Parents won't let us bring 3 small dogs to their house to visit?
2017-01-24 01:57:20 UTC
Hi. My wife, 1 year old son and I were going to visit my parents in May for 2 weeks. We have 3 small Chihuahua terrier dogs. Well behaved and parents have met one of them before. They changed their mind and said if we don't get rid of the 3rd dog that we aren't welcome to visit. Is that normal? I would welcome my parents to visit my small apartment even if they had 5 dogs. They have a 2,300 Sq foot house with one acre yard and shed and garage...So them saying they don't have enough space is ridiculous...anyways they're firm on this but I don't wanna sell my dog or take him to a shelter! What would you do? Am I being ridiculous or are they? Thanks.
182 answers:
2017-01-27 03:52:01 UTC
They scratch the screens
2017-01-26 19:57:40 UTC
I agree it could be their loss or as much as it could be their's yours as well. If you're visiting its their house and not yours so leave the dogs to be with watched by someone.
2017-01-26 00:18:02 UTC
Shame on you. Respect their wishes. We don't like it when visitors think we should welcome their dogs too. They're YOUR dogs; leave them at home. Its very disrespectful to expect your parents to love your dogs as much as you do. The question you have to ask yourself is, do you love your parents more than you love your dogs?
2017-01-25 05:55:01 UTC
Well people have things ruined like screens on doors, not catching pee that yellows on pale blue carpet, dogs that take off and bother neighbors, dogs that are not trained and get on furniture. I am a 4 on the floor gal and do not like lap dogs, dogs on my stuff. So respect your parents wishes. Your not going to have them forever (parents)
Pearl L
2017-01-24 22:18:44 UTC
just ask someone to dog sit while you travel
2017-01-24 21:44:34 UTC
Years ago my wife & I moved in with the in-laws who lived over 1000 miles away.. I had a job lined up & moving in with them was the only realist financial reality. We had a dog we had to give up.. The in-laws did not want a dog in their new house..We were a little bitter about it, but it was their right.
2017-01-24 13:06:28 UTC
Their house, their rules. If you want to visit you'll have to board the dog(s) or have a friend dogsit. Don't weaponize your pets against them, not everyone likes pets, and this whole "if we can't bring our fur kids you can't see your grandchildren" thing some people are suggesting is childish and completely asinine. It's their house, no pets, board your dogs like a mature adult and visit your parents.

However telling you to get rid of the dog is out of line, they have no place telling you what pets you can or cannot have in your own home. If they are actually insisting that you re-home one of your dogs remind them to mind their own damned business. If they aren't going to let you visit unless you actually SELL one of your dogs, don't visit. They don't control you, you are presumably a grown adult. Cut the cord and set some boundaries.
2017-01-24 05:57:15 UTC
Finds dog sitter it's your best choice he's family please don't sell him because of your parents then not welcoming your dogs is like then not welcoming you:(
2017-01-24 04:34:24 UTC
Don't visit. Simple.

Leave someone behind, or have someone watch your dogs. Don't allow them to have their dogs over anymore. They can't make you rid of it.
2017-01-24 02:02:45 UTC
If they cannot allow a two week visit with all of the family including your pets then the deal is off bad for them to make a mess over a loved pets is clearly there loss.
2017-03-12 07:52:54 UTC
my guess is they are using that as an excuse to keep your wife away......... is she a really a disgusting person? is she oriental?
2017-03-01 20:11:23 UTC
my guess is they are using that as an excuse to keep your wife away... is she a really a disgusting person? is she oriental?
2017-02-16 05:55:54 UTC
they are being ridiculous......... but, it is their house and their rules......... take the dogs to doggy day care, or find a pet sitter......... it might be difficult, but their are dog boarding places, you can find a boarding place to keep your dog for two weeks......... may be expensive though, so you'll have to look at all your options.........

i am against placing dogs in the shelter unless they are under harm or neglect.........
2017-01-28 02:58:19 UTC
How about you just stay home and let them visit you?
2017-01-26 22:15:23 UTC
Your dogs don't need to go EVERYWHERE with you, my family went to france for a week in the summer and camp didn't allow dogs in the camper, We got someone to dog sit our dog for a week, so just get someone to dog sit your dogs for 2 weeks. Like are you seriously going to argue with your parents over a simple task? The old rule, their house their rules.
2017-01-26 18:18:25 UTC
I have to board my dog every Christmas for 3 days. It's not cheap. 32.00 a day. Ask at your vet about dog sitters, they run about 25.00 a day.
2017-01-26 07:30:55 UTC
Sounds to me theyre trying to find a way to control you. I mean whats the difference of 2 chis coming over versus 3? They're like 20 lbs altogether. My husband and I have a crap ton of animals (13) 6 of which are dogs and only 2 of the dogs are small. 4 are pitbull mixes and my mother and his mother both know they are our kids. They may not agree with how many animals we have but they respect it. I'm staying with my mother right now so we can sell our house and she welcomed 6 dogs, 3 cats, a full grown bearded dragon and iguana, and a snake because she knows how we feel about our fur/scalebabies. Tell you what you should do with your dog when you're a grown adult just for a VISIT is insanity to me. I mean if they were to visit you would they expect you to take your 3rd dog somewhere? If it were my mom I would of said "you've lost your mind. I guess that 2 week vacay will be spent with my (spouse) and our furbabies chillaxing. See ya when you can 'make room' or come to see us". It's your life. And life is short to lose on happiness even if its the love of a dog. Good luck.
2017-01-25 21:12:44 UTC
My guess is they are using that as an excuse to keep your wife away. Is she a really a disgusting person? Is she oriental?
I Try 2 Spy
2017-01-25 05:25:20 UTC
First it is their home so they set the rules even if you don't understand or agree with these. To ask you to get rid of your dogs is an unusual demand, considering you are not moving in with them. As you will visit short term, make other dog arrangements, be it a sitter or boarding kennel or friends. Maybe next time they can visit you.
2017-01-25 04:26:43 UTC
It is their house and they have a right not to admit dogs to there. You're not entitled to bring the dogs just because you want to or because they're your parents. Find another way to take care of them, as many people do not like dogs or enjoy having the in their homes.
Deb A
2017-01-24 23:37:46 UTC
It s your parents house. Board the dogs and go visit, stay in a hotel room instead and bring a crate for the dogs so you can crate them in the garage or some other safe place, or stay home. In the end they have their own reasons and not everyone likes dogs.
2017-01-24 21:25:49 UTC
You are missing the point. They are giving you a nice easy out, if you don't want to visit.
2017-01-24 15:16:10 UTC
Three humans and 3 dogs visiting is a lot. You love your dogs. Others don't have that same bond. Board the dogs or have a friend dog sit.
2017-01-24 14:57:32 UTC
They are being ridiculous. But, it is their house and their rules. Take the dogs to doggy day care, or find a pet sitter. It might be difficult, but their are dog boarding places, you can find a boarding place to keep your dog for two weeks. May be expensive though, so you'll have to look at all your options.

