my mom never buys food?
2016-07-17 16:59:26 UTC
okay so my mom never shops. she thinks we're "fine" because She always leave us home alone all day while she's out getting breakfast lunch and dinner with her multiple boyfriends/sugar daddy's and sometimes leave us home alone over night as in all night coming home at 11 the next day. ( I'm 15, my brothers 4, my sisters 8 ) and she leaves us with no food. I'm not exaggerating when I say that. maybe a few cans of stale beans and some rotting fruit. I'm always so hungry and idol what to do. I have no money to buy my own food and can't get a job cuz I have to babysit my siblings. I also have an eating disorder and this is so triggering and awful what do I do I'm so hungry
68 answers:
2016-07-18 18:03:38 UTC
Tell your mom what she wants to do with her life. Honestly, you should ask her frankly because she's been neglecting her children. If that won't work, you should seek help to the government agencies. I read that you'd be dead by your mom if she find out that you did that but you have to make a choice in life or else you'll be living like that for few more years until you get a job and your sibling grow a little bit old. Anyway, you don't mention your dad? Is he still alive? If he is you can ask for a child support from him.
2016-07-19 01:16:24 UTC
Call cps or cys (whatever it's called in your state) and they can probably help you.

They could at least give you money or food so you aren't hungry all the time.

Even though there are many other forms of it, not providing food for your kids is considered abuse, and your mom honestly sounds like a neglectful (I think that's a word?😂) mom
2016-07-22 12:28:09 UTC
It's not fair to leave you alone with your younger siblings without food in your house. It sounds like your mom is not making you and your siblings a priority in her life and focusing her attention on her boyfriends. I'm so sorry you are all going through this difficulty.

If you have any relatives or neighbors that can bring food over to you all, I encourage you to call them. Local churches have food pantries and give food and other needed things- like paper goods, toothpaste, etc to families. You can call churches in your town to find out if they have a food pantry.

She is being neglectful as a mother and if you or someone else decide to call Child Protective Services, your mom could lose all of you to foster care. Kids sometimes go to different foster homes and lose contract with each other.

Please consider calling to speak with a counselor at a hotline. You don't need to handle this all by yourself.

Take care,

SM, Counselor

Boys Town National Hotline


what's your source?
2016-07-20 22:57:02 UTC
Okay, she is so wrong saying that you're fine. That is neglect and she might even be able to go to jail for it. How long have you gone without food? That is awful that she leaves you home alone all the time and even worse that she never gets you any food. Especially for your younger siblings. What is wrong with her? What will she do when you starve to death? You should call Child Protective Services. Hope I helped (I'm not very good at giving advice.)
2016-07-17 17:57:52 UTC
Wow I'm sorry, that really sucks..

Call cps or cys (whatever it's called in your state) and they can probably help you.

They could at least give you money or food so you aren't hungry all the time.

Even though there are many other forms of it, not providing food for your kids is considered abuse, and your mom honestly sounds like a neglectful (I think that's a word?😂) mom.
2016-07-19 03:20:45 UTC
Honestly I completely agree with Kimmy but it'll break up with your family it best to find someone you can trust to help you with this, your mother is irresponsible by leaving you with no food, you should consult her about your food problem if this doesn't work then you serious need to get away from that family because that "mother" does not care for you or your siblings, either that or talk to your school guidance counselor about getting a job because of family problem and you need some money. Besides that, your mom doesn't leave food or money for you but has money for the internet which you post this question with shows how irresponsible she is.
2016-07-21 03:14:05 UTC
Honestly, you should ask her frankly because she's been neglecting her children. If that won't work, you should seek help to the government agencies. I read that you'd be dead by your mom if she find out that you did that but you have to make a choice in life or else you'll be living like that for few more years until you get a job and your sibling grow a little bit old
2016-07-19 13:28:46 UTC
I was in your situation when I lived with my mom, she would go out and not even think about her three children at home. I tried to make the best for my younger siblings, but it is hard when there is nothing. I would ride my bike up to the local churches and play it off like my mom just wasn't able to make it that day for some reason, trying to not get anyone too concerned. They were always very generous and would give more than just food like razors, deodorant, toilet paper, whatever they had. It was nice being able to talk with them and anytime kids came in they would try and make them as comfortable as possible, giving them little treats and toys they had. I was also lucky to have a close friend who would bring groceries over when they could. It sucks being a young age, but having to be the adult. Just hang in there. I managed to get out and arrange my younger siblings to move in with an aunt, and we are all much happier now. Good luck to you.
2016-07-20 12:09:16 UTC
I had the same issue with my dad. After my mom passed away I was 13 and my dad was a really bad alcoholic and he neglected me. I lived in his home but there was never any food, I never had transportation anywhere, and it was up to me to keep the house together in one piece. I got a job very young and I worked my way through high school being a bus girl, lifeguard, babysitter, basically any job I could find. You will be ok. If it is really that bad, talk to your school psychologist and they will lead you in the right direction... But a warning, if you contact CPS or the police there is a chance you and your siblings will be put in foster care.
2016-07-21 05:20:27 UTC
If you have close friends or relatives talk to them. They may be able to help provide you with food and if they live close by they could help babysit your siblings or you could temporarily move in with them. Other than that I think you need to have a serious talk to your mom and show her that you have no food and that you will call the police or child services if she keeps neglecting you. Good luck and I hope everything works out
2016-07-19 13:55:08 UTC
Obviously you don't want to call CPS on your mother, there's other options. Have you ever heard of a food drive? Local churches often have food drives every Saturday where you can go pick up food. No questions asked. Tell your mother about these and I'm sure she will go get food if it's free. If she doesn't want to take you, ask a neighbor or trusted adult.
2016-07-17 19:36:17 UTC
The first thing i would do is talk to my mom and tell her how i feel. Nect i would look ariund and eat anything i can find, even if its stale goldfish! If that dosnt work and your mom is just being a total jerk about it then i would call a realtive ir child services considering your brother is 4 and sister is 8
2016-07-20 20:36:40 UTC
Yes or no, some moms going shop for buy food and some ordered and some’s are not gone to buy food.
2016-07-17 17:04:40 UTC
1. Call police

