A Sad Father's Day.....Help me please!! Best answer gets 10 points.?
Swee' Tea
2007-06-15 15:57:59 UTC
My Uncle's son died 3 months ago (My closest cousin) {He was only 15 yrs old.} He is sad and depressed. Should I get him a "father's day card" Or would that be akward since like your son died. Im afraid he might not consider himsef a father anymore! Your best opinion gets 10 points. Would you give him something for Father's day!!
53 answers:
2007-06-15 16:03:13 UTC
You know what, I would do something for him...I think it would mean a lot. I would probably spend some time (go do something) with him on that day to help take his mind off things and make him feel loved. I think that would mean more to him than a gift. Also you could have a picture of him and his son framed and possibly engraved.
2007-06-15 16:05:05 UTC
loosing a child doesn't make him any less of a father. He raised his kid for 15 years and he should be recognized for being the father he his. anyway he might be really happy that you gave him a gift because it might trigger some happy times he had with his son and maybe with you and his son playing and you guys could talk about your cousin and help your uncle get past the tragedy. The best thing to do is to give him a gift anyway to show that someone still recognizes him as a father and recognizes all the things he did for your cousin even thought he has passed on. Good Luck
peter c
2007-06-15 16:10:51 UTC
Once a Father ALWAYS a Father. Even though his son died , your uncle will always remember him. A Father's Day card will bring back sad memories of the death, but it should also bring back happy/great/memorable/exciting memories too. Just make sure you add something in the card in your own words to show how you feel about giving him the card.

Maybe a sad face & a happy face! Just a thought.
2007-06-15 16:51:13 UTC
Loosing someone who is so young is very sad and I think that you thinking about getting your uncle something for fathers day is a very heart felt gesture. Even though his son is gone a parent will never forget their child as long as they live. He was your closest cousin to and what do you think your cousin would want you to do? What would he get for his dad? I think you should get him something because you recognize his pain instead of ignoring it and not doing or saying anything. When people lose someone very close they need the other people in their life more that ever.
2007-06-15 16:03:02 UTC
I WOULD DEFINETLY GIVE HIM SOMETHING!!!! You have to be there for him and be there for him as a daughter. You have to give him fathers day cards every year. You have to now step up to the plate and become his daughter too as well as your dads. See if your whole family can go tohis house and you should all celebrate Fathers day with him. He of course will remeber times with his son, but that is good. You have to be like his daughter. Get him gifts occasionally. He will think of you as a responsible person. He will love you more than ever becuase you are there for him when he needs it the most.

Hope this Helps!! I am almost in tears becuase it is such a sad story!!!
2007-06-15 16:01:49 UTC
He is still a father, even though his son died. However, he is not YOUR father, and while I think that it might be nice to send him a"thinking of you..." type card, I would not send him a father's day card.

Or would you have sent him a card last year? If you sent your uncle father's day's cards every year in the past, don't stop now, but I think you would be way off the mark in starting that now.
I Love You.....♪♫♪
2007-06-15 16:03:54 UTC
I think he would love to get a Father's Day card.. He may be depressed but i think it would lift his spirits.. It is a very devastationg situation.. It is gonna be hard for him because it was such a short time ago but i think giving him a card will let him know you care.. you could write him a letter in the card telling him how you feel and try to make him feel allthe better.

Good Luck and I hope everything works out for the best.
2007-06-15 16:03:40 UTC
I think that getting him a card would be very kind of you. Maybe you could even ask if you could both go and visit your cousins grave together and bring flowers to his grave. Remind your uncle that his son loved him very much -- give him a hug from his son. I am sure that he needs a little support in this difficult time. You sound like a very kind person... so just let this show to him on this special day.

Good luck.
2007-06-15 16:01:52 UTC
Yes but don't be afraid to tell him how you feel. Get him a card and something small that you know will help remember his son. Also let him know that is okay to cry over his son on Father's Day and you need to be there for him.
2016-04-01 13:55:43 UTC
Rissie...first of all I'll tell you that I know that best answer get 10 points, but here we people helping each other instead of collecting points. Well, you need sad song. Here no body is good writer. It means you should do it yourself. I have shocked that you like sad things. Everybody need happiness and you need sadness. This time I'll not help you. Write "painkiller" instead of "pain". Best of Luck
2007-06-15 16:07:31 UTC
I don't need your 10 points thanks .But really a fathers day is for your own father not your uncles I think it would be bringing up the past unnecessarily have good long think about it before you do something like that .You may find a visit more helpfull if that is possible for you it doesn't have to be on fathers day anytime now is suitable that is what friends and relations are for.
I love winter
2007-06-15 16:35:29 UTC
I lost my son 2 years ago. I would suggest sending something that says "thinking of you." Because even to hear the words Happy Fathers Day may upset him. But "thinking of you" I think works just fine.

