2009-07-31 08:42:10 UTC
Yesterday my friend (their mother) tells me when she came to pick them up that the twins will be going to the same school as my oldest this year. I was happy and said that the twins would love it at this new school and that she would be happy with the curriculum.
Right as she was walking out the door last night she turned around and said that her kids were going to be spending a lot of time here since I would be picking them up from school. Never asked me, never discussed how we would work it out, just assumed that since our kids now go to school together that I'm their new babysitter. I didn't even have the chance to say yes or no because she said she had a doctor's appointment and had to leave!
I told my husband when he got home from work and he said it was up to me but he thinks if I do it I should get paid for it. I'm not entirely sure I even want to do it at this point. They've already tested my trust this week by betraying me the way they did on Monday. And now to just assume that I'm going to be a permanent babysitter leaves me feeling really used. This isn't how you treat someone who is supposed to be your friend.
I have my own kids and college and house to take care of and the added expense of two extra children is really going to take it's toll on us financially (extra snacks, juice, school supplies for homework). My husband makes just enough for me to stay home with the kids and go to school and still have enough to have a cushion in savings.
So my question is, am I wrong for feeling used? I don't like confrontation and I really want to say something, I just don't know how to go about doing it without making my friend angry. I don't want to lose my friend, but I don't want to be used either.