It's very difficult for a child to grieve the loss of one of his parents, without total participation of the remaining parent..
It had to be very difficult for your mom as well..but perhaps in her grief, she didn't realize how important it was for you to greive as well(being you were only 5 years old) She probably thought she was protecting you... She probably didn't realize how important it was for her to share in the grieving process with you.
It's very important for a child to understand the loss is real..
It's important for a child to feel the hurt, as well as see the surviving parent mourn..In your case, your mom..
Holding everything in, instead of sharing the mourning stops the grief process..
Sometimes the surviving parent is unable to see rhe child's pain..
I don't know if you and your mom spoke of your dad often..
Have photos of him in the house
Transferring some of that emotional energy into life again is important..
It sounds as though you've never had closure to your dad's death Hon..
Even though you're 22 years old now..You still need that closure..It's important..
Perhaps you and your mom can spend some time together away from the others..and you both just talk about your dad..
I also don't think it's a bad idea to see a grief counselor..You definately need closure,so you can get on with your life..
I wish you the very best..But please speak to your mom about your dad.. Write down questions that you would like to ask her..It's never too late!
If he has any living realitives or friends..visit them...
And don't forget to find a good grief counselor..Good Luck..and God Bless you!