I am against placing dogs in the shelter unless they are under harm or neglect.
2017-01-24 14:32:40 UTC
It's their home and you should respect them and it.
2017-01-24 12:40:47 UTC
Pets are forever. Board the dog at a vet. Don't toss him to the side because you can't take him on a vacation! It isn't his fault.
2017-01-24 09:07:28 UTC
Hi Nick,

Well that's a matter of personal preference I would say. Probably they don't like dogs, which is, let me assure you, is very common. You said you would allow them with 5 dogs but just think what if they like something which you don't like like, says snakes, would you be comfortable living with those. It may lead to misunderstandings with a stay of 2 weeks involved. We all have our own personal preferences and sticking to them is not ridiculous, I feel. It may be a better idea to avoid dogs rather than have misunderstandings with parents. I personally don't go to people who have dogs. IMHO working out some solution like leaving your dogs with friends etc. would be better in the larger interest of the family, don't you think so!!
2017-01-24 08:17:34 UTC
First of all don't get rid of the dog. Second of all my parents like dogs but they don't like them inside our home because of all the fur they shed and because they urinate inside the house. I would suggest leaving your dogs in the care of someone you trust you can also leave them in a pet hotel for the days you will be leaving. I think it is silly to fight over something like that. I understand both of your sides, but it is there home and should be respected. But also don't let this come between you and your parents. Hopefully you can come to some agreement and that you don't cancel your trip to visit them.
2017-01-24 05:15:44 UTC
1 .) have a friend take care of them

2.) dont visit
defend liberty
2017-01-24 02:50:46 UTC
I think it is more than presumptuous to bring pets to someone else's house. It is their house. If they don't want to have dogs running around their house and yard, that is their choice.

Just get a dogsitter for while you are gone. If you were taking a vacation out of the country or to an amusement park, it wouldn't be practical to take the dogs anyway. You would be forced to get a petsitter. Why should this be different? Just get a petsitter and go visit your family.

Sorry, but they are not the ones being ridiculous.
2017-04-05 17:49:05 UTC
they are being ridiculous........................... but, it is their house and their rules........................... take the dogs to doggy day care, or find a pet sitter........................... it might be difficult, but their are dog boarding places, you can find a boarding place to keep your dog for two weeks........................... may be expensive though, so you'll have to look at all your options...........................

