. I would send the dildo back to her, since you don't want it. I'm so sorry this happened to you on your birthday. Chances are, everyone else thinks your aunt is an a******, so don't worry about it :)
2016-08-28 16:32:53 UTC
Either make it clear your Aunt is not invited to your next event or give her a gift that may embarrass her. If she's overweight, a tiny swim suit so she has a goal to work towards. If she's single a invite to an online match site for singles. If she has bad breath, some gum, toothpaste, mouthwash. If she is a bit hairy, a coupon or gift card to get waxed...etc. Something that you know that will hit her very personally so she understands. Otherwise, you are not gonna get through to her. Good luck.
2016-08-28 19:58:34 UTC
It doesn't matter how wacky or funny your aunt is.... some things really aren't funny. I can't think of too many 18 year olds who'd be thrilled & laughing to receive a fake penis in front of their entire family. Non-violent reactions are just ---- reactions. So if you were upset and G went ballistic, that's life. But life is short so don't be mad for too long.... know what I mean?
2016-08-27 06:44:17 UTC
I think she could have waited a few more years to play this joke...perhaps at your 21st birthday it would have been funnier. Most 18 year olds are still kids and get embarrassed easily... So it is kinda funny and embarrassing to. You know this is paybacks right? Buy her some old granny underwear that are 14 sizes too big for her wedding anniversary... and some strippers for her husband:)Don't stay mad at your aunt is too short to be bitter...but do feed her back her own medicine and have fun with it. Also my husband did this to me when we were in our early 20s...he said were we going to buy a video at a porn shop...which I had never been there. When we got inside, he yelled go ahead! Pick yourself out a dildo! Right Infront of everyone!!! I went and picked out a 2ft black dildo and yelled...I got it.... This is the one I want!
2016-08-28 14:24:02 UTC
What a ridiculous aunt. Clearly she doesn't care about (or understand?) how you feel. You were RIGHT to react how you did, don't worry. She could've put more thought into offering you something meaningful, or even nothing at all instead of a stupid BS ''gift.'' What's funny to her might not be funny to you. And she ought to RESPECT that, especially when it was your birthday.
2016-08-28 07:12:01 UTC
Can I be honest ? Your aunt is one of a kind but she loves you . I would react the same way as you did , its obviously super awkward but you shouldn't have called her disgusting, after all she is your aunt . Hey !!! She is being thoughtful . So make up , forget this incident although tell her that you don't like such things to avoid future conflicts !
2016-08-26 18:37:38 UTC
I am having a difficult time believing anyone could be that crude. However, since some people have no manners, I would have handed it back to her and said, "I don't know what this is exactly, but I can tell you that no young lady should be given one of these by anyone. My morals are evidently higher than yours."

Put crude people in their place. If she mentions it, say, "I was disgusted by my aunt's behavior. It will take some time for me to forgive her for doing something so rude and vulgar."
2016-08-30 09:04:52 UTC
Yes, your aunt was slightly rude to give you a gift that would embarrass you, but she meant only fun. Yes, your aunt is continuing to be rude by discussing it with co-workers even though you're embarrassed by it. Yes, you over-reacted. A dildo isn't the end of the world. Use it and lighten up a little.
2016-08-27 05:24:44 UTC
You have definitely overreacted .Your aunt appears to be a jovial character . Even your mom feels that you have over reacted but not your grand man because she belongs to a different generation . Take the dildo pack it nicely return it to her at the grocery store and ask her to use it in presence of her husband that is your uncle . Or else you can ask her to come to your place and do a demonstration . This is a joke not an insult .Do not take it so seriously .
2016-08-26 16:07:47 UTC
She shouldn't of bought you that or at least asked you first in private , but damn it just a dildo lol you are just being a total B'itch ! My god. Having a tantrum over a gag gift ! Haha grow up ... My guess you are super religious or something. Why wouldn't you want a toy ? You for sure need one , uptight ****.

Lol at the people here ... People lighten up , it was a gag gift, she's 18.. Smh. I would of just laughed and moved on.

You are such a Hypocrit. You did make a big deal. You can't keep your story straight. You yelled and started a fight ! Hahah. Whiny b'itch. Seriously use the damn toy and relax
2016-08-27 12:18:30 UTC
You didn't over react. Your aunt should have taking the time to get you a gift you would enjoy. instead she

got you what she wanted and she probably predicted your reaction. She got what she was looking for.

