I hate my parents?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
I hate my parents?
213 answers:
2015-11-15 19:24:25 UTC
I can't believe you. you are a spoiled brat like someone else said. why would u ask this question on here? you probably don't know how hard your parents work to make money to pay the bills and keep a roof over your head and food on the table. be greatful that they're getting you anything at all. there's homeless people living on the streets. do you think they'll have a better holiday than you? the only time I ask my dad for money is for needs not wants. If I have no gas money and no job yet I ask. maybe you should go with your parents to a homless shellter. then you'll see what I mean. give some of those gifts to other people or kids who have less than you or are poor. that would be the giving thing to do.
2015-11-15 21:30:14 UTC

I'm 18 years old, and my parents are ranchers, and although it's a struggle to make ends meet sometimes, they always get us what we want for Christmas. Like, honestly I thought I was quite spoiled until I read this post. My sisters and I put maybe ONE expensive item on our list, and anything I've ever wished for is several hundred dollars less than one of the items you have on your list. Do you not realize that there are some people out on the street, not even able to buy a blanket or food on Christmas? Are you a freakin celebrity or something? I don't know how you have enough money to seriously put all that pretty useless stuff on your list. I really hope you're kidding. I first opened this post to try and help a kid who was having real family issues; not a spoiled brat who didn't get everything they wanted for a holiday that isn't supposed to be about receiving at ALL. It's about GIVING. This generation, man...I swear šŸ˜‘
2015-11-15 10:36:25 UTC
You are a spoiled little brat. And STOP using Xmas instead of Christmas. After all HE is the reason for the season and not your self entitled list. Where I live, I have seen little children come into the Dollar General Store, look at an $8 plastic truck and say "I would sure like to have this for Christmas." You are coming off as a very shallow spoiled brat!!!!!!!! You WILL regret saying you hate your parents one day just because you didn't get what your rock hard heart wanted.
2015-11-14 12:41:25 UTC
Are you kidding me? I cant believe you even have the nerve to ask for so much. Lots of people have to share rooms and live where it is not comfortable. They would be happy to get socks and a warm sweater. You need to learn to give not get. If I were your parents I would make you take all the money they would spend on all these gifts you are demanding and buy things for the poor. You are spoiled and I hope you learn at some time to be a giving person.
2015-11-16 07:47:54 UTC
Wow part of me really hopes that this question was a joke. There are kids like me who's family is going through financial issues and can't afford new phones or a bunch of electronics. Just the fact that you are so upset over 3 things on that list you're not getting out of what, 15 other items? It really makes me sad. second of all, millions of kids in this world don't even HAVE parents, how can you say you hate your parents? They are clearly doing SO much for you. I'm speechless.
Sugared Donut
2015-11-15 20:17:06 UTC
You spoiled brat.

When I was your age, I was worrying about school and what soda to drink. And honestly, all that stuff on your list is unnecessary and expensive. I couldn't get an iPhone until I was 18, yeah, the FIRST one. That was only a year ago. Realize that your parents are not money machines, and they won't bow down to you like servants to fix your temptations and wants like a heroin addict. If you want Jordans, if you want the iPhone 6s Plus, then get it on your own, and stop being a brat about it. You, obviously, haven't appreciated all the things your parents give you to make you happy. They gave you LIFE, what more can you want? You should be glad you still have a roof over your head, food to eat, and a soul in your body? Be a little more grateful.

To add on, Xmas is so 1998. Get your head in the game, honey.

I swear, society messed kids up badly.
2015-11-14 13:03:18 UTC
You spoiled little ****. How dare you say bad stuff about them when you have so much already. You don't deserve to have what you've got as it is. It is completely fair that they're not giving all that stuff you don't need. You don't need two TVs when you have a great one already. You don't need an iPhone 6 plus if they are getting you an iPhone 6s which you don't even deserve because I bet you already have a perfectly fine 6. Clothes are great you don't want to walk around naked with your tiny dick sticking out do you? Who cares what your friends have got they sound spoiled to and don't talk **** about a kid who has less money than you do. Its not his fault. Hell probably be more successful than you one day because he hasn't just had everything handed to him!
2015-11-14 13:12:20 UTC
I sincerlly hope this is a troll. Bcause if it is not you a entitled little brat. And if I were you parents I would give all you Christmas gifts away to familes who cannot afford them. And you would get nothing for Chiristmas.
2015-11-16 18:17:37 UTC
Oh my gosh! what a BRAT you are!!!

Christmas is NOT about presents for one!! it's about family and God!!

Look at all those things you have gotten, but you still want MORE?

let me ask you this, what did you get your mom and dad? exactly!

There are children on the streets right this minute, starving to death, all they wish for is a warm bed to sleep in, but no, you complain because your mommy and daddy won't get this toy for you? awwwww.

Grow up, life isn't about THINGS, your parents are obviously spoiling you to much, don't be surprised if the only thing you get next year is undies!

Sheesh, sometimes I wonder where humanity has gone...

You have detected your problem, now fix it!!! don't be such a brat, be thankful that you have a roof over your head and clothes to wear!! You should apologies to your parents and but THEM a gift!

And what's with the list? aren't you a little to old for that? growing up I didn't even get a gift! my gift was a bowl of wild berries and occasionally a old doll from my grandma.
2015-11-15 13:56:30 UTC
If you are a troll:

Nice way to pretend to be a modern American child.

If you are not a troll:

You spoiled little brat! You should be goddamn grateful that your parents got you all that stuff, because you sure as hell don't deserve it. Maybe you should try to appreciate what your parents got you instead of complaining that they didn't give the stuff that you don't have. If you were my child, I would give you a bag full of crap. And maybe your friends got that stuff because they aren't little brats.
2015-11-18 20:09:00 UTC
Hi! I realize that you are used to getting everything you want and I'm sure that you have had your eyes opened to a whole new way of life through these answers.I don't want to be mean to you because I understand you honestly grew up that way and new nothing else. It saddens me that some people can have so little, and by little i mean less than nothing, and there are people out there who have the whole world. I hope that this really opens your eyes to how blessed you are. Because one of your gifts would be worth enough money to feed starving people. Plural. Meaning ONE of your gifts could feed MANY people. I'm not going to tell you to change because you are who you are. I'm just going to ask you to try and think of the other people that are in this world. You are not the only person. Since you have a rich family I'm assuming you will also have a good amount of wealth someday. And all I ask you is that you remember this. When you have children don't make them brats. Raise them to be ladies and gentlemen. Teach them manners and how to be caring. Teach them good people skills. Teach them that life is not about the things you own but about living. Its about the relationships you make and the memories and the things you do. Be a courteous person. Show love radiating off of you. Spread goodness into the world because if you become rich one day you will have power. You WILL be able to make a difference!! I hope that you do not drown from your selfishness, because you have characteristics to become a selfless person. I know you can do it. Good luck friend. Plz see life differently than just having to own all of the objects. Its more than that
2016-03-01 08:28:02 UTC
I'm 18 years old, and my parents are ranchers, and although it's a struggle to make ends meet sometimes, they always get us what we want for Christmas. Like, honestly I thought I was quite spoiled until I read this post. My sisters and I put maybe ONE expensive item on our list, and anything I've ever wished for is several hundred dollars less than one of the items you have on your list. Do you not realize that there are some people out on the street, not even able to buy a blanket or food on Christmas? Are you a freakin celebrity or something? I don't know how you have enough money to seriously put all that pretty useless stuff on your list. I really hope you're kidding. I first opened this post to try and help a kid who was having real family issues; not a spoiled brat who didn't get everything they wanted for a holiday that isn't supposed to be about receiving at ALL. It's about GIVING. This generation, man...I swear šŸ˜‘
2016-01-30 16:58:20 UTC
I'm 18 years old, and my parents are ranchers, and although it's a struggle to make ends meet sometimes, they always get us what we want for Christmas. Like, honestly I thought I was quite spoiled until I read this post. My sisters and I put maybe ONE expensive item on our list, and anything I've ever wished for is several hundred dollars less than one of the items you have on your list. Do you not realize that there are some people out on the street, not even able to buy a blanket or food on Christmas? Are you a freakin celebrity or something? I don't know how you have enough money to seriously put all that pretty useless stuff on your list. I really hope you're kidding. I first opened this post to try and help a kid who was having real family issues; not a spoiled brat who didn't get everything they wanted for a holiday that isn't supposed to be about receiving at ALL. It's about GIVING. This generation, man...I swear šŸ˜‘
2015-11-17 13:36:24 UTC
you are just spoiled! Do you even have an idea how much do this things cost???

Did you ever think of anything you are getting?

Do you know that this things are NOT obvious for you to get?

Unlike you're parents I thought my kids well that if you want something you have to work for it they have been doing farm job's since they could walk they wake up every day at 5 a.m to go to our farm, and I have 2 kids a 13 year old girl and a 15 year old boy.

And guess what they don't have iPhone 6's

And it's not because we can't afford it it's because you need to WORK for it!

Yes I get it it's Christmas and you're supposed to get gifts but in my hose you will only get gifts if you deserve it! And 2 years ago my son didn't get gifts because he was disrespectful!

And what can I say he learned the hard way!

And he learned boundaries!

A lot of people say I'm a strict dad but those are my rules and you have to follow tham if you don't like it your problem!

I think your parents should do the same.
2015-11-17 03:26:55 UTC
My god. Two words for you: Grow up! And I thought I was spoilt as my mother always makes sure that I have nice things for christmas, yet even though I might not have the best of the best or the latest things, I've always been appreciative for what she could give me! The fact that lego is on your list makes me think that you're probably too young for a cellphone anyway and certainly expensive things like laptops and computers shouldn't be left in your hands!! Maybe you should go and do some volunteering on the christmas day at a local salvation army (or equivalent) and learn how to appreciate what you have. Regardless of whether you apologised to your parents or not, I don't think you should expect such huge presents from you parents, no matter what your siblings get. You need a lesson in humility!
2015-11-17 11:12:36 UTC
Your parents are a big part of the reason your are the nasty greedy brat you are. They give you WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much so you don't appreciate anything or them. Christmas is about giving not receiving. They should have been teaching you that all along & maybe you wouldn't be so screwed up like so many other young people your age. You should have to work for what you get so you can appreciate anything & everything you have and your parents must be killing themselves working for your stupid ridiculous ultra expensive Christmas list. Just wait till you have kids & have to try & buy them everything they want like your parents do. You will appreciate your parents then if they are still alive since you are obviously working them to death. Be part of the solution not the problem. What you should do is tell your parents to take everything back except one gift & then tell them to use the money they get back to take a vacation away from you so they can rest from your crazy demands. You need to do some charity work so you can experience how others have to live & what they have to live without. There's plenty of people who can't afford grocerys & are losing their homes every day. I know you are aware of how many people are struggling these days, everybody knows, your just heartless & your parents are idiots!
Ashvith Shetty
2015-11-17 08:35:39 UTC
Hey .

After seeing all this , I think you are a really greedy KID , yes , I know its just stupid commenting on you , but , maybe you can improve . Can you not even think how hard your mom / dad work for you ??? Okay , forget about hard work , but IPad Pro , IPhone 6 and 6 Plus - First of all they are not for you.Having such expensive phone,what is it worth for a kid like you ?? . In my country , having phones cost $600 is a real real real GREAT THING . Then talking about all these Jordan 7s or 8s , or that Galaxy , people don t even no what these things are .Better TV ?? Hello , many people own not less than 45 inches.And the Minecraft Lego set ?? I am myself a LEGO as well as Minecraft fan , but , I cant even buy A PREMIUM ACCOUNT for Minecraft or I couldn t even buy a LEGO , WHEN I WAS A KID MYSELF. PS4 Games and Laptops ?? Are you joking ??Most of them even don t have a decent PC and end up playing Counter Strike as it is the only one which runs decent on a low end PC .Hardly 2 or 3 of my classmates own PS3s or PS2s.And these Mechanoid ??? You don t even know the spelling .Why do you need a camera kid ??? If you would have given me $300 , I would be the happiest person on EARTH .At least don t take those above comments as granted .

Hey , wake up, don t just sit in you house , go around , own a pet dog , interact with people ,develop a hobby , go to a orphanage at your place . At least if you feel this boring , just boast to your friend that you have contributed the most. I think that attitude of your is not your mistake .

Hope you will improve after reading this .AND sorry for my broken English.

You are welcome .
2015-11-18 09:27:53 UTC
the thing your talking about is a hover board. $800. Almost $1000. Im lucky i get $100 worth of gifts for Christmas. If this is your only problem I'd be glad to switch lives with you. My family is literally broke right now. Not even being sarcastic. All we have is a $20 walmart card for food and thats all we have at the moment and were damn lucky for it. Yes your sister got more expensive stuff than you but you need to get over it no offense. Be lucky your parents have a **** load of money to buy what you are getting.
2015-11-18 12:08:43 UTC
Please respect your parents-coming from someone who's worked in childcare since they were 13, and is studying to be a teacher-money is frickin' hard to earn. It's exhausting having a job-not to mention the ones they must have for you to even fathom asking for this much. My brothers act like this sometimes, when they do, they get nothing. You're lucky you have a relationship with your parents that they spoil you so much. Many parent/child relationships are terrible and abusive.