i am against placing dogs in the shelter unless they are under harm or neglect...........................
2017-03-30 09:52:36 UTC
sounds to me theyre trying to find a way to control you... i mean whats the difference of 2 chis coming over versus 3? they're like 20 lbs altogether... my husband and i have a crap ton of animals (13) 6 of which are dogs and only 2 of the dogs are small... 4 are pitbull mixes and my mother and his mother both know they are our kids... they may not agree with how numerous animals we have but they respect it... i'm staying with my mother right now so we can sell our house and she welcomed 6 dogs, 3 cats, a full grown bearded dragon and iguana, and a snake 'cause she knows how we feel about our fur/scalebabies... tell you what you should do with your dog when you're a grown adult just for a visit is insanity to me... i mean if they were to visit you would they expect you to take your 3rd dog somewhere? if it were my mom i would of said "you've lost your mind... i guess that 2 week vacay shall be spent with my (spouse) and our furbabies chillaxing... see ya when you can 'make room' or come to see us"... it's your life... and life is short to lose on happiness even if its the love of a dog... good luck...
2017-02-26 03:25:31 UTC
my guess is they are using that as an excuse to keep your wife away... is she a really a disgusting person? is she oriental?
2017-02-11 22:35:34 UTC
Lmao don't pay attention to 'new user', the retard who keeps spamming every question with 'snowflake'. Mentally demented or something he is. Also sits around answering vulgar, perverted questions, and then pretends to be a 'devout' follower of jesus.
2017-01-31 01:44:51 UTC
How about you pay for them to come to your house for the visits? then you can say they have to put up with the mutts since it is your house and house rules? You are going to THEIR HOUSE, that means house rules are THEIR RULES.
2017-01-30 18:14:22 UTC
it's your parents ' house....their rules....three terriers worry me with your small child....they can turn on UK a baby was shaken to death by a Jack Russell terrier. Please be careful.
2017-01-29 20:43:54 UTC
It's their house so do whatever you want but it's their right to refuse pets. I wouldn't allow any pets in my home as well (maybe pet fish that's alright).
Ball Doctor.
2017-01-29 17:09:06 UTC
Bring them over anyway. They'll get over it
2017-01-29 11:12:06 UTC
It's pretty simple actually. You're going to visit your parents and stay in their home which makes you and your family guests. It's their rules and if you can't accept them then don't go to visit...
2017-01-29 06:21:11 UTC
sounds to me theyre trying to find a way to control you... i mean whats the difference of 2 chis coming over versus 3? they're like 20 lbs altogether... my husband and i have a crap ton of animals (13) 6 of which are dogs and only 2 of the dogs are small... 4 are pitbull mixes and my mother and his mother both know they are our kids... they may not agree with how numerous animals we have but they respect it... i'm staying with my mother right now so we can sell our house and she welcomed 6 dogs, 3 cats, a full grown bearded dragon and iguana, and a snake 'cause she knows how we feel about our fur/scalebabies... tell you what you should do with your dog when you're a grown adult just for a visit is insanity to me... i mean if they were to visit you would they expect you to take your 3rd dog somewhere? if it were my mom i would of said "you've lost your mind... i guess that 2 week vacay shall be spent with my (spouse) and our furbabies chillaxing... see ya when you can 'make room' or come to see us"... it's your life... and life is short to lose on happiness even if its the love of a dog... good luck...
2017-01-29 03:29:23 UTC
Dear Mr. Nick,

Such sentences will not yield any good results to you.

You should know from your beloved parents how to raise a solid question here.
2017-01-29 02:57:40 UTC
2017-01-28 23:58:47 UTC
You kennel the dogs and do not take them with you to other people's homes. It's not your house. You don't make the rules.
David Clarke
2017-01-28 14:26:28 UTC
carry the dogs to a pet sitter
2017-01-28 06:22:08 UTC
How sad
2017-01-28 04:30:21 UTC
hey what is this really all about anyway
2017-01-28 03:34:18 UTC

They don't want your nastey dogs in their house. Its THEIR house and they have a right to not want nastey dogs in it. They don't want dog hair and slobber and pee every where.

You either get rid of the third dog since it clearly causes issues or you get someone to pet sit the dogs or you board the dogs or you simply don't go. You have no right to whine and cry and demand they allow your dogs to be in their house.

They are not being rediculues . You are. You think the world revolves around you
Angel G99
2017-01-24 02:00:12 UTC
2017-01-24 02:25:36 UTC
Id stay home. No one will be allowed to tell me what to do with my dogs. Im no longer a child. I have a choice, and my choice would be to stay home.
2017-01-24 02:26:11 UTC
they are but if you want to visit, get a dog sitter Just don`t take it to a shelter.
2017-01-24 02:53:02 UTC
You have a few options.

Depending on how far away they live, you could rent a motorhome, and leave the dogs in there while you visit your parents.

You could find a pet friendly hotel for your visit.

You could find a sitter, or board your dogs.

You could stay home and invite you parents to visit you instead.


You could stay home until they change their minds.

As much as I love my dogs, 3 dogs and 2 weeks is a lot to deal with, if you're not used to having animals around.

We have 4 dogs, and we ended up buying a motorhome, so we don't have to worry about them when we go on vacation, they come with us, and have a safe place to stay. The only house I'll take all 4 dogs to, is my sisters farm, even then, 2 have to stay on leash or they'll chase the chickens.
E. H. Amos
2017-01-24 03:31:21 UTC
As Rosie SAID: You have multiple OPTIONS, simply choose one. No dog needs to or should go to a shelter, don't be RIDICULOUS and stop being hardheaded. Get a dog sitter, or take the dogs to a pet friendly motel near your parents, RENT the motor home or suggest they visit YOU (but stay at a motel) so they have less dog-exposure, if that's a problem for THEM.
Karen L
2017-01-24 04:35:32 UTC
You are being ridiculous to think that the only solutions are to sell the dog or take it to a shelter. What difference does it make whether your parents are being normal or not to make the request? It's what they want, even if it's abnormal or unreasonable or anything else. It's their house and it's what they want.
Jasmine Kettledon
2017-01-24 05:00:28 UTC
Well you don't need to sell the dog or put into a shelter. There are dog sitters, hotels that allow dogs, dog boarding, or have a friend watch them when your gone.

Whatever is the issue with your parents it sound bigger than just that dogs. You need to talk with your parents as an adult and have a conversation on their reasoning. You have to remember it is their house. And their opinion is just as valid as yours. Neither you or them are being ridiculous it is just only a difference of opinion. Maybe it is possible your dogs poop in the the yard and you haven't been cleaning it up and your parents don't want to clean up after three dogs. It is possible they don't want dog fur all over their house. You need to ask why and calmly talk to your parents on how you disagree with them. Try to see if you can come to an agreement.
Nekkid Truth!
2017-01-24 05:07:20 UTC
Asking you to "get rid" of the dogs is ridiculous.