Now distance yourself from her for a while. She cares more about herself than your happiness. don't stay mad.
2016-08-30 11:35:07 UTC
Wow, I think your aunt should feel ashamed for purposely embarrassing you like that. She would be wrong to expect just about anyone, especially her neice, to laugh it off. It was YOUR day, your day that your family came together to RESPECT and cherish your life. It was not HER day to embarrass you or her day to initiate such a scene. The way you reacted was more respectful than the way she acted. On your birthday, you proved how mature you could be for your age. I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself in a modest, honorable way. Happy belated birthday!
2016-08-28 23:24:25 UTC
With the way you're reacting, the ONLY place where you'd be comfortable is a nunnery. It's not like your Aunt bought you a gun, calm the f*ck down, princess. You and your Grandmother are being ridiculous prudes
2016-08-30 22:01:38 UTC
Yeah, the gift was in pretty poor taste. Your Aunt wanted to make the party about her, not you. Just toss the thing in the garbage, never let your Aunt know it even bothers you. When she speaks of it, don't make a face, just ignore it, it will finally go away. Was not the right thing to get you, poor judgement on her part.
2016-08-29 17:58:26 UTC
I'm so sorry your birthday was ruined by your aunt. What a trashy thing she did to you. What a crude woman she is. She may never "get it" that she did wrong and disrespected you. My suggestion: from here on have as little to do with her as possible, be polite as you would be to a stranger. Be courteous and professional as a co-worker and don't even discuss this on the job; show that you're better than your aunt who is probably going nowhere in life. I encourage you to make this awful event the official starting point for you becoming the person of dignity,graciousness and excellence that your aunt is not.
2016-08-29 06:19:09 UTC
She just did it to embarrass you, I bet. She knew you would be upset and embarrassed. Unpleasant woman. I hope you told her where to stick her giant dildo.

A sex toy is something you buy for yourself or your partner, not a blood relative. I'm not a prude but come on, you can't just go handing out 12 inch throbbing veined dildos to people like they're candy.
2016-08-28 14:47:58 UTC
A joke should not offend people. If it offends, than it should stop. Your aunt didn't. She might not be intentionally trying to disrespect you, but that's exactly how you felt and I'm not blaming you. If two people can't get along with each other, they should discuss their differences in order to get along, or move separate ways.
♠ Merlin ♠
2016-08-26 15:53:57 UTC
As you stated, some people have no filter

i am sure she bought it thinking it would be really funny

however when she saw your reaction she SHOULD have downplayed it and let it alone

she went the other way, to probably cover her embarrassment at getting it SO wrong and to try and prove she was right

Sounds like she is the type of person, that everyone will rill their eyes at their crassness
2016-08-28 09:04:23 UTC
You could just discretely place it back into her purse without any scandal in the party...

If your aunt's intention was to create a climb of discomfort, mission accomplished and you played the role she expected.

Make life simpler and just live one, at a time, great day and smile away!
2016-08-29 13:17:56 UTC
Your aunt sounds like she's still a 12 year old, to be honest.