Good on you for amending your post, though. It's hard for people who grow up a certain way to expect anything less as they get older (not excusing your behavior in any way, shape, or form), so I do understand why you were thinking the way you do.

Give them a big hug and buy THEM some stuff for Christmas (it's super amazing to see them smile at something you got them. TRUST ME). They usually hint at stuff they like in conversation (my mom talks about her favorite authors, books, and music artists often, so that's how I know what to buy her).
2015-11-15 20:54:03 UTC
Look, I really hope you're joking. Everything you asked for is REALLY expensive and its horrible for you to say you hate them. It's a lot to ask for. Your parents work very hard to pay for the roof over your head, clothes on your back, and the food you eat. I'm fourteen, and my mom's single raising two teenagers (my brother and I). I'm not asking for much this Christmas, because I know she works extremely hard as it is to pay for my activities. This Christmas, we're going to feed the homeless and give someone else a nice Christmas. Maybe you should do that, you'll see how hard some other people have it.
2015-11-15 23:55:08 UTC
-- If you're an American or Brit:

You're a really bad person, your parents are too. It has nothing to do with wealth, it has to do with terrible parenting. You have bad parents. I'd hate them too.

-- If you're not from the West:

I assume you follow someone on Instagram that does get spoiled like that and you're looking for attention, to have people marvel at you or something. A lot of people here likely know someone or are wealthy themselves, and your list of stuff there isn't THAT rich.

People at my high school has new jaguars $80k while others had used Mustangs that probably cost $12k aka junk. So you would be the rich kid but not something unheard of meaning this comment is ******* stupid.
2015-11-20 06:02:09 UTC
In life you arent going to get what you want... Sorry to say this but you are teslly spoiled by your parents and they also need to realize that the way your acting to getting to 6s but not the 6s plus is ridiculous. That is some really expensive stuff of your list and to expect them to get it all for you is insane. What i really want to know is what are you getting them? Between whats on your list and probably the expensive stuff on your sisters they really try hard to make you guys happy and grt as much dtuff ad they can you should be thankful they care do much And that friend you call "poor" is just happy to have s home to spemd christmas this year. And poor is a really disrespectful term to use not everyone in this world is as fortunate. Be thankful on Christmas for what you already have not with what you get. Hope everything goes well, have a good day and tell your parents that you love them for everything they have done for you!
2015-11-18 16:58:43 UTC
If I had a kid like u I would be so disappointed !! If my parents even gave me atLeast of of te things on your list I would be so happy and greatful! Since my birthday and Christmas is so close together I asked my mom to buy me a gopro for both combined since it's so expensive. Then I thought of it and said Nvm I dnt want her spending that much money on me. So I told me not to. Be greaful for what you have because their are people out their that will just be happy to get bread on their table. I don't think I have ever read something so horrible in my life ?! U hate ur parents bc they dnt get you what u want?! That isn't a reason to hate the ppl that love you and raised you and gave up so much for you. So spoiled you are. So your parents have to buy your love ?? If I ever have money I just learned a lesson when I have kids I will not get them anything untill they deserve it. I will not get them whatever they want because then they will turn out like u. Unbelievable
2015-11-15 23:51:46 UTC
You have obviously been so spoiled your whole life! I thank god that I raised my own children to appreciate what it is they receive whether at Christmas or birthdays. Your parents are to blame for your unbelievable shallow attitude. List? My kids stopped making a list when they were about 7. They get what they need with a few surprises thrown in....NOT the latest gadget that costs hundreds! Your parents are obviously loaded, fair dues. Doesn't mean they couldn't have raised you right. UNREAL. Money doesn't equal love.
Moody Cracker
2015-11-17 00:59:50 UTC
You are a spoiled, ungrateful little brat. Your parents are doing the best they can to provide stuff for you and whoever else is in the house hold. You should be grateful that you have parents who care about you and that are willing tl go out and buy all that useless stuff you'll just toss aside several months from now not all kids are lucky. I swear, if you were my kid or little brother, your rear would be red and too sore to sit down.
2015-11-18 11:38:23 UTC
USA parents have the legal right to disown their get.

Lawyers can transfer child responsibility from parents

to a judge for disposal by court order. Foster parenting

is a common result. The most immediate clue of this

is when all home locks are changed and reader is not

allowed to access the new unlocking mechanism. Hate

is not a one-way street.
2015-11-18 23:41:28 UTC
Somehow I doubt this is a genuine posting. Its just too over-the-top. If it IS genuine then you are BEYOND spoiled, you are a sociopath. There are those of us out here who are wondering where our next meal is coming from or how we are going to pay the electric bill. There are also those of us with health issues who would just like to live for another year. Things are just things and they are empty and shallow -- like you.

A warm meal, a hug from a loved one, and another year on this earth would be the best gifts of all. And you can be in my position tomorrow, spoiled one, so think about that. Live in love and gratitude, don't waste a moment on hate and other petty things.
2015-11-15 15:11:54 UTC
Parents love their kids so much that they put up with this behavior. They do not realize the damage that they are doing trying to buy their childs love..I can onl hope they read this article and wake up. I don't know how old you are little person but I think you would be wise to think about what you are saying. WHat if they died tonight in a house fire,,, where would you be? no one wants a brat for a kid. u just can't love them.
2015-11-16 09:41:46 UTC
I don't want to be rude like the others...but...That is A LOT. And those stuff are very expensive. Please be happy for what you have. There are a lot of kids who don't even have parents! And 2 bedrooms with 5 people isn't that bad lol. We are 6 people in 3 bedroom house and we are living just fine!
2015-11-15 14:18:54 UTC
I don't like your parents either. They spoil you to the bone and waste way too much money on you, who doesn't need any of that. They're raising you to be a spoiled, greedy, and a dependent little brat. They're parenting is terrible!


gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
2015-11-18 12:40:04 UTC
Are u serious right now? U better be grateful you are getting anything at all with what is going on all over the world,but i am sure you do not care about that being that you want to be an entitled spoiled little brat.It is sad your parents did not teach you that things are not what life is about.
2015-11-15 11:57:40 UTC
For real ? If you aren't content with what you already have, why don't you get a job and earn your own money for a change. Some people in this world will smile at you for giving them a loaf of bread so freaking stop acting like a spoiled brat.
2015-11-17 21:40:15 UTC
Omg!! Your parents are being so mean not getting every single thing on your list. They probably hate you & don't want you to have any fun. You should show them good. Write a letter to Santa Claus and tell him to get you that thingie they're too cheap to buy for you, cause they gunna spend all their retirement money on your dumb sister.
2015-11-15 18:36:08 UTC
If you're a troll

You do a very accurate imitation of a modern kid today.

