My 15 year old son watched porn after i punished him the first time, what should I do now?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
My 15 year old son watched porn after i punished him the first time, what should I do now?
534 answers:
2014-11-22 16:35:01 UTC
Dude, its normal for a 15 year old to look at porn.
2014-11-23 22:20:24 UTC
So his hormones are in overdrive Mom and you can't stop that. Its better to sit down and have a heart to heart talk with your son, with dad if there is one. If there isn't is he watching porn to figure out how intercourse is done? Unfornately porn doesn't portray sex in a healthy way. Its all blown up out of making males think that women are toys or just objects to be made to do things and its not your sons fault if he doesn't have a male role model to bound ideals off at. I know as scary as this seems, sitting down and being very candid about relationships between men and women could be a blessing for the both of you. Children/teenagers need to know that Mom and Dad can be asked any question under the sun and the only question thats dumb is the one not asked.
2014-11-23 20:46:51 UTC
I Have A 15 Year Old Brother That Did The Same Thing, Know What My Mom Did? BLOCK PORN SITES!!!!!
2014-11-24 19:35:44 UTC
I have a 14 years old son and instead of blocking porn or punish him ,what I do it is teach him about sex and relationship , even in barns and noble" Library" there are books about sex and positions , and my son don't watch porn or anything like that but he is always asking all about relation, sometimes I asking him to watch some sex learning tapes ; part of the videos so he can understand , sorry but it is the age , all the time that you don't allow one thing then it's what they want to do the most , teach and explain him and you are going to see that he is going to stop that ,and maybe you get better relation with your son, give him more advice about girls or women ,you are women and you know that we,re never going to understand you lol ...advice and teach him
2014-11-23 12:47:19 UTC
Don't punish him! Explain to him that it's not an arbitrary rule and the harms porn causes. The actresses are exploited and reduced to their sexual appeal which causes lots of issues for them personally. Sex trafficking is heavily ingrained in the porn industry. It detracts from real intimate relationships. It creates unrealistic expectations for what women "should" do sexually. It has addictive properties. It reinforces fantasy over reality and the lines are often blurred; it also encourages casual sex which can be detrimental in many ways. Then you can explain to him what sex *should be*. It should be loving, intimate, exclusive, etc. etc. Whether you agree with their religious stance or not, xxxchurch is an organization that has a lot of resources for people looking to get away from porn. I'd look into it.
2014-11-23 10:16:21 UTC
No matter what you do, if your son wants to watch porn, you aren't going to be able to stop him. It is perfectly normal teen boys to watch porn.
2014-11-24 02:13:40 UTC
I'm a 15 year old boy and i watch it, i admit it. if you punish him, he's only going to find a way around the punishment and watch it still. just let him. and wash his sock extra good too.
2014-11-23 02:09:38 UTC
It is normal for 15 years old boy, don't angry, forgot it
2014-11-24 12:51:17 UTC
This is ridiculous. It is normal for teenagers to watch porn and its quite frankly none of your business if he does or not. Punishing him for it is a bit stupid, honestly.
2014-11-22 14:47:16 UTC
Ensure you have a porn filter on your internet connection. In the UK, all ISPs have to provide this free of charge to all customers. It can be turned on or off by the account holder.
2014-11-24 15:19:40 UTC
His father should have a talk with him (but if no male around then you talk with him) and explain to him what the LAW SAYS about porn, child porn, jailbait, using a fake ID or someone else's ID, and anything else you feel he would get into at this age. He's better off hearing it from you. Advise him that for every act there is a response. For every offense there is jailtime that could/would ruin his future. Then instruct him about furthering his life, give him work to do around the house, help him get a decent hobby and get interested in it, get him some volunteer work or some work where he can earn money to buy what extra he wants. In addition you might want to stalk his computer and be attentive to his actions and reactions since he's reached the age of testosterone. Know that all guys eventually become interested in porn, just advise him what the right age is, and what he could and could not see. Also be strong in advising that no matter what he does illegally he WILL get caught and if it's not by you it will be by others. Kids don't understand there are cameras "everywhere".

How did you punish him?
2014-11-27 23:30:51 UTC
Why on earth would you punish a 15 year old boy for watching porn? are you trying to give him the message that sex is shameful or he shouldn't have sexual urges or masturbate like all other, normal 15 year-old boys do?

I wonder.

Is he watching porn on his own device, or is he using yours? You can block porn sites if it's your computer or device.

Your son is normal, and as long as porn hasn't taken over his life leave it alone.

Mothers and wives spend an awful lot of time shaming sons and husbands for watching porn. Don't you people have anything better to do?

signed, Mother of two sons who are 38 and 27.
2014-11-23 21:14:44 UTC
I am glad that both mom and son are involved in conversation. Even though discussion is coming in on two different threads. Curosity for teens, is hard to deny. Granted all of the things the posters have said are valid, but the most important piece of this is what the fifeteen year old young man feels about it. In the natural course of things when we parents make a huge deal about things what resists seems to persist. Modeling healthy relationships, being involved with outdoor programs to work off a little steam, and taking communication and sexuality classes might be a good direction. Many church groups and schools offer programs where kids can sound off and express themselves.I think Mom and son should talk about this openly, and not punish, but rather see this young man as a healthy child with curiosity. Develop and encourage goals, and direction for him and he spreads his wings and becomes a man and a good leader.
Been There, Done That
2014-11-28 14:18:52 UTC
Ours tried this, a pal even brought dirty movies on dvd's to the house. We found out and there was no discussion, no argument, we took the computer away. We sold his lap top also. The we had some serious discussions of how hard porn can destroy his tender loving feelings for females and turn him into a sexual monster, so to speak. Getting rid of the computers was a clear message of how important this was to us also. Our sons are grown up now into pretty nice guys so far as we can tell. You have to make your own way in this and do what you feel is most effective to deal with it. Good Luck
2014-11-24 05:12:28 UTC
If it was my child I would exercise my right to put child locks on his computer, ipad, ipod, and whatever other appliance he has with internet connections. This would effectively block the porn sites. (And no matter how much he pleaded they would not be taken off.) I know it is natural for young lads to be curious but some of the content on porn sites are hardly appropriate for adult viewing let alone a 15 year old lad.
2014-11-23 22:03:32 UTC
How did you punish him. You should think more of your own actions and see that he watched it because of you having unrestricted internet and not guiding your son better. You already punished him instead of talking to him. He might grow up being confused for what he saw thanks to you for not keeping the internet safe for him. I would say stop the internet now for 15 months and both of you try to live without internet. I would also download a program so he cannot use the phone for internet and buy him a normal phone. If he needs internet for school work drop him off at the library.
2014-11-22 14:55:43 UTC
I am actually the 15 year old son who is trying to tell her that I know it is wrong and that im not the only one. She has exaggerated with punishments for the past 2 years. she can really hold a grudge
2014-11-23 02:08:57 UTC
hey buddy hows ur life there?

first thing first:what kind of punishment you gave to him? is that a normal argue?

what reaction he gave to you and what he said after u punish him?

i think you should learn ur son more about what he think and try to find a way to stop his act,dont force him to stop,he may do something even worse

try to comunnicate with him and ask why he watch porn,tell him that watching porn wasnt right,

i hope this will help,

"i hope kids and adults can respect each other
2014-11-23 18:11:22 UTC
I would take his computer away for a while. I would also research some of the effects of porn, and discuss that with him to help him understand why he shouldn't watch porn. I know for fact studies show that when people look at porn it causes them to view people as objects, rather then people.
2014-11-23 22:19:36 UTC
i honestly think that u should let him be because it is normal for a 15 year old to go through that phase i know from personal expierence with a relative. it may make u uncomfortable and if its gets to the extent where u cant look at him without cringing then block all porn sites. talking to him may be the best solution here
2014-11-27 14:48:09 UTC
You just said it, punishing him for what he did isn't working. You shouldn't punish someone for enjoying themselves. If he was a little kid who didn't understand what he was watching, that's different, in this case he is a maturing teen. I know this may sound strange but if he wants to watch porn then let him, everyone has desires and you can't really stop it.
2014-12-06 17:37:36 UTC
punishing him for qatching porn could have the complete opposite effect u want it to have. as americans we have decome sorta closed minded about these things. kids well at least me as a man watched porn as a hobby. because it was seen as taboo. but wouldnt u rather him do that than take his sexual agression out in un healthy ways. im not saying give him porn but restricting and punishing him could only lead to confusion and possibly creat an un healthy view on sexual outlets.
2014-11-24 14:05:01 UTC
Punishing a teen for this behavior is like spanking him for whacking off. It only shows him how clueless and out of touch with him his parents are.

You caught him? Why would you violate his privacy in that way?

I think you should TALK to him about sex and normal people. I think you can show him that sex is good. I think you can tell him that porn is destructive and addictive, but if your husband or you watch it - you are hypocrites.

I raised 2 sons and both of them watched porn and secreted palyboys. as TEENAGERS. Then they grew up. The one who grossed me out was my then-husband who would RATHER watch porn and whack off than have sex with me. I though t it was ME, until he started watching gay porn -then i knew it was him. Then I divorced him..
2014-11-28 14:42:26 UTC
Hes 15 years old at this age a lot of boys like him watch Porn and have sex ...You've gotta let the situation be ...or handle it how u would like too
2014-11-23 10:50:29 UTC
Regardless of what you do, Your son will always find a way to watch porn either you like it or not.

P.S. My mom used to buy porn magazine for me and my brother when we 15yrs old that age. She's really open-minded.
2014-11-23 10:26:07 UTC
Its normal for teens to do so and you were wrong for punishing him explain to him what are the DOs and DON'Ts when it comes to porn and judging by your lack of experiance of parenting i say that you didn't even had the ''talk'' with him your a bad parrent just talk to him and let him watch ''the american pie'' it explains preety much everything
2014-11-22 23:32:20 UTC
punishing him will do nothing add a porn filter and open dialogue with him. Make him understand that sex is not like porn portrays it. If all else fails make him watch it with you. That will be the end of that,
2014-11-26 10:48:40 UTC
Let him watch what he wants. I'm 17+ old. I often watch porn. I try to resist myself from watching it, but I can't. So my best suggestion will be give him a wife.
2014-11-23 15:34:52 UTC
Pray. There is nothing you can do to prevent him from watching it. Even if you restrict his internet he will find a way.15 is a prime age when boys start experimenting with their sexual desires. The best thing you can do is to do a devotion together and talk to him about why lust is wrong and sinful.
2014-11-25 22:00:11 UTC
Oh yes its so terrible for teenage boys to watch porn or masterbate ect. Man, parents these days just act like they never watched porn or jerked off.
2014-11-23 16:27:02 UTC
Punish him again for breaking your rule. But he will probably just keep doing it behind your back.

Also, explain to him that porn sex is not regular sex. Some guys say they watch it to learn about sex. But porn doesn't show how women like sex, it shows how men like to have sex.
2014-11-27 20:42:55 UTC
To be completely honest, you shouldn't punish him too much, if at all. It is completely normal for him to do so. I understand if it goes against your morals, but you have to be aware of the fact that he'll still do it behind your back. You should talk to him about it. If you really want to punish him, get him embarrassed. You want him to feel comfortable about talking to you about these things. A porn obsession is very unhealthy, but so is not allowing your child to come into themselves sexually. Allow him to find out who he is and who he likes instead of screwing anybody with all types of weird fetishes and desires and possibly putting himself in danger.
mohammad abdul
2014-11-29 10:15:05 UTC
Have a nice conversation alot of kids his age these days watch porn. Sit with him have a conversation don't shout at him.
2014-11-28 00:03:32 UTC
Punish him again and teach him sex is wrong. Make it so taboo that it makes him the weird kid. Tell him that every time he touches himself that Jesus cries. Now sit back, grab some popcorn a watch a really creepy kid grow up... lol jk. Just have your husband talk to him, that's a father and son thing.
2014-11-24 20:06:22 UTC
Absolutely nothing. 15 year olds watch porn and you can't change that fact, so don't try.
2014-11-23 22:23:10 UTC
Online or magazines if online block the sites and check what he's loggin onto

Magazines well cut back his allowance and make him show you dockets or recipts for how he spends his money and any leftover cash has to go into a savings account or a money / coin box ?
2014-11-23 21:54:17 UTC
PORN IS NOT REAL SEX! MAKE SURE TO BE CLEAR ON THAT! Sets unrealistic expectations for sure! Tell him this as you take away all internet for a few weeks. Dems be da rulz!

Mom of 3
2014-11-27 12:16:35 UTC
This is ridiculous. It is normal for teenagers to watch porn and its quite frankly none of your business if he does or not. Punishing him for it is a bit stupid, honestly.
Amanda M
2014-11-22 23:09:08 UTC
Open a dialogue about it. talk to him. it's a good age to have the sex talk. keep in mind that at 15, hormones are raging and his basic natural animal instinct is sexual activity. his body is changing, and along with it, his sexual urges. have an open mind and be glad it's just porn and not actually having sex at a young age.
2014-11-23 18:57:50 UTC
the only way to stop something like porn is to give him a reason to want to quit...most of the only people I know who don't look at porn and/or sleep around have dedicated themselves to serving Jesus...people on here are right...if you cut him off from it at home he will just find another way to watch it elsewhere...he has to have a higher reason to change his behavior on his own...
2014-11-23 11:23:32 UTC
o ho, what time comes, just look this what is right and what is wrong. watching porn in this age, we all are responsible for this. just think where we are going. today he is watching porn and tomorrow he wants it in real regardless doing that act normally or by force.

in many religions its very simple solution is marriage.
2014-11-23 08:49:57 UTC
Mom, Hug your son and tell him you love him and tell him that it is best to wait looking at porn as this leads to a unmoral destructive nature.Have a talk with him about sex and what you expect of him.I believe he will respect your insight.Good luck Mom.
2014-11-23 23:34:46 UTC
You already punished him instead of talking to him. He might grow up being confused for what he saw thanks to you for not keeping the internet safe for him. I would say stop the internet now for 15 months and both of you try to live without internet.
2014-11-24 04:44:30 UTC
Let him watch it, punishing him wont make a difference, if he wants to watch it then just let him. He's at the age where he's wanting to explore himself.
2014-11-24 07:57:16 UTC
Make dinner? Porn is not a big deal. At least he isn't bullying kids, or worse. Let him be.
2016-02-08 05:16:34 UTC
just let him bang you until he is satisfied and doesnt watch porn anymore. I mean he came out of that hole 15 years ago, why shouldnt you let him back in
2014-11-23 13:33:38 UTC
You didn't say what gender you were.

If you're a female. You know the saying, 'Incest is best", teach him about sex firsthand.

Now if you're male. Then hire a reputable prostitute. That will help him out.
2014-11-25 15:25:13 UTC
It is no big deal for a teen to watch porn.
2014-11-27 16:47:55 UTC
Let him watch porn.

He's 15 and sometimes you just have to let it go.