Nobody wants to receive something like that in front of their enter family and have the majority of those people laugh at them like that. She shouldn't be telling other employees about it at work, she should at least be thoughtful and keep that memory to herself.
2016-08-27 18:14:46 UTC
Your aunt was way out of line. Of course you would be embarrassed so the joke was your humiliation. If it had been done in a college dorm part by a friend your age it would have been funny. In front of your family it was not. Maybe your reaction has taught her a lesson.
2016-08-27 09:39:46 UTC
I mean, it's normal to be humiliated but your aunt sounds funny, outgoing. You overreacted, let loose a little. I would've laughed if I recieved it as a gift
2016-08-27 05:14:45 UTC
The only advice I can offer is to calmly tell your aunt what you want, but leave the emotion out of it. Your family seems to be objecting to your strong emotional reaction rather than your position on the gift itself. I don't think you over reacted. But strong reactions can be off putting, even if they are warranted.
2016-08-28 04:06:54 UTC
I think you're being ridiculous, it was just a joke for turning 18, saying that it is completely okay to be sexual now that you're of age. It's just a dildo. You should've just laughed and moved on to the next gift. And even if your family "thinks you use it," who cares? You've never masturbated before?
2016-08-30 00:10:33 UTC
I would show your aunt this Yahoo Answers page. Maybe after reading that pretty much everyone on here is on your side and thinks she is a disgusting pig, she will back off and restrain herself in the future.
2016-08-29 16:00:34 UTC
Omg. My Puerto Rican side of my family is like that. I personally think that you had every right to be upset at her. Because some family members take thier jokes too far.But in every family thier is always that one person who does the stupidest things and finds it funny. I whould seriously talk to her and tell her to cut the **** out or better yet just don't even acknowledge her anymore.
2016-08-28 10:35:45 UTC
a lot girls are still virgins at 18, who he hell buys them dildo's and especially a female member of a family?! your aunt is a wacko pedophile or something, then she goes around telling everyone her 18 year old niece is such a **** that she gets dildo's as presents.....I think your aunts need that thing stuck in her one place, what a bully!
2016-08-29 16:46:58 UTC
That wasn't cool for your aunt to do that. On the other hand some solids are worth quite a bit and you should sell it on eBay
Alright alright alright
2016-08-28 19:45:54 UTC
Dont hang around negative people like that they willl bring you down and there goal is to bully and embarasse you did not over react that behavior is not funny and sends a strong message to everyone in the room of bad influence stay away from her she is not good influence for you.This is a lesson that bad people are just not good for you find better people.
Linda R
2016-09-01 13:47:23 UTC
I'm with you and your grandma on this. Mail the 'sex toy' to your aunt and move on.
2016-08-28 18:34:41 UTC
tbh, if I recieved a dildo on my 18th birthday, I'd probably just go around randomly smacking people in the face with it. To me, I would find that hilarious. I can still understand how one could find it rude and disrespectful though. My dad would totally laugh his *** off if like one of my friends got me that, but my mom would get super pissed like your grandma.
2016-10-28 10:23:51 UTC
i am having a difficult time believing anyone could be that crude... however, since some people have no manners, i would have handed it back to her and said, "i don't know what this is exactly, but i can tell you that no young lady should be given one of these by anyone... my morals are evidently higher than yours..."

put crude people in their place... if she mentions it, say, "i was disgusted by my aunt's behavior... it shall take some time for me to forgive her for doing something so rude and vulgar..."
2016-08-28 04:18:31 UTC
You prude. She was just trying to help you out. Teens are curious about sex and it is better you use sex toys than to be on Sixteen and Pregnant. Grow the hell up. Use the dildo and shut up. Maybe your hormones are why you are acting bitchy in the first place.
2016-08-29 18:03:50 UTC
You did over react. You are 18, virgin or not, 90% of people masterbate one way or another. The other 10% lie about it. So keep the dildo and re-gift it to her husband/son/bf for Christmas, birthday whatever. I mean getting mad just makes it funnier for the person that did it. You should have just went with it, made a joke out of it...You will understand better the older you get.
2016-08-27 17:01:00 UTC
Wrap the thing up and give it back to her. Say it's a "gift." Better yet, do it when other people are around. Heck, even record it! Let her have a taste of her own medicine.
2016-08-27 20:21:54 UTC
Your aunt ment nothing by it, but I do agree with you she should have gave it to you privately. There is nothing wrong with sex toys, you make it sound like only freaks use sex toys. That's not true many people use sex toys. Use it you might like it.
2016-08-29 00:33:40 UTC
Not even trying to be mean or rude but geez, quit being a cry baby! It's a gift! U should just laugh and get over it, no need to be rude to your aunt. You should apologize & just tell her to please not do it again bcus U aren't like that. Move on.
2016-08-28 14:03:55 UTC
I would be mad.