If you're not a troll

Wow, spoiled. Money is a hard thing to obtain. You're lucky you're getting anything. Do you not realize how expensive all of those items are?
2015-11-17 09:00:58 UTC
WOW! This is probably a troll.. but if it isn't.. you're spoilt mate! I can't eve get an iPhone 6 and u hv such a long list and u say u hate your parents. Id be jumping up and down and probably fait of joy even if i got an iPhone 6s plus!
Lexi Lynn
2015-11-17 14:13:48 UTC
Do you know how many kids go without Christmas presents every year? Grow up. I mean seriously, Kid, if you're pissed that your parents aren't getting you everything you want for Christmas, think of what they'll get you for Christmas once you graduate high school, or even college. I can guarantee that it won't be anything as expensive as ONE of the items on your list.
2015-11-17 22:35:16 UTC
You sould like a real spoiled brat. You need to get a life. REALLY an iPad Pro? Do you realive that this things cost $700! I'm lucky of I get $400 worth of stuff for Christmas. You are a disrespectful little brat. Your parents are GREAT if they bought you one of those items. Nobody ever gets EVERYTHING on thier list. Just some items. I can't believe people like you. Rich kids are always so disrespectful. SHAME ON YOU! YOU NEED TO APOLOGIZE TO YOUR PARENTS FOR BEING A JERK! GET A LIFE LOOSER
2015-11-16 19:36:21 UTC
your a total brat and even after you read the comments you are still mad bro! there are people out there who can barely get food for one day! and that stuff probably cost your parents thousands of dollars and why in the world would you use Xmas the 'X' is "technically" crossing out Christ and that is not a good think to use so rethink your attitude because you aren't going to get very far in life if your always like this.
2015-11-15 16:39:37 UTC

"Is it really too much to ask for [thousands of dollars worth of stuff that's mostly useless and has duplicated functionality]?

Either you're outright spoiled, a bad troll, or just freakin' stupid. In any case, you'll find neither help nor solace here.

Teddy's Mom Chiliswoman
2015-11-16 10:27:40 UTC
I could buy all those gifts and more for my son if he wanted them, but thankfully he doesn't. Christmas is not about greed. Receiving presents is not about how much you get or how valuable they are, but what love was part of the giving. Your parents express their love by givng you things. My parents did that too. Take it from me, when you get older you will have wished for something different or more lasting.
2015-11-15 16:23:14 UTC
You asked for that much stuff?

Bro, the only present I got last year was tickets to a wrestling match (which I hated) and a bit of clothes.

I also celebrate my birthday on Christmas cause I was born on the 22nd

Show some god damn respect you spoiled snot nosed brat
2015-11-17 18:12:25 UTC
Your parents must be so proud just going to say it now if your an adult and you act like this you need serious help. Also you deserve a lump of coal and a visit from Krampus young lady. Learn to appreciate your family.
2015-11-15 07:55:15 UTC
I suppose you're a troll, but know that such behaviour is extremely greedy. I am hard of hearing and all I wish was to get back my hearing. Be contented with what you have. You're already very lucky to be born normal. If I needed electronic gadgets, it would be a new hearing aid or cochlear implant. Seriously dude. Count your blessings.
2015-11-17 20:49:52 UTC
OMG! Christmas is about God and family, not receiving gifts. I WOULD LOVE IT IF MY PARENTS EVEN GOT ME ONE CHRISTMAS PRESENT! But you sit here, complaining that your parents haven t got you three things on your grand list. THREE THINGS! YOUR A SPOILED BRAT! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF. I would be so happy just getting one thing on your list, have you thought about kids in Peru or in poor countries that live on the street and don t even get food scraps for Christmas!? NO! You should learn to work and be grateful. What about this year you give instead of receive. Say buy subway or McDonald for homeless people and help them find a shelter, or donate money or items to charity, or help out at the local animal shelter and maybe even adopt an animal, go to an orphanage and help out or a homeless shelter and help out. Please, be grateful for what you have. Anyway, Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ, not receiving gifts.
2015-11-16 17:59:08 UTC
Have you had a part time job to help pay for all the things you want?

Do you help your parents clean the house, garage, mow the lawn and help rake the leaves,carry ou the trash without having your mother nag you to do so?

Clean your room and pick up your stuff off the floor?

How about giving your parents a present they will neer forget.. kindness, being polite, and thoughtful and helping them with the chores..
2015-11-17 09:07:04 UTC
You must come from a very wealthy family. I can't imagine getting more than one of those items if they had been around when I was a kid. Most of my presents were clothes,like pants or socks. You should kiss the ground your parents walk on.
2015-11-16 17:58:40 UTC
You are a spoiled rotten brat. I hope you don't get any Christmas gifts, you deserve nothing. You parents sure made a few mistakes raising you so that you expect to get everything you want. They are probably as much to blame as you are.
2015-11-16 11:03:10 UTC
Are you kidding? Just ONE of these items would make me happy. I can't believe that there are kids out there who are this spoiled. My parents can't even afford to give me $20 for Christmas. I seriously hope that this is just a joke.
2015-11-16 20:36:00 UTC
2015-11-16 00:02:17 UTC
What makes you think you should have all that stuff? If I was your mom and I saw this post I'd take it all back. Do you deserve it? What have you given your mom lately? Are you going to get her list and get it all? Sounds like you are an ungrateful child who thinks mom owes him. You have no clue what's important in life and I think you should give of yourself and do some charity work to earn things. Cancel Christmas is what I'd do/
Dip! Just Dip!
2015-11-18 13:37:49 UTC
I despise Christmas want lists. That is the most selfish and presumptuous abuse of the holiday season. Christmas is about the birth of our savior, and presents and want lists have turned it into an evil breed of selfish individuals thinking that they are entitled to get whatever new gadget is out there makes me sick. Yes, it is very human as a kid to want these things, and T.V. and movies make it worse. But this is a religious holiday, and even if you are not Christian, if you follow any sort of God-fearing religion, you are celebrating something around this time of year. I have Jewish friends who celebrate Hanukkah and agnostic friends who simply want to share these special times with their friends who do celebrate it for something special. So society, get off of the "give me!" obsession and start giving, if not something physical or earthly, then support and love to those who need it. That is what Christmas is about.
2015-11-18 19:02:52 UTC
Grow up. my mom and dad get a pack of gum and a video game for Christmas and I'm happy. Gifts aren't the point of Christmas. It's to celebrate the birth of Christ. You're so spoiled. I feel bad for your parents. You shouldn't even own a're probably 12
2015-11-17 13:33:31 UTC
you need to stop! ? all of that junk you are getting and you still are not happy .many kids don't even have a mother and a father to even get one toy and you have asked for all of these expensive things and you are still belly aching about what you didn't get, plus you say that you hate your parents because they don't get or let you have certain things. if I were them and knew you felt like that I would take all of those things back and you'd get nothing.
2015-11-18 20:42:35 UTC
You're an ungrateful child. If I were your parents, with that attitude I wouldn't get you anything. Learn the value of family A*shole. You over privileged c*nt.
Harley Lady
2015-11-17 16:29:59 UTC
You are so spoiled. That is more than most kids will get and you are so ungrateful. Do your parents a favor and run away from home. Then, they can donate those presents to someone that will appreciate them. I wonder what you will be getting your parents for Christmas? Surely, you have worked odd jobs during the summer to buy their present, right?
2015-11-15 19:35:39 UTC
You are the biggest brat. I would feel guilty asking my parents for ever one of those things. You have a lot of nerve saying you hate them even though they got you more than half of those items.
2015-11-18 20:42:03 UTC
wow! i have to scrap to get my daughter 2 little presents for Christmas and you are complaining that you didn't get all of what you wanted. grow up you are a spoiled brat that needs a dose of what the world is like. you should be grateful you get anything. and for the record a 200 dollar allowance is way to much for a child and yes teenagers are children 2 . get a job and buy the things yourself it will make the reward that much better.
2015-11-17 09:58:57 UTC
This is obviously not real and you're just trolling on here for fun. If this is real then you are exactly why this country is going straight down the crapper and I hope you're parents return everything they bought you since you are so ungrateful and snotty.
Asad Siddiqi
2015-11-16 09:38:05 UTC
Are you Serious or just a troll ? I have a masters degree and have been working for 10 years but still cant afford all these things ? Your parents will buy you all these things and you are still hatin .... Dayem Bruh !
2015-11-15 07:26:38 UTC
whoa ur one selfish spoiled little s h it stain aren't u? they cant afford to get u everything u want so why don't u stop sulking and grow the fk up! seriously!