If you're to harsh you're gonna push him away.
2014-11-28 13:26:34 UTC
Why would you punish a kid for looking at natural aspects of life? He is a hormonal teenager. Give him magazines.
2014-11-24 10:35:23 UTC
It's normal to watch porn at this age. I know it's illegal, but.. we all did watch porn. girls and boys. at least most of us. Just explain to him that what he sees at this videos is not what "real" sex is. Get over it
2014-11-27 19:54:07 UTC
This is very normal to teens but the father must talk to his son. You as a mother can get involve with the conversation. But remember that in this stage teens tend to admire their mother and hate their father especially for boys who shows Oedipus complex.
2016-02-21 02:58:27 UTC
He needs to have real relationships. Porn is drug-riddled and made by and for hate filled people.
2014-11-23 10:59:43 UTC
Totally normal. Don't punish him for it.
2014-11-22 20:24:19 UTC
Take away his access to be able to do it for a start. The problem you are dealing with is is that he is hooked on it so will be a mission to get him to stop. He is using it as a visual stimulation for his own sexual pleasure.
Purple Haze
2014-11-22 23:57:16 UTC
The human body is a beautiful work of nature, just let him enjoy the formation of nature that our enigma's are attracted to.
2014-11-23 12:22:16 UTC
Give up. It's normal.
2014-11-24 07:11:09 UTC
Don't encourage it, but also don't make a big deal about it either. It's like telling your kid they should not eat pizza, then expect them to not eat pizza. It's gonna happen.
Adithya M
2014-11-23 18:56:39 UTC
Watching porn is not that big a crime to be just chill and relax.he himself will get out of that habit.
2014-11-28 15:50:16 UTC
Totally normal.
2014-11-28 11:46:28 UTC
well, my 33yo bf wanks imagining me doing all the stuffs he had seen in porn while before we met, with the result he's always to drained to satisfy me... how should i punish him for that?
2014-11-23 05:46:18 UTC
pretty sure it's normal for guys..?

I go to a boarding school, and every single guy watches it in their dorms..

I'm a girl who's 16 btw-but they always talk about it
2014-11-27 08:40:07 UTC
It's normal ? At least he's not having sex.
2014-11-26 19:18:20 UTC
You do nothing.
2014-11-26 14:45:55 UTC
edit it before he views it
2014-11-26 12:54:53 UTC
just let him watch porn. It's better than him going out getting a girl pregnant and getting STDs
2014-11-26 08:00:05 UTC
Take his computer away from him, unless you want his mind to be ruined for like ever. - I speak from experience-
2014-11-26 01:10:56 UTC
Its normal for kids his age to watch porn.
2014-11-24 13:59:01 UTC
2014-11-24 12:30:39 UTC
know I am 13 and a lot of my friends have you should talk to him he might be getting pressured into having sex or he might fell left out so talk to him see if everything is okay and if he wants to talk to you good luck :)
2014-11-27 09:52:30 UTC
kick him in the you know what
Lady Éowyn
2014-11-26 21:51:10 UTC
Punish him again. I don't know the whole story, but just because they do something again doesn't mean you shouldn't punish him again. You can block websites, or put passwords on the wifi at home, and keep tabs on his phone. If he complains about you cramping his style you can tell him if he lives in your house he follows your rules. And you could always make him more awkward by telling him "yeah, your father and I used to do that one position you were watching last night. Man, those were the days..." and he might be traumatized into never doing it again! XD
2014-11-26 14:48:09 UTC
you simply take away the source he used to watch it, it's as simple as that!
2014-11-26 12:06:01 UTC
your son is a healthy male watching porn

and you want to punish him.

later on in life if he is gay don't get mad at him then.

since you are trying to kill his natural normal urges.
Sid J.
2014-11-25 13:15:36 UTC
Honestly, punishing him for that was redundant. Being a male born into a single parent home,(the parent being the mom) I would say that being punished for exploring my body is embarrassing. It would put him at ease that he could at least have a talk with his mother. At least some of the questions he might have, could be answered. Besides, it's not like he's having sex. I'm not saying what you did is wrong, because you did what you felt you did best, but it was a little harsh punishing a person who really didn't do anything harmless.
2014-11-25 11:20:01 UTC
I think you ought to just let him watch it. It's a behavior to be expected of all teenagers and if he wants to then just let him. It won't harm him in anyway. Religion is not a reason to restrict btw.
2014-11-25 08:39:48 UTC
get over it, it is normal, he will learn about it in school anyway
2014-11-25 02:58:28 UTC
I think a person at 15 must watch porn. In fact if my son didn't I would take him to a psychologist.
2014-11-25 02:45:58 UTC
Hire a prostitute to show him firsthand what sex is all about!
2014-11-25 00:02:27 UTC
try to make him understand that watching porn is harmful.
2014-11-24 23:25:47 UTC
Aviod him from porns
2014-11-24 22:03:20 UTC
Give him a hand job.
2014-11-24 17:39:53 UTC
Don't punish him, it will makes him want to watch even more
2014-11-24 14:54:53 UTC
When you're that age, that's all you want. It's all you care about. If you take it away, he'll find another way to go look at nudes.
2014-11-24 13:11:43 UTC
Let it happen
2014-11-24 11:37:12 UTC
Who doesn't watch porn it's normal lol don't punish him. But if it's that serious to you then block the sites.
2014-11-24 10:33:00 UTC
2014-11-24 08:53:50 UTC
his son somewhat irrelevant bad due to your carelessness, always take care and keen observe his behavieour and attitutude, and give love, passion, and dont to prevail your son separateness or alone and give little bit house work, and also again dont to put lonlyness in home and also lovel, I think our son should be good in future.
2014-11-24 08:17:44 UTC
I think that you should have an open discussion with your son? 15 years old boy who known porn already will continue to seek for that. I think that it is important for him to understand the safety of sexual matter. We can not use punishing to stop it permanently. Try to understand your son, make him believe you and give him advice. good luck!
2014-11-24 07:36:26 UTC
I agree. Take away his electronic devices, at least until you have figured out how to block the porn sites. Most porn sites allow you to block access to them.
2014-11-27 00:17:21 UTC
Its pretty normal for teens when they hit that age, they're going to encounter that type of situation someday or another anyways. And no matter how well you try to explain how those things work, and what to do/how to do it when it happens, sometimes its a little easier for them to see what its like, so they rely on the internet for that.
2014-11-26 23:13:41 UTC
Your a teen. It happens
2014-11-26 20:16:51 UTC
its natural for kids at that age to be curious about such things, and IT IS A HEALTHY BEHAVIOR.

don't worry yourself too much about it, just make sure You have a good control over what he watches, You don't want him to watch those weird porn showing illegal activities, or extreme ones which are sexually unhealthy.

You can use some software to block websites i guess, but that would be tedious, so I guess get a male member of Your family to educate them.

its perfectly normal for boys to watch porn and it is a healthy behavior, I would be worried if he wasn't showing interest in healthy sexual relations though, so be wary and let him explore
2014-11-26 13:41:41 UTC
totally normal and keep punishing him is only going to make him want to look at it more. just ask him if he wants to make some porn and the thought of doing it with you will have him so repulsed he wont do it anymore
2014-11-26 01:39:04 UTC
Talk to him about sex and family education. Talk to him about responsible sex and the dangers of casual sex and STDs.
China Jon
2014-11-25 21:42:42 UTC
15 year old people were mating and starting their own family for about 10,000 years. Modern society does not want this to happen. Still, the sexuality is natural. Don't get mad at him for being curious about his natural urges and drives.

What is wrong is that he can find porn to teach him about this. Porn has been used since ancient times to stimulate people sexually. The problem is that today's porn is not as true to life. it uses exaggeration and imagination which portray sex roles that are not healthy and misrepresent the relationships between the sexes. Porn also fails to present the consequences that are possible after the sex act, including pregnancy, and venereal diseases. Safe sex is not advocated. Porn was invented long before HIV entered the human population.

Make all this clear to him. Porn is exciting but it is not teaching him how to have a relationship with a real girl, which is what he really wants.

Help him to be a better man with the qualities that attract the kind of women he wants to have in his life. Help him make choices that enrich his life rather than limit or degrade his life.
2014-11-25 18:58:01 UTC
2014-11-25 11:38:03 UTC
this is a thing every guy know but never talk about.

everyone masturbate. i started when i was about 12, many kids these days to it earlier.

some do it daily, some less but still at least once a week. can be in the bathroom, can be near the computer when you are asleep, some guy i know said he once did it in the shower (which i find disgusting).

if you block porn sites, he will just do it to a half-naked women on youtube ads.

just let it go, you cant (and shouldnt) fight nature. the real problem comes if he does it too much(many times every day) and gets addicted and i dont think even experts can tell you how to make sure your son will avoid this.


your husband does this aswell. i dont need to know him to know this.
2014-11-25 09:40:00 UTC
Move to China where porn is illegal or just let him **** away like a normal teenager.
Guy R
2014-11-25 08:06:19 UTC
What is porn? Did he see some bottle balanced on some big ***, and you consider that porn. did he see a nipple? Did he hijack the numbers off of one of your checks and sign up for some "Porn-Website"? If you blow it up, it will be blowed up, if you ignore it, probably would pass over. It is impossible to go on internets these days and not see some skin. What took you so long to catch him? Do you think that was the first time he saw that. Big Deal.
Ruhul Quddus
2014-11-25 06:03:25 UTC
Hey, its normal for a 15 year old (teen age) boy to look at porn. But you can block pron sites.
2014-11-25 05:20:43 UTC
The first time I watch porn was 9. **** wasn't my fault they didn't have parental settings back in the day and paying for the service. It's normal cause sooner or later he's going to find a way to look at porn could be magazines or not at home. Just let it go. You should start talking to you're son about sex and safety. Don't want to get some girl pregnant. And the other thing is that in porn most of the time you don't see the guy putting on a condom.
2014-11-24 23:26:28 UTC
Explain to him not to objectify women as sex objects, and watch out that he doesn't womanize objects as sex objects (i.e. - watch out for unusually stiff dirty socks).
2014-11-24 21:56:36 UTC
how come there aren't porn movies similar to tv shows or movies.

It would be so funny. Little Hoes on the Prairie, Forrest Humps, etc.
2014-11-24 20:46:35 UTC
Take the computer away and anything that is able to access the internet,such as sell phones,Ipads,and Ipod Touches. You can also call your internet provider and have them block those kind of sites. Also those sites can cause allot of viruses. Don't let him access the internet like at coffee places too. Good luck!
2014-11-24 19:19:54 UTC
Hes a 15 year old MALE child, of course he is gonna watch porn :I
2014-11-24 16:31:54 UTC
2014-11-24 14:51:03 UTC
Most 15 year old boys and girls watch porn. it is totally normal. just explain to him when he does decide to have have sex it won't be like porn. lastly tell him if he wants to watch porn to do it so you won't have to see him watching porn.
2014-11-24 11:23:50 UTC
You are a woman and too obsessed and blinded by your own perspective.

Porn does no more harm to boys as romance novels do to girls.
Alan H
2014-11-24 00:54:53 UTC
You could start by accepting that he is growing up.

What you view as porn, is curiosity to him!

Why not block the porn sites?

But accept that you cannot watch him all the time; talk to him as a young adult. telling him it upsets you. You need to learn to loosen the apron strings however painful it may be
2014-11-27 02:51:47 UTC
Help him with it
2014-11-26 20:57:23 UTC
Teen boys watch porn. They will do that. Unless he's watching child porn, you are an idiot.
2014-11-26 15:49:21 UTC
just let the poor kid watch his porn
2014-11-26 14:29:01 UTC
Here is what I say.

The first thing you should do is have a talk with your son. It has to be known that what he is watching is not actually real. Those are actors perverting a very special act that adults do. In fact if at all possible, try to find the documentaries of former porn stars and listen to what they have to say about it. They hated it, and for good reasons too.

My boyfriend, a recovering sex addict, said that he started earlier than 15, and the more secretive it is, the more chance of addiction there is. And from what I have seen, sex addiction is an extremely hard and personal addiction to kick. you can never quit cold turkey, despite what other people say.

A good, birds and the bees talk is also a good idea. I have read the other comments and one that said that a man should do it, is actually the better option. Schools these days try to introduce sex ed around highschool age, but by then, many girls have already been pregnant (unfortunately). It needs to be introduced earlier so the right information gets to them quicker.

Also, show an example of a healthy form of love. Porn is the complete opposite form of a healthy relationship, but if that is what your child sees more of than a healthy relationship, then he will go to what he knows best... the kind he finds in porn.
2014-11-26 05:54:29 UTC
Give him a space and let his father talk to him
2014-11-26 00:28:50 UTC
most kids start watching porn at 13 lmfao
2014-11-25 14:39:40 UTC
It isn't a big deal really.... So he watched porn? What does it matter? Every male teenager does
2014-11-25 12:58:18 UTC
Take away his electronics.
Slade Cutter Whips Quiet Riot
2014-11-25 11:56:40 UTC
Go old school. Real wrath of God stuff. Fire and brimstone. Hell is for masturbators and that sort of thing.
2014-11-25 10:27:15 UTC
Don't talk about it to him.That will be very embarrassing to him.He might not want to have sex in the future or will atleast have some self image deformity whenever he is involved in a relationship
2014-11-25 09:24:35 UTC
hes going to do it either way. take the opportunity to talk to him about sexuality, safe sex, abstinence, or the possible outcomes from sex such as STDs and babies.
Kayla Allen
2014-11-25 07:31:18 UTC
Truthfully and honestly, you can talk to him all you want. I firmly believe that unless he has his own convictions of believeing its wrong, he will continue to do so, even behind your back. All that you will do by repeatedly punishing him and condemning him for it will make him think he has to always keep it hidden and lie about it which will harm future relationships, because some girls don't mind porn but if hes always treated like a freak about it he will think hes a freak for looking at it. Porn addiction can also ruin relationships and your sexual drive with a real person, but for the most part hes normal
First name
2014-11-24 20:27:38 UTC
show him live action
2014-11-24 17:20:33 UTC
First he cant get a girl pregnant from watching pornography and also its completely normal to watch it for someone his age
2014-11-24 14:55:16 UTC
I'm 15 too and I believe that at our age its something that cant really be stopped without parental safetys on computers and tvs.
2014-11-24 14:54:06 UTC
He'll probably get bored with it after a while...
2014-11-24 08:52:36 UTC
2014-11-24 06:43:48 UTC
I like it how there are so many answers for this question :-)
2014-11-24 06:33:37 UTC
I'd acquire his / her computer system aside for a while. I'd additionally research a few of the consequences connected with porno, along with examine in which together with your pet to assist your pet realize why this individual shouldn't observe porno. I am aware for truth reports indicate that when persons take a look at porno the item brings about those to check out persons seeing that items, rather than persons.
Neil Heslin
2014-11-24 03:28:18 UTC
Take out shares in kleenex. You'll need them.
2014-11-26 10:14:33 UTC
Porn is really bad for you. It can ruin your sex life by giving you higher expectations than humanly possible. Porn videos are very airbrushed. They airbrush out veins and look for men with bigger penises. The porn stars are all very practiced and it can give a false impression of what average sex is like. It is also very addicting, even to the point for some people where they don't care if people see them looking at pictures or watching videos in public. I saw a man at Starbucks looking at his laptop and occasionally gasping. When I passed him I saw a picture of a woman losing her virginity, blood and all. The people and the tables near him all looked disgusted but he didn't mind at all. It is as addicting as drugs and the way to take it away is by putting safety filters on his laptop and keeping an eye on him. Possibly moving his computer into your room if it's a desktop, that way you can see when he uses it.
Joshua Bennet
2014-11-25 16:44:32 UTC
you should watch porn with him
2014-11-25 15:20:37 UTC
Accept that you have a teenage male. Kids watch porn. Point out that porn is faked crap to get off on and real relationships are not like that. But be realistic: kids are curious.
2014-11-25 14:49:22 UTC