2. Call Child Services

3. Call a relative
2016-07-17 20:01:52 UTC
Get some help! This is considered child abuse and neglect. Call the police, tell a close family member or call child protective services. You three should not be living with her anymore because you guys will eventually waste away. Your mother doesn't deserve to have kids.
2016-07-20 10:44:20 UTC
Get some help! This is considered child abuse and neglect. Call the police, tell a close family member or call child protective services. You three should not be living with her anymore because you guys will eventually waste away. Your mother doesn't deserve to have kids.
2016-07-18 23:11:18 UTC
That's so sad you can call at child help line number or child services and they deal with the rest part.

You can also try to make it clear in front of your mom that what is she doing and leaving behind.
2016-07-19 17:32:18 UTC
This seems completly a joke. What kind of mom leaves the children alone at home with no food and doesn't ask a friend or a neighbour to babysit them? How can she think that her boyfriends are more important and the children.... You should talk to your neighbours or a friend's mother you trust
2016-07-18 22:45:03 UTC
That's so sad you can call at child help line number or child services and they deal with the rest part.

You can also try to make it clear in front of your mom that what is she doing and leaving behind.
2016-07-18 12:43:29 UTC
Sweetheart . Call your towns churches you can look them up and ask if they can bring u and your brothers food. they will help you and if you need clothing and meds they can help with that too. Dont be afraid they will not turn your mom in . All though it saddens me to no end . You may have to expain why and that you are to young to drive . But thats why they are there. Good luck my love and love those babies
2016-07-20 10:24:38 UTC
I've been here so many times so I just steal money from parents to buy food for me and my siblings eat it too. It's justified imo
2016-07-18 08:07:02 UTC
Tell that lazy biitch that if she's too lazy and selfish to go shopping then at least give you some money so you can buy some food.
2016-11-11 03:22:20 UTC
the first thing i would do is talk to my mom and tell her how i feel... nect i would look ariund and eat anything i can find, even if its stale goldfish! if that dosnt work and your mom is just being a total jerk about it then i would call a realtive ir child services considering your brother is 4 and sister is 8
2016-07-17 17:41:03 UTC
Call a relative and Child Protective Services and seek professional help for your eating disorder.
2016-07-18 19:03:43 UTC
The best thing to do is call child services, it may be hard because it can seperate you with your siblings. But it can be that they arrest you're mom for being irresponsible
2016-07-20 00:58:19 UTC
yes, your mom is irresponsible. you should call the police and get some help. you'are growing and in need of food, do something to stop this situation!
2016-07-19 22:56:31 UTC
The fact you use the term sugar daddy tells me that maybe you're making this up. But if indeed you are not you need to talk to her or tell someone you trust it's never okay for a mother to do that. Good luck
2016-07-19 12:19:57 UTC
Maybe mention it to your teachers at school and one of your friends then remind your mum says don't forget leave some food for us
2016-07-21 08:14:09 UTC
Tell her that you and your brother and sister are hungry and your not fine. Talk to her and make her buy some food.
2016-07-18 01:12:33 UTC
Perhaps it is time to call family services or whatever you have in your country and talk to them. Your mother needs to be given a shake up by the authorities to make her take her parental duties serious.
2016-07-21 12:40:44 UTC
Tell her to starting food shopping for your family or a call to CPS might be in order.
2016-07-19 03:15:02 UTC
Call Child Protective Services and tell them what is going on. This will be difficult to do, but you must. This is what you call tough love.
2016-07-17 17:14:44 UTC
This is not good. Call this number below...