u know kids in third world countries don't even get a Christmas they get nothing no toys no games none of that why don't u stop for just one minute and spare a thought for them? and think how they must feel? well guess what U should get nothing i hope ur parents change their minds and get u jack s h it for Christmas u greedy selfish spoiled little c u nt
2015-11-15 06:21:31 UTC
You are a spoiled little brat. You are asking them to pay 1,000, maybe even more, for you. You don't need all that stuff, and need to stop thinking "oh my friends have the new iPhone, now I need to have it" just because your friends have it doesn't mean you get to have it, you need to think of your parents and the sacrifices they will make, have made, and ARE MAKING for their spoiled brat of a son.
2015-11-16 18:58:57 UTC
WOW. Your parents much be rich cause most people would be luck to get even ONE of those things. You clearly have never had a job because if you understood how much work you would have to do to get any one of those things you would never complain again.
2015-11-16 19:50:04 UTC
Wow. You are really spoiled. My parents won't even buy a $70 USD computer graphics card for me! On my ******* birthday!
2015-11-17 18:50:04 UTC
2015-11-16 19:13:59 UTC
Is this a joke? I don't care if you're parents are billionaires, no child deserves this, not a single one. You're a spoiled brat, you know that, right?
2015-11-15 12:59:41 UTC
it's presumptuous of you to even give them a list of the things you want. tsk tsk.

all the years in my family we bought one item of clothes and one item to open on christmas day. So sure, it's way way too much to ask for things at christmas. You want things because your peers want them, and letting them influence you. Christmas is not about gifts, it's about the birth of a savior. Celebrating with church and fixing the tree and making a good family meal should be enough for you.
2015-11-16 13:04:51 UTC
I hope your parents read Yahoo Answers. They should have your brain checked out. Too many kids are killing their parents in the US and for the stupidest of things..
2015-11-20 04:48:52 UTC old are you? 8? Playing with lego? Why do you even need all that stuff, because all your friends have it and you don't? Who the hell cares?! I am usually more friendly than this but tbh you're just a stupid spoiled brat. I'm 15 and I had to beg my mum to get my the Iphone 6 and that is all I need. Bro go get fixed.
2015-11-15 18:26:49 UTC
Go to hell or get some decency. The only gift I ask for is my family's wellness. You sound 12 so go play some minecraft on the computer mommy and daddy bought you.
2015-11-16 15:24:21 UTC
Was this for real???? I'm 18 and I would never buy my future children all this stuff, even if they were angels. You're spoiled and filthy rich, be grateful dude. People have so much less than you.
2015-11-15 19:33:59 UTC
You should probably move out of your house and then you`ll finally understand all the trouble your causing your parents! Try to even get all of those stuff and you`ll have your epiphany, you self-centered freak!
2015-11-15 08:51:58 UTC
Whats wrong with your parents ..?? Iphone 6 instead of Iphone6+ ... Are they ******* insane? If i was you i would have ran away from home a long long time ago..!! FYI the List seems totally Legit..!!
2015-11-17 02:42:13 UTC
Dudley Dursely? XD
2015-11-15 10:03:01 UTC
Your so disrespectful. Honestly. You should not be asking for that much stuff. Im lucky if i were to get one of those on that list. Be grateful you are even able to get anything. Some people cant even afford socks for Christmas.
2015-11-16 16:41:07 UTC
Be thankful . The most expensive gift im getting this christmas is the new iphone and some clothes and a new pair of shoes and im already thankful. You're doggt poo.
Tea Lea
2015-11-17 22:06:27 UTC
Here's another entitled, vain, and shallow kid. Must I keep saying it, grow up and be thankful for what you have. Geez, it really gets on my nerves when people fail to see how blessed they are. I can almost bet you that so-called poor kid is happier because his house is filled with love and not material things.
2015-11-15 16:52:14 UTC
2015-11-15 20:32:00 UTC
Spoiled brat. You need to learn where money comes from. It's not just pulle from thin air.
2015-11-18 08:55:17 UTC
That's your opinion
2015-11-14 12:52:16 UTC
Don't ask BEG to know your AUTHENTIC SELF. ZPleead with then to buy you An Autobiography of A Yogi.vIN HARD BACK AS when you grow up this book you will carry. with you everywhere.