Watch porn with him. Point out that his father is a douche for never doing double penetration on you with his bro
Sirr Parker
2014-11-25 13:37:56 UTC
Don't punish him. It's normal
2014-11-25 12:11:49 UTC
You should tell him to use an incognito window so no history can be seen by you. He will do it no matter what, i would know. He is better off doing it in his room than somewhere else. He needs to get the stuff out so he won't go nuts and start to do stuff he probably wouldn't do normally
Santi Poretti
2014-11-25 09:25:12 UTC
Its normal for a 15 year old to watch porn. In my opinion i feel that you should just let it happen. There is no way you can stop him. He could just as easily go to a friends house and watch it if he was that desperate. I do agree that porn is a misinterpretation of sex but at the same time it gives the guy an understanding of what goes on during sex. It is a very typical part of a teenager's life, and i feel that if you deprive him the right to watch porn, then you are depriving him of making experiences and living out on his own. If you want him to mature, then he has to mature by himself. You will mess up in life and make mistakes, but its part of the experience.
2014-11-25 05:06:35 UTC
I was once a porn addict. It's not for everyone, but I managed to get free by 're-directing' my mind and activities at the point of temptation. Punishment won't work and may be hypocritical if youre the one paying for the internet connection. By proxy, you are an enabler. Internet filters don't work, you're gonna have to unplug if you don't want it in the house. Get local help, as much as you can. You want to stop this before it becomes an embedded habit. Above all else, remember, in terms of reproductive capabilities, he is now an adult and the brunt of the consequences of engaging in porn, and there are many, will be borne by him in the long rum.
2014-11-24 19:56:32 UTC
Try laughing at your irrational actions and dogmatic views for a while

That's what I'm doing
Zomgcb Dfnsdfnsjfndj
2014-11-24 16:46:22 UTC
It is good for him don't be bad parents.
2014-11-24 15:14:27 UTC
Get your own firewall, and block any traffic from those sites.
2014-11-24 13:01:08 UTC
Do not let him use a computer or access internet without your direct supervision.
2014-11-24 12:24:49 UTC
It says in the bible to be fruitful and multiply - He may be practising for the big event.

Its difficult to prevent this from happening in this day and age. He will be learning all about sex from the porn that he is watching - better that you help him in his learn by explaining about it more correctly, if you can.
2014-11-24 08:38:04 UTC
You should be able to block the computer from accessing adult websites. However, since he's 15 - he's probably in high school and has friends. More than likely, he'll watch porn at a buddy's house. Just think of all the things you did when you were 15 years old and you figured your parents will never find out - it's a continuing trend. The best you can do is teach him so that he can make good decisions, even when you're not there.
2014-11-24 07:51:22 UTC
I hate how people are like " Totally normal, don't punish him for it! "

Are you kidding me? don't you guys find it a bit sad that in a world like this it's okay for 15 year old boys to be looking at naked girls and boys doing what's suppose to be private!?

Do you realize that this used to be illegal? I swear, one day walking naked all over the street is going to be okay, and ' normal ' . Why wouldn't it be? It went from long dresses and dignity to shorter, and shorter, and shorter, and now look at where we are.


No, that's not okay! AT ALL.

It's not ' curiosity ' , it's pleasurable to them and that's disgusting.

It's never okay to watch porn. Never.

It makes me sad where we are today. I can't believe no one thinks that this is wrong.

You're right for punishing him. Take away his internet for a week or two. And then talk to him. Explain to him all the reasons why this is sick and absurd and not acceptable.
2014-11-24 05:15:17 UTC
Please dont punished him because he is now 15 year old and there there is no issue that he is watching porn video. you just need consult with him and tell him very politely, its wrong it distract to your mind. This is not your age to see that type if video.
2014-11-24 04:06:30 UTC
you should help him making realization.
2014-11-24 03:02:44 UTC
As long as it is hetero porn, I'd be relieved if I were you.
2014-11-24 00:59:18 UTC
2014-11-23 23:48:33 UTC
He's 15

It's what he does

What's wrong with it anyway?
2014-11-27 07:43:30 UTC
Have you ever considered just WHY he watches porn. Its just out of curiosity, and that the subject has always been given a 'taboo' status, that makes a kid wonder what all the fuss must be about.

He wants to know, and he queries wether all the other watches can be wrong. If its all 'normal' then he wants to know why all the secrecy'. I too wondered all this as a kid, and I still think that if it had been presented as being as normal and as honest as cleaning your teeth, then the furtive attitude of an interest in porn would not exist.

So don't punish him for be curious. satisfy his curiosity with your own honesty (if you can). By removing the cause, you will remove the problem.
2014-11-26 18:33:13 UTC
use the whip
2014-11-26 18:02:52 UTC
Teach him the proper way to treat women, as in porn it's usually pretty horrifically and totally unrealistic, I watched porn since aged 13 and I'm now 18, and I treat my girlfriend like a princess, it NEVER had any bad side effects or implications for me so just leave him to it seriously.
2014-11-26 11:56:20 UTC
I wish I has access to porn when I was a kid. I used to have wet dreams every single night. I used to put a sandwich bag down there with an elastic around it, that's how bad It was and I am not lying, kidding or joking.

That said, his father needs to have a life talk with him.

What is good is that he is not out there having sex with the girls yet and getting them pregnant. So masturbation can be a great thing.

Good luck to you and your family.
2014-11-26 08:13:00 UTC
Do nothing he is 15!! Every teen watches porn! let him be, but explain to him that it is fantasy and might not always play out like it does in the movies. Well maybe not for him lol.
2014-11-25 21:13:12 UTC
He is 15 which means he is going to keep doing it unless you take all technology away from him. Teen age boys are horny. Sorry to be so blunt, but it's true. They are raging with hormones. So short of cutting off his testicles there really isn't much you can do.
2014-11-25 16:50:03 UTC
Its normal to watch porn at that age. Just tell him to use protection
2014-11-25 16:22:36 UTC
It's inevitable for boys to not watch porn.
2014-11-25 12:44:10 UTC
Kids do that
2014-11-25 10:15:31 UTC
Take away his cell phone for 6 months. (period) This will cure him forever.
2014-11-25 06:08:55 UTC
Don't go against the tide, go with it and surf.
2014-11-25 00:56:21 UTC
Leave him alone! You are depriving him of releasing tension, and you are embarrassing him. No one deserves to be punished for having a spark of desire in him. It is completely normal for both males and females. By depriving him you are going to make him stress out and he might turn into a pervert. Leave him to his business, and never bring it up again! If he doesn't stimulate himself he will be having wet dreams in order to release his seamen. I am pretty sure you don't want to be cleaning those sheets.
Guitar Strummer
2014-11-24 22:16:31 UTC
If it was wrong of him to watch it the first time, then he has disobeyed you and needs to be punished again. Children need to be corrected when they do wrong- the first time, the second time and so on. I would, however, tell you that boys and men are geared to look. Porn is very appealing and very seductive to us. I've had problems with porn myself... I was introduced to porn when I was ten years old and have struggled with it ever since. It was only when I became a Christian that I began winning the battle and getting rid of the magazines. But unfortunately times have changed and porn is everywhere - on the internet, in advertisements on the side bars of your email, in the grocery store at the check out line. It's everywhere. I would get a Godly man in my son's life if I were you - a mentor. Maybe more than one. A man who can give your son guidance and pray with him about this very dangerous sin. Pornography has destroyed many lives, so help your son now before it's too late.
2014-11-24 17:57:14 UTC
listen dont torture him with a talk or anything. porn and masturbation is normal. Just go on with youre lives and if you catch him ignore him its gonna happen. you just gotta let him be normal. hes not the only 15 yo doing it you cant stop him hes gonna find a way its the way boys are.
2014-11-24 12:19:32 UTC
dumb *****
2014-11-24 07:50:11 UTC
A friend of mine dad had him smoke a pack of cigarette after he was cought smoking . maybe you should let him watch porn untill he pukes. I don't know. Ask Dr Phill.
2014-11-24 02:18:02 UTC
can you delete any sexual statements from computer pertaining to sex
2014-11-23 22:32:54 UTC
I think if you are in ISIS you have to cut off his hands, and maybe one of yours? If not, grab a deep breath. How did you punish him the first time? Poison Ivey on the right hand usually works. There are a lot of ways to censor porn from your home network. Just use them. Any male that age is going to be curious if he has unsupervised access. I am not sure if you are male or female, but sometime you have to have the sex talk, and explain the difference between two humans making love and two humans making a porno. You are responsible for teaching him boundaries.
2014-11-23 21:59:18 UTC
make him watch it with his would be so akward that he would never do it again
Francis R
2014-11-23 20:25:52 UTC
what does one thing have to do with the other- has anyone thought of that?
2014-11-27 09:57:46 UTC
Tell him that he can make his own choices in life, just let him know why you don't approve. It is perfectly normal for adolescents who are under the age of consent to masturbate. Not only is it actually healthy, it also helps to control hormones. At the end of the day it is his life so he should be able to decide what is good for himself, furthermore, how else would you want him to get rid of his hormonal sex drive? Being a teen parent is a lot worse than watching porn by any sane person's standards.
2014-11-26 21:53:40 UTC
parental control lady!
2014-11-26 18:23:40 UTC
Take away his electronics until he learns better. That is nasty
2014-11-26 15:16:11 UTC
Haaha i think that is very cute hehe :) btw if ur son is hella swag we can hook up for some selfies only if he has a seven pack tho =) because i do not like guys who are not hella jacked btw plz answa my question and i will giv u my snapchat haha lol
2014-11-26 05:47:13 UTC
He MIGHT be getting a little too old for spankings...esp if he likes them.
Alright alright alright
2014-11-25 22:25:51 UTC
seriously you cant keep the eagerness to watch porn i was watching it at 14 and have been now im 25! i would know as a master porn watcher you have to TAKE IT AWAY he cant do it himself.Moderate the computer put software take off porn now!
2014-11-25 20:37:31 UTC
Education is key! This shouldn't be the time you punish him and teach him that his sexual urges are wrong what you need to be doing is teaching him the right way to respond to it. You need to have the talk now. What porn really is, pull up a website and how common it is for these women to be carrying STD's or how many of them contract HIV. Or really how degrading it is for these people. You also don't want to just put it in his head that sex is wrong because no matter what you do we all know sex is a part of life you need to stop the addition to porn now while you have a chance and teach him the responsible way to have a relationship with someone you don't him growing up sneaking around with the porn because he wasn't taught and ending up with an unhappy marriage because you failed to teach him right and wrong. And yes I say failed because really that's what the world has come too either we ignore it or you try to push it away and not let him see it for what it is. Something that shouldn't be glorified, let him know about everything there is to know about sex. Don't punish him teach him
2014-11-25 15:15:24 UTC
Don't punish him for having a normal sexual desire, because this can cause him to have sexual hangups later on in his adult life. Teach him that sexuality and sexual desire is normal. It is not dirty, but that it is natural and necessary for the continued propagation of the human species. Teach him that some people make sex dirty by exploiting weak, desperate and confused women and children to make money.

Teach him that the proper place for sex is between a man and a woman who are married, faithful and monogamous.

Understanding and education is the key, not punishment.

If you are a female, you are the wrong person to be disciplining your son and teaching your son about sexuality. You need to have a man who is his father figure to give him proper guidance. He needs the influence of a strong male father figure so he can grow up to be a healthy and normal adult male.
2014-11-24 23:15:22 UTC
If it's a family computer block the sites. You can also set a certain age range for sites if I'm not mistaken. But, if it is their personal computer maybe confiscate it for a bit... if it becomes a reoccurring thing explain the laws to them. That by accessing the site they are blatantly lying about their age and should the government catch them they'll have to suffer the consequences of it.

However, tread carefully because if you are too... overbaring about it they'll likely keep at it but be more secretive with you in the future. As someone suggested it'd be better if a male figure helps address it. A father, uncle... probably shouldn't be a grandpa unless they're super close... maybe a family friend if there isn't a father who could do that. Basically, any older male that he is close to would be best... I'd say older by at least 10 years, should discuss the matter with him.
2014-11-24 19:36:40 UTC
Watch your self.
2014-11-24 17:26:25 UTC
Let him watch it?!
2014-11-24 15:25:28 UTC
I think it is okay. Almost every guy I know at that age has done it. Just let him be and be glad you didm't walk in on him for yank'n his crank.
Van Herman
2014-11-24 14:38:11 UTC
get this man a hooker.
2014-11-24 13:28:34 UTC
You should get parental controls but at 15, I was a porn addict!
2014-11-24 12:08:31 UTC
let him watch some more.
2014-11-24 11:47:35 UTC
Don't be such a sex nazi, sit down with your son and have a serious open minded discussion about sex and relationships. It is time.
The Duke
2014-11-24 09:23:42 UTC
What did you do when your boy did something after receiving punishment when he was little-say lied after being punished for lying? Hopefully, you punished him again. Same thing here. You probably also ought to have a talk with him about porn, as it can become an addictive behavior more so than lying or being disobedient and addictive behaviors need a slightly different approach to extinguish.

I'd punish and then have a talk with him. I'd also talk with him several times afterward about respecting females, sex, obedience, your objections to porn, etc. Also, understand he's a boy and is probably curious about sex-as such porn shouldn't be his teacher- so be understanding in whatever you do.


school psychologist and father of 2 boys
2014-11-24 05:54:53 UTC
beat on his hand.
2014-11-24 04:10:20 UTC
He's 15! I have had three sons of that age and they all watched porn.......when my brothers were young it was dirty granddad....looked at dirty postcards or "Watch the Butler Saw" machines.

It's a phase.....his hormones are in overdrive.....this is a safe way of dealing with them.....better than going out and trying to get sex from young girls


Ask his dad if he ever watched it or bought dirty magazines? Bet he did.

Lighten boys grew up fine....Ignore it.