And I would be too shy to react so I'd probably wait till after the party, but still, I think what you did was fine.
2016-08-27 20:29:40 UTC
You could have handled the situation better. Your Aunt probably thought you would get a laugh out of it. I would have handed it back to auntie and said, "Why auntie, I could never accept something that had been used before. Take it back, I'm sure it fits you well!"
The Football God
2016-08-27 08:05:33 UTC
I may be able to offer a credible answer. But honest in today's world I have to ask, 'Did I miss where you identified yourself as male or female?
2016-08-29 09:16:57 UTC
As a matter of fact, that was very wrong and immature of her to do. I probably would have had the same reaction. I would just ignore her and when it comes to her birthday, send it right back
2016-08-29 12:36:44 UTC
2016-08-29 11:53:43 UTC
Young lady you should perhaps be embarrassed but not angry.Actually using a dildo instead of the real thing is a form of safe sex !!! So just thank her and put it away until you are ready.
2016-08-27 15:04:12 UTC
Rude, stupid, immoral. Why not wrap it up and give it to her for Christmas. She sounds like a real POS. My main concern is, why on earth would you continue to have family parties at your age? Most adults prefer to go out to dinner with friends.
2016-08-28 20:21:51 UTC
somethings wrong with your aunt and family, i dont know how anyone can laugh at this. I'm glad ur grandma got ur back and talked for you.
2016-08-29 11:56:00 UTC
That's an awesome gift for your 18th! What exactly are you mad about?
2016-08-27 08:22:42 UTC
she is rude and immature. Just ignore her, so she will not think she has a funny story to tell. give her gift back as a gift in her birthday or Christmas
2016-08-29 04:29:03 UTC
Wow make it clear that you don't want it! Sell it or something! Don't let her do whatever she wants especially sine you're uncomfortable with it honestly she's being a real douchebag and I don't understand how your parents don't see that
Elaine M
2016-08-26 16:17:09 UTC
That was not an appropriate gift to give you in front of everyone. If it was me I'd have put it on the end of her driveway and left it there.
2016-08-29 05:09:49 UTC
We all have embarrassing relatives and your aunt was OTT, especially as she knows you, so she should have known how you would hate it will pass.

One of my aunts gave me a pair of panties and a bra from a sex shop....all had holes in appropriate places...yuk! Fortunately I opened it in private....straight in the bin.....
Free Advice
2016-08-28 21:56:33 UTC
Your aunt is living in a dream world; this was not gift @ all.
2016-08-29 02:10:15 UTC
You had every right to be angry about her actions! She did it out of pure selfishness!!! she knew exactly how you would react, that s why she did it! I have family like that too. no one, not even family has the right to tell you how to react or feel. i wouldn t worry about what she s telling others. It just makes her look disgusting every time she tells it.
2016-08-28 09:28:49 UTC
You really to that dildo up the ***!! Your aunt was just joking and wanted to make you laugh for your birthday.
2016-08-26 16:10:08 UTC
Your right. Find out where she works and send it to her Manager and ask him/her to return it to your aunt in the staff room opened
2016-08-27 18:46:57 UTC
My partner buys sex toys and items for me from a store.. My mother in law came over because we just moved house and she was cleaning up a room for me as I'm 2 weeks from due date, anyways long story short she opened a bag and there was fluffy cuffs and a vibrator in it... She came to me and said she found my bag were naughty kids 😂 N I responded haha the funny thing is I don't have photo id to walk into that store your son done it 😂😂 my mother in law is very strict but in the end of the day she made a laugh out of it. Cheer up I get why your upset but worse things happen. And chances are u would use it... And your family won't think any less of you..
2016-08-29 23:12:25 UTC
you definitely over reacted iys just a dildo for christ sake all you had to do was laugh it off and put it back in the bag and if you would have used it or not who gives a rats *** no ones gonna be obsessing or care what you do behind closed doors your a grown woman just take a chill pill
2016-08-27 19:33:11 UTC
I have a difficult time believing your story unless you have a step mother . What woman would dismiss a volgur gift to her own daughter and say to you that you are over reacting ?
bad girl
2016-08-28 21:50:00 UTC
I would tie a big red ribbon on her gift, and drape it around her neck at work. Do this with a big smile on yor face, tell her she needs it more than you do, in a loud voice.
2017-01-15 21:24:47 UTC
Just ignore your aunt.
2016-08-29 05:55:08 UTC
Show no emotion around her and everyone else who has her back. Don't talk to them no matter what until they finally break.
2016-08-28 22:47:37 UTC
Buy your aunt an even bigger one. Or buy a big squash (pumpkin) for her birthday and say "i couldnt find one your size".
2016-08-27 14:38:10 UTC
It IS rude. Your aunt owes you a very serious, sincere, and public apology.
2016-08-27 20:07:58 UTC
You should have told her that you didn't know what to do with it; then ask her to demonstrate how to use it right then and there in front of everyone.
2016-08-28 16:48:15 UTC
That's really awkward
2016-08-27 22:53:08 UTC
No, your aunt doesn't seem to like you.
2016-08-29 06:03:32 UTC
I honestly understand that she was doing it just for jokes, but after finding that you didn't think it was funny, she should have apologized.
2016-08-29 09:41:43 UTC
She sounds like a pervert. Don't use it, she may have used it. Throw it away.
2016-08-27 19:38:41 UTC
That's so creepy
2016-08-28 22:38:48 UTC
The gift was very embarrassing. You naturally got angry and reacted. Now you need not think more. All reactions are spontaneous and not planned. .
2016-08-28 17:39:58 UTC
When it's her birthday give it back
2016-08-29 23:21:55 UTC
That's funny. She just has a sense of humor. Lighten up.
2016-08-29 14:39:48 UTC
YOU overreacted and were wrong for doing what you did! You owe your aunt an apology BIG TIME!
Potato chips :3
2016-08-26 16:02:14 UTC
on her birthday give her some fake poop or something. and then video record her reaction and show it to everyone, including your co-workers.

