How can I get her to let me see my kids?
chelle g
2007-04-07 23:45:01 UTC
I have 2 girls from my first marriage, and when we divorced he got custody. I was fine with that. He didn't ask for child support, and let me call and see them whenever I wanted. He got the girls taken away by the state for abusing them, 6 years ago. I could not take custody at the time because I lived on the street. His mother got temporary custody, and since then asked for child support. Now she has not let me see them in over 3 years. She says she has never denied me, but I lived 15 minutes from her, and she would not stop by, was "never home" when I'd stop by her house. She would take them 2 hours away to see their father in prison, but not 15 minutes to see me. How can I get her to let me see them, or try to get them back myself. I am remarried now, have 4 more children, and am living alot better than I was back then. Please help.
Twenty answers:
2007-04-08 00:38:14 UTC
See an attorney. They can file for visitation. Sue for custody then she will be glad to settle for visits. If you can't afford an attorney, most cities have free legal service for problems such as this.
don n
2007-04-08 08:00:14 UTC
It sounds like you owe your ex mother-in-law a big thank you on behalf of your 2 girls from your first marriage. It seems like she was the only one who was willing to step up to the plate and take care of them when you and your ex were in no position to do so. You didn't mention anything about your parents so I presume they have written you off also.

You might be able to take your ex mother-in -law to court and get visitation rights but I suspect you wouldn't have a prayer of getting them back. There was evidently a good reason he was given custody of them at the time of the divorce and it doesn't help your case that you were living on the street when he went to prison.

With 4 children, I doubt that you could afford to care for 6 children anyway and besides that the 2 girls are settled with their grandmother and are probably well cared for.
just me
2007-04-08 06:56:48 UTC
take her to court! u have the right to see your kids. don't give up! show up more often, write letters, send emails, do whatever u have to to let your kids know u do want to see them and u love them. i suggest u start by calling them everyday even if u get no answer or just speak for a minute. it makes all the difference in the world. because if u at least take 5 minutes a day to let them know u r thinking about them, at least regardless of how they feel about all that's happened, or what anyone says about u, at least they will know u care. and that says it all. people make mistakes whats important is if u learned from your mistakes. repairing your mistakes start with a simple phone call. good luck.
2007-04-08 06:55:09 UTC
You need a lawyer just like everyone else is saying. She has to give you visitation it is your right. Do you have a court order saying you have visitation rights? Even if it was between you and your x. If so she might be held in contempt of court! You'd better call a lawyer soon the longer you wait the worse it looks on you! The judge will look down on you if you wait any longer. They probably already will!
2007-04-08 06:49:03 UTC
contact a family law attorney, or your states friend of the court. Just open the phone book and start calling the family law places and see if anyone will do a free phone consultation. It might cost you if you choose to go to court but if you're kids are worth it then do it. You will have to prove that you are stable and able to fully function as a mother but as long as your 4 other kids are okay then you should be able to get your kids back
sue d
2007-04-08 06:51:34 UTC
You are going to need to contact the family court, and they can help you with a parenting plan. I feel for your kids, what a rough life they have already experienced. Why didn't you try to get your kids back before you had 4 more? Makes me wonder how you could do that? Truly.
2007-04-08 07:04:06 UTC
u should take her to court cause u have the right 2 see ur kids.. come on u brought them into this world u should be able 2 see them wen ever u want... my parents kind of were in this same situation nd all they did was go to court nd now i go wit ma mom 4 1 week nd then i go wit ma dad 4 another week nd we jus switch of like dat .. maybe u can work somthin out between u nd ur daughters grandmother like my case .. good luck wit dat nd i hope u do get 2 see ur daughters!!!
2007-04-08 06:49:56 UTC
Go see an attorney monday morning. You are going to have to take it to court, end of story. Come up with a journal though, even if the dates are estimated dates, of times you have tried to see your kids, like you have been taking notes of this, all this time. Good luck.
2007-04-08 07:29:44 UTC
Go to court and request visitation. As long as you’re not unfit (and being previously homeless does not make you unfit), you should get it. Then she’ll have to let you see the kids. But until it’s court-ordered, she doesn’t have to.

As far as custody, you need to keep in mind that these kids haven’t lived with you in years, and **they’ve lived with her for 6 years**. That’s going to work in her favor.
2007-04-08 06:48:38 UTC
Wow, well... all I can say is contact a family lawyer or your children's social worker to talk about having them placed back with you. If your ex got the kids taken away because he abused them then why is she allowed to take them to see him in jail?????
Marcia G
2007-04-08 07:38:37 UTC
all of u guys are retarded. i'm glad 2 read that the father is in prison. I hope he gets what he deserves 4 abusing those girls. git him big bubba! his mother aint thinkin about those girls or she would keep them away from him. she needs her a** kicked. and you, you need to go to court to get the girls in your custody-not 4 visits. they are your children 2.
Saad H
2007-04-08 06:57:07 UTC
Sometimes things dont workout just by tryin it. the lady is very angry so its not very easy....... so u got to be hard for ur rights, really hard! after all they r ur kids....... keep following her like a tail untill she gets irritated.... remember, wen u r liberal over this, the lady wudnt get a picture abt how serious u r abt this kid's stuff... u maybe tryin hard...... but be vigrous now...... do anything for ur kids
2007-04-08 06:50:50 UTC
that's just depressing! immm sooo soory that happend! She might think that its all your fault! so thats why...mother in laws seem to always ruin everything. You need to get ahold of her and tell her about your new life, and say they're you children. DO WHAT ever you need to do to get them want to konw your kids!!! why is she taking them to see him anyways? if he abused them? you should call child services and get custody, say that the mother in law istaking them to see the abuser.
2007-04-08 07:26:09 UTC
Contact a family lawyer and they can arrange contact visits.
stephanie o
2007-04-08 06:53:48 UTC
take her to court and explain to the court that you are ready to take the girls back you do have rights so use them.
2007-04-08 06:54:14 UTC
get a lawer tell him or her your story and leave it to the judge the lawer will tell you what to say and do in court
2007-04-08 07:14:11 UTC
You need to take this to court...
2007-04-08 06:48:56 UTC
take her butt to court. she can not deny you to see your kids. unless the court has said "nope, never. ain't gonna happen" then you can see your kids.
James Louis
2007-04-08 06:50:53 UTC
Ask your present hubby first.
2007-04-08 06:48:24 UTC
COURT, its the only way

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