Ma and grandma
2014-11-23 21:56:32 UTC
Is it really so bad for him to watch porn?
2014-11-26 11:58:11 UTC
I have two sons, they are now grown. No need to get all bent out of shape over this, and start throwing the law at him, and how he's going to jail. He's a 15 year old boy, for pete's sake. This is NOT abnormal behavior. He's CURIOUS. Maybe dad should sit down with him and explain the difference between falling in love and making love, and porn and just having sex for the sake of having sex. This is no big deal, or life threatening event. Relax mom. It will be fine.
2014-11-26 08:47:36 UTC
If you feel that your child needs some restraint beyond what you can accomplish through conversation or house rules, you can put a filter on whatever devices the child uses. There are programs for computers and apps for smart phones that do a reasonably good job of blocking sexually explicit material without blocking appropriate sites. These programs are not perfect and they are not for every child but they can help a child control his or her impulses. If you use such a program, it’s best to discuss it with your child so he knows why it’s there. You should also consider removing the software or lessening its restrictions as your child shows signs of self-control.

To prevent accidental exposure, consider configuring your search engine for “Safe search.” You can do that within Google, but as easier option is to use Child Safe Search page that’s powered by Google. Yahoo also has a safe search setting as does Microsoft’s Bing.

Of course there are ways around filters (including using a different device — porn can be viewed on any Internet connected device including game consoles, phones, tablets and even an iPod Touch) and ultimately your child will reach an age where you have no ability to control what they do, so remember that the best filter isn’t the one that runs on a device, but the one that runs on the computer inside the child’s head.

recognize that conversations like this are part of parenting. Difficult as they are, they can ultimately be good for your children and your relationship with them.

BTW: If you punish him he'll only do it over again. He's 15. He's a curious teenager.
2014-11-26 08:09:17 UTC
dont punish him where do you draw the line my brother watched porn at age 15 but my mum did not punish him she told him off saying dont watch it until your older but dont punish a kid for watching something that boys who are all watching it these days its a part of life it doesnt mean he is going to go out and geta girl pregnant at his age age boys at his age with play now more with their bobby dangler than ever before ive come down stair in the middle of the night to catch my 15 year old brother with his troussers down and maybe watching porn but it is nothing to be ashamed about it
2014-11-25 23:51:56 UTC
okay? Everyone I knew that was fifteen watched porn. That is just what they do. They are gonna do it. That is just what they do. Just block them, but he might find it some other way.
2014-11-25 19:02:22 UTC
He's 15, leave him alone.
2014-11-25 16:01:07 UTC
Take the computer privileges from him. There are ways to set the TV and computer to NOT go to certain channels or sites.
2014-11-25 15:04:24 UTC
let him be he's a teenage boy its totally normal, and the reason it is prohibited for people of under the age of 18 to watch porn is so that just in case they haven't hit that part of puberty yet, they should't be seeing those things because they won't understand and it'll confuse them, but if he already hit that stage its ok
Bobby Smith
2014-11-25 09:20:31 UTC
Give him a high five from me and a pat on the back, hes my hero! :D
2014-11-25 05:22:43 UTC
kill him
2014-11-25 00:10:54 UTC
It's good you tried to stop him. Talking to him about how immodest it is and that not all sexual things are good. Being a male teenage heterosexual boy is no excuse for perverted behaviour. After the talk go on the computer and block whatever you can.
2014-11-24 23:04:22 UTC
Put child locks on. Talk to him about how you understand the changes hes going through and feeling. Have his father make sure hes being clean and safe. I dont think you should punish him for giving in to natural urges. It sends a bad signal to a child, it tells them they are wrong or strange for doing it. Hes a perfectly normal healthy teenage boy, and you should remember that when it comes to these situations.

Best of luck.
2014-11-24 20:03:06 UTC
How did he get it? If its your internet access, you pay the Bill$, $o you can choo$e what get$ viewed in the hou$e that you pay the Bill$ on....

He has been doing it long before you caught on love, and it will be something he does in the future whether you like it or not. doesnt mean its bad, it means he is taking care of his needs, much like eating or sleeping or drinking water. I know females dont understand this, I didnt for a long time luv, I am a female. But he will continue to do this. You didnt give explanation, as in what he was being punished for. But porn is something that young men have been trying to access, accessing, and watching whether we like it or not. It means nothing more than a "cleaning of the pipes" or some simple and fast entertainment, and some discovery of what he likes as a young man, that will stay with him as he grows into an adult man. Think about when you were a teenager, what you liked then, in Men, and music and food, etc. Ok well our tastes in food change... but our tastes in men or music or our political views etc havent changed much into adulthood. It doesnt mean he is going to become bad in any way. In fact if you have discussions with him that may start out as indirect, he will get your hints. After all, he is your son and a part of you, so he knows what you have taught him through the years... So he remembers that. If you become more approachable, although subtle, he will come around and open up to you more... I know its uncomfortable, but dont let your discomfort put distance between you and your son. He wants that closeness with you, but doesnt know how to do it... he is a teen after all. Good luck love, the answer will come to you when you least expect it, and it will be a simple one. It always is, to our amazement as humans... Good luck!
2014-11-24 18:51:44 UTC
Is he black? Because my answer depends on whether or not you'll get charged with domestic violence.
2014-11-24 13:26:02 UTC
It's a normal thing for 15 year old boys to be doing. Leave him to it. It's not getting anyone pregnant and it's not giving him STDs. Everyone is safe and there isn't really anything to worry about. Just be sure to explain how sex goes and make sure he doesn't see women as sex objects.
2014-11-24 12:33:38 UTC
You cannot prevent a 15 year old boy from masturbating. He is going to find a way to watch pornography one way or another. It is completely normal for someone his age because of hormones. Punishing him just embarrasses him. You cannot stop it or do anything about it.
2014-11-24 12:28:30 UTC
i personally think its normal. hes curious
2014-11-24 09:58:06 UTC
It depends on how you punished you son. I would set on the computer boundaries for him. This includes facebook.

There are pedophiles in cyberspace land.

Keep the lines of communication open.

Nowadays, kids are curious about their and other people bodies.

But, do set boundaries when looking at porn or anything else on the internet.

Have the parental controls on the computers. It is your house and your rules. Especially if you are paying for the internet service.
2014-11-24 00:42:07 UTC
Just tell him the reason Porn is a bad-thing is because it's making a Sex-Object out of a Human-Being.

When a Human-Being is created in God's image and likeness and with his dignity. Just ask him would he like it if someone made a sex-object out of him!
2014-11-24 00:01:28 UTC
Well first off this is perfectly normal. Personally I wouldn't mention the fact that you caught him. That would only embarrass you and him, and you or he would not benefit from it. I would just have a talk to him about the birds and the bees. Don't get to specific unless he wants to hear about it. Just tell him that your there for him if he has questions, and that what he's going through is perfectly normal for a teenager.
2014-11-23 18:59:50 UTC
Im 16 been watching porn since like 6th grade lol
2014-11-26 07:08:28 UTC
Sarah Ileyas
2014-11-26 02:18:36 UTC
I would rather have my son watching porn than making girls outside pregnant and having meaningless sex with people where its possible he could catch diseases. I mean of course until he's old enough to make those decisions by himself. Then its his own concern.
2014-11-26 00:46:45 UTC
Let me just say that it's normal for your son to have these urges and I don't suggest demonizing him for it. Because that will rub him the wrong way. You should simply just tell him it's normal, but also should be done in private time.
2014-11-25 22:09:53 UTC
Actually is a normally matter but should not hit him at first u should say about it bad site.
2014-11-25 13:13:07 UTC
80% of teenagers watch porn and im 1 of them
2014-11-25 11:54:15 UTC
I think you should never shame him. That will be bad. What kind of porn is it? If it's not too crazy, maybe it's ok. Would it be something you'd be worried about an adult watching? If not, maybe it's ok. But you want to make sure he's not getting lost in it, and still has a social life and is getting out and about.
2014-11-25 07:17:12 UTC
We are living in a new age. When I was a teen, such material was not readily available. The best I could find was a Playboy magazine (at that time they only showed the breasts).

The danger here is porn addiction. By connecting porn to his personal sex gratification, he may need to have it in order to "get off" the rest of his life.

You cannot "punish" the desire to see this material out of teen boys. They are visual. I suggest you talk with him. Let him know jerking off is cool. Suggest he tone it down. Maybe give him a subscription to Penthouse, Playboy or Hustler.
2014-11-25 06:37:33 UTC
It's normal. Talk to him about it with his dad. Don't be one of those moms who ruins her son's sexuality.
2014-11-25 01:53:01 UTC
that's normal behavior for a 15 year old boy get a grip a you sad act *******
2014-11-25 00:28:52 UTC
let him doing he will get the understanding of how this thing works
2014-11-24 19:04:33 UTC
2014-11-24 17:56:59 UTC
Don't punish him.. if you are worried you should have your husband or a close male family member sit down and talk to him. He's 15 and probably knows more than you think he does and he shouldn't be punished for something that just comes natural. If you don't want him to watch porn then block certain content. But like I said, he's 15 and he's got hormones. He shouldn't be punished for something the body and mind do naturally.
2014-11-24 15:10:23 UTC
Have him listen to Section 80 by Kendrick Lamar. This is my solution for everything.
2014-11-24 15:00:13 UTC
turn wifi off
2014-11-24 13:56:59 UTC
just let him watch his damn porn and pretend you dont know.
2014-11-24 13:04:01 UTC
Show him how to get the *** stains out of his laundry!
Some A-hole
2014-11-24 09:56:40 UTC
Lol, who cares? Every boy watches porn... and most girls. Pretty much everyone has watched or is watching porn. I don't understand why any punishment was administered.
2014-11-24 08:43:16 UTC
Get Avast free antivirus...
2014-11-24 07:58:56 UTC
Is by any chance his name Harrison because then I might know him
2014-11-23 19:02:21 UTC
Look it is normal for a teenage boy to look at porn. All young boys do. Do not punish him for it. Instead explain to him why it is wrong and how sex should really be. Maybe he just needs that talk.
2014-11-26 16:01:16 UTC
Nothing, it is hormones
2014-11-25 18:36:54 UTC
Let him jack off in piece! 15 years old? Surprise! He jerks off. I started at 11!
2014-11-25 17:14:05 UTC
If hes watching it openly and doing things he shouldnt, then I say punish him, but if he is watching it when hes home alone are no one is around then dont worry about it , let him be. In todays time 15 year olds are doing wayy more than just watching porn.
2014-11-25 15:50:45 UTC
Go down on your knees and pray and ask God to deliver him from this sin.
2014-11-25 14:59:42 UTC
Leave him alone and don't worry about it. What he's doing is completely normal (and more common than NOT doing that), and you not only confronting him about but it then making him feel worse is both invasive and subversive of you.
2014-11-25 12:29:54 UTC
there is nothing wrong in watching porn at this age. don't worry. nothing will happen.
2014-11-25 11:37:41 UTC
Once THAT door is opened, you will NEVER be able to close it!
2014-11-25 09:05:15 UTC
whats wrong with 15 year olds watching porn-can you give me rational reason other than some silly religious fears?i started watching porn since 13 and it didnt make me a bad is actually good for your health,almost every guy in this world watches porn
2014-11-25 08:19:46 UTC
let him watch it. he's gotta do what he's gotta do.
2014-11-24 21:28:05 UTC
I was 15, too. He can't help it. When you are a young teenager with hormones everywhere, you cannot stop thinking about sex and anything that involves sex will get his attention.
Groove doctor
2014-11-24 16:59:32 UTC
I don't think there were any other 15 years old when I was that age that didn't look at porn. Sure there are some bad values and expectations gleaned from porn, but it's the sex that's the thing of interest. And what's wrong with that? In England, 16 is the age of consent, so is it so wrong that someone hormonally preparing be curious about something completely natural to them?
2014-11-24 16:35:29 UTC
or maybe you caught him for the first time watching porn? don't see how that is connected to you punishing him.
2014-11-24 12:34:34 UTC
Do not shame him. Punishment is not the way to go. This is a very delicate thing. It's his business. Punishing him for something that is usually a normal teenage urge and curiosity can lead to severe, permanent, psychological issues later in life. And if you want grandkids, I suggest you avoid that.

You can take away his computer and internet abilities. Were he 18 or older I'd say to leave him be and pretend you know nothing about it, but for a 15 year old it's ILLEGAL, and people don't seem to get that if the comments are any indication. This does not mean you should shame him by saying "Hey you watched filth, deal with the consequences" because that makes you one heck of a nasty, foolish person. This can get the parents in trouble. You need to explain to him that it's illegal, and provided he stays within the law you don't care what he does in his private time(because it's absolutely none of your business regardless of his age, I don't care what kind of parental complex/feelings/rights you think you have)...and besides, it's actually GOOD for you to have sex/masturbate....or would you prefer him going out and having sex with random teenage girls instead? Because trust me, it'll happen and you can't really stop it unless you chain him up in the basement and never let him leave. lol
2014-11-24 12:04:21 UTC
Stop punishing him for something so normal and petty.
2014-11-24 08:20:16 UTC
You need to be more strict because if you don't his life will get worse. He's going to turn into a bad adult.
2014-11-24 07:07:16 UTC
Don't punish him! Explain to him that it's not an arbitrary rule and the harms porn causes. The actresses are exploited and reduced to their sexual appeal which causes lots of issues for them personally. Sex trafficking is heavily ingrained in the porn industry. It detracts from real intimate relationships. It creates unrealistic expectations for what women "should" do sexually. It has addictive properties. It reinforces fantasy over reality and the lines are often blurred; it also encourages casual sex which can be detrimental in many ways. Then you can explain to him what sex *should be*. It should be loving, intimate, exclusive, etc. etc. Whether you agree with their religious stance or not, xxxchurch is an organization that has a lot of resources for people looking to get away from porn. I'd look into it.
2014-11-24 04:38:51 UTC
Instead of punishing him you should have spoken to him like a young man and not reacted like he was a child. His hormones are out of control at his age and he needs guidance not punishment. Whatever were you thinking of ?

You should take this opportunity to talk to him about his feelings and reassure him that he is perfectly normal and natural but porn is not real and could give him the wrong message about sex, love and affection.

Of course you are shocked, he is still your little boy but look at him again and you will see that he is developing into a young man with all the problems and insecurities that brings.