He will always be your cousins father. Not a doubt in my mind about that.
2007-06-15 16:07:58 UTC
If you haven't done this in the past don't start now, it's not a good time. He is still grieving his loss, it's still too fresh for him. I would, however, set aside time next month to get together with him and do something just the two of you that would take his mind off his loss, something that he and his son did not do together. Bring him into YOUR life. Then continue building a relationship with him as time goes on. He will really appreciate it.
2007-06-15 16:03:14 UTC
I feel that if you got him a Fathers day card from your cousin he would appreciate it VERY much!!!! I remember after my mom Passed away My family got me a Birthday card from My mom and I loved it.... I know that's what my Mom would have done!!! I'm sure it might be a little hard for him but I also feel it will warm his heart at the same time!! I'm sorry for the loss of your cousin sweetie!!! God Bless!
2007-06-15 16:02:17 UTC
If you are unsure about the Fathers Day card, then you might consider a "thinking of you " card to let him know he is in your thoughts on Fathers day.

Very thoughtful of you by the way *hugs*
2007-06-15 16:01:41 UTC
Your uncle will really appreciate that you care about him!

you should definatally get him a card and tell him how much you mean to him!

i am sure he still considers himself a father!

he loves his son and he will never forget what a great father he was

have a great fathers day! and GOOD LUCK!
2007-06-15 16:04:12 UTC
I'd still get him a card. I don't think he'd stop being a father because his son died. Just get one that is appropriate, nothing too cheery, because that can send a mocking or sarcastic vibe if it's read the wrong way. Just do something simple, yet powerful.
2007-06-15 16:30:22 UTC
giving him something for fathers day may just make him breakdown and cry because he has lost his own son. that's very sad about him losing his son at such a young age. the best you can do is comfort him. giving him a gift and being his niece wouldn't be the best idea. i'm really sorry to hear about your cousin. that's just down right sad right there.
mary o
2007-06-15 16:04:56 UTC

michael p
2007-06-15 16:02:38 UTC
Do get him something. You see, when people die, they usually like support. He would like knowing that you consider him a father, and he would like the support.