for the rest of your life!
2015-11-16 09:11:33 UTC
For my birthday I got a Ā£30.00 itunes voucher, not a fuking ipad pro and iphone 6s along with super expensive clothing you selfish spoilt brat!
2015-11-16 05:45:04 UTC
Ok, I'm not gonna say you are a spoiled brat because that is old. I'm happy that you feel ashamed for this question.
bad girl
2015-11-15 10:46:10 UTC
If you were my child and I saw your post I would return every single gift I had bought for Christmas. I would sign you up to volunteer at a shelter and I would give all the money that was for your gifts to the shelter.
2015-11-14 21:21:05 UTC
I think your parents don't understand you. I don't see a reason why they IPhone 6s Plus is too big and why did they even get loads of clothes when you don't want them?
2015-11-16 09:06:58 UTC
you seem a right spolit little brat lucky you get anything for xmas rather than the list you ve gave

should be grateful for what u get!

many children go without on xmas day

you should learn to give not get

many people will wake up alone on xmas day

many with out food

many without homes

shoud be grateful your in the position your in Thank your mum n dad for giving u life

feeding and clothing u everyday rather than give them grief for what they don t do
2015-11-16 21:21:09 UTC
It's sounds like they shouldn't get you anything and donate those gifts to people less fortunate who will actually appreciate it you spoiled brat.
2015-11-20 13:23:32 UTC
are you kidding??? youre actually complaining about this. listen i dont come from a family w/ money we do a secret santa thing so we only get one gift for christmas. ive needed a car so i can get to my job that i have to have to support my family but we cant afford one. i honestly cant believe somebody this selfish exists. if my parents told me i could get a car rn idk what id do. maybe you should start counting your blessings and check your privilege
2015-11-14 21:44:26 UTC
Hey, I don't know why you expect so much. My family doesn't have enough money, and I only wish for myself to work hard and give them money! You are just asking too much!
2016-03-04 18:15:04 UTC
I hope this question is a joke. Your a spoiled b****. Be happy with what you have. I don't even have an iPhone 6.
2015-11-16 02:18:47 UTC
oh my god spolit brat do you even kno how much your parents have to work to even get you a present i can have around $200 spent on me at the most not a couple of thousand $$$ just on presents oh my frigging god how ridiculous are u
2015-11-16 20:27:53 UTC
Sell some of the stuff that you can actually forego and donate or buy a meal for a homeless and make their christmas, merry.
2015-11-17 15:31:36 UTC
Error 411 spoiled little brat on the loose
2015-11-19 22:33:01 UTC
2015-11-17 14:58:35 UTC
what a spoilt brat

I cannot get over your nonsense nor finish reading your stupidity

take what you are given for God's sake and consider those who don't have anything.

I am 16 years old and understand that my parents are not rich wtf is wrong with you omds
friendly advice from maine
2015-11-15 21:13:36 UTC
You should not worry about what people think of you. You have a priveleged life. Don't ruin it with greed.
2015-11-20 09:32:44 UTC
I can see why you posted anonymously. With a question like yours, I'd be embarrassed to admit who I was, even with a pseudonym.
2016-10-03 16:41:53 UTC
U r a spoiled ******* brat, i don't even get any presents for christmas, and still love my parents.
2015-11-17 13:22:34 UTC
This why I hate humans, they're greedy and hate too easily.
2015-11-14 21:55:06 UTC
Yo christmas is in December not November
2015-11-15 23:02:53 UTC
oh god... i hope this is a troll post. some kids dont have christmnas at all. i cant wait till this brat grows up and gets a taste of te real world
2015-11-20 21:36:29 UTC
And I thought that asking my parents for a $130 guitar as a birthday present was bad..

EDIT: Well, you learnt your lesson. Good job.
2017-03-05 08:35:02 UTC
I would read a book but I need silence and I watch tv set for Big Bang theory family person spongebob comedy or movies in general throw me a good booklet and I will read it I'm not old a educator or a nerd
2017-02-02 08:37:32 UTC
Normally I read 4 -5 books a full week. But when there is something really good on TV i quickly will watch it
Alright alright alright
2015-11-15 23:40:54 UTC
lmao the poor freind got me we got a comedian on our hands spoiled rich boy needs a smack upside the head.

My parents bought my sister a red ferrari and me a black one i was so stunned its disgusting i blew the car up and eat pizza instead.
2015-11-16 12:49:53 UTC
What happened to getting surprised on Christmas morning?
2015-11-16 10:05:24 UTC
I've been getting cloths for Christmas my hole life. I don't complain. Least I got something.
2015-11-16 04:30:13 UTC
are you taking the piss? people out there that dont have anything you should be lucky that you have food on your table, clothes on your back and a roof over your head you ungrateful b*stard... people out there dying, homeless, being hurt etc but yet here we have you being an ungrateful **** bag you should be grateful ever single day!
2015-11-16 17:28:22 UTC
Do you know what the most expensive thing I have asked for in my 13 years?

A teddy bear.
2015-11-16 05:45:10 UTC
dude, the only reason you're getting so much hate is because you act like a rich b*ast*rd. so, my opinion is.. even tho you might prolly just ignore this, think of the people below you. always do.
2015-11-17 00:50:31 UTC
That's okay there's people who don't have anything at all and they aren't complaining like you so be greatful and happy about it.
rohinsidh a
2015-11-17 01:57:16 UTC

If u hate ur parents so much, move out. Lets see how many things u can buy on ur list urself.
2015-11-15 19:57:47 UTC
All I can say is wow. You're such a spoiled brat.
2015-11-16 00:19:52 UTC
Well, you obviously come from a rich family and group of friends, but they tried hard and maybe you will get them next time
2015-11-15 15:12:33 UTC
whoa, greedy much? you don't deserve even half of that list unless you've earned the cash to pay for them, if your Jordan shoes are still in good shape you don't deserve any others
2015-11-15 04:30:50 UTC
Are you serious they full fill all your requirement next time they will full fill the other 3 too..

Leo privacy guard is a mobile app
2015-11-14 17:01:00 UTC
I am going to be completely honest here. You would be extremely fortunate to even get ONE thing from that list. And you should be thankful to afford even that much.
I care
2015-11-17 15:56:18 UTC
You most certainly have a lot of growing young man.........selfishness is not a good characteristic to have.......

So many people in this world don't even have one gift you ask for...........goodness........keep learning and growing with much better frame of mind ..........good luck.
2015-11-15 14:52:36 UTC
Wow. Someone lost the meaning of Christmas
2015-11-15 22:51:05 UTC
You're spoiled af
2015-11-18 14:26:01 UTC
Glad you realized your mistake, and I'm just saying that your friend has no right for making fun of you for not getting the 6s+ the only difference is its bigger. (To big in my opinion)
2015-11-14 12:34:58 UTC
They might assume that you are asking for more than what they earn since it looks like what you have on the list costs a bundle.
2015-11-17 07:14:46 UTC
And you posted this here? Crazy idiot! They made most of it yet you're not happy? Come to my home you'll know what torture is ! SPOILT BRAT!
2015-11-17 19:19:01 UTC
That's just being a spoilt brat.
2015-11-16 00:31:10 UTC
some children wish for water or bread for christmas you selfish little git.... even as a joke this is NOT funny. some kid might read this and think that this behavior is normal.
2015-11-16 06:41:55 UTC
be grateful for what you have, and don't hate on your parents for stupid reasons
2015-11-15 14:49:33 UTC

I can have all the things on your list & more ;p

Sad, to see my kind is wasteful, ungrateful and unwise.