Be nice, be kind be understanding and if you do not let him feel comfortable at this stage in his life talking to you then do not be angry when he falls in love and doesn't have you to talk to then.
2014-11-24 04:16:27 UTC
I doubt it's actually the first time. He probably just made it obvious because he was frustrated at the time.
2014-11-24 03:53:10 UTC
watching porn is normal and it is part of growing too.
2014-11-23 17:02:41 UTC
i frequent the act of jerking off
2014-11-27 02:41:44 UTC
Let the poor boy fap.
2014-11-26 21:07:04 UTC
2014-11-26 17:30:19 UTC
Its normal for teenagers to watch porn, personally I believe there's nothing wrong. I think what's important is to teach him what's morally right and/or wrong about sex like consent and stuff? And maybe the sex talk too if he doesn't know?
2014-11-26 11:56:39 UTC
Don't let pornography ruin the kid. It's not real it's entertainment and in no way reflects real world. People can do as they want once they are adults. But exposing very young minds to it is dangerous.
2014-11-26 04:43:15 UTC
Tell him about its effect.
gwyn g
2014-11-26 04:20:46 UTC
sit down beside him and start criticising the action, there is nothing more embarrassing for a teenager than to realise that their parents are sexual beings too
2014-11-25 13:45:22 UTC
look every kid now watches porn and you cant really do nothing about it because if you take all his electronics away he probably still remembers what he watched this is because kids have a good sense of memory so he will still think about it. my suggestion is to let him watch porn because if you do/watch something for a while you will eventually get tired of it and you will move on. listen i know it may sound stupid but trust me i have 1 son and 1 daughter that both use to watch porn and i caught them both i hid it from their farther the first time but i caught them again but i said you can watch *** many videos as you want but in a week of me telling them that they got tired of watching it because it was the same old same old. now they dont even watch itor think about it, but old habits do come back later in life.
2014-11-25 09:47:54 UTC
give him a *******
Matthew T
2014-11-25 07:54:05 UTC
If there was internet porn when I was fifteen, I would totally have been watching it, for sure. I'm glad there wasn't, because I grew up with a somewhat more normal sense of human relationships. If it were me in this position, I would try not to punish him,. but rather to talk to him about the damage pornography does to the relationships you haven't even had yet. to one's world view, etc.
2014-11-24 18:33:52 UTC
it is normal
2014-11-24 18:31:08 UTC
Whats wrong with that? He is not going to be possessed by it. Sure it may be unhealthy to watch it all the time but it is natural for the kid to watch it once in his lifetime.
2014-11-24 18:13:03 UTC
install avira antivirus use its parantal control to monitor your kids internet activity
2014-11-24 15:36:18 UTC
Stop spying on your son and give him some privacy maybe.

Everyone watches porn.
Ruth Dizo
2014-11-24 14:03:12 UTC
i think u should let him watch and talk to him said son porn is not for kids even u are not kid it not that am calling u kid but u shouldn't watching porn when i toll u to not and i think he she understand that
2014-11-24 10:29:23 UTC
So maybe he's a little lonely, you should support him because thats what mothers do... Maybe watch it with him once in a while, be open-minded...
2014-11-24 09:04:36 UTC
He's 15. probably a freshmen in high school.its normal all boys go through this phase.its better to let him watch it on his phone ipad or whatever he is using. instead of Blocking the sites or punishing him. its a natural thing.if you block the sites chances are hes going to go watch it somewhere else.or even go find a girl and you know.... its better to have your kid home watching porn and jacking off in his room, then going out and having sex with a girl that might have aids or something or might get pregnant.
2014-11-24 06:34:44 UTC
2014-11-23 21:42:47 UTC
Don't punish him...he's curious, it's all part of growing up. Just accept it. Oh, and KNOCK before you go in his room.
2014-11-23 19:13:56 UTC
You went about it the wrong way. To punish for watching sex at that age makes it look nasty and wrong. If your son turns out to be a weirdo it is your fault.
2014-11-23 16:11:28 UTC
get him a girlfriend.
2014-11-26 00:12:56 UTC
Maybe block porn sites on his computer and teach him good manner not punish him. Cos' he will rebel you.
2014-11-25 14:59:49 UTC
Turn yourself into the police. Child abuse is illegal in the US. If its not self defense it is illegal it does not matter what it is. Unacceptable.
Giorgi Pkhakadze
2014-11-25 08:40:30 UTC
I'd rather have son watch porn and masturbate to it rather have him get someone pregnant
debby h
2014-11-25 08:30:33 UTC
Make sure porn is blocked on your computer. His computer time should be limited & supervised. Good Luck. All boys big or small like looking at porn!
2014-11-25 07:03:21 UTC
Dude, the majority of teens watch/read porn, (myself included when it comes to reading it), why are you punishing him for responding to his natural biological urges? Sex is everywhere, on ads, in the movies, in songs. What do you think fifteen-year-old boys talk about with eachother? Sex, sex ,sex. It's not fair to him for you to restrict it, that's censorship, and he is going to get hold of it one way or the other, whether it is video porn, or the dusty play boy magazines under his dad's bed. It's also probably not the first time he's watched it.

Sure video porn doesn't have a realistic representation of sex, but you're not going to be able to stop it one way or another. Just educate him on how it really is, and it what it means between two people. You can also tell him how harmful the industry is to women. That's why I like when people write it. It usually has a story building up to it.

Also how did you punish him? You should be reasoning with him. Fifteen is old enough to think. My mom is always fair and honest with me. As a result we've always had trust. I've never done drugs, smoked, slept around, torrented, gotten bad grades, gone out drinking, etc. I

When you restrict things it doesn't create a more responsible teen, it creates a more secretive teen.
2014-11-25 01:21:26 UTC
Is not this normal ?
2014-11-25 00:44:29 UTC
2014-11-24 19:04:30 UTC
Every normal teenager has hormones, and with porn found everywhere (especially if you have an expansive view of what is porn), the best is to tell him about the difference between ethical porn and exploitative porn, and that at his age, school should come first. But if you freak out and throw bibles at him, you'll just alienate him.
2014-11-24 18:59:46 UTC
I say let him watch it its natural
2014-11-24 18:27:26 UTC
Honestly, What can you do? Now day's there is no stopping kids from viewing porn. Phones, tablets, computers, tv, video games, etc.Yes his hormones are going crazy right now because at his age i had multiple sexual partners and still masturbated morning and night. It's a natural thing, last thing you want is a sexually frustrated teenager. Sexual frustration leads a person to do stupid things! Better to have him masturbate than inpregnate! lol sorry its not funny but it kind of is!
2014-11-24 15:40:34 UTC
Make a homemade porno and force him to watch it... he will never watch porn again.

Your Welcome :-)
2014-11-24 11:36:38 UTC
See if you can find a Church that offers the OWL (Our Whole Lives) curriculum. It's sex ed tailored to teens and pre teens. Also suggest leaving him alone, it is what it is and so far as quelling desire that's probably a good thing. I would say that you need to discuss things like exploitation and human trafficking but if you aren't comfortable than seek out an OWL class for him.
2014-11-24 07:11:56 UTC
what did you did you punish him for?

just use parental controls on your electronic devices.

2014-11-24 06:10:45 UTC
2014-11-24 03:11:21 UTC
pants down spankings always cure porn lust after about 1oo whacks or so with a solid wood paddle ...And make sure its in front of the neighbors too ,very effective .I'm proof how well it works!
2014-11-24 02:40:18 UTC
Why would you kill natural couriosity? It seems to me that a lot more conversation and sexual education is required. First and foremost youngsters need to understand what pornography is, why it is produced, for whom and the commercial and exploitative mechanisms, because the worst damage young people can receive from watchig porn is an influence on their sex life. They may confuse porn with sex and need to learn the important difference!
2014-11-23 22:40:27 UTC
Is that something that needs punishing? I was all over those sites when I was 15. I think everyone is.
2014-11-23 21:21:26 UTC
I took a different approach, when my son was that age, I was a single parent raising 2 kids with no help from the father.

TEENAGE BOYS ARE ALWAYS HORNEY! You either let him release in the privacy of his own home? OR risk that fact that he could go and knock up some girl...

I took the less of two evils. I did not allow video, or audio, he could not go on a computer at all! That was all blocked - Cable was all blocked! But I did allow him to have 1 soft porn book to be hidden in a lockbox that I purchased for him to be in his room, and not to be taken from his room. I also instructed him on how to do his own laundry. And the upstairs were off limits to anyone, besides us three.

I also had him speak with my brother on how to take care of the after mess, and how to control yourself and how to care for your personal health and hygiene.

For us it worked, from that moment I never had an issue. He is now 27 years old, with no children yet, and not a porn freak. But respectful, wonderful man to his girlfriend of 2 years.
2014-11-23 17:39:07 UTC
Damn Christians.
2014-11-23 15:32:09 UTC
well im only 14 but wat u should do is to just let him its wat boys do when their happy or in a bad mood even tho u might feel wierd its part of life... my friends do tht nd yes i do feel kinda wierd but i go with , i say its normal
2014-11-27 04:20:09 UTC
In the caveman days he may already have a wife and children, it is natural, it is just the modern world that restricts shagging for the young. Do animals stop shagging until they are old enough, Zi do not think so.
2014-11-26 12:59:15 UTC
Please show him this video on youtube : Why I stopped watching porn | Ran Gavrieli | TEDxJaffa
2014-11-25 18:46:45 UTC
Make him take the garbage out for one month - no seriously

most of us did it . It's not the end of the world. Where is the Father ?
2014-11-25 14:15:18 UTC
I dont think a kids should be punished for watching porn. Porn isnt necessarily a bad thing. Whats bad is watching bad porn because he may get the idea that what he sees is how men are women should behave towards each other. Then when he is involved with an actual person he will be shocked that its not the way things work. Watching porn can cause all kinds of issues from him feeling inadequate because he isnt as well endowed as the men he sees on tv or that women's orgasms aren't important.
2014-11-25 12:30:59 UTC
Buy him condoms to celebrate.!
2014-11-25 11:00:07 UTC
Take him in to be neutered ........ ESPECIALLY if he`s BLACK !!
2014-11-25 08:30:23 UTC
2014-11-25 03:59:02 UTC
Encourage him to get a girlfriend. He won't want to look at porn anymore if he can experience sex for real.
2014-11-25 00:39:31 UTC
you punished him by making him watch porn?
2014-11-24 22:29:45 UTC
There is really no escape from porn, because even if you succeed in stopping your son surfing the web for porn, he'll find it elsewhere.

Porn is very much a part of human history.

My partner and me visited the city of Pompeii a couple of year ago and it is crammed full of Roman porn.

You may find this very hard to accept, but most people are entirely unaware of the fact that it is porn which actually pays for the Internet. Knock down a single porn site and within minutes several more will spring up.

The more we know about porn the less we understand.

London UK
2014-11-24 16:47:46 UTC
Seriously... you gonna destroy him if you force him to stop watching porn. It's normal for a teen to watch porn. You can't stop them
2014-11-24 12:15:27 UTC
If you suppress something like this, it will only fester and get worse. Let it breathe and run its course, it'll self-regulate and end up healthy. Repression is the worst course of action.
2014-11-24 11:39:54 UTC
Some other activity like sports is likely to kill that thing naturally. It's a teenage sort of thing. Weights purified my mind when I was 15-16. Running and weights are best suited for that. Also study. But today it's much harder , I think with all the web stuff. Idle activity should be replaced with something like physical work. Ones need distaction, changing of surroundings
2014-11-24 06:13:19 UTC
Spank him.
2014-11-24 04:32:57 UTC
Either block the sites, however it is normal for a 15-16 year old to watch stuff like that because without enough ******* you get a condition called blue ball.
2014-11-24 02:42:12 UTC
normal reaction for a teen, dont press him to much he will grow out of it.
William See
2014-11-24 02:23:26 UTC
It's normal.
2014-11-24 01:56:13 UTC
isn't that normal?
2014-11-23 19:39:56 UTC
just give him a visual ;)
2014-11-23 18:24:03 UTC
if you dont want your 15 year old watching porn find him a woman otherwise leave him alone in case you didn't know it 15 year old boys are very h*rny
2014-11-26 08:03:30 UTC
I am glad that both mom and son are involved in conversation. Even though discussion is coming in on two different threads. Curosity for teens, is hard to deny cheapimport,co
Mike J
2014-11-26 05:04:27 UTC
First I would make sure he has plenty of other stuff to do like homework, after school programs, sports, etc. Something I just thought about while reading that you may could try is talking to him about it every time you catch him. Make them long drawn-out in-depth conversations focusing on things that make him feel embarrassed when talking about porn to his parents; that surely should be a deterrent, I know it would have been for me.
69 So Fine
2014-11-25 22:32:11 UTC
He will probably watch porn a third time and no arbitrary punishment is likely to stop it. If you continue down this path, your son might grow up to be sexually repressed or, worse yet, a sanctimonious *****.
john a
2014-11-25 12:06:12 UTC
take him to bed
2014-11-25 09:11:38 UTC
Good heavens, why are you punishing him for it?! You'll never stop him from thinking about sex and masturbating, nor should you try to as it's all a healthy, normal part of growing up and being human. By punishing him you'll make him feel guilt and shame over these feelings and as a result he could have a very unhealthy approach to sex and relationships in the future. Have a talk with him by all means - especially regarding the unrealistic and sometimes downright misogynistic and/or violent ways sex can be portrayed through porn - but make sure he knows that there is nothing wrong with what he's doing.

You could try blocking certain sites on your home wifi, but let's be honest, if a 15 year old wants to do something badly enough they will find a way to do it.
2014-11-25 07:56:46 UTC
Just mind your own business and let him jack off in peace.
2014-11-25 07:03:53 UTC
Porn is neat.
2014-11-25 02:46:23 UTC
What a fabulous way to give your child a guilt complex about sex.

Leave him alone. Worry about your lousy parenting skills instead.
2014-11-25 01:58:08 UTC
ensure you put on the restrictions on youtube and block any porn site. by this he cannot access those orn sites
2014-11-24 23:58:08 UTC
If you make too big of a deal, it can reinforce the desire to "get away with it" no matter what the thing is your child does.

You may want to approach it with words of warning and depict what life would be for him if that is what ends up dominating his thoughts.

After hearing society's reasons, Taking away priveledges is effective for a young man his age.

Then he can replace that time with something healthier, of his choice, naturally.

Given the chance to reflect, he may see it is all the sickness of adults who were before him and how they ruin children. and teenage girls, for their own profits.

And how the sickness of adult minds is in all walks of life.

They pervert everything.

He will learn to use it only as a teacher or marital aid someday like the healthy kind can be from your doctor.
2014-11-24 22:57:00 UTC
Wait, did you catch him watching porn AFTER you punished him or before? did he watch porn because you punished him? I think you need to be more specific on this story here.

But generally speaking, there's nothing wrong with a teenager watching porn. Every boy does that at this level of his life. All you gotta do as a mother is having this birds & bees conversation with him and explaining him that making love with a woman isn't like watching porn because a guy needs to treat a woman with respect also in bed.
2014-11-24 20:29:37 UTC
You can block the sites and take away all electronic devices he may watch it on and give he a stern taking to and reason with him because let's not all forget what we wanted to do at 15 years old
2014-11-24 17:08:28 UTC
Keep him off the net and away from TV and keep him away from any idiots who are associated with porn.

Also explain to him about the sex offender list and how he could land on this someday if he doesn't stop this.