In some States, police departments may also receive reports of child abuse or neglect. For more information or assistance with reporting, please call Childhelp USA ®, 800-4-A-CHILD (800-422-4453), or your local CPS agency.
2016-07-18 23:58:01 UTC
If I were you I'll call a relative even if the live out of state, tell them and honestly leave the house with my siblings. It ain't right.
2016-07-18 19:50:16 UTC
Call the police then child services but you must know you will be taken away from your mother and you wont live with her anymore. Im pretty sure you can live with your aunt, grandma, whatever relative you have.
2016-07-17 17:15:27 UTC
Funny how so many of your previous questions are about eating disorders and how you are starving yourself to lose weight.

1. trolls should hide their history & profile here.

2. you aren't gonna get rich with a career as a troll.

3. your fixations with dieting and starving stories sound like some really weird, twisted fetish.
2016-07-18 04:21:02 UTC
This has to be the worst attempt at trolling ever.

If your that hungry eat the Ants your trolled about in your other question.

Or the vomit from your troll about being bulimic .

Or the strange tasting Hot Dogs.
2016-07-17 17:02:41 UTC
Your mum sounds like a horrible person. Try to look for an organization that may listen to you, study the law and find a way to make your mum pay for her behavior.
2016-07-20 08:21:45 UTC
You need to get some support.

Contact the social services, as you cannot be responsible

for your siblings as technically you are still a child yourself.
2016-07-17 17:20:32 UTC
You have claimed to be starving for months, but somehow you have not wasted away.

The rotting fruit and a few cans of stale beans is a nice touch, but, I don't believe this this time either.

Typical teen troll. As soon as you call him/her on being a liar, you get venom back: temper tantrums, name calling, it hates for those who know what this is telling the truth. Loves to have a pity party, but screams when the truth is told.

Read the 27 questions this one has asked: worried about wet hair if it meets "celebs", doesn't have any friends, etc.
Gaia’s Garden
2016-07-18 06:47:08 UTC
Call child protective services.
2016-07-19 21:43:47 UTC
At this point, it may be best to call Child Protection Services.
2016-07-19 08:58:11 UTC
Call child services
2016-07-20 14:09:50 UTC
She seems to be a child. Forget your abusive government. Ask a caring relative to take you in.
2016-07-21 14:51:26 UTC
Stfu. You're mother isn't your slave. Learn to be a little more independent and a little less picky because that's what you are...picky. She leaves food just NOT what you like asswipe.
2016-07-17 23:17:59 UTC
Call Child Protective Services. Your "mother" can not hurt you anymore if they send you to a better home.
2016-07-17 21:17:43 UTC
wait. call the cops. it is for your own good :). your mom could go to jail for child abuse. can you have a talk with your mom? can you live with your aunt, uncle, dad, cousin? it is for your own good really. what about your god parents? can you live with them?
2016-07-18 17:41:30 UTC
Call CPS they will ty to get in contact with all of your family (even those you ever even known) Please report your mother to the police this is not a way to live. You mother is a sick whore
2016-07-19 11:30:30 UTC
you are not telling your age Your Mother if this is true is irresponsible and shoul,nt have kids. You do go to school ? tell a teacher she will know what to do
2016-07-18 00:53:59 UTC
Maybe you need to take care of yourself and your sisters and brothers. You are really great.
2016-07-18 19:08:14 UTC
Tell people next time you leave the house.. explain to her you're hungry and that's abuse..
2016-07-18 21:16:06 UTC
Go to Africa then. They have plenty of food there.
2016-07-18 16:01:19 UTC
cps will put you into foster care.......think about what you want for yourself and siblings. try getting help from a relative.
2016-07-18 23:14:45 UTC
I say go to a family friend that you trust and have them help you...
2016-07-18 10:21:44 UTC
Take your siblings with you and eat a friend
2016-07-22 13:28:25 UTC
Same here with dad
2016-07-18 13:56:07 UTC
You could try to explain to your school counselor
2016-07-18 10:38:43 UTC
2016-07-20 19:26:47 UTC
call a relative
2016-07-19 09:16:10 UTC
Obama is coming for our guns!!!
Pearl L
2016-07-19 07:04:41 UTC
thats neglect, call cps
2016-07-19 18:52:08 UTC
2016-07-20 23:14:58 UTC
its complicated matter you may go advisor
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-07-18 08:06:50 UTC
Call CPS !
2016-07-18 12:35:21 UTC
Call a relative,call the cops please get help. This is not good. I am worried..
2016-07-19 01:54:30 UTC
What is your other relatives?
2016-07-20 06:02:01 UTC
get help
2016-07-19 12:33:15 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.