Requesting that you don't bring dogs to THEIR home isn't. Board the dogs for two weeks or leave them in the care of a trusted friend while you visit your parents.
Anna E
2017-01-24 06:03:37 UTC
Their home and if they don't want to risk 3 dogs urinating or chewing things up, it's there choice. I have dogs and would not even think about asking if I could bring them with me to a home where the owners did not have pets. I would board all 3 of the dogs.
2017-01-24 06:08:55 UTC
It sounds like your parents are lukewarm about you visiting them. If they really wanted you there, they would accept the dogs. I wouldn't want to visit with someone for two weeks if they didn't want me there.
I. Jones
2017-01-24 06:33:13 UTC
Their house, their rules.
2017-01-24 06:34:02 UTC
They have every right to insist that your dogs aren't allowed in their house for whatever reason.

My question is why you think you'd have to get rid of him or put him down because you're going away for two weeks.
2017-01-24 06:58:07 UTC
Boerd one for the duration of your visit
Verulam 1
2017-01-24 09:02:47 UTC
Classic case of love me, love MY DOG(s). If this is their attitude, and I've been there!! don't visit. Hard, but why let them trample all over you? We took our then hound to visit with my parents and they insisted he stay in the kitchen - when he went under their table in there, he came out covered in fluff etc. Hah.

ps If you really need to visit, do what we did the next time - use a B & B where you can have your dogs which with multiples could be difficult, or kennel them. You may find a local boarding kennel where you can have them, but take them out to walk with. It is their house however ..... I guess.
2017-01-24 10:39:45 UTC
1. Find a dog sitter

2. Leave them with a friend

3. Get them into a dog boarding kennel

4. Don't go

Your parents house. Their house, their rules. If they don't want the dogs there, that's their choice and it's not your place to force them to change their mind.
2017-01-28 01:50:04 UTC
its their home . not just a house. they will be looking after you . your family and dogs ! come on they brought you up. they arent getting any younger are they, respect their wishes. you clearly still care about them or you wouldnt want to visit. they wont always be here, cherish and respect them and in years to come. you will look back and be glad you did.
2017-01-27 23:58:19 UTC
Your dogs are your family as well. Don't forget that. Your parents don't have any control other you.
2017-01-26 23:19:27 UTC
You could leave the third dog. I don't agree with what your grandparents are sayingbut it is there house so it's theit desion. You could get a friend to pet sit or look for in home borders or kennels.
Rachel B.
2017-01-26 22:32:58 UTC
Hmm, if I were you, I would start saving up for someone to come house sit with one of your dogs. I have 3 dogs myself, 2 small, and 1 medium sized. When I got my 3rd (medium-sized) dog, my parents also told me that the dog couldn't come over to their house during my mom's daycare hours (she owns a in-home daycare business). I respected their wishes because it is their house, and not mine. And I cherish my relationship with my parents more so then my relationship with my dogs who I love. So if your parents don't want 1 extra dog in their house, then don't get rid of your dog just for a visit. Find someplace or someone to take care of that 1 dog while you're gone so that you can spend some precious moments with your parents because you never know how much longer they are going to be around.
2017-01-26 15:23:46 UTC
Their house, their rules
Li Lan
2017-01-26 06:04:54 UTC
I can clearly undestand why your parents wouldn't want the dogs in the house, there are many factors such as things getting ruined, plus shedding if they do... But tbh you really shouldnt sell them because they tell you to. Just find someone who can watch them, or take them to a kennel. That's what most people do. Kennels allows the dogs to stay there for any amount of days you be gone. 3 days is good. You drop them there and come back and get them the day you arrive back in town.
2017-01-26 03:47:53 UTC
All will
2017-01-25 23:01:25 UTC
1 ...) have a friend take care of them

2...) dont visit
2017-01-25 04:14:50 UTC
You don't have to sell your dog, just find a pet hotel/boarding place. There's petsmart,, etc. If it's too expensive for your budget, tell your folks you won't be able to stay for a full 2 weeks since you're having to pay an outside service to take care of your dog. Maybe after that bit of extra info they'll soften and let you bring the dog. Regardless, it's their house so they get to make the rules...
2017-01-25 01:58:45 UTC
They obviously aren't dog people. That's kind of disgusting, how they are acting. I'd say have a friend babysit them (I would!)
2017-01-24 20:51:31 UTC
If it's THEIR HOUSE then you have to abide by THEIR RULES whether or not you agree with them. I could see maybe 2 dogs, but YES, 3 is a stretch. I don't think it's a "space" issue, but it is the COMMOTION of 3 dogs running around that they don't want. If you had 5 dogs would you want to bring all 5? Because it's THEIR HOUSE they HAVE THE RIGHT to DRAW THE LINE somewhere and you need to respect that even though you don't agree with it. Best wishes anyway.
2017-01-24 18:11:29 UTC
bring in the dogs
jon pike
2017-01-24 17:44:38 UTC
You're there to see your parents. Put the dogs in a kennel and enjoy the visit.
2017-01-24 12:32:47 UTC
They are within their rights. Our son and his entourage came for Thanksgiving and wanted to bring 2 dogs and 2 cats. We have 3 acres with a herd of deer that dogs love to chase away, so we have no pets. Our carpets seem to be a magnate for dogs to pee on even tough they have been wet vaced numerous times, so indoors is out of the question. When are people going to learn that pets are not the same as children and not everybody likes dogs?
2017-01-27 16:24:14 UTC
IT is there house
2017-01-27 08:43:58 UTC
I understand your parents, I also would not allow to bring dogs to my house.
2017-01-27 08:05:06 UTC
No it's not normal. Normal would be for your parents to smile and say it's OK, and quietly endure the hell that would be your 3 horrible dogs. Good for them for standing up for themselves, and shame on you for imposing. By the way, only douchebags have 3 chihuahuas.
Harry B. Furr
2017-01-27 05:17:35 UTC
were the dogs named HILLARY, BILL, AND CHELSEA?
I care
2017-01-27 04:51:46 UTC
Why question what your parents want.........just have a friend come in and take care of them while on vacation.

