i am shaking right now i am so mad. i am a licensed social worker, i am 23 years old and have been in the working field for a year now. my husbands brother has a 13 month old baby and a fiance at home. my husbands brother (BILL) is 26. i am having an major internal struggle. i have known that bill has smoled pot everyday after work. that bothered me a lot, but i knew that babys mom was there and she wasnt smoking. . shes the one to tell me he smokes and i have seen it but my husband told him he cant do that when im there. so, come to find out Bills fiance told me she has starting smoking pot ever once in a while, to relax. well, bills fiance got a job where he watches baby more. and mom told me that he smokes pot ever /sun morning when he has baby by himnselfe all day! she said she doesnt mind it at all, and she also said that when her child is old enough to smoke she will let him! i a so pissed off. but what do i do? how does pot effect your parenting skills? i am so mad!!!