2010-01-03 02:27:49 UTC
Im really not quite sure how to explain this but im going to try anyway.
okay basically Im finding it very hard to live with my mother at the moment, i understand that mothers are there to look after you, protect you and help you in anyway they can, and trust me she does exactly that, I may not like it at times like when she doesn’t want me to go to a party because theres alcohol and boys and drugs. But she should know that she can trust me I have only just recently had sex with my boyfriend and wwe've been going out for five months and i really do love him.i have never got drunk, to what she knows, she has never seen me drunk. And I have never! And never will do drugs! I love her for protecting me but sometimes she can be so over the top about it. I remember one time I was going to go the beach with some friends and that morning my battery was low on my phone, so she wanted one of my friends phones numbers, fair enough! So she can get hold of me but when she started asking for everyone else's phone numbers aswell, i started to think well why? And she took my phone, got everyones numbers and text them all to make sure I was actually going to the beach. HOW EMBARRASSING! I don’t know why she does that, I have never lied and gone to a place I didn’t say I was going to. She honestly treats me like im f**king 11! Its not just that she is over protective that drives me insane, but she is so bloody difficult to live with, she is depressed and just permanently upset, she has ocd so everything has to be completely perfect and that is the complete opposite of me, so that drives me slightly mad with the smallest thing like I make toast, and there is a few crumbs on the bloody kitchen counter and she shouts at me and says ive made a huge mess and there f**king crumbs EVERYWHERE! Or if she says ive been rude, when I honestly don’t even know what I just said so when she leaves the room im standing there like what the hell I was not just rude to you, oh my god didn’t even … and it drives me mad for ages. I know that she is depressed because my step dad recently left us, for many serious reasons, which im not going to go into great detail about. Basically prison, adultery and anger problems. What I get upset about most is that im upset about all of this too, even though my mum was in love with this man, I thought of him as my dad, and I find it very hard living without him, I miss him, I really do! But then I don’t want this man back in my life and my mums life again they were together nearly 6 years and at the very last minute he just ruined everything for me and my mum and even himself.
Im just not really sure what to do with myself anymore, im always upset I try to be happy and make my mum happy but it never seems to work. I always act off with my boyfriends because im upset.. and ARGH! Im fed up of being a teenager. Ive cut myself before, nobody knows that, I just hid it for ages and when finally somebody saw it I blammed it on my cat.
My mums hit me a few times, Ive tried to hit her back, but I don’t want to! I end up going into another room, hitting a door and breaking my knuckles, or cutting them really bad. I think both of us have some kind of anger problem. Ive tried to see a counciler but she didn’t help.. just seemed like she didn’t care about what I was saying because she was all like mmmm.. so how do you feel about that.
I need some help you all may think I am over reacting but this is really difficult for me. Is this a normal life a teenager should be living? Having arguments with her mum 24/7? Wanting to hurt herself and thinking about killing herself? Has nightmares everytime she goes to sleep?
How can I get over this.. I can I help my mum to become a better person and not make me want to cry myself to sleep?