Just as you have your own rights and opinions.....even parents are allowed.....enjoy your visit with parents... some won't be here that much happy instead.
2017-01-27 04:31:59 UTC
Not everyone loves your dogs like you do. They make messes, bark, leave messes, and can disrupt a peaceful visit. I say it's their house and if they don't want three dogs running around terrorizing everyone, that's their right.
2017-01-27 02:28:57 UTC
2017-01-27 02:11:08 UTC
There are house sitting websites that allow you to list your home for free, and then choose from applicants who will stay in your home and mind your pets while you're gone.

Free accommodation for them, and you save on paying a pet sitter. It's a win win.

Most allow for police checks and references too.

As far as you questioning whether it's fair and/or reasonable.. it's their home. If they don't want your dogs there, then you don't bring them. Period.
2017-01-27 01:14:46 UTC
I totally agree with your parents. I ike dogs but I do not like them under foot all the time so I choose to not have any This is there choice does not matte how big the home is. asking them to accomodate your pets is un reasonable get a pet sitter or kennel them while you make the visit.
2017-01-27 00:27:03 UTC
Some people don't like dogs, and so if you are going to visit someone you need to respect their decision. You don't have to get rid of the dogs you could just put them in a Dog Kennel, and get someone to look after them when you are gone.
2017-01-27 00:18:30 UTC
Then don't take them.
2017-01-27 00:14:34 UTC
tbh owning 3 dogs and my family loves them but sometimes they don'

t want them to visit on some weeks or weekends but its not like there saying to get rid of it. Just talk to your parents like i did to mine well family not parents.
2017-01-26 23:49:48 UTC
maybe you should put all three in a kennel. you are to visit your family not move in.

It is poor educate to impose animals to any ones house. And maybe your parents are teaching you a new lesson. Maybe you bring theses animals to work and doctors appointments but it would seem rude to me to bring anything to a persons home. even your family.

If I were to visit you and I wanted to bring a pot belly pig and 2 goats. would you think that would be ok. Or would I be overstepping my place as a visitor?
2017-01-26 23:38:43 UTC
if you can afford it, stay in a motel. especially if it is to be a short visit. you can sneak in 3 litle dogs. my ex and i did it with 3 large dogs...bouviers.
2017-01-24 09:42:05 UTC
I don`t blame them either.

I certainly would not want 3 or even 2 small dogs in MY house for 2 weeks and not even one dog come to that.

Not everyone welcomes other peoples pets being around the place.

Why you think you need to get rid of one of the dogs is beyond me.

Just board the 3 dogs out at boarding kennels for the 2 weeks and the whole problem is solved.

Yes, you are being ridiculous and your parents are not.

Its their house and their rules and you should respect that.
2017-01-24 12:19:23 UTC
It is their option to allow/not allow the dogs into their home. You have two choices - stay home, or board the dogs while you are visiting. Very simple. Not everyone likes dogs, nor wants three of them staying at their house for an extended period of time. That does not make them bad people, or unreasonable people. Dogs are not children, and do not need to go on a visit to the home of someone who does not want them there. I wouldn't necessarily want dogs staying at my house during a visit from family either.
2017-01-24 13:24:17 UTC
Stay at a pet friendly hotel. Visit the folks daily and then be with your dogs. You can show your son around town and take the dogs for long walks at the same time. DO NOT get rid of the dogs!!!! Your son would be devastated.
2017-01-24 13:49:32 UTC
And your question is? Placing a question mark after a statement does not a question make.

Perfectly normal and they're within their rights, it is after all their home, their decision, not yours.

Board the dogs in a reputable kennel or stay home.

Just as you "would welcome my parents to visit my small apartment even if they had 5 dogs." That is your decision, although your landlord, may have something to say about it.

"They have a 2,300 Sq foot house with one acre yard and shed and garage..." Doesn't matter, it's still their home/property, they have the final say. Learn to deal with it as a mature adult would, life will not get any easier, hopefully, you'll get stronger.

"Am I being ridiculous" Honestly? Yes. Act your age, not your shoe size.
2017-01-24 14:32:29 UTC
You can be just as nasty as they are and make up your own rules. You don't holiday without your pets. You don't allow dog haters in your home or allow their grandkids to visit for some stupid reason. But I would suck it up with a smile and be nice because their home and money will go to whoever they like when they die soon
Anne Campbell
2017-01-24 14:47:51 UTC
I would say that if this is the case they may visit you and your dogs anytime.
2017-01-24 15:01:44 UTC
Leave the dogs at home or with someone while you are gone to visit. We have cats. I won't allow someone to bring their pets to our house and disrupt things. They don't want your dogs in their house.