One of my cousins was a Cop, originally a guard at county jail and later part of the Sheriff's Dept's Paramedic division and he fought to be able to go to Police Academy to be on road patrol itself as he had been on arrests and domestic disputes as part of Police reserve in the city he lives in as well (plus he can see only out of 1 eye).

But he chose to show pic of his privates to female deputies, got a 10 day suspension from the job, but it kept going on and on and he was eventually fired from the job and then prosecuted for the perverted behavior as well as sexual assault, after charges were filed, his wife filed for divorce and I don't blame her for doing that (his ex-wife is still family to me as far as I am concerned, and I had no idea he did this stuff till I read it in the paper).

My cousin pleaded no contest and is now on probation for what he did, the county paid out money to the victims in a lawsuit as well.

Do not let your son end up like my cousin.
Jake No Chat
2014-11-24 16:00:21 UTC
Spare the rod, spoil the child. It sounds as though you need to take it up a notch.
2014-11-24 15:55:38 UTC
The more you restrict him. The worse he will be.
2014-11-24 14:45:27 UTC
Try not to make such a big deal about it. At that age, I would assume it is somewhat normal these days. The more you ***** and moan, the more he may do the things that you do not like. I raised FOUR children, and believe me, they can be spiteful and sneaky. I allowed a lot of stuff and after a while they got tired of doing their **** before I got tired of allowing it. hahaha Just could be a lot worse. He could be practicing porn and doing drugs while trying it.My kids got so sick of my "laissez faire" attitude that they wound up being great teens, and even greater adults. Look on the bright side, Mom, they grow up eventually.
2014-11-24 02:33:54 UTC
just let him watch it. it good stuff some of it, plus it stops your balls turning blue.
2014-11-24 02:19:46 UTC
its normal , just let it be and why did u punish him?
2014-11-23 23:18:19 UTC
let him
2014-11-23 22:56:45 UTC
I can tell you what my parents did when they caught me looking at porn magazines at 13. They yelled at me, shamed me, told me it was sinful, had me burn the magazines in the backyard in front of them, then punished me further by placing me on restriction for about a month.

In turn, I repressed those normal feelings of sexual curiosity til I was about 17, then became a sex addict for the next 15 years til I placed myself into a sexual addiction recovery program. Don't shame your son. There is also no need to punish him for being curious. He is not doing anything "wrong". He's just being a sexually curious 15 yo.

Try and get this book if you are in a position to do so ("Good Pictures, Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today's Young Kids,"

All the best and hope you communicate with your son from a place of love and not one of judgement.
Swetha R
2014-11-27 03:53:24 UTC
dont punish him... The problem could become bigger. Its better to shift your computer to common room. Talk to him openly about disadvantages. Tell him about god, sin.
2014-11-26 21:11:10 UTC
He is 15! He is beating his meat 5 to `10 times a day. Leave the boy alone.Dad needs to talke to him as well, porn is not real, it is not love making and that get confused with just sex. He needs to learn there are rules in the game and he needs to keep his monster locked up until the time is right.
2014-11-26 19:44:47 UTC
He is going to watch porn. No matter what.
2014-11-26 18:05:49 UTC
Tell his father and they need "The Talk"
2014-11-26 07:01:52 UTC
watch with him
2014-11-26 04:26:18 UTC
buy him a porno.
2014-11-26 00:34:09 UTC
All boys are going to look at or watch a form of porn at some age or another. You can't stop it, It's a faze even most young girls go through also. There isn't much you can do. Maybe have the dad talk to him about sex and what not and tell him how to be safe during sex. Let him know that he can be open with you guys about sex and to go to you guys if he has any questions or concerns.
2014-11-25 23:39:29 UTC
Discuss with him that how it is unethical
2014-11-25 22:48:29 UTC
Sorry to say, that is so sad news as a mother. But it is normal, every child saw that. Because they have no idea what is that and they also excited to saw that. Beside that You already punished him instead of talking to him. He might grow up being confused for what he saw thanks to you for not keeping the internet safe for him. I would say stop the internet now for 15 months and both of you try to live without internet.

And best luck
2014-11-25 14:17:30 UTC
take his socks away
2014-11-25 13:40:19 UTC
Restrict his access to the internet i think that's punishment for the urban youth.
2014-11-25 11:52:51 UTC
YOu seriously are punishing your son for that, what kinda mom are you, Hes a 15 year old with raging hormones, would you rather him go on the streets and get sucked off by a whore?! let him watch porn it releives stress, im 14 i should friggin know.
2014-11-25 00:27:27 UTC
Don't punish him! Explain to him the bad effect.
2014-11-24 19:18:56 UTC
Confess and Repent ( And yes, I mean you - for punishing him )
2014-11-24 18:06:44 UTC
I recall an episode of Malcolm in the Middle where I believe Hal catches Malcolm smoking. What he does is buys a load of cigarettes and he makes Malcolm smoke the whole packet one after another until they are all gone. That was enough to get him to never smoke again.
2014-11-24 08:26:56 UTC
I'd be worried if my 15yo son didn't watch porn.
Fábio Semiao
2014-11-24 08:17:06 UTC
forbid him to use the computer and the tv, hide it from him
2014-11-24 06:11:01 UTC
whats wrong when he watches port anyway- din't you at your age? may be not just because you din't have videos or phones that time. You must have done something similar anyway at 15- its normal and ok man
just me!
2014-11-24 05:29:43 UTC
Put the parental control on the web and cable and phone. Allow no DVD or blue blue ray in his room.

Talk to him about the negative aspects of porn.
2014-11-24 01:52:23 UTC
My older cousin did the excat same thing and he is also 15, he was standing naked in the backyard for the rest of the day.
2014-11-27 10:48:32 UTC
If you're his mom, watch it with him and whatever happens, happens.
2014-11-26 07:23:25 UTC
Let him wack off its friggin normal at that age I prolly did it like 5 times a tday srs not srs semi srs.
2014-11-25 19:55:46 UTC
Regulate the property you are legally responsible for.

Your minor needs to understand all your obligations.

If you fail to establish respect for adulthood ( the tax

payer), we maintain institutions built for Corrections.
2014-11-25 17:40:10 UTC
The best answers on here are the ones saying to talk to him about women and sexuality. Porn creates a distorted perception of women and sex and, unfortunately, boys go looking not only for a sexual thrill in watching but also for information about sex and what they THINK women want in bed. Most of the time, it teaches them that women are objects or a collection of body parts to make use of and that they don't have thoughts, feelings, dreams or ideas or that they are all just nymphos walking around looking to get laid which is the kind of thinking that creates a rape culture. Talk openly with him about sexuality and educate him in the best way you know how so that he does not fall into this. I don't know what kind of computer he has but I've heard on shows like Dateline and 20/20 (which have done programs about online predators) to put the computer in a common area of the house so that it can be seen what is being done and what sites are being visited online. I don't know about blocking. Sometimes setting up the computer to block things that are sexual causes the computer to block ANYTHING sexual including sites you may need to access.
2014-11-25 13:31:08 UTC
He's a boy. They are going to find a way to watch porn no matter what you do, most boys do.
2014-11-25 10:11:29 UTC
sir you must advice him before punished

advice him and if it dose not work

you have to punish him (Not physically but through the expense or anything unparalleled )

( but make sure my sir he will not stop watching ) until get a real sex

it,s the fact

thank you
2014-11-25 01:30:44 UTC
Find a good website blocking program and check his internet history. If you find bad things in it or it cleared confront him.
2014-11-24 20:56:52 UTC
Teenage is a age when people likes to do the forbidden. Let him watch porn and eventually he will get fed up of it. But keep a limit to it. If its not legal in your country then let him read books about human reproduction and sexual health.
2014-11-24 18:49:23 UTC
I am 20 years old and I can tell you from experience, boys will be boys. A porn filter will be your best bet but considering he probably owns a smart phone, that idea is pointless. It is totally normal for kids his age to be curious and if you sit down with him and his dad, he is going to be so livid he may resent you for a few days and feel completely attacked. He and his dad should have that talk on their own. No boy in his right mind wants to sit down and feel ashamed of his sexuality in front of mom. It is extremely uncomfortable and I know that when I was ambushed by my parents for exploring myself (awkward), I completely shut them out and I rebelled more than ever. It would have been totally different had another woman spoken to me... But to have my dad involved in such a personal matter...? Not cool.
2014-11-24 16:59:51 UTC
There's nothing wrong. Your son did just what everyone would do, and how can he learn about sexuality other than from porn, of course he cannot ask his dad and mum to show him how to copulate cause that would look awkward. Anyways he will have to have a family of his own and raise children. How do you think humans copulate and make children and if you are worried about sense of morality then let him at least know the fact if he found his sister or mother in that same position I bet he couldn't imagine that. But don't make him more sissy make him a man cause he has to survive after your time.
2014-11-24 14:50:00 UTC
Your son is watching porn after you punished him and it was the first time however you need to find out about who he's with because most youngsters do this very often it links to popularity and most kinds want to fit in with the society with is normal. Maybe this hasn't been the first time he's watched it...he could even be a bit upset and that must be something that cheers him up.

Every parent has a wake-up call when it comes to the Internet, and yours has arrived. Six-year-old children have no business having access to the Internet without adult supervision. I don’t believe kids should be unsupervised on the Internet until aged 12 or 13. By that time they are more intellectually able to understand the vast information that is readily available.

I would begin by revising your family’s policy on when and how digital devices are used. Limit access by putting password protections on all devices and parental controls for the Internet as well. You can find out how here.

Controlling your son’s access is important but it doesn’t address his interest in naked bodies. It is developmentally appropriate for young children to be fascinated by genitals. Your child is discovering his body and how it works. He is also curious about how mom’s body may be different than dad’s. Take this opportunity to discuss sexuality on a basic level. Let your son know that it is OK to be interested and curious about sex but there is an appropriate time and place to explore. The Internet is not the place. I would also explain that his privates and everyone else’s are just that—private. He should refrain from showing his or discussing privates with friends.

There are many books that can help parents converse about the body and sex. I would recommend a book that has cartoon-drawn pictures of the whole body. Use the book as a way to open conversation about the topic. The books on this list are organized by appropriate age, which can be helpful to the confused and overwhelmed parent.

Whatever you do, don’t punish your son for what is, truthfully, a lapse in parental judgment. Instead use this moment as an opportunity to begin a discussion that will hopefully continue for many years. Punishment and shame has no place in this discussion.
2014-11-24 14:05:48 UTC
stupid im 13 and idgf
2014-11-24 12:39:14 UTC
leave him alone hes prob embarassed that u cought him. every guy does it
2014-11-24 12:15:15 UTC
Confiscate his porn if it's on CD and put a filter or software on his computer to block all adult sites.

He's a minor he shouldn't be viewing it if you don't want that **** in your home put your foot down your home your rules Internet access is a priviliage not a right you pay the bill.

Do what you have to do to protect your kids I would.


So your ok with kids watching porn thumb downer? your part of them problem with poor parenting that's going on.
2014-11-24 11:04:34 UTC
Let him watch documentary about porn industry.
2014-11-24 06:24:47 UTC
2014-11-24 05:21:09 UTC
Give him a Bible.
2014-11-23 23:37:28 UTC
learn to understand what he is going through, hes a teen and he is going through some things that he needs help understanding. if you keep punishing him for this then you will always have problems with trusting each other. don't pressure him into loosing your trust. be careful how you handle it. because this can affect if you guys will be open to each other after he moves out. how did you feel when you were a teen girl? how did your parents handle your situation of being curious about teen boys at the time? if he is curious about these girls you need to have a talk with him be there and listen to him and also express how you feel about it. punishing him over this whole issue is the wrong way to handle this situation.
2014-11-23 22:08:30 UTC
You are lucky! People nowadays at younger age watch this staff. Now if you tell me you have a pregnant 15 years old, that would really be a problem.
2014-11-23 19:53:01 UTC
An awkward subject but it doesn't have to be. Tell him to watch it in his own privacy.
2014-11-27 02:31:00 UTC
sadly, this is fairly normal for boys, if you want to punish him the best way is to remove his access to explicit material. e.g. laptop, smartphone etc.

its also possible to put a parental lock on these devices, or even on your internet service provider. look in to it.
2014-11-26 09:40:00 UTC
Watching porn is completely normal, although possibly offensive for you, but honestly, I wouldn't scold him for it, purely as this could lead to psychological problems later on in life, I would speak to him and explain that porn is fiction and rarely like real life, that sort of thing, just make sure he knows the difference and that women and men in reality are rarely like they are in porn films :)
2014-11-25 11:38:16 UTC
Recommend some good sites.
2014-11-25 08:19:44 UTC
hes growing. all u can do is to start talking to him
2014-11-25 08:01:06 UTC
If possible it might be best if his dad talked to him. Explain to him that porn is a scripted sex act made for profit and usually is devoid of any emotion. Any resemblance to real life sex is only coincidental. The "actor" (performers?) are chosen carefully for their looks and physical attributes. Think how porn is made. Two people on a bed having sex while there may be a couple of cameramen a director and other "helpers" looking on. Your son is at an age where his hormones can rule his behavior. Right now his testosterone level is as high as it will ever be in his lifetime. It can govern his behavior and often overrule his common sense. Try to explain this to him and be understanding.
2014-11-25 06:53:53 UTC
Curiosity isn't hurting anyone
2014-11-24 22:59:50 UTC
It is inevitable. The fappening starts when they find out! The only thing you can do is steer him to the right direction of responsibility. Punishment wont help.
2014-11-24 18:44:25 UTC
I think you need to talk to him about that. I have a 15 year old brother who watched porn and my dad was pissed. His hormones are just going crazy because he is a teenager. He is probably being horny and wanting to see women. That is what all teenage boys are like.
2014-11-24 17:49:49 UTC
Make him j e r k off in front of the whole family.
2014-11-24 17:25:04 UTC
How do you know he watched porn, are you male or female....did you like seeing him watch porn after your punishment.
2014-11-24 14:21:30 UTC
2014-11-24 14:17:12 UTC
Don't block the sites after talking to him. It is a normal thing. We are all curious about sex. Get involved in communication. Let him know that it's not a horrible thing that will send kids to hell. It's a normal thing. It can be an addictive thing, but you need to talk to him.
2014-11-24 13:18:38 UTC
There's nothing wrong for a 15-year-old boy to be curious. I don't think punishment was necessary, what's the big deal? If he's mature enough to be interested, then just explain to him that porn and real relationships are very, very different. Why do we as a society hate sexuality so much?
2014-11-24 12:08:17 UTC
It is called. PARENTAL GUIDANCE. Blocking on computer. TVs. Etc. Do the right thing!!!!!!!!!!!!
2014-11-24 10:10:16 UTC
I am glad that both mom and son are involved in conversation. Even though discussion is coming in on two different threads. Curosity for teens, is hard to deny. Granted all of the things the posters have said are valid, but the most important piece of this is what the fifeteen year old young man feels about it. In the natural course of things when we parents make a huge deal about things what resists seems to persist. Modeling healthy relationships, being involved with outdoor programs to work off a little steam, and taking communication and sexuality classes might be a good direction. Many church groups and schools offer programs where kids can sound off and express themselves.I think Mom and son should talk about this openly, and not punish, but rather see this young man as a healthy child with curiosity. Develop and encourage goals, and direction for him and he spreads his wings and becomes a man and a good leader.
2014-11-24 06:29:47 UTC
It's not about putting locks on the computer and yelling at him. It's a matter of curiosity and legality. He can be curious, and if there's any explaining needing to be done, tell him that technically he has to be 18 to view that stuff. And even then I doubt that will stop him. It's natural to be curious. Let him find out what it is on his own.
2014-11-24 06:17:03 UTC
I'm not going to criticize your rules as a parent, and porn isn't appropriate for teens, but every guy looks at porn and most of us looked at it as teens. I think the most important thing you need to be careful of is not to sex-shame him. It's normal for him to be curious, his hormones are raging right now, and he's too young and inexperienced to realize that porn can create an unhealthy and unrealistic view of human sexuality in younger viewers.