My Girlfriends father died 6 months ago. She is sad on fathers day, but she considers my father like her father now. So it makes her feel better. You can be kinda like an adopted daughter for him!
2007-06-15 16:02:01 UTC
Even though your cousin passed away recently I would go ahead and get his father a card for fathers day. Just let him know that you were thinking of him. It might be just the thing he needs to lift his spirits after his tragic loss. Just my opinion.
2007-06-15 16:01:31 UTC
They have Father's Day cards marked for 'anyone' and 'like a father' I would get one of those. Thats very difficult to go through, but a heartfelt card might cheer him up inside. Especially if you are close to him.
2007-06-15 16:03:17 UTC
Yes, I would get him a card and I would write a sweet thought in it, like "your son would have wanted you to have this." He will always be a father, even though his son is gone. It is very nice of you to be sensitive to his feelings, and he will appreciate your kindness.
2007-06-15 16:03:23 UTC
I think that would be really nice of you. They probably even have cards for situations like this at Hallmark. They have everything. I lost my first child at 38 weeks pregnant and on my first Mother's Day, it meant a lot to me when my dad told me Happy Mother's Day because no matter if your child is alive or deceased, you will always be that child's parent. Good job.
2007-06-15 16:03:03 UTC
yes i would give him one defintly so he wont feel like he wasnt a good father.he's gonna realy miss all the stuff that comes along with being a father and its probaly a very senitive spot for dont go over board with him just let him know he was a good father and you wish him a happy fathers day,it will be just a little akward but he will realy appricate it.good luck sweetie!
2007-06-15 16:02:53 UTC
I think you should, you acknowledging his fatherhood would be a nice thing to do. The holiday would set him back in the healing process, but giving him the card means someone is think about him. Maybe you should get him a "World's Greatest Day" t-shirt an/or cap also!
2007-06-15 16:01:12 UTC
I think no matter what you do..he will be sad....I wouldn't get him a card but I would certainly go make sure you stop by and give him a hug. The card should be from his son not someone else...Leave the card alone.
2007-06-15 16:55:51 UTC
the same thing happen to me , my little cousin died 9 day's before his birthday my uncle was devastate on father's day i gave him a hug an a picture of his son we cried that day but it was worth it.
2007-06-15 16:01:05 UTC
I think a father's day card is inappropriate it. A nice framed picture of his son might be good for him. He will be upset that day anyway and he'll need to grieve.
Going Crazy!
2007-06-15 16:00:36 UTC
Once a father Always a father! I say get it for him with a note reminding him of how special his son was to everyone.
Answer Man
2007-06-15 16:12:45 UTC
I had a son die 3 years ago. Nothing means more than to know my son's not forgotten. Trust me. Send the card. It will mean the world to him.
no name plz!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-06-15 16:10:41 UTC
well you could give him a card and take him out on father's day with your childrens (if you have any?). Try to cheer him up like for example take him out for lunch (pay for lunch if you can). also ask him what wrong so you guys can go through this together!
2007-06-15 16:21:47 UTC
Yeah you should give him a card or a present, he would feel happy inside.being with him can be the best present of all. Make plans with him and your dad.Make your Uncle feel better.Anything will work you know.Sorry about your cousin.
Always PO'd
2007-06-15 16:00:53 UTC
typically I only gave my dad a fathers day card or present. Or my sons dad...but never any other relative. When in doubt, do nothing!
2007-06-15 16:02:02 UTC
I think that it would be really nice if you did get him a card. Even though his son died I think that he would appreciate the thought and effort you put into it. :)
2007-06-15 16:00:46 UTC
Yes i still would just because his son died doesn't mean he isn't a father.
2007-06-15 16:00:34 UTC
Ahh.Get him a self-made card that say even though you lost a loved one,you are still his father...Even consider saying that he is like a father to you:)
Alondra S
2007-06-15 16:44:43 UTC
i think that would be a very nice guesture. although your uncle lost his son, i'm sure will be honored if you gave him a card because he will think that you probably see him as a father figure.

as for you, that is such a thoughtful thing to do. very nice of you to think of your uncle during this time.
simon ritchie
2007-06-15 16:01:45 UTC
I would try to do something nice that doesn't have to do with Father's Day...

But it is still an option. It could let him know that he was successful as a father! :)
20+ years and still in-love!
2007-06-15 16:02:31 UTC
Get him a card and maybe a little gift with a little note that says I know (your cousins name) would of loved for you to have this. He is looking down on us and wants nothing else than to say thanks for being a great dad.
Jean B
2007-06-15 16:08:09 UTC
They have cards made to be given to an uncle. I would get him a real nice heartfelt one. It will be a great comfort to him to that he means alot to you.
2007-06-15 16:00:48 UTC
i wouldent it might make him think of his son. but you can still say that he is like a father to you or somthing... but he is still a father
2007-06-15 16:39:13 UTC
Once you have a child- no matter when they die- you are ALWAYS that childs parent.

So get him a card & give him a hug.
2007-06-15 16:01:27 UTC
Yes, that actually sounds really nice. It shows just how close you are to his family and how much you think of them.
2007-06-15 16:00:44 UTC
yes!! get him a card. maybe some kind of plant you can both plant in his yard in memory of his son
2007-06-15 16:07:01 UTC
ya that would be nice my dad passed away to in 04 but thats da oda way around but i'm just sayin .... but hat would be nice if u did that...
Mike M.
2007-06-15 16:01:20 UTC
That, or a sympathy card might work.
2007-06-15 16:00:42 UTC
I think that you should visit or give him a call, just to say "hi!", and let him bring it up or not.
2007-06-15 16:00:51 UTC
Definately give him your time this particular time around - no card.

Just spend some time with him.
2007-06-15 16:00:04 UTC
Yes that would be very sweet and I'm sure he'd appreciate it!
2007-06-15 16:39:41 UTC
I think you should get him one, you will be showing you care.
2007-06-15 16:00:40 UTC
I would avoid it for now.
2007-06-15 16:00:36 UTC
yes.that shows that you care about him and that you will never forget him.

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