YOU need to be respectful with that. I don't care how well behaved they may be - you don't just assume that you can take your dogs to other people's houses without permission.
Horse Lover
2017-01-24 15:04:36 UTC
They are being unfair. Why would they accept 2 dogs but not 3. If they are going to be like that don't go.
2017-01-24 15:29:02 UTC
Don't be an idiot, there are plenty of dog boarding places to take him for a while. Seems a bit odd though why they are that funky about it!
2017-01-24 16:57:18 UTC
Take all the dogs to a boarding facility near your home and have a vacation!

get over it Their house their rules. . .or go rent a hotel that takes dogs.
2017-01-24 17:02:24 UTC
Just get a sitter. There's a big difference between dogs and humans.
2017-01-24 17:09:35 UTC
sorry board them for the few days you are there

ya love the critters? do not impose them where they are not wanted
2017-01-25 19:54:58 UTC
I don't think I would like three smelly yapping sh!t machines in my house either!
2017-01-26 18:53:01 UTC
you are asking for a lot of concessions bringing three dogs with you, even one is an unforeseen problem

put the dogs in a kennel while you are gone and enjoy your visit with your family

I wouldn't let you bring one of those dogs to my house, I don't welcome the one my granddaughter has, not my favorite breed
2017-01-26 05:58:18 UTC
Skip the visit. Tell your parents they are welcome to come visit you when they want to
2017-01-26 03:57:46 UTC
Very normal .... Most people do not welcome any strange dog anxious to mark out it's territory on their carpet
2017-01-26 00:36:34 UTC
You sir need to sneak into your wife's purse late at night and grab your sack out of it. Seriously, you are an adult male and you have 3 chihuahua terrier dogs that you can't board to see your parents?!?! I'm going to guess that your mom and your wife don't have a super great relationship, odds are I'm right too.

So here's the deal, you're an idiot if you are trying to justify your crazy wife for being all "if we can't bring Fluffy, Muffy andBuffy to visit your parents then we can't go" because that's just stupid. Your parents kind of raised you and kind of let you live with them rent free for a few years, and kind of sacrificed their own stuff to make a better lifve for you. If you can't settle your crazy wife down enough to make her respect your parents you're a sad, sad little man.

While I'm being all prophetic though let me tell you that if you don't suddenly grow a pair and put your foot down that broad's gonna leave you in less than 5 years. So cowboy up, put your priorities in order and appologize to your mom for being spineless and less than a man.
2017-01-25 21:01:58 UTC
You seem to have some very strange parents, are they perhaps a little possessive or excessively house proud ? Perhaps they are not fond of animals. It may seem strange but some folk are actually like that. The fact that it is their house means that they make the rules, but NO-ONE has the right to dictate to your like that, parents or not. If there was a tendency for the dogs to rip the house apart, that would be a different matter, and if it was a visit by three wild kids, I too would then ban the visit under any condition

As suggested, a dog sitter and bite your lip when you meet them ,or tell them that you love them but suggest that they should consider getting stuffed at the earliest opportunity.

Personally, I suggest the later would be the most honest and perhaps make them think about their excessively ignorant and rude behaviour.
2017-01-25 20:44:40 UTC
This New Year all my family with my 13 year old daughter went to relatives in another town, and I stayed with my two little dogs, because relatives didn't like dogs, and I celebrated alone with dogs, I would never left them, in the same time I knew my daughter would have good care
2017-01-25 18:54:00 UTC
Try surprising them with the dog as a gift for them and then Indian-give the **** out of that dog when you leave.
2017-01-25 16:03:48 UTC
Well I would find a dog sitter or not go but that's just me I love my dog more then my blood relatives lol I would never get rid of her just because I couldn't take her with me.
2017-01-25 11:10:41 UTC
You don't have to sell your dog you dolt. You just have to find a care giver for those weeks.
2017-01-25 10:45:04 UTC
I am with your parents...three snappy, excitable little dogs may be your idea of fun but as we get older we like a bit of peace....Two weeks is a long time.

Our daughter brings her two Labrador for a weekend. ...that's enough although, they don't bark and stay on their beds when ordered there.

BTW did u know small dogs can be dangerous to own with small babies....a Jack Russell tore a baby to is their nature...take care.

Leave the dogs at home...they are yours...not your parents.

Mo Ma and Grandma
k w
2017-01-24 23:37:22 UTC
They just don't want to deal with 3 yapping mutts for 3 weeks !!! I know I wouldn't either ! That's not too hard to understand, right ?...just take them to a kennel or get a dog sitter .! problem solved....
Common Sense
2017-01-24 19:27:05 UTC
If they cannot allow a two week visit with all of the family including your pets then the deal is off bad for them to make a mess over a loved pets is clearly there loss if they can not accept you for what you are an dog lover. .