If you shame him he will grow into an adult who feels shame for his desires. I don't think that's something you want. When you punish him be careful not to judge him or pass off your personal criticisms of porn. Sit down and have a healthy conversation with him about pornography. There are documentaries on Netflix that feature ex-porn stars talking about the industry and how it impacted their lives. Perhaps if he sees the other side of it, the harm the industry can cause those who participate in it, it won't hold much allure for him.

And if all that isn't enough to persuade you not to shame him for it, be glad he's spanking it to porn and not out getting girls pregnant and/or catching STI's.
2014-11-23 19:21:57 UTC
Tell him if he does it again, he loses the computer/tV/ipad or whatever it is that he is watching it on. Then follow up.
2014-11-23 18:43:54 UTC
tell, him to watch some quality sex films and not smut.. and give him privacy. Suggest something exciting, but not demoralizing.. not all sex is bad, and its portrayed in many ways.. Tell him you want him to learn about the ways of the world,, but rise above the problematic nature of a lot of it. Being aware of what is taking place in the world is critical.. if he doesnt see the evil how can he fight it, he can dissect the good and the bad for himself, if you've raised him well.. and he can feel joy and passion even under bad circumstances.. even when viewing morally depraved acts. Just tell him to keep hits wits about him.. the world is much crazier than he imagines. And many paths lead to traps and curses..
2014-11-23 15:31:37 UTC
Why did you punish him...for being curious, for being a normal human, for hacking your computer, would you rather he was out with girls his own age and risk going to prison.
2014-11-26 12:55:44 UTC
My question is, how did he watch porn and how did you know?

Was on the internet? Then it's your fault. You paid for it.
Zahra Solgi
2014-11-26 12:54:14 UTC
talk to a person who your son like more and is so frindly to him to advise
2014-11-26 12:20:42 UTC
he is a teenaged boy. all boys watch porn in that age.they find it interesting. i dont think it has to do anything with you punishing him
2014-11-26 08:44:34 UTC
leave him be
2014-11-26 06:19:46 UTC
Punishing his is not solution. Explaining him about law is not going to help him. Blocking sites is not going to help, he would watch it somewhere else. Talk to him. Try and explain him why it is bad for him. What harm is that going to cause him. Try and understand how long has he been watch it. When was his first encounter and who encouraged him to do so. Understand if he is addicted or just does it for fun. Take complete background of how he has been into it. Once you have all the information needed take actions.

Try and explain him what bad is it going to do him. Help him come out of it. If you have no clue how to deal with it. Talk to someone like a professional who can help him out of it.

You punish him, he will get more towards it. You help him, he will come out of it.
2014-11-25 22:09:24 UTC
**** him let him watch it everyone does anyone who says no is a liar. Preventing him from watching porn or fapping can cause him to later on in his life to have a bad experience with sex and it WILL affect him. Its not his fault he's at that time where he is turning into a man and just has testosterone ppumping trough his body. You shouldn't have even punished him the first time.
2014-11-25 19:50:06 UTC
Talk openly about sex. Let him watch porn. Let him know it's not about love and how women want to be treated.
2014-11-25 18:46:55 UTC
Explain that this type of movies are not right and he needs to have sexual education and advisor from his father, uncle, other men and fro you. Good luck.
John Carter
2014-11-25 16:58:02 UTC
block it on your internet
2014-11-25 15:53:10 UTC
tell him porn is bad
2014-11-25 02:57:18 UTC
tell him that you do not love him, he will be so worked up about this that he will be too sad to watch porn
2014-11-25 01:19:50 UTC
As a father of two boys and two girls, who are today, fully grown and contributing members of society...this problem was never an issue that their mother or I had to deal with while our sons were growing up. This doesn't mean, however, that they never took advantage of the internet good or bad. What I learned, "growing" up as a parent, parenting the growth of the first 18 years of my children's lives, was this. The more truth my kids caught me in, the less lies I caught my children in. The more good of life I could give my children the less bad my children looked for on their own. So, if I had been you. I would not have punished my son for what is something he has no problem being able to access. I first would have told him what pornography is. (a multi- million/billion dollar a year business.) I would have told him why it was legal in our society. (it is a product of free speech that the constitution of the U.S.A. protects.) Then I would tell him about the consequences of choices that we make in life. I (dad) chooses not to watch pornography in my house because porn exploits woman. I wouldn't want your mother or your sisters to be exploited in such a perverse way, so I would choose to protect them. Then I would give my son the choice of not watching pornography in the family home, promoting family harmony as its consequence, or to continue to watch porn to wit the consequence of that choice would be the immediate appointment to a sex therapist/psycho-therapy to make sure that he was in fact, safe to live with. Then I would ask him again.
2014-11-24 19:09:48 UTC
block the sites
2014-11-24 17:01:45 UTC
Take away the computer, safety lock it or deal with it. You punishing him isn't going to take away the urge to watch it.
2014-11-24 13:35:52 UTC
What you need to do is talk to him and that him that it is not good for him to watch that type of program at his age it is not proper.
2014-11-24 07:18:19 UTC
OMG. Talk about awkward! Why are you messing with your sons stuff? Leave him alone,at 15 you are like, the last person on earth he wants confronting him about this! Damn!
2014-11-24 02:30:42 UTC
Don't punish him! Explain to him that it's not an arbitrary rule and the harms porn causes. The actresses are exploited and reduced to their sexual appeal which causes lots of issues for them personally. Sex trafficking is heavily ingrained in the porn industry. It detracts from real intimate relationships.
2014-11-24 01:38:57 UTC
get some strippers over for a party
2014-11-23 23:31:37 UTC
Aware him, what is that and what is well ? and what is his duty for build-up his future ?
2014-11-23 21:39:11 UTC
Your son is at the age where masturbating and watching porn are quite common. Just be glad that he's watching porn instead of having sex. Sex will come next though, so just make sure you have that talk with him. Relax, it's very natural.
Wave Master!
2014-11-26 02:09:34 UTC
So what's the point in punishing him now or even stopping him from watching it when he now knows what it's all about?

What you going to do? erase his brain from all memory of it? :/...get real.

What's done is done now, just accept he knows about it, blocking him from seeing it or punishing him will only exacerbate the matter later in life, trust me.

If you did block him from seeing it, he will only start looking for the same source somewhere else, and if you punish him, he'll hate you inside and "distrust" you with "any" of his private sensitive matters when he gets much older.

Think outside the box.

You are "not" perfect yourself. so learn some understanding about separate individuals personal lives..
2014-11-25 21:27:51 UTC
if you keep telling your son dont watch anthing bad he is going to that and he is going to watch it so what you should do is dont there is no point let him watch he is going to watch it anyway when he gets older its normal for a child but dont let jerk off
Teddy Farrel
2014-11-25 20:40:50 UTC
i gues he's probably ******* his hand to.ain it?
2014-11-25 18:32:07 UTC
you should lol, and get good antispyware protection for your comp
Robert M
2014-11-25 16:02:37 UTC
Unless he was watching child porn, S&M porn, or extreme fetish porn, I would talk to him explain to him that he is not old enough for porn under the law and leave him alone. He masturbates, too, and trust me, when he does, he is inventing porn in his head if he isn't watching on the internet.
2014-11-25 14:10:22 UTC
Look kid. Coming from a well educated person, don't worry about it. Masturbation and watching porn is perfectly normal; any doctor will tell you that male masturbation starts far earlier than age 15 and is a healthy part of the puberty/growing up process (As you likely know). Most of the people here are females commenting on something that they don't know, operating of the false idea that were somehow better than all the other animals. Women are a lot more bashful about the tendency, but we all do it. Look at the statistics on females with vibrators.

What you've got to do is ignore her and keep on keeping on. Your parents are not always going to be right or rational. Its as simple as that bud
2014-11-25 13:32:02 UTC
Testosterone is like a b!tch at this age. I remember i used to masturbate to google search box sexual suggestions (super weird).. but yeah, i don't think you should be punishing him for that. Maybe make an arrangement of some kind - like one movie per week - and maybe finding him a GF. You should also educate him about sex some more so he doesn't fall for the stupid crap that all porn movies throw. And believe me, as a guy i can assure you, if i want to watch porn i'll watch even if you put me in a coffin and buried me 10 feet under (don't know how but i'll figure out a way) the point is you can't prevent him from watching porn, but you can make sure he doesn't get any bad or wrong ideas about sex.
2014-11-25 10:37:26 UTC
I dont know if you are a religious person, but show him the part of the bible that states that you should not lust, and find the bible verse that talks about how if you stumble on but one part of his commandments, you break them ALL.
2014-11-25 09:02:10 UTC
You might better consult an experienced mental health professional.
2014-11-24 18:10:06 UTC
He's a teenage boy. They tend to do that, because they're hormonal. Make your husband talk to him about it. Also, let him watch it. He's probably just curious.
2014-11-24 16:21:01 UTC
Gotta beat your son till he learns his lesson.
2014-11-24 14:22:54 UTC
Apart from i don't care if he's 15 or 25, i would not be mad. If you encounter any negativities that may have come from this, like being an abusive boyfriend once he has a girlfriend, you can critisize him. Humans can distinguish between reality and (porn) movies. Don't worry, your child won't be thinking sexually about any sentence an attractive woman tells him. And to be very honest, i know people in their end 20s and 30s who seem to have never lost their virginity, ALL are men, and their parents are just thinking what they have done wrong and kind of feel their "child" is yet still a child. Sexuality is nothing bad, as long as you don't have unprotected sex with more than 1 person at a time. It's a a part of growing up, and a lot of people born in the 90s do watch such movies. It doesn't make them sex monsters. It is okay to have a sexuality at 15, and that he is interested at such things more or less mean he is mature and will probably have offspring, that assures you will become a great grandmother in a decade maybe.

It's better for him to relieve himself with such feelings than to never give in to it and maybe dirty his bed unconsciously while asleep. You may believe it or not, but already at that age, men (every few months) have to "empty" what they have produced. Because they just produce every second thousands of cells.

If it's too long;did not read: I agree with Rez,
2014-11-24 14:07:18 UTC
Look, when I was 15, sex was all I could think about. I didn't watch porn all the time, but my curiosity usually gets the better of me, so I saw my share of stuff. In my opinion, many music videos and movies and even commercials come close to porn. I'm not sure exactly what your values are regarding sexuality, but even if you do manage to remove porn from his environment, I'm sure he will still have urges for some type of sexy thoughts.
Who's Yo Daddy
2014-11-24 13:56:55 UTC
Buy him flogged in public and made to ware a sign stating "I am a jack off"
2014-11-24 11:28:23 UTC
Everyone even you has seen porn, so don't act so surprised. That's part of life and no matter what you do he will continue to look at porn. It may not be normal, but it's better than for him to force someone to undress for him.
2014-11-24 09:57:06 UTC
***** slap that motherfucker
2014-11-24 08:45:44 UTC
You can also let him know that the porn industry takes women who have already been sexually abused as children and continues to treat them like they are pieces of meat.That a lot of women are forced into it by abusers that get them hooked on drugs or who have been kidnapped fro this purpose. Its very sad for some one to be getting their jolies off of someone who s a victim. Here are some good articles that are geared toward young people and porn--

HOW TO REJECT PORN[search_id]=64b699fc-bbb5-4d12-99ab-654dac3b46ff&insight[search_result_index]=0

WHAT IF I AM ADDICTED TO PORN[search_id]=64b699fc-bbb5-4d12-99ab-654dac3b46ff&insight[search_result_index]=2

PORN , HARMLESS OR TOXIC?[search_id]=64b699fc-bbb5-4d12-99ab-654dac3b46ff&insight[search_result_index]=1

Elyse Rose
2014-11-24 01:35:15 UTC
Watch t with him ,, explain stuff ,, know what I mean ?
2014-11-23 22:50:23 UTC
****? I look at porn and I'm 14, I do it everyday, this is some **** I imagine you doing to a 9 year old. Let him be a teen. Hes still growing and his hormones are raging. It's all natural
2014-11-23 21:49:35 UTC
Make him take a cold shower,
2014-11-27 11:30:32 UTC
Talk to him about it like two adults having a conversation with no judgment. He'll probably squirm a little to be talking about it with his mother, but he'll be more likely to know your views on it. It would help him to hear from a woman that this is an unrealistic "men's fantasy" depiction of what man/woman relationships are like and how it demeans the women in it and that he deserves better relationships that that too.
2014-11-26 23:18:27 UTC
I think punishing the child is not the solution, every child develops such feelings and habits in this age, but we parents have to guide them and make sure that they donot get distracted, his father should have a talk to his son
2014-11-26 16:10:05 UTC
Limit his access to porn as much as possible and let him know that you don't approve.
2014-11-26 06:03:29 UTC
Firstly. don't talk to him like a 5 year old. He apparently is quite interested in sex or it's peer pressure. He may be watching to learn what to do. Look, be constructive but explain the difference between plain ol' sex and making love. I would also explain how to use a condom but ask him what he knows about them first. Ask him why did he watch the porn? But hold up...where did he look at from??? The internet? DVDs? VHSs? It's unfortunate that we can't shield our children from all of the 'bad' stuff but you have to be willing to listen and explain things. He's almost an adult so just be straight from the hip with it but don't scream at him nor punish him. Sex isn't a bad thing unless you do the wrong thing, you get what I'm saying? Good luck.
2014-11-26 04:43:05 UTC
Though he is not adult. But marriage is the best. Otherwise look after on him. The friends of harm cannot talk with him.
2014-11-25 16:11:52 UTC
I don't know if there is a loophole around this, to be honest. Just talk with him. If he really can't stop and you absolutely really want him to, he might be addicted. To remove that addiction, there should be a step by step process. People addicted to smoking don't stop in one day, you know? Just talk with him
2014-11-25 11:01:23 UTC
Its not something that should be punished...instead you should sit him down and have a discussion.
2014-11-25 03:06:01 UTC
To Make Amends Your Mistake

