2009-07-01 12:59:26 UTC
A little back ground info- We both believe in spanking and we have used it when our son (actually my husbands from his previous marriage) was younger. He is now in college. With our girls we never had to use it (until recently with our older daughter.) Part of me thinks he is against it because these are his "baby girls" and they have him wrapped around his finger :)
-We have only spanked the 12 year old once. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Apj.Gqqbw2qzDveJgcLry6_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090629195824AAaWDe4 It's not a common thing.
-We are a big family our children are involved in at least one activity (sports or dance) and we go as a family to these events. We choose not to use groundings often because there is no reason we (the parents should also be punished) We used to get sitters for the "Grounded" child, but we were still the ones paying for it, literally!