2009-01-10 08:52:01 UTC
On our most recent holiday she blantenly said she hated us, and always will, and insulted my other sister(she has a different dad so she doesn't come over) calling her thick, and referred to our house as a '**** hole' when she has never even seen it.
Also, she hates our mum as well, ever since we moved away from where they lived. She doesn't even say her name she just says 'your mother' or when shes talking to our dad 'the girls mother'
Whats more is that she has a son(hes 4) who is so spoilt its unbelievable and gets away with EVERYTHING. Once I stretched my leg out and tapped him on the back, he scream that i gave him an 'owa' and she went hysterical at me, literally screaming 'WHAT DID YOU DO?' and wouldn't even let me explain.
He could point to something like 100 euros and get it, whereas i asked for a 3 euro magazine and she just said no.
she has said that our dads side of the family is more 'prestigious' then my mums side to our faces and laughed, the told us to get lost while she had a fag, and more importantly because she doesn't like either of us.
She has also said that when my dads parents die, her son would get verything, and we would get nothing.
We have had to put up with her for about 8 years now, and i just can't bear her anymore, as we have never done anything to her other then defend our selves when she went off on one.
We have tried speaking to our dad countless times, but he just defends her or doesn't say anything.
Sometimes she would even come out with such childish remarks, like asking me if im ever going to get a boyfriend, then laughing etc.
I don't even know what to do anymore, because i do want to see my dad, but i cant as long as she and her son are there
Sorry if this is a bit long!