LOOK UP: Mother Teresa (oh btw shes rich too but awesomer then you)

p.s. rich? poor? in the end under the ground we shall be when we die ;)
2015-11-17 13:36:47 UTC
Whoa , my parents stop buying us things when we got older .
2015-11-17 18:39:31 UTC
I hope they take your stuff to foster kids and give it to someone who will be greatful for it, I get nothing because my familys poor and ya know what, I couldnt be happier because they gifted me with their presence
2015-11-15 16:08:32 UTC
you're a little spoiled brat. this is exactly why I hate our generation. you are so ungrateful and idiotic.
2015-11-16 12:31:36 UTC
Spoiled brat, most likely a troll. How about you ask for a gun so you can end your life?
2015-11-15 17:31:15 UTC
Can't you guys realize he is a troll, this was a good one. I need that laugh.
2015-11-18 16:13:00 UTC
This has to be a joke or some troll if not I this is the saddest thing I read on here.
2015-11-15 11:28:16 UTC
Wow you guys just got trolled habahhahaha
2015-11-20 20:10:05 UTC
geeze when I was a kid I got one present, this one year I got a really expensive gift, which was a doll called "little miss makeup." I thought it was the best gift ever.
2015-11-15 14:36:08 UTC
You are extremely greedy, selfish and ungreatful. What did you get them for christmas? You deserve a dog turd.
Krista W
2015-11-16 21:16:39 UTC
You shouldn't hate them.
2015-11-17 00:21:18 UTC
Usually i don't say this, but you deserve a punch in the face.
2015-11-15 21:03:27 UTC
2015-11-15 13:00:38 UTC
I don't even have a single thing from your list still i am happy and love my happy from what you get.
2015-11-15 14:30:08 UTC
Well if this is how you feel make sure you have plenty of money to buy your children everything they wish for
2015-11-17 08:36:16 UTC
It's ok you are a kid and are allowed to be spoiled
2015-11-15 17:17:06 UTC
This is the greatest joke posted ever. If this isn't then you need therapy
Orla C
2015-11-17 09:46:01 UTC
Yawn. First world problems. In the meantime, there are children who have no homes.
2015-11-17 22:49:20 UTC
what a spoiled brat some kids want food for christmas.
Pearl L
2015-11-14 15:18:41 UTC
i would just be thankful you got anything at all, i wouldve asked them for a puppy, you mightve had more fun with that than with all the other stuff youre getting
2015-11-14 12:37:16 UTC
awww little baby wants his leggos. Grow up. and stop being such a spoiled Brat.
2015-11-16 01:30:14 UTC
no, I love my parents
2016-02-08 07:41:14 UTC
if i got ONE of these things for Christmas I would be so grateful. Be thankful your family can at least afford that
2015-11-16 05:59:56 UTC
You sound like a spoiled little brat. I hope you get nothing.
2015-11-15 20:32:45 UTC
Yeah, I hate mine too.

Get a job and buy your own stuff.
2015-11-15 20:02:27 UTC
Guess who's going to hell...well you deserve it at least...little F*cking chapped ****
2015-11-17 05:45:16 UTC
u should kill urself. i are China peasant, I stole monies from my parents and are in internet caf-a. i get math textbook, fortune cokie, and sak of rice. i is made everything on ur list, so kill urself. i will hit u wit rice.
2015-11-20 02:35:01 UTC
If you want all the items you listed jump in front of a train.
2015-11-17 12:27:44 UTC
I too hate ! My mom is ok but my dad is so disgusting !
2015-11-20 08:59:53 UTC
change is good and by your responses, I see you have decided to see the truth...we can't have everything we want in life. stop calling your bud ' poor'
2015-11-16 11:33:13 UTC
All kids today think money grows on trees.
2015-11-15 22:49:05 UTC
no hate bro thats sick shoe game but galaxy's are wack.
2015-11-16 21:30:52 UTC
They should've bought you bleach instead.
2015-11-16 21:19:07 UTC
Guys, stop roasting op. Op is a troll.
2015-11-17 08:54:48 UTC
Or maybe don't be greedy, nd be grateful for what you DO get..
2015-11-17 17:49:43 UTC
I doubt that this is even a real question, but if it is you are so disrespectful and ungrateful. Little s**t
2015-11-15 15:39:35 UTC
this better be a joke because if not your a fucing brat its people like you that mess up this world.
2015-11-15 23:21:28 UTC
Go **** yourself with a rusty pair of scissors you spoiled jackass
2015-11-16 16:10:42 UTC
Well fellow all things said here, your quite the show off!
2015-11-14 21:41:31 UTC
Everyone stop feeding the troll pls lol
2015-11-14 13:23:37 UTC
No, that seem fair enough.

Go on live your life.
2015-11-17 17:09:07 UTC
You sound really spoilt rotten, learn gratitude
2015-11-17 14:42:31 UTC
One word that defines you is spoiled.
Fazla Rabbi
2015-11-18 05:21:26 UTC
It is very bad.I hope you should resect your parents.
2015-11-15 13:19:50 UTC
2015-11-17 13:28:43 UTC
You are soooo spoiled, you will end up a jackass if you continue ;)
2015-11-15 22:38:19 UTC
What the ****... Why is your sister getting a Range Rover??
2015-11-17 13:47:48 UTC
Spoiled piece of ****
2015-11-15 08:28:11 UTC
if you are trolling then nice try