You Should Download More Porns For Him :))
2014-11-25 01:57:01 UTC
You better just get positive with that, because it is completely normal for teens to watch it, either way he just will get a way to watch porn.
2014-11-25 01:29:37 UTC
Join in
2014-11-25 00:29:13 UTC
Discipline him again, again, again, AND again. PORN can destroy him.
2014-11-24 18:36:46 UTC
as long as he as acess to internet, porn is very accessible, there is just nothing you can do
Forever and Always MJ
2014-11-24 13:53:53 UTC
Don't punish him for that. He had to start watching porn eventually. 15 year old boys are at the peak of their sexual curiosity. He can't help it. Let him be curious and explore. You can't keep him sheltered from porn and sex for the rest of his life.
2014-11-24 11:39:05 UTC
There are a few things you can do to completely keep your son from looking at any further explicit or inappropriate content. Create a Google account (if you do not have one), make sure you are signed in, then go to the following link . Once you are there, you will see a list of settings, but the one you are looking for is the first one right at the top called 'SafeSearch Filters'. Check the box that says 'Filter Explicit Results'. Then click Lock SafeSearch, this securely locks that setting, and once you log out, the setting cannot be changed UNLESS you are logged in, so it is very crucial that you always log out of your google account, and that you do NOT have your sign in information where your son can find it (on a piece of paper, a document on the computer, etc.). SafeSearch filters out all bad and nasty results, whether if your son is searching for pictures, a specific website, or some videos. Anything that has profanity, drug influences, or explicit content in it, will not show up in the results at all. So if your son for example searches for "porn videos", nothing at all will show up. Not only will it filter all search results on google, but since google owns youtube, if your son wants to listen to rap, he can't, because all videos with profanity or bad influencing lyrics, will NOT show up in the search results. Another thing I highly recommend, is to make a completely different account for your son only, so that you will not have to worry about your son possibly messing up your account, and possibly discarding special and crucial documents or files. All you need to do is to make another account, set up a password for him, go to google, sign into your account so you can lock safesearch, then log out, and you have nothing to worry about. If your son knows the password to the current account, then I highly recommend for you to change it and to make sure he will not in any way find out what it is (if you are going to make a separate account for him). Your son unfortunately has been drawn into watching such things, and it is either because of flashy ads, or he was influenced by someone online or by someone in school. Regardless of what the cause may be, I highly recommend for you to add the AdBlock Pro extension when you are logged in to google, this extension completely makes ads no longer visible and does not let them appear on any site whatsoever. This will be an added security measure to keep all further possible influence away from your son. Also, look EVERYWHERE on your computer to make sure that your son has not downloaded any videos or pictures of pornography. My best advice to you, is to set up a meeting with your former church bishop or counselor, and for your son to have a long talk with the bishop/counselor. As you may know, there is no guarantee that him having a long talk with the bishop will have him notice what he is doing is wrong and unethical, but at least give it a try. Please do ignore all the people that have said that there is no way to stop him, or that you should keep letting him do it. There is always a solution for a problem, but not many people tend to think that way
2014-11-24 11:33:07 UTC
Just keep a eye on him, and ground him on the things he enjoys to do!
2014-11-24 06:08:19 UTC
GS has good construction of word. I think a male to be nigh on fervently attracted to female looking video is wholly comprehensible... There are 7.15 billion people on the planet. I think I started to look at online adulterotica videos because the girl who I would be with, is currently not here/there... So the 2nd best option that your son is obviously forced into by cosmic powers, just as I was, is to look at online material to try to hold onto the good flame that your son has for a girl, and it's a reliable thing... It's not LOVE, I call these things loee... so very close to love and stables up a spirit until the God and Goddess of LOVE decide to wake up; which in my personal instance, they haven't for many years.

You are the luckiest one going on badly best luck, making your son to be soooooooo unlucky by taking from him what just about keeps his heart afloat. Go from him... We all need help.
2014-11-24 04:42:39 UTC
Its rather normal for teens to do that
2014-11-24 00:19:56 UTC
It's very simple that a 15 years guy or girl watched porn. Don't penalise him! indicate to him that it isn't associate capricious rule and therefore the harms creative activity causes. The actresses square measure exploited and reduced to their sexual charm that causes variant problems for them in person. Sex trafficking is heavily deep-rooted within the creative activity business. It detracts from real intimate relationships. It creates chimerical expectations for what girls ought to do sexually. it's habit-forming properties. It reinforces fantasy over reality conjointly the} lines square measure usually blurred; it also encourages casual sex which might be harmful in many ways. Then you'll be able to indicate to him what sex ought to be. It ought to be caressing, intimate, exclusive, etc. etc. whether or not you believe their non secular stance or not, Church is a corporation that features a heap of resources for individuals wanting to urge aloof from creative activity. i might investigate it.
2014-11-23 14:09:47 UTC
let him
2014-11-23 13:00:46 UTC
Best thing to do is lock him in a closet and make him recit Bible versus, while you call him a naughty evil boy. Never hurts to slap him around too. Jesus loves it when you slap your kids around. You'll get bonus Jesus points!
2014-11-26 02:22:08 UTC
shrek him up
2014-11-26 00:38:59 UTC
its like punishing a child for being gay.... it just doesn't work. he has to resolve however fantasy or conflict he already has for within all by himself.
2014-11-25 18:34:07 UTC
I hate to say this but he will probably watch it for the rest of his adult life. Men and boys are very visually. They like what they like we women do not understand their way of thinking.
2014-11-25 15:49:12 UTC
Regardless he will continue to watch it. He's at that age where teenage boys are starting to learn more about these things & so for him to be doing this is completely normal.
2014-11-25 14:32:07 UTC
when my son was 15..........we lived in Canada, they have very relaxed rules on pron on son recored a couple porn movies on a VHS tape...........

My son was spanked severely by my husband...........he went so far as to take him for a ride on nthe car to be able to speak privately to him.....I can report that after that spanking and talking to...we never found a video on porn again................

one spanking from my husband is a sure cure against a second attempt in porn.....................

and thats what is needed for every child who does this. Porn is nasty, discusting and is the tool by which our young men defile themselves

anyone who feels porn is natural or ok so poluted they have left their sense of reality and have a great natio n...we must have morally good become morally good adults.

so my answer here is...............the first spanking should be severe , swift are just addign to the numbers of future thuggy, nasty and sexually permissive men.....who will only resort to rape, porn whcih drives one to excessive masterbation and a loathesome life making him a worthless husband and father
2014-11-25 12:37:23 UTC
If you think there is anything you can say or do to stop a 15 year old boy from watching porn, you were never a 15 year old boy
2014-11-25 11:33:53 UTC
dont punish him you retarded *****, that solves NOTHING. if anything it makes him wanna do it more.
2014-11-25 05:50:19 UTC
2014-11-25 04:43:36 UTC
Trouble with punishment is that you then make the thing that you are punishing them for more tempting it's like saying "see that mars bar on the table there you can't have it and if you take it it's a bad thing" you make it all the more tempting like any "bad" thing ie a cigarete a drink etc etc you make it a "teemptation" and we all know we love the things that are "bad" for us we can't resist "temptation" you may not agree with me and i urge you to think about what i say as it is human nature to be tempted and the more denied that temptation the greater the lusty feelings and weakness to resist it. Did you know that in scandinavian countries they teach an open way of teaching about sex to children the upshot is clear if you look at statistics it has far fewwer teenage pregnancies etc.In a nutshell the more you deny these natural urges and try to stop it instead of being frank and open about it may find trouble on your hands
2014-11-24 23:12:49 UTC
Send him for real life sex experience.
2014-11-24 22:21:26 UTC
this is a problem not around 15 teenagers,but in most young need to talk to him why he watch this,maybe learn from his friends.maybe he just want excited,or maybe just to call your attention because you said this happened because you punished him.I thinkyou need to care more about his hearts,this is a reflection that he is lacking of love from the family,so he is wrongly seeking a way to fill it up.Attend more on his need in inner more, laugh more,kiss more,give enough safety to him.say love everyday.keep doing it everyday.i think he will change the bad habbit from turning him a bad man.wish you the best!
Is It Possible
2014-11-24 20:32:04 UTC
It's normal just leave him alone.
2014-11-24 18:46:52 UTC
Get him lubricant. Thats what my dad is offering for me haha (jokingly). My dad knows teens and how they jack off to porn, he tells me that he doesent care. Its normal, nothing to punish someone over it. Ive been watching porn forever now and im 16. Dont do anything.
2014-11-24 18:12:16 UTC
Just let him there is nothing you can really do
2014-11-24 09:03:04 UTC
Next time punish him even more and take away porn from him
2014-11-24 07:56:31 UTC
Boys maturbate, it's healthy, actually most women masturbate too. The difference between boys and girls? Boys are visual when it comes to being turned on, girls can just close their eyes and imagine their fantasies. Boys know that's not what real girls are like because, if they were, they would be getting what they want from them all the time. Relax...It's normal and natural.
2014-11-24 05:15:12 UTC
2014-11-23 18:58:35 UTC
Put it on the tv and some porn yourself, your son will realize how he looks doing it and stop himself.
2014-11-23 13:43:27 UTC
Bailiff, whack his pee pee!
2014-11-23 12:13:58 UTC
Pray for him.
2014-11-25 09:00:09 UTC
Lend him a hand.
2014-11-24 12:55:39 UTC
Let him watch more porn.
2014-11-28 11:22:51 UTC
let him go

just have his dad talk to him and explain that porn sex is not actually what goes on in real life
2014-11-23 22:01:44 UTC
i think porn is bad because it teaches men to objectify women. so you should just band it or on your computer you should just put those filters on it that block porn sites.
2014-11-24 02:33:48 UTC
My brother does it. Most guys do it but it can lead to depression because apparently it is addicting. The only way to stop him is to take his computer privleges.
2014-11-22 22:53:42 UTC
Be firm....punish him again. Today's teens are out of control, someday he'll appreciate it
2014-11-23 21:05:15 UTC
Did you tell him he would go blind. And did you punish him after he replied "Dad, I'm over here!".
2014-11-28 14:01:52 UTC
The trouble with parents v their children's awakening sex drive is that they either forget their own teenage years, or they DO remember them.
2014-11-27 22:42:12 UTC
The best thing is to accept it, dont talk to him about i, things will get awkward, hes a teenage boy, it will happen either way.
2014-11-25 19:26:04 UTC
hey if his not watching gay porn then your fine you cant yell at him for watching straight porn because if it was gay porn you would have even more problems.
2014-11-23 16:41:55 UTC
Turn off your porn channel you sick-o.
2014-11-24 05:37:56 UTC
Shoot the little *******. Put him down before he gets addicted and burns all of the skin off of his right hand.
Chelsey R
2014-11-22 19:56:42 UTC
It is completely normal and you should not be punishing him for this.
2014-11-22 20:43:03 UTC
Punish him again.
2014-11-28 02:47:24 UTC
I think you should watch the film American Pie
2014-11-23 00:28:28 UTC
It is completely normal. Don't try and control him/her. It will just make it worse.
2014-11-24 15:00:10 UTC
Its quite normal and just a phase .. ! He'll grow over it .. !
2014-11-23 05:41:27 UTC
It's normal. don't do anything. let him watch what he wants
2014-11-26 03:44:19 UTC
Boys are boys, If they don't watch pron they are not boys.
2014-11-26 23:43:49 UTC
Let him be, if you find it on his computer or whatever just act like you never saw it
2014-11-23 15:30:15 UTC
Try discussing your reasons for disliking it; answer any questions he has about sex.

If still no effect, try ridicule.
2014-11-24 12:57:13 UTC
Let him watch you spoil sport!
2014-11-22 18:39:17 UTC
Give him up for adoption because you are a lazy, stupid, unfit parent.
2014-11-22 22:45:07 UTC
no matter what you do he will watch it anyway somewhere. Better to give him some privacy
2014-11-27 18:08:13 UTC
Put on your strap on dildo and punish him (make sure it vibrates)
2014-11-24 17:20:56 UTC
you should sit down and watch it with him. the humiliation will scare him straight (not as in sexual preference)
2014-11-23 07:54:18 UTC
let him watch it. Would you rather hi watch it or doing it?
2014-11-24 15:06:34 UTC
he is clearly curious, instead of punnishing him, give him the birds and the bees talk
2014-11-23 14:43:15 UTC





2014-11-28 19:32:32 UTC
its normal for teenage guys to do this stuff. i think parents need to have sex ed. teen guys are horny at this time of their life...
2014-11-29 00:21:24 UTC
why would you want as a mother to talk to him about that. just leave him alone he is of that age
2014-11-22 22:55:44 UTC
This is normal for teenage boys...
2014-11-25 10:09:11 UTC
2014-11-28 03:13:11 UTC
Circumcise the torpedo ;/
2014-11-29 08:21:15 UTC
Say him good think make him busy ... Block his friendship ... Say him to make good friend
2014-11-23 19:55:13 UTC
Give him a sex education manual and leave him to it.
2014-11-27 11:57:42 UTC
Just let him, he will watch it no matter what
2014-11-24 09:18:27 UTC
goo job embarrassing him, he will NEVER stop with that, he is man. have the birds and bees talk NOW...
2014-11-23 02:12:10 UTC
Join in obviously !!
2014-11-23 07:49:41 UTC
Watch it with him! I bet he would like that!
Dianna G. Cole
2014-11-24 19:24:05 UTC
you should give him more the thinking of correct.and make him know that study is he need to do.
2014-11-26 09:27:52 UTC
just put safety lock on his laptop or pc
2014-11-24 06:39:39 UTC
watch him and do the honourable thing
2014-11-24 22:13:12 UTC
You should take all of your anger on me instead.
2014-11-23 23:48:04 UTC
it's natural thing.
2014-11-23 10:31:39 UTC
take all access from him and tell him its side effects softly.
2014-11-22 14:45:20 UTC
punish him again
2014-11-27 21:21:32 UTC
Join him!
2014-11-24 08:49:58 UTC
Let him do what he wants
the fisher man
2014-11-23 11:06:43 UTC
why is this in toddler and pre schooler? lol
2014-11-23 08:46:36 UTC
it is human nature
2014-11-28 09:14:47 UTC
just talk to him
2014-11-28 14:10:20 UTC
tell him hes great and then do it with him
2014-11-28 09:55:04 UTC
leave him alone its normal
2014-11-22 14:45:34 UTC
its normal
2014-11-23 05:46:27 UTC
its normal.
2014-11-23 16:12:38 UTC
2014-11-24 22:19:09 UTC
2014-11-23 23:29:53 UTC
let him
2016-05-28 14:55:42 UTC
spank him sexily
2014-11-23 17:45:53 UTC
threaten him..
2014-11-23 05:51:28 UTC
wack his pee pee!
2014-12-02 23:12:35 UTC
Rachael H
2014-11-23 17:16:21 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.