2010-11-06 17:17:25 UTC
Okay so here is my story. It's usually me and my dad who don't get along, but this time it's my mom too. Lately she has been on my case a lot always yelling at me. I started school back in August and the same week I started working my first job, and this year I am an editor at school for our newspaper so I have more responsibilities, and my grandpa who has now passed away was still with us when this all began oh yah and I am a senior in high school trying to apply to colleges and meet deadlines.
So my life has been really chaotic since august. My grades have been affected by all the stress but I try hard to keep them up. If I am not at school, I am at work, if I am not at work I am at home doing homework or studying. If I have free time and only if it is a friday or saturday, I try to hang out with friends. Now I haven't been able to hang out with ANYONE outside of school aside from one of my friends. the same one repetitively.
I always try to schedule a day to hang out with other friends but I end up being busy.
My mom has been giving me a hard time lately whenever I want to hang out with my friends. I went to homecoming the rally, and I am surprised she and my dad didn't make it a big deal, because usually they would. Other than that, she always says well stay home you have too much free time. SERIOUSLY? NO. If I ever have free time I have to study because I always have a test coming up, so I always have this burden hanging over me saying STUDY! like now.. so yesterday I ask her to take me and my friend to the mall. She starts saying oh you never stay home, or I dont want to take you, and I am like well YOU WONT LET ME DRIVE. I AM ALWAYS HOME BECAUSE YOU DONT LET ME GO OUT WHAT DO U EXPECT?! Honestly I didn't even yell. So today I wake up and start studying literally. Then take a quick break to eat and shower, then go back to homework. Then I ask my dad to take me to the library becauase I needed some books for homework. I come home, and am ready to continue my long list of things to do. I lay down feeling exhausted, and what do i hear? My mom yelling at me. LETS GO! WERE GOING TO GO EAT. I tell her no I have homework. Then she says YOU had time yesterday to do that lets go. I told her why would i do hw on a friday? thats the one day of the week I have off. She says then why did u try going out yesterday? I was like WOW, i was so speechless, because ONE: I wanted to go early and come back early TWO: I didnt even go. THREE: she really expects me to do hw on a friday?! after a long week of school. She knows how stressed I have been and nothing I do is ever good enough. She said some more things but i've written too much. Honestly when the family left, I broke down crying SO much.
I dont know what to do. I can't please her, I don't even want to, I am just doing this for me. I am a good kid, like no joke. I dont drink smoke or party. Im not allowed to do anything but work and school. They even get mad if I get out of work at 8 ON A SATURDAY!! that's ridiculous.
I cant wait to go to college next yr but I might stay in the same city because the college is in mine, and if I do then they wont let me move out. I NEED TO. I cant stand it here. They dont give me any respect or privacy or privledges. My aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, everyone agrees that they treat me poorly. They don't even know have the things my parents say to me that is emotionally scarring.
If you read this god bless you, that you actually spent your time reading about my pathetic life. If you have any advice I would love to hear it. If your a jackass who is just going to leave some stupid comment, dont even bother Im not in the mood and my school is full of a bunch of people like you, whom make me want graduation to come sooner.