What do i do? HELP ME!!!!?
2006-04-27 19:15:38 UTC
my mom is bi-polar and we used to be like best friends untill she got a bf and everytime she is single she is the coolest mom ever but she doesnt understand that she has a daughter too! wat to i do too help her relize that it herts wen she yells at me for stuff her bf did and that she isnt cool wen she is with a guy
Eight answers:
2006-04-27 19:30:41 UTC
Write her a letter telling you how you feel. But if she is bi-polar, only medication will help her.
2006-04-28 02:24:46 UTC
The best communication would be to write her a well thought out letter. This gives you time to think of exactly what you would like to tell her. The most IMPORTANT thing to remember is that as soon as someone becomes defensive their protective armour goes up and no information goes in. So when you are phrasing things always use the word 'I' and never "you". For example...Mom I really enjoy spending time together we have so much fun. But I feel left out and unimportant with "insert bf name here" is around. I don't always understand why I am being yelled at and wish that we could sit down and talk. I love you Mom and want us to be close forever.

This was just an example, the point being make it all about you and your feelings. Never something like "you make me feel sad when you.......

Good luck hun
2006-04-28 02:18:56 UTC
If she is not seeing a psychologist for her disorder, she should be. The Dr. would most likely prescribe some type of medication such as Lithium. Living with a person who has Bi-Polar is VERY hard, I wish you the best of luck!
2006-04-28 02:49:41 UTC
Start in to conversation, without complaining or accusing her. You need to work into the problem ares like " have you noticed you sometimes accuse or blame me for things that you don't know I did" and is there some trouble with Him being around me? you seem to treat me different.

You need to prod her into looking at her own behavior without pointing any single incident, that will just start an argument revolving around it.

2006-04-28 02:17:31 UTC
sit down and calmly talk to her or leave her a note sometime when she you aren't going to be in the house. when people read a note, most of the time they won't stop in the middle so you won't have to worry about not getting everything in!! make sure she takes her meds!!
2006-04-28 02:18:34 UTC
I agree, just tell her that. how it makes you feel. But do not accuse her of anything or get hostile or defensive. that is important. otherwise things could get worse.
2006-04-28 02:16:37 UTC
I think you need to tell her or write her what you just wrote here.
2006-04-28 02:28:13 UTC
sit down and talk she needs know

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