or sell the dogs on ebay for $1.00 hehehe
2017-01-26 20:38:19 UTC
Yes, you're being petty. It's there house.
2017-01-26 20:05:26 UTC
i would highly recommend bringing your dogs in a duffel bag or purse and sneak them into the house. stress to your parents that the dogs have needs too and that these dogs need to be taken care of. if they still don't allow them in the house, hold them hostage until they let you bring the dogs. i hope this helps!!
2017-01-26 19:04:06 UTC
Your Parents are Pet Phobics.
2017-01-26 17:06:10 UTC
It is NOT rational to expect someone to put up you, your family and 3 dogs for 2 weeks! Have the dogs stay home and have someone come by and feed, walk and play with them.
2017-01-26 16:26:28 UTC
I would not want any pets in my house, what so ever
2017-01-26 15:56:20 UTC
What's the difference between two or three dogs. I can understand if they said they didn't want ANY of the animals at their home. They are more worried about you getting rid of your 3rd dog than seeing their grandchild? Hmmm. Just call them and cancel. Go on a nice vacation with your family instead... a place where your one yr. old will have a blast.
2017-01-26 15:13:27 UTC
I wouldn't want someone bringing their animals into my house either.
2017-01-26 13:22:30 UTC
Its their home, don't argue. Findca pet sitter.
2017-01-26 12:01:14 UTC
I don't mind other dogs. The problem I would have is dogs on the furniture and barking at my own dogs. Also, would have a problem with them urinating on my stuff!!! I would NEVER bring my dogs to my mother's home out of respect for her. ( My parents are divorced) She is not fond of pets period I respect her for that.
2017-01-26 08:15:55 UTC
Find a dog sitter. Don't wreck your visit. I wouldnt want them either. 3 of those barking brats is a bit much.
You Know . . .
2017-01-26 07:37:10 UTC
It's your Parents home, and you should abide by their rules. leave the dog(s) home or at a kennel.
2017-01-26 06:25:28 UTC
Yes thats normal, just like trolling on YA
2017-01-24 18:14:46 UTC
Well, it depends. Are they all 3 potty trained, don't chew on things, and don't bark constantly? Are they a lot of trouble or work? I have two small dogs, but it would be a lot of work to take them for a 2week visit. Sounds like you need a babysitter when you go visit your parents...and yes, it reasonable for your parents to not want you to bring all your animals, especially since you already have a one yr old baby...and some older people are particular about their house and can't handle a bunch of noise or chaos.
2017-01-24 18:23:20 UTC
2017-01-24 18:33:25 UTC
smuggle the dogs in a large body bag full of nitrous oxide and muzzle the dogs, dont worry if you do it right, it is safe
Harley Lady
2017-01-24 19:13:37 UTC
Sorry any good dog parent would not give away one of their dogs to make someone else happy especially in the situation you described. Unless you have a trusted friend or neighbor that would be willing to dogsit for two weeks, I would call my parents and say you are unable to visit. Get a backbone!
2017-01-24 20:02:07 UTC
Don't visit them. They sound irrational. And rude. And your pets give you more love than your parents probably can with that crap attitude of theirs.
2017-01-24 20:17:13 UTC
Am I really supposed to care?
2017-01-24 20:36:09 UTC
Your parents didn't mean for you to "sell" your dogs or "get rid" of them. Your parents meant for you to either board the dogs or hire a pet-sitter to look after them, but NOT to bring 3 dogs along with you when you come to visit. I love animals too, but I wouldn't want someone bringing along 3 dogs for a 2-week-long visit in my home.
2017-01-24 20:41:16 UTC
ur parents are poopy faces. like seriously they should accept your dogs
2017-01-24 20:47:28 UTC
Your parents are obviously inconsiderate. 2 tiny dogs is nothing. 3 tiny dogs is the equivalent of one normal dog
2017-01-24 21:07:47 UTC
Check for doggy hotels around your area
2017-01-24 22:20:00 UTC
Its their home, they can freely call the shots, however ridiculous they may be. If they wanted you to avoid bringing ALL the dogs, it would be their right. The dogs are yours, not their responsibility, some people dislike dogs or the inconvenience they entail. Put your dog (or all your dogs) in a kennel or hire a dog sitter, and go without them. Don't make a big deal out of this. You don't have to sell your dog (s), but you do have to respect their wishes and you should,to keep the peace . It doesn't matter WHY they don't want your dog(s), they have made themselves quite clear. You cannot expect others, including your parents with their big house and grounds, to feel the same way you do about pets. Actually, a two week visit with two adults and one baby is already rather an imposition, in my humble opinion. There is a saying: company (even relatives!) are like fish: after two or three days ,they both begin to smell. Good wishes,
2017-01-24 22:31:47 UTC
Keep your dog.
Petra Chor
2017-01-24 22:51:22 UTC
3 dogs in their house for two weeks? Yeah, that's asking a bit much. I think you're being ridiculous here.
2017-01-25 19:12:03 UTC
And? I don't like dogs, and I wouldn't let you bring three dogs to my house, either. Find a dog sitter, or find a kennel close to your parents' house so that you can see them during your visit.
2017-01-25 12:29:29 UTC
I wouldn't want even one dog accompanying anyone visiting me, not even for a visit of just a few hours. My home is animal free and that is how I want it to stay.

My house, my rules. People run kennels for this purpose and that's where the animals should be placed temporarily.
2017-01-26 04:45:45 UTC
2017-01-25 17:34:26 UTC
Hey, it's their house, their rules.
2017-01-25 04:18:40 UTC
Dump your parents keep the dogs!
2017-01-25 01:28:01 UTC
que estupides!!! what amount of stupidity i find in the brain of people nowdays!!the fact of compare dogs to our own parents brrrr! not wonder the world its in the chaos as it is, GET RAID OF THE GOD DAMM DOGS and for god sake go visit your parents...!!!STUPID!!!
2017-01-26 04:57:13 UTC
I understand their house their rules, but doesn't mean they need to be a douchebag. I don't think that is fair of your parents, your dogs r part of your family. I personally would never board my dog, and if that means I never go on vacation b/c of that, so be it. Would they be ok if u kept the dogs in a kennel while they are in their house? That should solve any issue they have with dogs in their house, and let u guys still visit. If it were me, I'd say let me bring them (in cage), or if not we can't come.
2017-01-26 03:40:41 UTC
You can ask them to reconsider letting you bring the dogs. I have dogs and take them with me when I can. There are times I have to board them. If two would be OK, why not three? Seems silly.

You can always tell them, no deal. You would love to come visit but you respectfully disagree about bringing the dogs.
Ya girl
2017-01-26 02:53:33 UTC
Why should they and why would they allow you?
2017-01-26 01:06:20 UTC
you either tell them you aint going, or you put them in kennels (the dogs or the parents- you choose).