if not,then you are a spoiled little piece of ****
2016-03-05 15:34:06 UTC
Obvious troll lol why are you guys getting so mad
2015-11-19 22:46:43 UTC
I wish you were my kid, I would kick you in the rrrs and send you out to by it all yourself.
2015-11-17 11:03:32 UTC
Oh gosh you sound spoilt.
Tad Dubious
2015-11-17 05:17:04 UTC
Yes, anonymous, it really is too much to ask for. (I saw that as your only question.)
2015-11-14 21:14:37 UTC
ohh you will take tym but eventually everything will be fine
2015-11-17 19:39:29 UTC
This is obviously a TROLL
2015-11-17 15:05:52 UTC
Ew this question is as nasty as your attitude
2015-11-14 12:37:35 UTC
Is it really to much to ask for? yes, WAY too much to ask for.
2015-11-15 03:23:43 UTC
Spoilt little C**T!
2015-11-17 01:43:54 UTC
I really hope this is a joke.
2015-11-17 08:57:14 UTC
you are a brat, thats alot of stuff
2015-11-19 13:14:51 UTC
Don't be spoilt!!
2015-11-14 23:48:15 UTC
It is not right . You should love you partner .
2015-11-15 19:11:28 UTC
Tell em u love em
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-11-16 09:29:47 UTC
What you really needed, was your a$$ beat !
2015-11-16 15:31:52 UTC
WOW just WOW
2015-11-18 06:34:51 UTC
i almost got a heart attack reading the list
2015-11-18 02:00:16 UTC
Lmaooo wtf she or he is jokeing rite their like one of those rich kids from tv šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this cant be really everyone this is the lil rich brat from Charley and the šŸ«factory
2015-11-17 12:07:53 UTC
Before I start, let me point out that this is not to demean you, but only to make you understand our viewpoint better.

iPad Pro- $1500

iPhone 6S Plus- $1200

DSLR Canon 70d- $1200

Jordan Retro 7- $300

Jordan Retro 8- $400

Jordan Galaxyā€™s- $70

Better TV than the one you own currently (Iā€™m assuming the one you have already is pretty nice, so letā€™s say a 65 inch flat screen Samsung)- $3200

3 PS4 games- $260, not to mention, a PS4 in itself costs $450

Guitar Hero Live for PS4 - $100

Lego Sets (A huge and expensive one, Iā€™m guessing those are the kinds you like)- Anywhere between $80-120. Letā€™s take an average of $100

GoPro 4- $600

Meccanoid g15 Ks Robot- $400

Minecraft Lego- $150

The Segway skateboard, also known as IO Hawk starts at $1800

Now, combined, this amounts to 11,180

That is my fatherā€™s monthly salary, including the tax that will be subtracted from it.

Can you imagine? My household runs itself monthly on the amount of money your parents are willing to spend on you for ONE Christmas. That puts things in perspective, no?

I donā€™t like pointing fingers and calling names. Yes, admittedly, you are spoiled by your parents. But then, who amongst us isnā€™t? It all depends on how much your parents are willing to spoil you. And all of us, as children or teenagers, have been spoilt by our parents to at least the smallest degree. This kidā€™s parents are just willing to do it more extravagantly, is all the difference.

Iā€™m glad you have seen reason upon reading the many answers posted here. But I have to point something out, you cannot compare yourself to your friends and be afraid of lacking in material riches. Okay, so they make fun of you for not having expensive stuff, so what? Think about what youā€™ve gained by giving up all that expensive stuff. You have respect and love for your family, and gratitude for your place in the world, and now, you have sense to not take things for granted. You think any of your ā€œfriendsā€ who make fun of you have that? Be empowered by the spiritual and moral riches you have, not the worldly and materialistic ones.

As for your sisterā€™s case, you need to understand that some items are gifted in perspective of needs, rather than demands. Your sister is older, and needs a car to facilitate her transportation. Your parents can afford one, so they gift her one, alongside what she had asked for for her birthday. Your time will come, too, when you will be given multiple gifts on accounts of need and requirement. You can fume, of course, at the unfairness of it, because thatā€™s what younger siblings do. And sometimes, your siblings get better stuff than you just because theyā€™re older. Happens to us all. And thereā€™s nothing we can do about that.

Now Iā€™m glad that you see how spoiled youā€™ve really been acting, but letā€™s address your arrogance. You donā€™t want the clothes your parents have gifted to you on account of Christmas, out of the love and affection they have for you? Fine. The least you could do is be appreciative of their thoughtfulness. If you really donā€™t want, or need those clothes, you can donate them to homeless people, children, or families who canā€™t afford new clothes and suffer horribly because of it.

As for your comment about your poor friend who had to move into an apartment, Iā€™m frankly offended. I live in a 3 bedroom apartment with my parents and sister, and we reside quite comfortably. But coming from a country where families consisting of over a dozen people live in quarters the size of a half basketball court, I can see you have no understanding of the real world. And maybe youā€™ve been too sheltered to see the fact, but the time has come to grow up and face reality. People live in a single bedroom house with a roof made out of discarded steel. People live in places with no kitchens, no bathrooms, and living rooms. Not everyone has a big house to grow up in. And despite this fact, they thrive to survive, and rise to become learned and make their futures better. You should probably offer your compassion to your friend instead of being prejudiced against him. If his family is in financial distress, he could do with a friend.

All that being said, Iā€™m happy to you have gained wisdom, and I hope my post helps you do so even more. As a final piece of advice, Iā€™d like to tell you to stop living in a bubble. The longer you dwell there in ignorance, the higher up youā€™ll float, and the harder the fall down to the real world is going to be. When you crash, reality will hurt like hell. So snap out of it before itā€™s too late, become aware of your surroundings, knock your bratty attitude and arrogance a notch down, and learn to love and respect your family for what theyā€™ve given you, rather than curse them for it. All that you have could be lost in a moment, and your family is the only thing that will stay when your shallow desires and materials will disappear.

I hope you have an excellent Christmas, and I hope you make good use of your newfound wisdom.
2015-11-17 05:26:12 UTC
U spoiled dumbass ppl starve all the time and u all ****** up bout some ******* presents? it is a time for god......GROW THE ******* HELL UP
2015-11-15 07:40:03 UTC
Think from their position .you will get the answer.
2015-11-15 20:55:49 UTC
I hope you're joking kid...
2015-11-21 15:35:10 UTC
This question disgusts me.
2015-11-15 16:18:06 UTC
2015-11-17 00:25:08 UTC
2015-11-16 14:02:56 UTC
Too many stuff brašŸ˜•šŸ˜•šŸ˜•
2015-11-15 00:41:14 UTC
2015-11-16 01:42:21 UTC
2015-11-18 08:03:24 UTC
So do i
2015-11-17 06:55:07 UTC
Get a job kid
2015-11-15 13:09:38 UTC
That is wrong
2015-11-16 22:26:20 UTC
"Kids are the future" my a$$
2015-11-16 21:31:08 UTC
it is so bad if your mother did it?
2015-11-17 01:12:09 UTC
you are wrong
2015-11-16 10:37:26 UTC
ungrateful little ****
2015-11-17 16:12:40 UTC
You bratty hoe. Burn in Hell with Satan please, you greedy *****.
2015-11-16 07:59:58 UTC
2015-11-19 16:09:08 UTC
2015-11-15 12:21:58 UTC
Please tell me you're just trolling.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.