oh and put the fake poop inside a really beautifully wrapped/packaged box. (possibly of something you know she wants)
2016-08-28 12:35:49 UTC
You should've just gave it back to her and told her in a condescending manner, "Here- you need this more than I do!"
2016-08-29 01:52:35 UTC
Just tell her you don't like anything about it and that she should seek forgiveness from Jesus Christ Himself.
2016-08-28 22:27:23 UTC
She sounds like a pedophile to me
2016-08-26 15:59:45 UTC
You have definatly not overreacted, ive got an uncle just like that.
2016-08-29 23:22:10 UTC
You have a right to be annoyed; but yelling was hardly mature,was it?

Apologise for your reaction and return the toy to her.
2016-08-26 18:45:24 UTC
I think it's funny too! I guess you have little sense of humor?
2016-08-29 22:33:26 UTC
file a compliant with personnel about sexual harassment ; see how funny the aunt thinks that is.
2016-08-27 16:43:17 UTC
You should have handed it back to her and said, "Thank you. But you obviously need this more than me because I am able to get the real thing."
Harley Lady
2016-08-29 02:15:25 UTC
If she continues to bring this up at work, I would ask my supervisor to ask her to stop. That is harassment and nobody should have to deal with that at work.
2016-08-29 03:18:02 UTC
I think you are right!!! It`s present is awful!!! Remember : you are normal! but your aunt isn't!!!
2016-08-30 03:28:55 UTC
This is really bad and the reaction from your granny is d best support she can show
2016-08-29 01:35:41 UTC
Treat her with disdain
2016-08-28 23:31:54 UTC
You should know before asking
2016-08-27 20:17:42 UTC
On the contrary I thought you would be actually happy so you could bang yourself with the dildo when you're feeling low
Admiral Smith
2016-08-31 12:13:40 UTC
It is a joke. You are of age and that is your artificial boyfriend.
2016-08-27 08:50:14 UTC
U shoild confront her in front of the family
2016-08-28 12:11:04 UTC
Sounds like you could use it.
2016-08-27 23:03:47 UTC
Don't overreact just use it hunny
2016-08-28 02:23:54 UTC
your aunt should have got you a male prostitute instead
2016-08-27 20:05:02 UTC
You did right. Its insult for you. I would throw it at her and would say more than you did. What she did was disgusting. She is a *****
2016-08-30 11:38:47 UTC
I'm sorry.
2016-08-29 20:38:01 UTC
Why be mad
2016-08-26 16:05:10 UTC
Both of you can use it together
2016-08-29 07:47:52 UTC
Why not just use it it could be nice
2016-08-31 04:18:47 UTC
2016-08-30 07:09:43 UTC
Super glue it to the hood of her car....Upright!
2016-08-29 19:49:10 UTC
2016-08-28 00:01:59 UTC
God people its not like she's a little kid.
2016-08-29 08:31:30 UTC
2016-08-30 00:29:58 UTC
2016-08-26 16:03:07 UTC
What a horrible rude bi tch.
2016-08-27 17:06:36 UTC
give it to your Mom
2016-08-27 10:42:01 UTC
I would have laughed
2016-08-27 22:36:34 UTC
don't use it
2016-08-27 19:44:26 UTC
2016-08-29 19:33:03 UTC
2016-08-29 16:42:24 UTC
2016-08-28 02:36:41 UTC
Shove it in her anus :)
2016-08-28 04:28:46 UTC
wow, how weird.
2016-08-26 20:33:50 UTC
Oh no!
2016-08-28 17:33:12 UTC
you should fck her.
free advice
2016-08-28 05:12:25 UTC
2016-08-30 21:45:44 UTC
2016-08-29 14:46:12 UTC
Idk free sex toys

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.