Sons deserve the right to have their fathers show them their love, and Fathers deserve the right to feel love from their sons in return.
Sons have the right to choose their own paths in life without the father ridiculing their choice, and Fathers deserve the right to point their sons in a direction that will satisfy the goal of a happy life for their son.
Sons deserve the right not to live in their Father's shadow, and Fathers deserve the right to pass on a legacy to their son.
Sons deserve to learn how to treat the women of his life with love and respect by watching his father, and Fathers deserve to have their sons respect their choice of spouse.
Sons have the right to be taken care of by their fathers while growing up in their father's home, and Fathers have the right to know that they will be treated as well as they gave to their sons when old age sets in.
Sons have the right to choose their own spouses, and Fathers have the right not to have to pay the expenses of his son and his spouse.
Sons have the choice to screw up their lives, and Fathers have the right to not bail their sons out every time they screw up.
Sons have the right to have a family, as well as no fear his father will step in to challenge his choices in rearing that family, and Fathers have the right to love his grandchildren without fear his son will hang visitation over his head.
You could go on and on... but these would be my top picks.