They say you must actually get rid of them - then tell them you wont, and you wont be coming to visit or their funeral either
Jan C
2017-01-26 01:02:09 UTC
Wow, you aren't asking for much! That is the most overbearing thing I have heard of.
2017-01-25 22:57:56 UTC
If you have to have them with you, you could get a crate
2017-01-25 22:56:23 UTC
dogs family, too
Jemi Dickson
2017-01-25 21:58:18 UTC
2017-01-24 23:03:17 UTC
Pet sitters - hire one. Leave the dogs at home.
2017-01-24 23:24:12 UTC
2017-01-24 23:55:07 UTC
It's their choice and you have to respect it. Bringing the dogs is imposing on them and I found extremely ignorant.
2017-01-25 00:02:38 UTC
Pet motel
2017-01-25 00:09:19 UTC
For people who do not love these animals, and I personally despise them - they look like rats, yap a LOT, and can make a huge mess in a house/yard. I can also assure you that if it is a quiet neighborhood, neighbors do not want to hear the little monsters. It is their house, and if the dog(s) is/are not welcome, you need to board them at a vet for the 2-week period. If you cannot afford to do so, you should sell/give one or more of them away.
The Football God
2017-01-25 00:46:32 UTC
When in Rome...............
2017-01-25 00:49:38 UTC
You're the one being ridiculous.

Say slowly to yourself: it is THEIR house, not mine. As such, I have to follow their rules even if I don't like it.

THEIR house. Not yours.

You don't have to go. You can stay home. You can hire someone to dog sit. You can put them in a kennel.

If my mom said no to something like this, I would say ok and make other arrangements. It's what you do when you're a grownup and can't get your way.
2017-01-25 01:31:43 UTC
It's up to your parents whether they want three dogs visiting. But there's these fantastic things called boarding kennels and pet sitters, so no need to get rid of your dogs.
New here
2017-01-25 01:42:04 UTC
Well Mr. Snowflake, NO MEANS NO!!!!!! Get over it!!!
2017-01-25 01:43:41 UTC
Not everyone loves pets. Not everyone wants them in their house.
2017-01-25 01:49:49 UTC
Just don't visit them
Smokies Hiker
2017-01-25 02:23:34 UTC
Probably the best thing to do this time, would be to find a place to board your dogs for the two weeks you'll be gone. This could be the best thing for the dogs as they would be together at the same place. You parents would likely see how much you miss the dogs, and possibly change their minds on future visits. Hope everything thing works out for you, but you still must respect your parents wishes when at their home. Ask friends with pets if they have a favorite pet boarding house they'd recommend.
Nathan H
2017-01-25 02:55:33 UTC
They'll let you
2017-01-25 03:02:34 UTC
My parents used to be like this until they met my little chihuahua mix, Loki. He stole their hearts! Hopefully they will change their mind for you
Just Mopar
2017-01-25 03:34:12 UTC
Their house...Their Rules
2017-01-25 03:41:12 UTC
It's their house and their rules. They have good reasons not to let your pets there. Do not take them, unless you want to get kicked out of your parents house. That will be embarrassing.
2017-01-25 16:54:41 UTC
White girl problems.
2017-01-25 14:35:26 UTC
Find someone to dog sit. You certainly don't need to get rid of a dog since it is only for 2 weeks. I understand not wanting to board them but if you can't find a sitter it might come to that. It is your parents' house, and no matter how ungracious this may seem to you, it is their right to choose whether or not to allow the dogs.
2017-01-25 08:45:19 UTC
As if you sell your dog to visit your parents! Are you ******* mental? Disgusting to even consider this! Use a boarding kennel or don't go. I'm outraged.
2017-01-25 05:10:25 UTC
If you want to visit you'll have to board the dog(s) or have a friend dogsit. Don't weaponize your pets against them, not everyone likes pets, and this whole "if we can't bring our fur kids you can't see your grandchildren" thing some people are suggesting is childish and completely asinine.
Sunday Crone
2017-01-25 04:31:29 UTC
It is their house and you expecting to bring 3 dogs to visit is rude. You may love your pets, but you cannot expect your parents to. Leave the dogs home with a sitter or in a kennel. It is not worth destroying a family over this issue./
2017-01-25 18:16:20 UTC
It's your parents house, their rules. Maybe you can find a reasonably priced dog boarding place or have a friend watch your dog's.
2017-01-25 16:40:39 UTC
rats are annoying as hell. kennel them
2017-01-25 16:22:35 UTC
Really, it's 2 weeks... I say get a dog sitter. Ask a friend to stop by your place everyday and take care of the dogs for you while your gone.
2017-01-25 12:32:25 UTC
Your parents have their reasons. Sounds like they are annoyed by the 3 small dogs of yours. Any ways make the needed adjustment to your trip. Cut it short just visit for a week not 2
2017-01-25 11:30:18 UTC
They're being ridiculous and controlling, don't do it.
2017-01-25 10:53:31 UTC
lol thats so dumb they have no control over that if you just leave them at home with a dog sitter
2017-01-25 04:06:25 UTC
It seems as though there may have been an incident that led your parents to specifically want you to get rid of the third dog. I wouldn't get rid of any of your dogs of course, but you should respect their wishes if they don't want all the dogs at their house. Pet sitter would be best, or rent a home for the two weeks near your parents place so you have your freedom to do what you want.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.